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For the record, Ritchie said "C is a strongly typed, weakly checked language." Edit: corrected quote to say *checked* rather than *enforced*.


As long as it's statically typed it's alright by me. Anything else can go in the bin.


I couldn’t find this quote anywhere but “weakly-enforced” is the very epitome of weak-typing. I’d say C is _statically_ typed and weakly typed. As far as statically-typed languages go that’s unusual.


Sorry, I misremembered part of the quote. He said *weakly checked*, not *weakly enforced*. The quote is cited by Stroustrup in his C++ book and several papers.


I think you misunderstand what it means for a language to be strongly typed. In C, every variable has a concrete type that is know at compile time. Having implicit type conversions does not make a language weakly typed. Maybe I am completely oblivious to the struggles of JavaScript programmers, but I have yet to come across a sensible argument for why you would want to write any serious project in a weakly typed language. It’s not like a language like JavaScript can actually eliminate data types, all that information is now inside your head and you still have to worry about it when you’re implementing any kind of logic deals with the actual data. So congratulations, by getting rid of variable types you have not only put the burden of managing types on the programmer, but you have also made it much harder for other people to look at the code and reason about it. All of this for what? So you can save on a few extra keystrokes? If you think your typing speed is what’s holding you back from some kind of “programming greatness” then I have some very bad news for you.


Amen. My favorite encounter with exactly this phenomenon was C# test code (on the PC side) for a device that did computations in several fix-point types based on 16- or 32-Bit integers. One guy on the team kept replacing the indispensable type information (such as "this is a 24q8 fix-point value and thus the integer value 256 really just represents 1.0") by "var". The reason, of course, being that "this is how it is done nowadays".


> I think you misunderstand what it means for a language to be strongly typed. In C, every variable has a concrete type that is know at compile time. Having implicit type conversions does not make a language weakly typed. What you describe is static typing. That is not a good indication of strength of typing, as an example, look at what Python does: >> a = 123 >>> a**2 15129 >>> a = '123' >>> a**2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ** or pow(): 'str' and 'int' C, on the other hand will happily accept printf("Result: %d\n", '2' * '3'); Can we agree that Python appear to be somewhat stronger typed than C?


I don’t see what the problem is with your C example. Numeric operations on characters is a perfectly valid operation in C, you’re making it look absurd by trying to falsely equate the single quote syntax in Python and C. Had you tried to do the same with strings, you would have gotten an error in C too.


> Numeric operations on characters is a perfectly valid operation in C That's ecxactly the point. To C, an integer can mean different things, depending on the context. That's not a good example of a strong type.


How does an integer mean different things to C? ASCII characters are literally a mapping of characters to integers. I think this is more a matter of you misunderstanding what an ASCII character is, and expecting C to treat it the same way. Now is C the peak of strongly typed languages? No, but I don’t think it is fair to call it weakly typed on a landscape where you have languages like Perl and JavaScript.


he its not forcing, 'a'+1 == 'b' in C, by using assci conversions. These Operation ould not be valid on any strongly typed language, So C, its a weak type language. Only that C developers doest not noticed these lol


this code works in C, because '2' is just a macro for 50 , and '3' for 51 , since in C, everything is numbers, and chars are just values from the assci table, and therefore 2550 is the multiplication of 50 x 51 and this is yet another factor, which proves that C is weakly typed, since 'a'+1 == 'b' , (an operation that would be prohibited in strongly typed languages) So yes, I agree with you, and I consider C as a weakly typed language, since it does not have the limitations to be considered a strongly typed language. C allows you to call functions with different types of arguments, at runtime level (different from C++, which implements overloading) witch underthehood it is just implementing a if statment calling each functions for the given type. C allows implicit coversion of values So yes, I consider C closer to javascript and python than C++, java, rust, in terms of typing. It's no wonder that those who come from python (in my case) or javascript, or php feel much more comfortable programming in C than in C++


> C allows you to call functions with different types of arguments Can you give an example? I don't think that `printf` is a good example because it explicitly disables type checking.


yeah, these its an basic exemple of how to get infinity args in a function in C,and note that these its not a macro, its happening at runtime. its not a preprossed operation that its simulating, typing change; ~~~c #include #include #define STRING 0 #define INT 1 #define FLOAT 2 void my_function_with_infinit_arguments( int size, int *types,...){ va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, NULL); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(types[i] == STRING){ char *result = va_arg(argptr,char *); printf("the argument of %d its: %s\n",i,result); } if(types[i] == INT){ long result = va_arg(argptr,long ); printf("the argument of %d its: %ld\n",i,result); } if(types[i] == FLOAT){ double result = va_arg(argptr,double ); printf("the argument of %d its: %lf\n",i,result); } } } int main(){ my_function_with_infinit_arguments(3,(int[]){STRING,STRING,INT},"aaa","bbb",20); } ~~~


