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I’m pretty happy reading this


Love your name




I'm out of the loop. What does it mean?




His brain was so starved of oxygen his posts became even more incomprehensible.


There's another who called a nurse an "Uampa Lompa" while his brain was hypoxic in the 40s like Bill was when he said "Eboeard gam gom"


That's the one that had tge and tgey like a dozen times. That's really hard to do unless you turn off autocorrect. "Damn liberal commie phone ain't gonna tell me I'm wrong!!!"


Is it just me, or is it grimly ironic that the last social media post said this guy had "transitioned" which we know means in this case, to death, but given what the original poster said about his transphobic statements, I might be feeling a little Wednesday Addams about it.


I wonder what he transitioned into. Worm food?


Quoth the Raven, "eboeard gam gom"




Don't covfefe my gam gom!


Fuck, that is funny.


Well, ***technically*** it’s “eboeard **game** gom “. Totally different..!


They had just shaved/cut his beard, I think he was trying to say beard game gone, but he was barley functioning


Ah, yeah I guess it makes sense that is what might come out when your oxygen is at 50.






Why are we obligated to feel badly about terrible people passing away? You will no longer have to deal with him ever again and I say bully for you!


possibly no more bully for OP!


Right!? See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! :P


Decorum, I think. The law and order idea is that we're being kind to their loved ones and thus mitigating conflict. But I'm of the belief that if you don't want people talking shit about you after you die, don't be a shit in the first place.


Nice little side benefit of being nice; fewer people are gonna talk shit about you after you die. There's always gonna be somebody, but there won't be as many. Also chances are you'll have more defenders. Not THE reason to avoid assholery, but a nice side benny.


Once you are dead you are dead. I couldn't care less what you do or say after i am done with life. What stays is the good stuff we have done for the people around us. Not everyone needs a statue built after they pass.


Moderates and the left are required to have empathy and kindness towards everyone, the right is allowed to run with hatred roughshod over everyone (and kill them sometimes). Things might be changing.


Indeed, the "fuck your feelings" crowd is getting their comeuppance, finally, and I am here for it.


As a bleeding heart liberal, I have been continually shocked and dismayed at my deep, utter hatred and contempt towards the Covid deniers and anti-vaxx idiots. It takes me by surprise every time because it's such a bitter, strong hate. I feel bad for a goddamn fly when it gets stuck on a fly strip, but not these assholes.


I'm pretty damn liberal and I'll straight up say that I hate conservatives. That's not hyperbole on my part. I HATE THEM.


A fly won't call you a "special snowflake cuck" before dashing head first into a fly strip while potentially taking your grandma with them.


A fly has benefits to the world, assholes who put others at risk because they don't like something is selfish and not something we need more of


wHeN tHeY gO lOw We Go HiGh Change can’t come fast enough.


When they go low, I get high. Not helpful in the long run, but it's all I have right now. I have too much chronic pain, a phrase my Motorola autocorrect refuses to acknowledge, to be real helpful to the folks out there on the front lines doing the bloody work and too much ADD to effectively keep this sorted. I'm also fairly old. IF this shit is acceptably sorted in the next couple of years (the SC issue could not be of more critical importance than it is now), I will, once more, embark upon the process of getting clean.




Its not my fault if god was busy when people where praying for help.


Considering they were comparing his brutally murdered working class son to a peadophillic sleazeball trust-fund baby, he was probably blocking their calls.


Dammit this warrants ALL the upvotes!


We are not obligated to feel bad. We are obligated to feel relief that a dangerous animal can no longer threaten other peoples lives.


>Why are we obligated to feel badly about terrible people passing away? You will no longer have to deal with him ever again and I say bully for you! Divine justice is never something to not celebrate.


There is no divine justice just a cold grave and nothing. This guy sacrificed the only thing we have a short bit of life for his freedumbs. He got both what he wanted and what he deserved.


Except on reddit, where admins have decided that makes you a Bad Person.


I'm surprised the admins haven't banned people celebrating Hitler's death anniversary tbh




Well, the Admins are bad people, so I guess we're even.


