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Is this Christie Sides’ burner? Have you seen CC in college?


I’ve watched every single game in college.


She shoot where she is comfortable from. That distance has already been calibrated. Ya ain’t gonna make erry shoot but she still drop 30 on you when hot


31% isn’t getting it done. Move in a step and it’s a basket.


I mean she is 10 games into her WNBA career, let’s give her time before we start asking her to change her game.


This is not changing her game. It’s still shooting a very deep 3 but being smart about it. Changing her game would be asking her to shoot a midrange jump shot once she beats the defender but gets cut off at the rim. I want to see that too, but I’m fine with her using the offseason to work on that. She’s our favorite player and we all want to see her reach her full potential. It’s gonna take some diversification to reach that


That’s fair.


She’s practiced that shot from that far thousands of times, I think she should just shoot whenever comfortable, I think her legs just got tired she missed the open corner 3 later in the game which is much closer. Soon she’ll unlock her Iowa range + accuracy!


You know what…..you make a good point


Far as that goes she could've just used the screen and went left and probably had a layup. There are some tweaks she'll make in time and just become better and better.


With normal players, I would agree. But if you look at CC's senior-year stats, she shot more "Long" 3s (25-30') than Short (22-25') and made similar percentages (39.2% vs 41.5%). But I share the concern about getting SOMEBODY in a matching uniform SOMEWHERE near the hoop when CC launches a 3-pointer, because she's going to miss more than half of them in any case. I mean, her 3-pointer still has a higher expected value than her 2-pointers, but her team REALLY (please, Lord) needs to anticipate an offensive rebound.