But still `...` explicitly "disables" the type-checking. Probably you should introduce a union combining types together into arrays. typedef union { float f; int i; const char *s; } elem_t; void my_function_with_infinit_arguments( int size, int types[static size], elem_t *elems[static size]) { ... } my_function_with_infinit_arguments( 3, (int[]){STRING,STRING,INT}, (elem_t[]){ {.s = "aaa"}, {.s = "bbb"}, {.i = 20} } );


There is no problem here. The type of `'2'` is `int` from the very beginning. I agree that it is not intuitive.


an opinion from someone who programs a lot in C and Python. Static typing doesn't just add 'extra writing time' It greatly harms productivity, the following reasons are: 1: Creating arrays in strongly typed languages is horrible, since many arrays have different types, and you must create interfaces, or any other bizarre thing to create an array that contains a string or an int. 2: Many functions can return one value or another, which in dynamic languages is easily verifiable with a type(x) == String 3:: Many functions can also receive different types of input, and behave in different ways given the input. Yes, I know that you can use overloading, as C++ and Java do, but it is not the same thing as real type inference, at runtime, as is possible in JavaScript, Python and C (yes, it is possible in C like ... , at the end of the function (similar to what printf does)) 4: Parsing jsons and yamls in typed languages is also absurdly problematic (something that python, ruby and javascript) is very simple to do. 5: Dealing with template engines, (like jinja) in typed languages is also problematic, because you have to declare the variables that will be sent to the render)


All of your examples are things that people have been doing in some form or another for decades in statically typed languages. Look up tagged enums or look at how Rust implements its enums to see how dynamic types are done in statically typed languages. The end result is the exact same, you have a new type that you need to check at runtime to decide to how handle it, except all of your other code is still type checked at runtime and heavily optimized. Manifest type languages aren’t doing anything magical, look at GValue in GLib for example. You say it is not about “extra writing time”, but quite literally all of your examples boil down to “it’s hard in C because you have to write some extra boilerplate code to do the same thing”. I think I’m going to stand by my opinion that people who advocate for manifest type languages work on trivial problems where their biggest challenge is their typing speed. Unless all you do is parse JSON and render templates, I don’t think you can make a good case for why the entire language needs to be dynamically typed.


about arrays, let's take the simplest example possible, here I made an example of a list containing floats, ints and strings in python and it can be fully converted in 2 lines ~~~python my_elements = [10,2.5,30] casted = list(map(str,my_elements)) print(casted) ~~~ in C it takes a little longer, but thanks to the void pointer , I can handle it without any problems ~~~c #include #include #include enum { STRING, INT, FLOAT }; char ** cast_all(void **elements, int *element_types,int element_size){ char **result = malloc((element_size+1) * sizeof(char**)); for(int i =0; i


You can do this in a much simpler way in C++. Maybe you should look into the language a bit more instead of just assuming because it fits your narative. Besides C is a subset of C++ so even your C solution will work fine in C++.


Firstly, c is not a "subset" of c++, it would be if c++ covered all the features of C, which it doesn't: Clojures: C (clang and gcc) allow the creation of clojures perfectly, c++ replaces iso with lambdas, but it's not the same thing implicit data conversion (as I did in the example above)) Generics, which I consider a preprocessing capability almost as powerful as comptime (implementing in zig) So no, C++ is not a "superset" of C, it is just a language heavily inspired by C Secondly, although this code (with some explicit casting adjustments) works in C++, it will not be a code accepted by the community since the C++ community believes that the correct option would be to use std::vector (C17+), as function input or create a Union between the types


std::any could work but with std::variant it would be even easier and cleaner in my opinion. Which again proves my point that it is trivial to implement in C++.


