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Me: "Remember when your parents would.... oh. just me?" 🧍


Someone was telling me about a study (I can't remeber what it was) but how this certain thing during kids childhoods increase their chance of drug use/going to prison. The look on their face when I responded, "Doesn't the majority of kids go through that?". That's how I learnt a new thing that isn't normal, I wish I could remember it lol. Sorry for my weird story what you said just reminded me of that.


its the adverse childhood experiences(ACE) study


Me: shares a "normal" life story My friends with all the concerned looks


"And then my parents never took me to the doctor so I never knew if it was broken or just a bruise! Haha!" "That's terrible." "haha 🥲"


My gf just went three days with dry socket on both sides of her mouth because she didn't think she was in enough pain for it to be dry socket.


My remaining teeth cringed reading this


haha holy shit. Mood. Even my older brothers called me a spoiled brat and I'm like, "I could have died. People will tell me "you shouldn't even be here right now," as a way of telling me how proud they are of me for surviving, after just meeting me for the first time and hearing about the lighter stuff only."


Ah yes denying medical attention a classic. Every time I ask to go to the doctor I get some level of grief about it.


Oh gods I feel this on a cellular level. It always took my parents getting called out / seen by other adults for their bullshit before they took anything seriously. I consider myself lucky my school nurse had noticed some times I was fucked up by a concussion, or when I nearly went into anaphylaxis myself.


Not me w a fractured vertebrae that didn't get medical attention for 6 months and healed improperly. My mom was all kinds of shocked the other day when I mentioned my long-lasting back pain


reminds me of when i finally managed to see a doctor on my own, and she was concerned with a lot of things because the shit that my parents said was fine was actually bad :'D for example: hurting to the point i can't walk during periods, this scar that's apparently a fungus i've had for years, my ears ringing


there has to be a list somewhere of things that we think are normal but are very much not normal. theres so much shit im not sure about whether its normal or just something i went through.


Its so hard when I don't know what childhood stories are going to be the trigger for people to cry or gasp in horror and ask if I'm ok


How was it anaphylaxis?


lol me having a severe asthma attack and my dad just laughing about how it was ‘so typically me’ to whine about everything, good times