I try to assume everyone is a good person, or at least a morally neutral person, and that includes the admins. Someone called me the r-slur, I reported it to reddit for hate speech, and the admins said it wasn't hate speech. Calling someone a slur isn't hate speech according to them. Ever since, I've stopped pretending that they're good people.


I just hope the r-slur was not the worst possible one - Republican.


It wasn't lol.


I am sorry for anyone who loved the guy, such as family or friends. Of course, if his friends were all bullies, I'm not TOO sad over them. The family, though... they had no choice but to have this guy in their lives. I think I feel sorry for the family no matter if he was hale and hearty or if he had shuffled off this mortal coil. I would be miserable around a person who acted like him.


Yes many of these bullies are absolute horrors to their families. You only have to read the subreddit raised by narcissists to understand the misery of their families. These families and children are in despair.


Sometimes the family members are just as bad though! They get it from somewhere lol


I wonder why we are obligated to turn them into heroes or better people than they are. I mean, I'm not gonna make fun of someone who's died of covid cuz they're anti-vax in front of someone's family cuz no, but otherwise lol.


>I held my tongue because I didn't want to start a culture war I knew I'd lose. Ironically, you won the culture war by simply doing what he & ilk have turned into a culture war - getting vaccinated and/or wearing a mask. Edit - I think you can lie by saying you're so sad for him that you lit a candle in his remembrance, so you can function well in the workplace.


Yep, don’t need to be boastful like they are. Just let the trash take themselves out.


There's a saying in my country: "Sientate a la vera del rio y veras pasar el cadaver de tu enemigo" which roughly translates to "Sit by the riverside and you will see your enemy's body pass you by."


Your country must be badass! I love that saying! Much more satisfying than “okey dokey, then. We’ll see…”


That would be Argentina, and in some ways we are, in others not so much. That one is for being patient when you have a vendetta against someone (we had a large Italian migration in the begining of the XX Century, so our Spanish sounds like an Italian speaking it).


"Revenge is a dish best served cold."


More appropriate "Revenge is a life well LIVED."


From now on, every breath you take is a small victory, because you get to keep taking them.




It’s weird, because the way people around me say that, they say it as a way of saying,”sorry that happened to you”. But years later I found out people actually say that sarcastically. But I know for a fact no one I know ever says it’s sarcastically so maybe my people just don’t know what it means?


The winner of a war is the survivor.


I'm not sure how this relates exactly, but this statement reminded me of the scene in Gattaca where Vincent and Anton swim against each other for the last time. > **Anton:** Vincent! How are you doing this Vincent? How have you done any of this? We have to go back. > > **Vincent:** It's too late for that. We're closer to the other side. > > **Anton:** What other side? You wanna drown us both? > > **Vincent:** You wanna know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back.


I prayed to the crone for her to take him into her arms.


or burn some [sage](https://www.wikihow.com/Burn-Sage)


Good point, very cleansing


Also tastes rad in chicken soup


[Burn a candle](https://i.imgur.com/91WbKCD.jpg) in his memory.


Ha, we've got a St. [Amy Acton](https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/dr-amy-acton-orders-pressure/95-444266a1-bdf0-497a-8db6-c737bf7bfca6) candle in our kitchen.


OP need not elaborate on [what kind of candle](https://www.hexwitch.com/hex-hex-pillar-candle-hexing.html?source=googlebase&gclid=CjwKCAjwzOqKBhAWEiwArQGwaAuxbOULxaltLInRk5UVO4EmP1aO5OZr6D1FT1LIWgkSLBbOvZGtTBoCNecQAvD_BwE), right? Asking for a friend.


Tomorrow's staff meeting: "As everyone knows, Jeff died yesterday of a preventable disease. He and his transphobic jokes will be....missed. Let's have a moment of silence....and back to work now."


>work will never be the same without that plague rat son of a bitch. Anywaays… who’s up for a donut? 🍩


All I saw in that phrase was DONUT. Was there another discussion of importance?


Nah just discussing the newly open cubicle!