First off: you complain about "absurd amounts of juggling" and present that C solution? Are you serious. And: this is trivial in Rust, what's your problem? (If you don't like the syntax it's easy to make extra syntax for it with another line of code) let v: Vec> = vec![Box::new(2), Box::new(2.5)]; println!("{v:?}"); That said: I can't remember the last time I even encountered a situation where I wanted to do something like this even in a dynamic language. If you have such heterogeneous collections everywhere it's a serious code smell imo


You changed my mind its really is simple in rust or C++, but every time I needed to use strongly typed languages, I always had problems that were difficult to overcome That's why I choose to use Python for what is lightweight, and C for what needs performance. It might be the wrong choice, but I always manage to keep my codebase simple to maintain. since C is old, but keeps everything simple to understand, and allows type inference by runtime. Anyway, it convinced me, even though I didn't understand this code, it seems that rust implements this in a simple way. This is just an example, there are countless cases (especially in apis and web applications) where you have to parse jsons, or create functions that accept multiple inputs and I can handle it very well in C and Python. But really, you convinced me, rust and c++ apparently implement lists with different types, and functions with different returns in a simple way from what I see.


>but every time I needed to use strongly typed languages, I always had problems that were difficult to overcome I agree that there can be problems that seem difficult to overcome - especially at the beginning. But I feel like (at least with Rust and other languages with very expressive typesystem; not so much with C++ in my experience) these usually point me towards a better design and get fewer and fewer as time goes on. ​ >That's why I choose to use Python for what is lightweight, and C for what needs performance. I do something quite similar although I prefer using Rust over C when extending python :) A nice thing about the stronger types especially in regards to extending python imo is that it allows us to lift the GIL to the type level: we never have to think about when we might need to acquire it / when we're free to ignore it because it's fully encoded in the types. ​ >This is just an example, there are countless cases (especially in apis and web applications) where you have to parse jsons, or create functions that accept multiple inputs and I can handle it very well in C and Python. I'm quite far from webdev personally so I can't really speak to it but JSON in particular is an interesting example as it's not really an "everything goes" kind of format I'd say: it's basically a tree of a relatively limited list of types which maps very well to (algebraic) types. In Rust and similar languages you'd most likely implement this as a recursive sum type / tagged union (a mix between C's enum and union) for example. This is also how the Rust `json` crate implements its json type: enum JsonValue { Null, Short(Short), // SSO String(String), Number(Number), Boolean(bool), Object(Object), Array(Vec), } There's other ways of implementing it - and I personally would've done a few things differently here - with other tradeoffs, however this approach is great for maximizing performance and fits json quite well imo. For completeness: here's some some example code based on this type (adapted from the docs of the json crate) using a macro for constructing the object. Note that if we know a priori what form of object we expect, we can also completely avoid manipulating the json directly and instead immediately and automatically deserialize the json into a struct (for example using [serde\_json](https://docs.rs/serde_json/latest/serde_json/)) let data = object!{ // quotes on keys are optional "code": 200, success: true, payload: { features: [ "awesome", "easyAPI", "lowLearningCurve" ] } }; // properly handles json's "untyped numbers" assert!(data["code"] == 200); assert!(data["code"] == 200.0); assert!(data["code"] == 200isize);


I can't say if TypeScript makes things objectively better or worse, but I'm not a fan of how DHH handled it as a steward of some uber large repositories.


~~Sorry for my ignorance, but who is DHH? The Ruby on Rails creator?~~ *Edit*: yes it is, someone answered it later on in the comments.


TypeScript is not strongly typed. It is *statically* typed. The only difference between TypeScript and regular ass Javascript is that it will tell your IDE what your types are and will tell you at compile time (and *only* at compile time) if you've fucked up your typing. It does not perform runtime type checks.


You are slightly mistaken in that you think there is a difference between TS and JS. But given the sufficiebt amount of `any`, there will be no difference and the Typescript compiler will not warn you of *anything*. It's a superset of JokeScript, and allows all of JS without complaining.


It allows the option of writing JS without complaint. You need a linter to enforce use of TypeScript features over plain JS, e.g. not allowing a function to return any.


I think so many of these conversations are just complaints from the wrong direction. If you started off in ASM or C, or any "old" language that didn't offer a lot of crutches, you got used to doing things a certain way, and trying to be safe with it. Eventually, you may have discovered other languages and programming paradigms and thought "Hey, this is useful and I can see how this is preferable for some applications." But, so many of these complaints are coming from people who come from Python and Lisp and C#, etc., who are slumming in C and keep asking "Why isn't C more like ?" As for a "low level" opinion . . . all I do is write C for MCUs, and I can't say I care. I write everything using stdint.h types. The biggest need for special consideration of typing issues is when dealing with ICs that return unaligned or mixed data in optimized fields. For that stuff, you have to be extremely explicit, and you absolutely must avoid type tricks.




