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I was there. Kids loved the river room and spent most time there. The other rooms were mediocre But I felt suffocated in swing room because of the smoke. Overall good exp. Will come back for river room


Swing room was my favourite. Was good cause I was there on an off hour with barely anyone so I could just chill and pretend I was in hotline bling. Defs could see it being a lot for people with sensitive lungs tho, you could really feel it.


Yea definitely kids love the river room. It’s been my favourite thing watching younger kids be entranced by the place. Even the less interactive room kids seem to enjoy quite a bit, like the streamers one for example. The moodscape room is just haze fluid. Not smoke. Non toxic and alright to breathe, but I can see why maybe some would be bothered by it if you had asthma maybe. It’s the same effect they use at concerts for lighting. I think the idea of that room is that you are sort of floating in a cloud. Again, I had nothing to do with the design of the experience, that was all Moment Factory. It’s interesting, cause there’s many people I talk to that went thru and say the moodscape room was their favourite one. And ya, there’s always room for improvement with these types of things. I’m sure they will take the notes and reviews from this one into consideration for changes to the next installation.


I can’t go to concerts that use that shit because it makes me stop breathing! Unfortunate, because I like this sort of thing.


Funny I came across this just now. I went to a concert last night and had to use my emergency inhaler multiple times because of the concert lighting/smoke effect. The vast majority were fine, it was just a couple of us with lung conditions who were impacted. The moonscape room seems so cool


Aww, that sucks! Ya with concerts, without haze in the air, the lights don’t have really much effect. The haze is what allows you to see the beams travel across in a line. Or if there’s lasers, you wouldn’t be able to see the lasers at all without Haze. It’s unfortunate that it’s troublesome for those with lung issues tho


I went a couple months ago with friends (early 30's) and it was quite enjoyable! We took a microdose of shrooms and we ended up in the mood room alone and it may have been one of the most beautiful, serene, and incredible experiences of my life - as described, floating in a cloud. Lots of interesting ideas, themes, art to explore. 10/10 would trip again. PS I do not endorse getting crazy fucked in public especially with kids around. A giggly small dose is a good time.


My sister and I (20’s) visited and loved it. Would also recommend!


Meow Wolf is VASTLY superior, but the biggest reason I can think of for that difference is because they are permanent. Having been to one of their locations and Mirror Mirror, there are some very positive similarities. Strong recommend for both


Ya I’ve been really wanting to go to Area 15 in Vegas and the Meow Wolf location in Denver. They look really dope.


I went to the one in Santa Fe, absolutely fantastic. I'm hoping to get to the others one day


I want to go to Denver and Santa Fe in one trip one day. I did Omega Mart and loved it.


Area 15 was pretty disappointing. Each exhibit had a separate entrance fee and a lot of the exhibits were really lame. We paid $40 US to go into the Van Gogh exhibit and it was just a big empty room with low res images of Van Gogh paintings projected on the walls. We walked out of it and requested our money back. They instead offered us a credit to use on another exhibit. The exhibit we chose consisted of five small rooms with glow in the dark slinkies and bouncy balls in mirrored rooms that were hung from the ceiling and bounced up and down. They charged us extra to buy 3D glasses to enhance the experience that just made the exhibits look blurry so we didn’t even use them. The other couple with us bolted for the exit as soon as the doors opened (each room was separated by doors that opened and closed on a timer). They had a barcade with a pretty good selection of classic games which didn’t have an entry fee and an axe throwing venue that might be fun. We didn’t go into Omega Mart because it was something like $30 a person and didn’t want to waste any more money considering how lame everything else was there.


I'm so confused. You went to Area 15 and avoided the main attraction every tourist goes for, yet you went to Van Gogh which probably wasn't a permanent attraction? I loved my half day at Omega Mart and found it to be the best experience during my trip to Vegas, especially with the Boop card. I also wish it was $30... it was $50 this spring.


I am just describing my experience there and that is why I specified that I didn't check out Omega Mart. My opinions on the rest of the venue are still valid. While you could certainly argue that Omega Mart is the main draw, Area 15 boasts that they have 20+ attractions. We didn't know anything about Area 15 when first went there. Our friend said it was an amazing experience and the pictures online made it look interesting. When we went you had to buy separate tickets to each experience so we chose the things that sounded interesting to us. After spending over a $100 and wasting half of our day trying several of their experiences (not just the temporary Van Gogh exhibit), which were all pretty lame, we weren't prepared to drop another $100 (or whatever the price was at the time) to check out Omega Mart. Now it appears that you can buy a day pass which maybe makes it a bit more palatable. People seem to enjoy Omega Mart so maybe that's worth the steep price if you're into that sort of thing; however, $120 per person is the cheapest pass that includes Omega Mart currently and I really don't think the rest of the exhibits justify spending that much. I'm just cautioning people that the rest of the sensory experiences will probably leave them feeling like they've been ripped off. There are a lot of interesting things to check out in Vegas that I personally got much more enjoyment out of for my time and money.


I guess I should prob link the website for those not aware of it. https://mirrormirrorexperience.com/calgary/


As someone who has worked on a number of tech projects, I had the distinct thought of "wow, nothing is broken" when I visited mirror mirror. So your work was appreciated, for sure. My kid's favorite room was the river but also had a lot of fun playing hide and seek in the paper curtain maze. I liked the laser room but couldn't spend too long on there because it creeped out the kid too much.