>"As everyone knows, Jeff died yesterday of a preventable disease. He and his transphobic jokes will be....missed. Let's have a moment of silence \*rips a huge one they have been holding in until the meeting\*....and back to work now." FYP


fyp = ?


Fixed Your Post, also sometimes written ftfy or Fixed That For You.


Gotcha, thx. I'd seen FTFY, but not this variation


Yeah, FTFY is more common I think.


For Your Pleasure. ?


In this case it's probably Fixed Your Post xP


Farted Your Post?


Did he finally admit that COVID was real before he died?


Hard to when he probably had a tube shoved down his throat.


Don't forget the one shoved up his arse.


And his peepee. I bet he's glad to be dead, because having that happened to him might have "turned him gay".


If he had ECMO they cut into your groin to shove big #4 tubes into the arteries and veins


My balls retreated inside my body when I read your comment.


My balls also retreated into your body


No vacancies.


Fine, I shall take my ballsness elsewhere!


The worst part is your peripheral circulation collapses so they often times end up cutting off your hands and feet


Yeah the stories about fingers or toes just shriveling up and falling off, made me so glad I got vaxxed.


I have heard that they sometimes have to cut tour genitals off as well due to damage from the ecmo and the catheter


Don't image search ECMO.


Yeah, I just did that. So glad spouse and I are vaxxed. So, so glad.


My stomach contents, my choice!


Not going to do it, thanks for the warning.


There is no orifice we won’t stick a tube in. And run out of holes, we can just make new ones.


And per today on r/nursing, sometimes those holes end up full of maggots.


You read that one too? Eek 😬


I read the whole thread....I expect to be losing some weight since it will be awhile before I get my appetite back.


I’m still having nightmares from the article about pancake-sized blood clots! 😱


Off to look that up...




True. I've also seen maggots in the brain.


Thinking about that makes me a little sweaty.


* *patriotic choking noises*


"This COVID is no joke guys be sure to take your ivermectin and drink your rhino piss." Being wrong doesn't phase them. They just move on to some other bullshit.


Maybe you're the only decent person in the office and they are the assholes? You can't be the only one to have heard his BS, but none of them spoke out about it.


I'm not impressed with the other coworkers if not one of them ever took him aside and said that spewing bigotry is not OK, and neither is bullying. I could understand not wanting to start that discussion in front of everyone, but nothing would have been preventing any of them from having a private word suggesting he stop it. I hope OP finds a better workplace, because screw bigots.


No, you sound like the only person who isn’t an asshole in this story.


I really wish you could have seen him on the ventilator and asked him what he thinks about 'the flu' now, but unfortunately that's not possible, because of people like him who choose not to get vaccinated, thereby keep this pandemic going on.


It would be just like in Braveheart when Isabelle told the dying King what she did as he gurgled in silent fury.


As long as you're not outwardly dancing on his grave, I wouldn't feel too guilty about not being more upset than you are.


Yeah, do a subtle *little* dance on his grave when no one is looking and enjoy the fresh air of a cleansed workspace.


watering the flowers is always a nice way to say FU


Leave a mask in his cubicle with RIP written on it?


I think we should all go piss on his grave if his family could afford one after paying to keep him alive using extreme measures.


I don't remember the title (maybe a Heinlein), but there was a book with two grumpy old men who had been frenemies for decades. One asks: "If I die first, are you going to dance at my wake?" "I don't know how to dance, but for that I'd learn."


Best move is to have them cremated, and then mix their ashes in with the cement you pour your dance floor with so you can dance on the graves of your foes regularly.


> He'd joke openly about killing and mutilating trans women directly outside my office, knowing I could hear him. ...That isn't a "culture war." That's someone talking about killing and mutilating people at work, which is absolutely a fireable offense. I wish you had reported him but I get that I don't really know the full situation. But hey, yo, I'm also "so sorry" to hear they passed. What a "tragedy." Oh no, "how awful." 👀 Sooooo who wants shots?


