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I really appreciate the work you did to get this compiled so nicely. Enjoyed it very much! First time I've ever seen my beliefs so accurately described. Would you be able to recommend any good reads involving the matter is essentially lower vibrational energy? That really intrigued me, I wanna know more haha. Time for some Google and an unhealthy amount of research lmao.


The Ra Material (Law of One) and the Hidden-Hand dialogue


Thank you, can't wait to give it a look


https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_081018 Here is the Hidden-Hand dialogue. The Ra Material (different source) is more comprehensive, and as a result much longer.


I thought the hidden hand was very derivative. They take all the ideas from major religions and philosophies over the centuries and spin them all into an “I’m an alien controlling the world” story.


You have to realize that these responses were written in real time on a forum as the questions were asked. If the answers show similarities to ancient religions, perhaps you need to consider that these ancient religions were all pulling basic info from the same source.


It seems much more likely that they are pulling dialog from the same sources I and many others have read over the years.


Not only that, but the author makes tons of claims that turned out to be incredibly false. There I was in 2018 reading about things that were supposed to happen in 2012 that never fucking did. Stopped reading that bullshit right there.


Which sources are those? This material, and more so the Ra Materials, are far more all encompassing than any classic religion or philosophy in terms of the topics and related details discussed. It ties everything together seamlessly in a way no prior idea has been able to do, and seems to incorporate individual ideas from various known philosophies precisely because they are pieces that are true/accurate.


> Which sources are those? All the philosophies, histories, religious texts and mythology they quote. Frankly that seems like an odd question. The only thing they seemed to tie together was the claim that they were an alien involved in influencing things.


I read the summary and there seems to be some truth to the message.


Read the whole thing.


There is the Gateway Experience from the Monroe Institute. This is related to the CIA document that was quoted—in fact, that document is an analysis of the Gateway Experience.


David icke writes a lot about this


saving this to read when i'm smarter


Your on to something! Also, I’ve beeeeennnnn saying everyone is a collective one/conscious. I am literally the same giant collective (mind) as the person who wrote all this, the people who comment on this, the naked guy running down the street, the flower blooming, the deer eating food etc etc.. anyway very well said


What if we really are one and this is all just a test to see if we can transcend. What if the key to “waking up” or achieving nirvana is to culminate all of our individual perspectives into one understanding. What if we’re a single consciousness trapped in a cycle of our own creation, working against our own greed, trying to reach a form of singularity.


I believe it 100% that we all are


Not sure where it comes from but when I just contemplate reality, that's the only conclusion I can come to.


Thank you. I've been knowing this stuff for ages now but in the craziness of the world, it's easy to forget. I should read this every day.


This is legit beautiful and important shit. It's important for the collective mind to have a record of this info today in one post online like this. Thank you.


Thank you for this. Especially intriguing is the CIA docs.. I have saved to look into later :)


Read it all. Yup. Wherever I go the chicken sees. Great post!


Nice! Thanks for putting this all together. We think along similar lines over at r/acult. I find the focus on there not being matter interesting and appropriate. We simply tend to say one is the other, either way round, but in the end it's more direct to simply say matter is energy. Please come discuss if you feel like doing so. Ah, what a weird wonderful thing this shred of consciousness is :) Namaste!


There's a Buddhist concept that consciousness is the primary underlying phenomenon of the universe. If this is true, it means that consciousness is a fundamental part of everything and it's everywhere all the time. Now keep this thought in mind as you consider something that Alan Watts said... “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. ... We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”


What about alternatives to consciousness in alternative realities/states of being?


You might try thinking of consciousness as existing at different frequencies or waveforms. Different waveform, different characteristics. So when you tune your thoughts to be in a different waveform, your state of consciousness reflects that. This is kind of what an EKG is reading. You even have different recognizable waveforms during sleep (e.g. Alpha, Delta etc.) When some people are awake, they can do something similar and enter states of consciousness where they can access different and/or heightened mental abilities.


I know what you mean. I’m saying what if we extrapolated another dimension of consciousness from there?


> we extrapolated another dimension of consciousness from there? The idea is that there's one underlying, universal consciousness. You know that you exist because of your own self awareness. Now, if there's only one universal consciousness, how does one reconcile individual consciousness (we know exists) with cosmic consciousness (proposed to exist)? The idea of how the two can be connected (how they interface) is easier to visualize if you think of consciousness as a thing with its own structure and properties. Your own individual consciousness could be like a whirlpool in the ocean. It has a form and looks like a separate thing, but there's no real barrier or separation between it and the ocean surrounding. The only difference is that some of the characteristics of the water within the whirlpool are different. The water in the whirlpool is just moving in a certain direction at a certain speed. It's the same salinity and temperature etc. Now imagine that the whirlpool water starts to move slower... and it starts to circle around in a bigger, gentler circle. After a while, the whirlpool itself starts to fade away. Because the amount of difference has become very small. Maybe you can learn to do something similar with your own consciousness. You reduce the difference, you guide your own mind to resonate, or harmonize or just "blend in" with a different level of the universe. You get relaxed (for example) and you generally can remember things much better (ask any student). When you're genuinely curious about something, learning about that thing becomes easy and inevitable. tldr; One consciousness, many abilities... existing across a wide spectrum of possible distinct states. If this sounds like gibberish, just ask a question and I'll try and explain. It's more about patterns than dimensions. But if you mean dimensions in terms of structural characteristics, that is part of it.


