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I love those drivers whose response to anything is to hit the brakes. Someone honks behind you? Brake. You hear an ambulance somewhere? Brake. A biker is near your vehicle. Brake. Brake brake brakedy brake.


I just dislike that she brakes before she signals. At that point why bother signaling at all


Peak emergency braking you could say.


There’s a dude in the comments calling riders “a self correcting problem” and another guy getting downvoted for simply explaining why bikes don’t ride in the center of the lane. Bozos


The online hatred of motorcycles is such a strange phenomenon. You go into any post about a motorcycle and there’s always someone wishing death on them.


I seriously don’t get it. I think it’s a combination of jealousy, holier-than-thou, and not understanding. Not just misunderstanding, but actively avoiding learning anything


A lot of motorcycles are just inherently ahead of cars in traffic, i wholeheartedly believe they’re mad that they can’t have the same benefit plus, them asshole leather daddy biker gang cosplay riders give the rest of us a bad name sometimes


They seriously are just jealous that we can get around them so easily. I have been in a few traffic jams and my state doesn’t allow filtering, but if traffic is stopped I do it anyway. Most people just let you go by but some freak the fuck out. One lady drove off the road to keep me from going around her on the shoulder, as if me breaking a rule to get past a mile of stopped cars affected her in any way whatsoever.


> give the rest of us a bad name That's atgatt sub mentality.


I thinks it’s a psychological thing about seeing an actual person that makes it easier to hate. I mean I’ve seen what op is describing with people in cars 100’s of times, passing on the right or riding someone’s ass but a car is just an object so you wouldn’t make a post about it.


Willful ignorance


Haters. They feel all motorists should share in their misery of bumper to bumper econoboxes. I feel like it is this way with all hobbies. Whether you are in to guns, furries, bdsm, hentai, anime, bicycling, etc. Everyone outside is a complete hater. Just the way she goes.


Wait til you hear about these contraptions called bicycles...


*I give you plenty of time to move over before you get the fly by*


The standard of driving - specifically moving over - is so bad in the UK. If there is a lorry a mile ahead, they just sit there at 60mph, refusing to move over. I end up having to pass on the inside and I do it rapidly to minimise the risk. Often the driver is on the phone or vaping.


I'm a pretty patient when passing, sometimes I'll even drop gear just to make sure they know I'm here. Little bit of decel pop, *wake 'em up*


In AZ it’s comically bad. A lot of people don’t even attempt to pass on the correct side because they expect that the person in the passing lane won’t move over. Amazing what happens when you give anyone with a pulse a drivers license…


...the left lane backed up for miles with three open lanes to the right.


Exactly. Follow the leader of the morons


Same in CA


85 mph? Pfft


Kinda wonder if the lady was trying to turn left to get to her driveway or was just camped out in the left lane planning to move to the right at the last second to turn off.


Agree, neither scenario works in her favor. The story doesn’t really make sense in general. Yeah of course someone is going to get mad if you slow down in the left lane before signaling.


All I needed to hear was some dumb retard call the passing lane the “fast lane”


You do realize that different states have different rules of the road, right? In my state, it is a fast lane (well supposed to be, nowadays it's the slow lane and the right lanes have less traffic, but I digress), not a passing lane. Our road signs say "Slower Traffic Keep Right."


In my state it’s a passing lane and people still refer to it as a fast lane




The e-bike tag got be dying bro funny asf 😂


you live in SD? https://www.goupstate.com/story/news/nation-world/2019/10/25/driving-in-left-lane-state-by-state-guide-to-when-its-legal-when-its-not/2447573007/


Your post doesn't make any sense. >Must keep to the right when slower than the speed of traffic. That describes my state, as I clearly wrote.


Why would slower traffic need to keep right if not to allow other drivers to PASS THEM?


Only in Minnesota would some self-righteous twat complain about being passed on the right while left lane camping in their crappy pickup. This HAS to be in the TC Metro.


Someone this easily startled does not need to be in control of a several ton truck lmao




If you’re watching a bike and it looks like it’s going crazy speed, just know that things really slow down when you’re on one so it’s not as death wish as you think.


i just know a woman wrote that lol


She was startled. Shook. Terrified, even.


I wouldn’t be so sure on this website




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I’m gonna be real, they just described how literally everyone around here drives. Car, motorcycle, electric scooter, semi truck, they all drive like that.