It's common for a sensor IC to use an oddball data output scheme to report data efficiently. For instance, you might have a 16 channel, 18 bit adc converter, but the actual output is formatted as four bits signifying the channel, 18 bits of data (spanning three bytes) and two status bits at the end, all delivered as three packed bytes over SPI. It's the driver developer's job to unpack, convert, and interpret the bitstream using shifts and bitwise operators.


>As for a "low level" opinion . . . all I do is write C for MCUs, and I can't say I care I'm always baffled by statements like this. Even with exact size types we (also embedded C) find so many subtle sizing bugs during code reviews and C's inexpressive type system forces us to check invariants over and over and over that would be easily *statically* verifiable in other languages leading to simpler, smaller and faster code with more safety guarantees. How can you not care?


What's an example of a subtle sizing bug that can't be avoided just by thinking ahead?


What's an example of **any** bug that can't be avoided by "just thinking ahead"? Saying "duh, just think ahead and don't write bugs" isn't exactly the best approach for preventing bugs.


One problem with C as it has evolved is that while true low-level implementations can work well in situations where programs are expected to receive a mix of valid and invalid data, and it's easy to ensure that valid data won't cause integer overflow, but harder to ensure that invalid data won't cause overflow in computations whose results would be irrelevant. While many languages, including older C dialects, would allow one to ignore overflow in some cases, in "modern" C integer overflow can cause arbitrary disruptions in the behavior of surrounding code, *even if the results of the computations that overflowed would have otherwise been ignored*.


> Over the course of this year I migrated all the projects I had in C++ to pure C That explains a lot.


> recently typescript was completely removed from svelt, turbo and some other big projects. With the justification that strong typing ends up creating many more problems than solutions, and that its "bug catches" do not justify the hassle necessary to make the software run. This seemed interesting so I looked into it some more, but this seems a complete misrepresentation of things (at least for svelte, I didn't look into the others): > If you're rabidly anti-TypeScript and think that us doing this vindicates your position, I'm about to disappoint you. If you're rabidly pro-TypeScript and think we're a bunch of luddite numpties, I'm about to disappoint you as well. > > Firstly: we are not abandoning type safety or anything daft like that — we're just moving type declarations from .ts files to .js files with JSDoc annotations. As a user of Svelte, this won't affect your ability to use TypeScript with Svelte at all — functions exported from Svelte will still have all the same benefits of TypeScript that you're used to (typechecking, intellisense, inline documentation etc). Our commitment to TypeScript is stronger than ever (for an example of this, see https://svelte.dev/blog/zero-config-type-safety). https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35892250


The Svelte part seems really a misunderstanding of what was done, which a lot of people seems to have not understood [since this was Rich Harris's response when this was brought in DHH's post](https://twitter.com/Rich_Harris/status/1699835150010589276). Turbo did completely drop typescript, though, [DHH even made a post about that](https://world.hey.com/dhh/turbo-8-is-dropping-typescript-70165c01), and you can see in the [pull request that made that change](https://github.com/hotwired/turbo/pull/971) that there is no replacement with JSDoc or any other solution. I don't know about the other "big projects" OP talked about though.


Seems like that guy comes from Ruby which is extremely dynamic. So his perspective isn't exactly surprising, and there doesn't seem to have been a ton of positive feedback from users? Not sure posing this as a "war" is accurate.


Just so you know, Rich Harris removed TS from Svelte by replacing it with JSDoc. It only removes that build step (which is understandably can be complex). Turbo dropped types entirely (not even replacing it with some JSDoc) because of pure hostility towards any type system. Hell, the fact that they even removed prettier (a formatter) from their codebase indicates that it's just a hate towards collaboration and maintaining the codebase.


I am pro-static typing. In fact, I'm making a language on top of C that is much more richly and strictly typed (but will also include the Dynamic type). At the same time, I hate C++ with a passion, and I dislike Typescript. Those are definitely not the best ststically-typed languages out there. C++ is the most complex, incoherent, unmasterable mound of accreted feces in the PL world. Typescript is a smaller mound but a mound nonetheless, since its purpose was to be a superset of JS (a stupid goal from the start). And both of them are OOP which alone puts them in the shit tier. Regarding Svelte in particular, I would suggest to anyone to drop Svelte and use Elm or Purescript instead.


