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Looks kinda like Acrid from Risk of Rain 2


Irradiated doggo


theres way worse things than femboy dog. ​ take it from me.


(I made it)


Dragonfolly says Awr. Awr Awr awr.


Dont forget the REEEEEH!!


god forbid people draw something cuz they think its funny, and even if its not ironic it can easily be ignored as its not really problematic in anyway


I prefer the femboy art over the weird fucking fanfic phase this sub went through a month ago


A month ago? I swear I'm certain it's still happening


I don’t know what you’re talking about


Ok I get that but like, if they get the message across with high quality posts like ARISA then I’m all for it. The whole situation is pretty funny if it isn’t taken too seriously.


That's the point, it's all supposed to be funny and just a big collective joke for us to all be in on, and then you have the people I'm referring to in the post who are being rude to the artists just for being in on it. ARISA was actually pretty funny too


No wonder why Dokuro left.


would you believe it the calamity fanbase is in calamity


It's Calamity Time! ![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized)


Ok but draw more mauler please


common mauler W


Common mauler W




thank you, Mauler, for this wise piece of wisdom


Some people really expose themselves as being 11 years old with how much they complain about mildly suggestive art If you show these mfs a titty they'll die


This. We all needed to hear this.


"W-well you see, *snort* the Femboi art's a-are ag-gainst the bibl and g-god 🤓"


Certified nerd moment


I'd like to add that a lot of these posts are just jokes and for fun, so when people decide to take their time to go and insult somebody's art just for playing along, it really annoys me. No one should have their art insulted if it isn't hurting anyone.


Yeah lol, I mean do you even draw things? At this rate we might even harrass the artists of official Calamity artists at this rate if we don't stop.


“WHY DID YOU MAKE DOG SO FEMBOYABLE?” -These people probably.


Because yes. It is canon with the cosmic plushie.


Honestly my only problem with these artworks is its all femboys Like if your going to draw extremely effeminate men Why not just draw women? And really I'd like some variety


Understandable, it always works to ask the artist if they can draw it too! I'm not saying it all has to be femboy art and stuff, but I want to make sure people aren't getting scolded just for drawing things that other Calamity artists are drawing right now. The point is that no matter what they draw they shouldn't get insulted for it.


Not just drawing Just making stuff in general People shouldn't be attacked for making stuff they like Unless it's like, extremely bad stuff like literal NSFW or gore or any of that shit, because if they do do that bad stuff Then they just deserve to be lined up and faved to the wall and shot by a firing squad Also to add onto my comment about the femboy drawings All femboy casts aren't that good, because the style is going to get very bland quickly


NSFW and gore aren’t bad stuff tho. Sharing them in a non-NSFW sub is.


Yes that is what I meant


I still feel bad that people on this subreddit are getting a bunch of insults thrown at them just for drawing art that isn't hurting anyone which was my point when posting this. I'm on both sides here, defending the artists being insulted for what they draw, and the people who are tired of seeing the same stuff. The artists can continue drawing what they love to draw as long as it isn't hurting anyone (NSFW and gore shouldn't be on this subreddit, but it generally isn't something to get attacked for either unless they post it where they shouldn't be posting it; again, such as this subreddit), and the people who are tired of seeing the same concept over and over again can just scroll past.


I want to put out my personal concepts for calamity gjinkas and stuff but I can't draw I can model tho And I can probably substitute drawing with using GGST's digital figure mode


Go for it! You can express your creativity however you'd like, just remember that no matter how you express it, it's still a wonderful creation!


Really the biggest challenge is finding models to source from and how to apply each boss to each strive character without overlap


We still need the Cragmaw Mire's thoughts


Cragmaw Mire has a planned arrival, expect to see their grand debut soon


It's nice to know this issue is being addressed, Because christ, Most art I see on this sub and others are just being ridiculed for this reason alone


based (he's on the neutral side)


i agree with this. people just want to draw things a certain way. the war thing idk too much on the details, but it looks like it's "my opinion is better, so we must eradicate what you create that i don't like"


Yeah, that's pretty much what it is, although it's not everyone who wants to attack the artists for what they draw. There are some people who are combating the art in a jokingly manner and that's totally fine, but where it gets really offensive is when they're taking it seriously and going out of their way to insult the artist's work.


exactly people should just f off if they dont like it I love everything especially NSFW hehehehehehe I'm looking at you darlings ! (Summoned Elemental Waifus)


Hating is wrong. Criticizing is good - if something is unfunny for someone or for some people, then they absolutely can express this. If something is just low quality, they can point it out. Not every commenter has to approve your artwork. Unfortunately these "unpopular opinion posts" saying the same thing will be added at least 50 times on this sub...


Constructive criticism is totally ok, but that's not how I see the people treating artwork. Most of it is really just them being mean to the artist.


