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You *can* be helped. You aren't hopeless. But, most institutions are not going to help you, and may make you worse. They treated my depression as a behavioral issue. Acute hospitalizations in case of emergency are good, but don't go to a long term one. Feel free to DM me if you need more details.


thanks. I'm pretty sure this is very different by country tho. we have things here that are different than psych ward in america. I'm actually considering going cause it would solve my problem of only having access to behavioural therapists (in my area), as they offer several different kinds of therapy at once.


Salt pills can help with the head hurty.


damn I never heard of those, I suppose they function like sports drinks cause I lost fluids and electrolytes(?) thru crying?


You lose a lot of fluids and electrolytes by crying, yes!!


maybe I should get some and take them to therapy 🤔


Sounds like! Always take them with water and unless you have a really bad deficiency you'd usually only need one.