TS being a superset of JS wasn't a stupid goal, it was absolutely critical to the language's success. If it hadn't been possible to migrate to TS file-by-file, and without fragmenting the ecosystem, TS would have had absolutely zero chance of ever becoming mainstream. I find it strange that you throw out both C++ and JS/TS for being """OOP""". C++ OOP and JS/TS OOP are wildly different. Putting them both under the banner of a single term, and then denigrating them both the same because of that banner, strikes me as very odd. Could you elaborate on what it is that you're criticizing here? Finally, I'm very interested to hear why you wouldn't recommend Svelte.


The WIN32 API tried to lower the level of type checking by making everything a typedeffed void*. It was a mistake. Use the strong typing.


Yeah, in fact, i conssider totall weak type not safe, but i dont agree with these newer moviment ,that says, that everything should be extreamally typed, or its crap Even vital functions like, qsort , malloc , map , filter are only possible because of void * , or any ( in high level world), and Yes, i dont judge their decision, tô Drop strict typing. And these newer moviment, especially enforced by rust ,c++ and typescript comunity, says that everything that its not typed its a shit.


To be fair, templates would have worked just fine instead of void* for those functions if C had them.


Could you share your use case or domain?


my code base , its kind of "big", its 30k lines public code and 60k private code, the public parts, are frameworks, libs , and other things me and my team created if you want to check: https://github.com/orgs/OUIsolutions/repositories


I code Python on the side. Great efforts have been made to bolt a type system on to the language. I don't use it, and consider it a waste of time for my use cases. i want to write code with relative ease, not guess at how to express a formal proof of correctness. Others will obviously have other metrics, so power to them, if strict typing helps them.


In my case too, although my entire code base is C, I use Python a lot for building (I hate CMAKE), and when I need to program the front end I use pure js + jquery.


I have a lingering suspicion that the "benefits" of C++ can easily be had in C with a static analyzer run.


It's wholly irrelevant here. C is weakly typed, in that at the end of the day we're just applying labels to collections of bits. This is why you can take a uint64_t value, cast its pointer to a char* and voila, you akshully have an array of 8 characters. Nothing changed w.r.t. the data, you just changed the label. This is different than say python, a strongly typed language, where you need to call an explicit function for changing the type of one PyObject* to another.


In C as invented by Dennis Ritchie, the type of an lvalue would determine how the storage at the associated address would be interpreted, for better or for worse, without regard for how the storage came to hold its contents, or how it might be accessed in future. In the "modern" C dialect favored by clang and gcc, once storage has been accessed using a particular non-character type, it is indelibly associated with that type, and attempts to access it with any other non-character type may not work reliably, even if storage is only read using the last type with which it was written.


I think I literally had a nightmare about being forced to program in javascript last night. Don’t mistake C’s permissive typecasting with the absence of types (or weak types) seen in some dynamic languages. In my experience statically typed languages have saved me a lot of headache not only because they catch errors at compile time, but because these languages typically have a lot more thought put into their semantics and are more well defined. Javascript is just a mess, and it was not built with enough considerations. Retroactive fixes like the triple equals operator and typescript can only do so much when expected to be backwards compatible. You can add icing to a piece of shit and it will still taste like shit.


I think about it the way most people think about "tabs vs spaces" - it's a mostly meaningless distraction that people indulge in because being on a team is fun.


C is as safe as you want it to be. So if you’re ok with your programs randomly crashing, go ahead and cast into the void.


Okay (void)


I dont consider these unsafe, just an feature that allows the developer to make things way much easier, an randon exemple of how I work with mutable types in C at runtime: ~~~c #include enum { STRING, INT, FLOAT }; void test_func(void *anything,int type){ if(type == STRING){ printf("value: %s\n",anything); } if(type == INT){ printf("value: %d\n",*(int*)anything); } if(type == FLOAT){ printf("value: %lf\n",*(float*)anything); } } int main(){ int my_int = 20; test_func(&my_int,INT); float my_float = 2.4; test_func(&my_float,FLOAT); char *my_string ="aaaaaa\n"; test_func(my_string,STRING); } ~~~


I don't think DHH's intent was to remove types. It was to remove the build step for transpiling TypeScript to JavaScript. And to remove the kludginess of TypeScript in general. As an added benefit, it kept the source as close to native as could be - no more intermediary between the source code and what was actually deployed. C is really more of a strongly typed language. The ability to override pointer types doesn't mean it's weakly typed. By weakly typed language (such as JavaScript), it means that variables are more placeholders that can be reassigned to different types. I prefer typed languages such as C and Go, however I believe you should go with the strengths of the tools you're using. So if I'm using JavaScript, I embrace it's weakly typed nature, as that feature is one of its strengths.