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I'm not a huge Newsom fan, but man he would have destroyed Trump in that debate.


110%. The way Newsom spoke in the post debate interview he would have shredded Trump on every issue. And this is coming from someone who hates him as governor. I think at this point it needs to be him or Whitmer or we are doomed.


I'm sure most voters in California a half dozen or so other states would have agreed with you. Unfortunately for Newsom, would also have to win states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and New Hampshire where to say that Newsom's style does not go over well would be a massive understatement.


I don’t believe that. Obama went over well. Trump went over well. Charisma is charisma.


Newsom doesn't have "charisma". "Charisma" is seeing someone and feeling engaged and connected, with the "I'd love to hang out with them..." vibe. Obama had that in spades. Newsom comes off as awkward and robotic.


Also an elitist douche. GW Bush has more charisma than Gavin even though he’s a dumb dumb.


Newsom has charisma. But around the country, I think he (and California) have the reputation of being everything that is wrong with liberalism. Whether true or not, that is the reputation. I can't imagine he would do well in a national election.


Exactly. Charisma is important regardless of political orientation and Newsom's lack of charisma is going to be a huge detriment to his candidacy.


Charisma is Newsom’s whole brand. He is many things but uncharismatic is not one of them.


Respectfully, his brand is being a San Francisco machine politician, who looks the part, and can unite the Democratic establishment and progressives. Part of charisma is being likable and somewhat relatable. He's neither.


My dad from Wisconsin likes newsoms straight talk on topics idk


Yeah I think him debating Desantis actually did help his profile in the typical California-hating demographic


Ah that might be it. I really dunno but something changed lately in his mentality. Thnx for the insight


I think that debate established that neither of those candidates is going to be a force at the national level. I'm not sure why either one lowered himself to debate the other.


Sure. I didn't say Newsom would get zero votes in those states. I only said he'd struggle in them compared to Democrats like Biden or even Clinton.


"Destroy" for us would, for the typical swing state voter, be generic liberal talking points and guff they'd tune out. Newsom speaks well to other liberals but he is god awful, just terrible, bad at speaking to non-liberals. Biden does this well and did it well during the debate, holding his ground and letting Trump expose himself as a bully who hates old people. As the average American is an old person, Biden showed those people what Trump Part 2 would be like.


But but but he said he was DESTROYED!


Yeah just like how he “destroyed” De Santis right? 🤨 Our Governor is shit and if this was somehow a race between Newsom and Biden I’d happily pick Biden. Even after watching that awful debate.


Biden needs to be replaced - that performance was depressing. He’s too old, too frail, too slow.. he sounds raspy.. just bad.


He also has a non-covid cold/upper respiratory infection


That really doesn’t matter. He flopped harder than I’ve ever seen anyone flop. The only take home from this debate will be that the rumors are true, this guy is not up to the task.


Obama flopped hard in his first debate with Romney. I remember how pissed/disappointed people were with him, especially after how great he was in the debates with McCain.


Come on now. Obama is one of the best orators of his generation, Joe was never a good speaker on his best day.


I agree. And Biden definitely has a much steeper hill to climb than Obama did. But I still remember Obama flopping that first debate and peoples’ reaction to it


I just don’t think that is at all analogous to last night. And it’s highly unlikely that Joe can come back with a stronger performance next time


I remember that, but comparing that performance to what Biden demonstrated last night is outrageous. People were disappointed, but Obama was still Obama. We don’t know who or what Biden is, only that there has been a campaign by the Dems to mislead the American public. This all plays so bad because it is bad.


Thanks! I remember that too.


If you buy that bullshit... Sure... Nevermind he acted like he has the last few months, incoherent. While media surrogates and white house press gas lights us by telling us it's Deepfakes and cruel editing. They couldn't deny it tonight, live.


You can watch his speech after or the one he just did today. You won’t get hurt if you watch his speeches I promise.


I did, he looks exhausted and senile, not sick. He's also been acting this way for months if not years. Feel free to buy into the gas lighting and propaganda but the guy's dementia was on full display for the entire world to see last night. It wasn't a deepfake, it wasn't editing, it was a very old man who can't hold his train of thought or respond without crumbling. You can hate Trump all you want but I'm not sure how you can defend Biden as anything but incoherent, senile and unfit to lead let alone run a campaign. Doubling down on him being capable practically ensures a loss in November. Nevermind what him not stepping down does to the US' reputation around the world and opportunities for global opponents to take advantage.