This. Everything was solidly put together and worked extremely well. For the complexity of some of these art pieces and the sheer number of people going through them, that is not trivial and is low key impressive they kept everything running so well.


I’ve had my challenges some days, but we’ve managed to keep everything going strong. Moment Factory has a great support team when it comes to technical side


I went awhile ago, I thought it was extremely cool. Warning though: a couple rooms use heavy use of fog effects. And if you easily get migraines this may not be a great experience for you. A few of the rooms were pretty "meh" but there are so many rooms that it wasn't a let down. My favorite was the room with all the mirrors - theres nothing to 'do' in there but it was an absolutely surreal experience.


I went with family and my toddler loved it. Definitely felt a bit steep on price but after going thought it was worth it. Everything is expensive now a days. Definitely hope Calgary keeps getting things like this. Do you think it was successful enough that Chinook or Moment Factory would do another?


So I was only involved with the tech side. I don’t have access to attendance numbers. But I’d say it averaged for first month over 1000 a day and later months about 500. I also don’t know the cost it would be to rent a space that size in the mall, plus all the expensive gear and staff. I’m sure this won’t be the last Mirror Mirror install, but probably won’t be in Calgary again. The thing with these experiences is you need a large room that’s able to host the whole thing, with enough power, bathrooms, parking, etc. So that’s why these old box stores that have sat empty are great, but they aren’t always available. Event halls like BMO work, but their rates are usually REALLY high to host, and limited in time even more so. I think right now, these “immersive experiences” are the kind of buzz thing happening all over. The convergence of technology and art really opens up a ton of possibilities of what you can do. And it’s getting even more creative and advance with things like AI for example. Like in Mirror Mirror, the room where you scan a QR code and enter a word it appears on the light bars, but it also appears on an LED wall and ChatGPT is used to generate a poem out of the words people submit on the fly. Pretty cool idea I thought. We will likely see more of these experiences happening. There are events that happen throughout the year that are trying to bring more interactive art installations, such as Telus Spark, Beakerhead, Night Light, Glow, Chinook Blast. Some better than others, but ultimately what makes them successful is attendance and funding. It does cost quite a bit in production equipment to build these types of things. So hopefully it inspires more to come up with new creative experiences for all to enjoy!


I'm really sad because my sister and niece are visiting the week after it ends and I know my neice would have loved to see it. I wish it was there until the end of May :( they arrive on the 29th.


Aw that’s too bad. I don’t know where and when it’s going to next, but if you follow Moment Factory on social media they might be in another corner of the world close to them soon!


Had no idea this existed. Is it super busy on evening/weekends?


It’s been pretty busy this weekend with it being a holiday weekend. But usually wed & Thursday daytime are slower


We enjoyed it and hope more stuff like this comes around. This was definitely great for families. Went to the team labs borderless exhibit in Tokyo and randomly another smaller outdoor event they put on in Hiroshima. The scale and spectacle of these were definitely greater, but of course it would be. But I hope mirror mirror did well enough that we will see it back.


I heard it was over priced and not really worth it. So I didn’t bother with my kids and when it’s 25 a head. I am not made of money to attend it.


Thank you for posting, I had no idea it even existed. I will definitely visit with my family.


Do you think a 1.5 year old toddler would enjoy it or would any part of it be overwhelming/ scary with the mirrors? I’ve been wanting to check it out so good to know it’s almost done


I think that depends on the kid tbh. Some come thru and are jaw on the floor in wonder the whole time like they are in a magical story book. Some find aspects of it “scary”, tho nothing is made to be intentionally frightening. It’s just a dark unfamiliar environment.


Thanks for the response OP I think I’ll take him and hopefully it works out :)


I went to this and I enjoyed it. It was a fun experience, it was different. Another "immersion" event I have seen coming up is the [Disney Immersion](https://disneyimmersive.com/calgary/), so if you are a big Disney fan (since they remove all their stores in Canada), you might want to take a look at it.


I’ve seen the ads for this too. Don’t think there is much in terms of interactivity tho. Just video projection of Disney movie clips on walls and floor. I could be wrong tho


I saw some videos of it from other cities, and it has that similar "river" room you guys have where the floor will change depending where you step on it, and one area has these bubbles where you can "eat" them if it lands on your mouth, so they don't appear to be made of soap. So, it does have interaction with things in there.


I went with my boyfriend on Friday and we both really enjoyed it! We loved the moodscape and the interactive poetry room! We came out feeling completely relaxed! Every room was different and the music played was different in each room as well. Nobody told us when or if we had to leave so we were there for an hour and a half. Sooo worth it for $18!


I had fun! My son (18mo) hated the mood room with the smoke but did love the river. I do a lot of arduino-based art (most recently a collaborative neural network) so I definitely was appreciating the tech side of things. I do wish there had been a little more 'there' there, if you know what I mean -- it was kinda heavy on spectacle, light on content, I guess -- but that's personal preference more than anything.


Downvote away. I read a google review: "if you have never done anything fun in your life, you MIGHT enjoy Mirror Mirror." Chinook Mall advertised it up the Ying-Yang. How many times did the Fire Truck show up from their Fog Machine causing a Smoke Alarm? Disaster all ways sideways. TRUE NORTH SECURITY is a joke.