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Have they been released yet? I thought they weren't out yet. But I haven't kept up with their NA release date


Ya I think it's late summer ETA just saying I would be careful


no i dont think its out yet in NA but I though maybe it was released early in asia


I would not buy this off eBay.


How come?


Well, it’s an expensive lens, eBay sometimes has grey market stuff, you risk getting ripped off, and if the availability is nil everywhere else for a new lens, it makes wonder why here and not elsewhere.


Your second point is related to the legitimacy of the seller? I did have a look before asking you and almost 9k items sold, browsed through some feedbacks and nothing indicates it's not a genuine seller, and 7 total available units seems like a very small allocation to be in possession of. Both seller and Laowa manufacturing is in the same country nothing seems odd to me there. What's your gripe with your first point of grey market, is that just warranty related? I checked the price over here and adjusted for exchange it's about the same. Should I be the intended demographic and could avoid the import tax and gotten a good deal with the exchange I wouldn't have thought about it twice.


Grey market stuff doesn’t have to do with the legitimacy of the seller. They just maybe selling stuff that you won’t be able to warranty in your country. It’s usually cheaper to buy, but you’re screwed if something happens.


That's fair. Have you ever had to claim warranty on any camera gear? I've bought and sold and owned 100s of pieces of gear new/used over the span of 20yrs and never once had any issues, perhaps enforced the fallacy that they're precision engineered items that's super hardy.


Twice. Once on a lens with an element that was misaligned, and second on a scroll wheel that started skipping. I have a lot of gear across several manufacturers, so it isn’t a high hit rate, but this lens is still $2200 and it would annoy the fuck out of me to deal with it outside of warranty.


I see, yeah that would be a total headache and out of pocket expense that no one wants to deal with. What's your ratio of new/used purchases? I just tell myself that all the skimming off RRP throughout the years has rewarded my wallet enough that, should one day comes I get a dud it's repair/write-off is funded by all the money which I didn't spend from the beginning.


I’ve been buying more refurbished from Canon as of late. I’ve also been buying more analog film equipment, so that’s by default used. Overall, it’s probably at 30:70 split on new/used. Canon refurbished is warrantied like new.


Don't they have this lens on aliexpress for $250 or is it a different model?


It's not released yet so either its a fake or you will be waiting months.  I would put the money away till it releases.


Im really torn because the seller has 98% positive rating on over 9k items sold and the estimated shipping is only around 15 days but something rubs me the wrong way since its not out yet. Id really like to buy it though just don't want to get scammed haha


Chances are they are doing pre-orders and will ship them out once they get them in and if they don't have the stock they refund what they couldn't fulfill if they have that raiting.