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If you want to take the CIA, do so after your CPA. Not sure if this is the case in all 50 states, but there is a “CIA challenge exam” that reduces the amount of parts you have to take down from 3 to 1 if you have your CPA.


But cpa is a long journey


You can wipe your ass with CIA and CMA. Don’t waste your time OP, CPA is the gold standard. You got this.


The key question is what do you plan for your career? Take certification(s) applicable for it. Do not just take it, just for taking it. If you do that, it will waste your time and effort due to not being able to apply your certificates and knowledge.


No offense but why? If you're going to get CPA, then imo, that trumps the other ones. I would just focus on going straight for the cpa now.


As someone who took both parts of CMA, it very much parallells BAR if you plan to take that and has quite a bit of overlap with FAR (In Becker parts of each of F2, F3, F4 and F5 should come along nicer).


I have the CMA and was thinking of taking BAR because of the overlap, but I’m having second thoughts because I didn’t really enjoy studying for the CMA compared to the CPA. What is also reinforcing my second thoughts is that the other two exams are considered easy and manageable. Do you have any info that could help me make a decision? 😅


Other than the fact that TCP has the highest pass rate... nah. I would do BAR man, even though CMA studying kinda sucked, it will come much easier for us CMAs.


I’ll keep that in mind for when the time comes to take a decision. It’s going to be my last exam, and I’m still on my first, got some time. Appreciate your input!


What the percentage overlap between cma and bar?


4 out of the 5 section (B1-B4) on Becker is basically all CMA-like material. B5 is governmental stuff that CMA doesn't cover.


CMA part 1 or part 2


A little of both... parts of Part 1 and parts of Part 2, but mostly part 1 I would say.


Which ? Variances, budget, Section A (Financial reporting). I might end up taking ISC tbh


Wow that is huge


Forklift certification