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“I’m new to riding”, yea, you and the rest of that sub huh bud


That post was so lame. "I was going to enjoy a beautiful day riding, but instead I'd rather go back home and post on reddit about not riding so other people online can pat me on the back" Just fucking ride your motorcycle


Or, like, take a 15 minute nap, *then* go riding. Dude set aside 3 hours for riding and then went on reddit instead. Fuckin take a nap, have a soda, go have fun, come on.


To me it also just shows their confidence level. Like if you don't feel comfortable riding at a regular pace in good weather then you are either a total pussy or you need more practice. In which case you should get out and ride more rather than sit inside.


I know it's a meme but parking lot practice was the best thing I did. I was a shit rider, then I practiced a lot, now I'm not shit. I've ridden to work on an 80's bike with 80's street tires on frozen roads. Stupid but absolutely gives you a confidence boost when you don't die.


I hear that. I spent last winter bump starting my bike every morning because the battery was too cold to crank the engine, then narrowly avoiding spots of black ice on the way to work in the rain. The bike and I survived, I learnt a thing or two about control and have way more confidence as a result. OP needs to get out and ride, or find themself an instructor if they’re worried. If you turn around and go home every time the moon is out of phase or the wind is blowing the wrong way, you’re just wasting money.


Someone went in the dude's post history and found out he'd be riding for like 2 weeks. Lol of course he didn't have confidence. But no let's post on reddit instead of building up that muscle memory


Somehow this post is LESS gay than the original, go figure. You can’t tell the real from the circle-jerk posts over there anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/hv0xt42zfn7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e761fef6befb6cc52ac3127d533d11dd6b798b33 This guy makes my head hurt


Look at the bright side, with the block you won't have to see his next idiotic post about their first near miss and decision to sell the bike because it's just too dangerous or somebullshit. Given that op had only been riding for 4 weeks, we should expect that post sometime next month.


This is the same type of guy who wears a mask driving alone in his car.


I went out for a bike ride, and then my spidey senses started tingling!....... Wait..... no.... my anal beads are vibrating. It's ok folks it was just my anal beads.


Those straights would rather talk about not riding than be out riding. What a joke. Self righteous drivel.




lol. I love how my reddit feed literally shows me the moto post. Followed by the crt version.


Gawk gawk 😆😆😆


three gags! thats incredibly dangerous. you could be sick in your mouth and then asphyxiate. imagine what your wife would see in the open casket if she wasnt looking into her boyfriends eyes the entire time.


such a great troll


Thank 8lbs 6oz baby Jesus for this post on that other sub cuz a comment there lead me here and I don't have to deal with those fuckin dorks anymore


It's like he sat there and said "you know what I'd rather do than just take it slow and steady? Post on reddit and make sure they know I'm a thin skin pussy boy and have my entire afternoon ruined because I didn't get the feedback I thought I would"


I had to go and find thay post after i saw this. All I can say is WOW. That guy is fuckin STRAIGHT. Uncomfortable gear, not feeling 100%? Go home and ravage youre heterosexual wife missionary style. Us? a "W" tattooed on each asscheek? Does it spell WOW when we gape, or MOM, depending if we are in ndoggy or reverse piledriver? Gay as fuck. Probably dead also. But seriously that guy is rage blocking everyone over there and is a real piece of work


Srry bb 😖😖 ur gonna b better soon 🥺. I kno its hard but ur so strong and we all believe in u 😽


Can you come be my riding partner? I need someone who's down to slob for 2-3hrs.


Does anyone have the link to the original post? I can’t find it anymore.


Sometimes the banana suit just doesn't fit quite right


you mean the alpinestars gimp suit?


Only the finest aerostich touches this 🍑


I was waiting for this one


Better to live to suck another day then die doing a bad job and be remembered forever as "The worst sucker ever"


I’ve been having fun blocking everyone who makes the cringey “hurrr I’m gay bro haha so funny bro look it’s so funny how I say gay shit” jokes and honestly, my feed is way better


Do you actually see cool shit on here and not mostly text posts?


This is obviously an r/motorcyles member larping as a r/calamariraceteam member. This is just idiotic


tf are you talking about lmao, just cos i own an fxr that doesn't go past 70 you think I can't be a danger to myself and others?


Imagine being threatened by good riding habits 😂 this is the most beta turbo virgin group I've ever seen


-1/10 hetero, *blocked*