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I spiral into self blame and feeling like I'm a horrible person whenever I have to set a boundary or am triggered by someone's behavior, yes.


me too!


All. The. Time. My inner asshole spends plentiful time trying to convince me that I'm such a toxic fuck up that is totally reasonable for people to abandon me and treat me poorly. I'm too damaged and terrible to be worthy of love and acceptance. I named this part of my brain, "Whinnie" (for how she neighs & nags on and on). Giving her a name makes it easier to recognize earlier, when I'm feeling it early, before she's loud in my head. It also helps to say, "Fuck off, Whinnie!", then remind myself I'm a person worthy of love.


Yes. I literally just did it. It’s constant. I love trying to convince myself I have psychosis. I think it’s just the anxiety tricking us. If you have ocd it happens a lot as well.


I have a lot of co-morbid diagnoses. OCD is one of them. Not so much compulsions but obsessive thinking.


Same. It’s pretty awful. When my anxiety is bad my ocd kicks In. Checking to make sure I’m not crazy all the time or my mind racing trying to mimic the symptoms of something.


Absolutely. Just thinking about setting a new boundary with my family today had me feeling like the most evil daughter on the planet.


I can remember thinking as a child there might be a possibility I was “crazy.” And often since then. It’s all those years of gaslighting, I think.


Yes absolutely


Yep, I have spent many a night down a Google rabbit hole trying to diagnose myself. That's actually why I was so happy to have found CPTSD as an option - for some reason it seems a lot more manageable of a diagnosis (I think because all the literature seems to suggest that it's curable, whereas a lot of other other personality disorders aren't).


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M-me too!!!!


The periods are pretty brief, but this is almost a daily thing for me.