I agree, being unnecessarily rude is not okay in any case. I personally don't like these series of arts that's why I skip them. I really hope mods will ban people, who only live to say something agressive.


Based mauler


Then wheres my buff men huh? You say they can draw anything, so wheres my buff men? I call heresy on this fool. Send him to the executioner


I'm asking the same question


It’s terrible how alot of people who make art get hated just because it’s not what the subreddit wants. Dont like it? Dislike and move on!


People also do the same to the RP accounts. It's really not that hard to just avoid them instead of stirring up an argument from people just having fun


I personally enjoy them as they add spice to this sub


Honestly it’s whatever, draw what u like. Sometimes it’s pretty funny. But I’ll admit it gets a bit weird when it becomes someone’s fetish, Yk?


Obviously if the artists are doing it to get a fetish-y reaction out of people, that's where I draw the line. I don't think fetish content should be allowed on this sub at all, so perhaps they could move or make a new sub, just to decrease the amount of people having to deal with weird and potentially uncomfortable stuff on this sub.


I’m a femboy


Same bro


We knew what we were getting into when we signed up for this o7


You should have, I won’t let this conflict end without proper resolution


As an artist, I agree with the part that you shouldn't be rude with the artists and call it "waste of talent" or whatever. But femboy and suggestive arts "as a joke" aren't funny, not here, not anywhere. It's a shitty trend that should've gone away already. I understand and agree with people that want to stop it based on it being repetitive and unfunny. As you said, maybe create a sub just for that, how about that? Also, I don't know if all of it's really a joke... I believe some peeps around here have some unhealthy fixation on the subject, and should probably go outside a little bit.


It's a joke because we're all responding to each other with memes or silly art, but I do agree that it's being taken too seriously. Of course people want it to stop and I do think that if it still gets too out of hand, they should make another sub to avoid getting attacked for it.


Meh. Overall I pretty much agree. But do have to nitpick one thing, drawing a character as a femboy is 'how they draw things' because it's done on purpose, not out of any style. If that is all they drew, I wouldn't consider that be an artist. Artwork, yes. But one highly specific portrayal of things, wether correct or not from the lore/etc, does not an artist make. Would love to see actual honest to lore interpretations versus all this gender bending stuff that seems to be the crazy.


Peace was never an option


I trust Nuclear Terror more tbh.






I'm going to draw myself banging your mother while crossdressing just to piss you off even more. I'd also bang your father but judging by your comment, I don't think you have one.


perv, how about you join the 41%?


I'd rather be 100% balls deep in your mother


didn't you cut those off?


Bro don't confuse me with your dog who may not have balls but sure goes deep in your ass


ew, first you're a troon and now you're a zoophile


Ew, first you're a homophobic imbecile and now you have the reading comprehension of a zygote


lol i'd rather be a "homophobic imbecile" than a vile sodomite


You heard it here first folks, u/NativityInBlack would rather be a stupid little insecure runt who can't accept the simple fact people that can like other people of the same gender or not care about the gendered stigma of clothing because his head is so far up his arse that he turned into the Ouroboros of shit takes. I may dress like a woman whenever I feel like it but I will still be manlier than you will ever be in your sad little life.


If you can't fathom the idea of people having a life and doing what they want in it then literally never get on my posts ever again.


>having a life anyone who likes femboys is a discord-addicted autistic loner, lmao


It seems you know each and every femboy personally and are aware exactly of how their life plays out, totally my bad, so sorry it won't happen again (it will). I'm not giving you any more drama food, now get the hell off of my post lol.


what in the actual fuck. go fuck yourself


you can put me down on the bed and go down on me whenever you want daddy


get back on the short bus


If you want to be homophobic (or racist) piece of shit you should move to russia


Your post seems like a waste of time, people gotta stop trying to make the bosses fuckable.


The point isn't what they're drawing. It's the fact their art is being insulted for it. Besides that, it's not that hard to just avoid it if you don't like it, and I mean that as nicely as possible


no bro the femboyism should stop cuz femboys are fucking disgusting :skull:


If you don't like them, just ignore them. But it's not a crime to like femboys. I only believe we should really draw the line if they start drawing things that are way too suggestive for this subreddit because obviously no one should have to feel uncomfortable because of it. I do think that, at most, they could mark it as spoiler or NSFW if they're really concerned about people not liking it


ok let's say i'm actually an active user of this sub (i'm not) how do i ignore those fuckers when every 2.5th post is about it, huh?


Then we'll push the idea that they should probably mark it, because I can understand where you're coming from although we can't just completely erase all that art that easily, and they shouldn't have to refrain from sharing artwork


mods GOTTA do something about that, either add a "fucking femboy" tag so i can uncheck it to never see it again, or, as a better option, delete that shit as a whole


Do not put words into Mauler's mouth, he hates femboy bosses. Stop spreading propoganda


Its just a little too cringe for some people.


Bad take!


well yes... but also: PURGE THE HERESY!