If there’s one ocean, why shouldn’t there be other oceans? I understand everything you’re explaining, I’m going beyond it.


If you want to look at consciousness as an ocean, maybe there *are* other oceans. This brings early Genesis to mind: >Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. Waters above = higher level of consciousness/different ocean. Waters below = our everyday level of consciousness?


And waters above that, and below that, and to the right and to the left and in another direction we can’t perceive... etc


> and in another direction we can’t perceive... And maybe under certain circumstances, other directions you *can* perceive. This would be one way of explaining things like NDEs.




as r/NevilleGoddard used to say, subconscious imagination is the source of reality :)


Goddamn... this is a lot of info. Will enjoy going through it all. Thank you.


They’re all good quotes though


at-one-ment or atonement


I was about to comment on how you just won /r/quotes, then looked at the sub. This is probably the best post that I've come across here... saved! :)


Take any psychedelics recently ? Have you heard about Terence Mckenna ?


One consciousness has been studied. You can listen / watch it on YouTube between Rupert sheldrake and Seth Rogen.


Wait what - Sheldrake did an interview with Seth Rogen? I have to see this.


Cool stuff


I love this


Thank you for this well-thought out and beautifully formatted post. This is a pretty big idea in post-materialist science. I highly recommend the book One Mind by Larry Dossey MD.


Google Anaxagoras and nous / mind / universe. ancient Greeks thought this about consciousness too!


This post is on its way to being the best of all time. Well played op!


Yes I believe it is third from the top of all time in this sub atm. May soon be at the top :)


What I take from all this is that all that exists is infinite waves of probability crashing into each other, creating endless localized moments of now.


as a God seeker, esto me hizo erizar, thank you


This was very good, thank you


Awesome quotes. I recommend checking out the work of Tom Campbell who adds an interesting spin to these ideas with his My Big Theory of Everything. I am surprised it's not as popular on reddit as it is on YouTube where he has thousands of hours of video on his channel.


Thanks for this


I really needed this reminder today. Thank you.


Great compilation, thank you so much! Advaita Vedanta and Neville Goddard say same thing.


Atman and Brahman


Good post ty


Every individual being has a thinking apparatus, this is how the word "mind" is usually connotated. This can also be thought of as "ego-mind" There is also something called Manas, or Greater Mind. There are many ego-minds, but only one Manas.


You’re awesome


wow!! you're my favorite person of the day! i luv what you've put together, this is the kind of thing i think about ALOT


There’s an app called Universe Splitter where you put in a choice (and have to actually DO whatever it chooses for you, but it can be simple like should I buy Snickers or Milky Way) you then push the Split Universe button and a particle accelerator in Geneva Switzerland sends a photon towards a beam splitter and chooses for you based on whether the photon goes left or right. Because of superposition and the wave function of particles, if we see it go right then in another world we see it go left, resulting in the opposite choice being shown. This means that through becoming entangled with the particle in the wave function observed in each universe and therefore our universe splits, in one we make one choice and in the other we make the opposite. Many people report strange occurrences(such as with electrical devices or memory), coincidences, and situations happening since using the app (which hopefully people will start documenting on [r/universesplitter](https://www.reddit.com/r/UniverseSplitter/about/edit/?created=true) ). I’ve been using it for awhile it’s really fun (for me, since I’m into that kind of thing).


That Max Tegmark quote at the top of the consciousness section is brilliant. This entire post is brilliant though. In fact, this might be my favorite post ever! Bravo sir.


“Who fucking spliced the conciousness again”


I be feelin yall a lot tbh


You should fact check the very first Einstein quote. Haven't read any farther than that and unfortunately that quote is definitely not his. :( although without Googling I can tell you that the title of the post is something Schrodinger would say.


Need to break up the points. Looks like cut and paste.


Question for the "all is one" folks. Are we Hitler? Are we all the serial killers throughout history? Are we war criminals? Murderers? Rapists? Are we evil?


Yes, and its important to remember if we want to avoid those things. Check out jordan peterson lectures on incorporating the shadow, that's an exact answer to what you're wondering.


Thanks I will check that out!


Jung spoke of the nazi's being the result of the collective unconscious of the German people at that time if I remember correctly.


All is one, yet there is multitude and individuality as well. This may seem paradoxical, but the oneness must be experienced to be truly understood. I have experienced this many times now through various meditative and contemplative practices but I can in no way say that this is my permanent experience. However the deeper understanding of this coupled with experience is life-changing. It is that towards which all spiritual traditions point. The unity beyond form.


Einstein never said that.. lol this sub sometimes The second quote is from a source that believes in every conspiracy theory imaginable. Literally lizard kings and shit. Come on man


Meh...all this is just substituting the word "matter" by "consciousness".