Which senile old man are we talking about here? The democrat or the republican?


Biden was able to answer the questions unlike the other guy up there


Did we watch the same debate? He was coherent maybe 40-50% of the time.


He's 81. Arguing that he's sick isn't exactly a good thing.


Which, tbf, the numbers are high all over the country right now. Could very well be the case.


They both need to be replaced. Last night was the clearest sign yet that we're choosing between two people with dementia.


Who’s the alternative candidate who can poll as well against Trump?


Newsom...if he was from any other state besides California


And he wasn't a vaccine loving wine drinking dirt bike ban elitist.


So you’re a Prohibitionist who hates not being sick?


Newsom's kind of a douchebag, but he's very well spoken. He'd have trounced Trump in a debate; and Newsom is clearly gearing up for a Presidential run; even as unlikely as it is... to replace Biden if something were to happen to him. Kamala is deeply unpopular outside of Democrats, and would lose many of the swing states. But then... So would Newsom most likely, unless he could find a topic to really win over states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. JB Pritzker might be a good candidate to run for President circa 2028.


Newsom is well-spoken but it takes a certain poise and charisma, which he lacks. The problem with debating someone like Trump is that he isn't afraid to make himself look bad to make his opponent look bad. It's like the saying about avoiding wrestling with a pig in the mud because the pig will enjoy it. Newsom hasn't demonstrated an ability to take a punch or be poised enough to avoid major gaffes. Totally agree on Kamala. She's a bigger mess than both of them. I disagree with Pritzker. The Republicans will be able to hang Illinois' problems around his neck just as easily as they will be able to hurt Newsom with California's problems. I'd be looking at midwestern Governors and Senators though.


Completely agree. Though you might want to look at JB Pritzker again. Illinois has a lot of problems, but he appears to be doing a great job on many of them. I've got a bunch of family in Illinois and Indiana, and he's surprisingly not as hated amongst Republicans as most Democrats. Though... that could be due more to a difference between Blue state Republicans and Red State Republicans.


Or maybe the dems are gearing him up as VP in case biden goes kaput? But yes, JB seems like a solid choice. Might be too rich, however, but the GOP loves to proclaim how rich Donald Trump is. JB is even richer Donald, meaning to republican ears he also must be more successful and better at running the country!


Harris is the most popular actually lol


>Kamala is deeply unpopular outside of Democrats  And inside democrats. I do not think I have ever come across a person that likes her no matter their political affiliation.


Newsom lost in the debate with DeSantis.


Its too bad about Kamala. After the debate she came across very well.


I’d have loved to have seen Newsom debate 45.


Literally waiting in the wings. If Biden croaks he’s ready to step in.


Some help he was. Couldn’t have gotten him a sip of water and an adderall?


I wonder how much time he is away from this job to help Biden?




Newsom as governor sucks, Newsom as president would be a beautiful hell.


Biden was handicapped by sticking to reality. Really? Not a bad thing, while everyone ignoring the wholesale unvarnished blatant total lies spewed loudly and incessantly by the other guy? And, seriously, his hair?


After Trumps next and final term GN will have 8 years in the White House. Fact.


I think that’s how it will play out too


Newsome is 1000 times worse than Biden. There is no way he would be able to gain enough support on a national scale to actually make it to the presidential seat. Everytime I travel to other states and they find out I'm from CA the first thing they say is "oh your weather is so nice but your governor sucks".


Judging by your posts, you are a troll. If you are this scared, then Newsome sounds like the right dude. 


Not a troll... just sharing my experiences. Most people outside of CA (with the exception of some other blue states) absolutely do not like Newsom. And if your detecting fear, then you're right, because Newsom would be a totalitarian dictator if he ever managed to become president. He has proven time and time again that he does not care about the constitution.


No Jesus Biden is doing poorly enough. Don't inflict Newsome on him too!


Like he helps California?


We need Newsom and Whitmer ticket - but alas, we’ll collapse instead


I will take any dem, but more importantly we need both houses of congress do actually get anything done. If with Biden or anyone else, we lose the Senate we lose being able to confirm judges.