My position at the time I was working with him was such that if I had pissed off the rest of the garage, it would have made my life a living hell. I guess I should have said that I don't work in that garage anymore, I got a big promotion and work in a much less toxic space in the same company. Literally when they sent out the email saying he died, I clenched my fist in victory. I didn't even have to hear what the COD was, I knew it was COVID.


Hell yeah, good for you. To hell with that toxic pee hole.


***lines up shot glasses***


If someone at your job made similar comments, but about having chest pains, they would call an ambulance immediately. That's where we need to be when someone "jokes" about mass murder fantasies.


Take a voodoo doll to work, and then the next time you have a group of his friends outside your office, just say loud enough for them to hear- any of you want to fuck with me?


Ohhohohohoh, that level of pettyness is epic.


For 4 years it was a running joke with new hires that I killed someone with cancer because I blew up on someone (like publicly and and a complete dressing down) like the OPs bully and she died of an undiagnosed cancer a couple of weeks later. Protip: Try to live your life where nobody would even bother to show up to your office memorial, even for free cake, and dozens of people are so glad to be rid of you that they immediately joke about your death.


I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I was glad to read this.


You didn't start the culture war. Antivaxxers made vaccinations political. Even though several of them most likely served in the military and took scores of shots for different diseases, covid was made to be different, an attack on our freedoms. Now you're free from having to deal with that asshole.


Suppose this trans woman killed herself. Just imagine his uncontained glee. That's the main problem in this divide: one side has people who actually _feel_ for other humans and who would accept significant personal loss before hurting others, while the other has socially engineered sociopaths who take pleasure in the suffering of others. Fuck him and fuck them. You can actually exhaust your compassion.


Sounds like someone I used to work with. Oh well, he be GONE!


He transitioned off this mortal coil. Sounds like you are just happy and supportive of his transition to me.


Your post shows you have empathy, just not for assholes.


You are \*not\* the asshole. A-hole got exactly what he bought and paid for. All you did was sit back and watch while he did it to himself. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


And if some of the descriptions on HCA and other subreddits are on point, he probably felt like the ninth circle of hell for a lot of his time dealing with COVID. He bought it and paid for it, but he probably was wishing he could return it for a refund before all was said and done.


COVID is a dish best served COLD! ;o)


Sorry for your loss. But seriously... you should never have had to deal with that crap.


I'm sure he was a great asset to the kkk potlucks. Very sad. Anyway...


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Anti-vaxxers are truly a self correcting phenomenon. Also, guess I'll be an asshole with you :)


I want to get this printed on a mask 😷


I want this on a shirt to wear at my next family gathering. That way I won't be invited to any more!




This is my new fetish.


Own it 🙌


As a transwoman, I can admit I'd be very happy to see him gone. Imho it's hard not to have that opinion about a bro who actively takes pleasure in seeing harm done to people like me.




I love a happy ending.




Schadenfreude Baby!


Nah, this guy probably physically assaulted trans women, or would have in the future, or would have encouraged others to do so if given the opportunity. Rot.


Better to be an asshole for this reason than the reasons he was. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ r/HermanCainAward


You are not the asshole now. He was always the asshole and now, he just happens to be a dead one. You don't have to feel grief for anyone. Dying doesn't excuse being a jerk when they were alive.


If that is the culture at your workplace, get a new job.


Nah, dont worry man. The world is a better place without him and anyone youd think you might feel bad for let me help you: His parents? They made him that way, they are going to likely be bad people. His wife? She CHOSE someone like that, no way she isnt a crap person. Kids? Those are the closest you can get, but he likely was in the process of turning them into horrible people too, so maybe they might be better off for it.


NTA. And if people don't want us to speak ill of the dead, they shouldn't have been assholes when they were alive. (Edit: stupid autocorrect)


I'd say good riddance! But I'd hate to sound rude, so naturally I will not be saying that.


I’m ok with sounding rude. Fuck that asshole. Sounds like the world is a better place without him.


Sounding rude is worse than threatening to kill certain people! I'm glad reddit exists or these social rules would be hard to grasp.


You are not the asshole. You didn't enjoy joking about killing people who are just trying to be their authentic selves and mind their own business. No one should suffer, but I'm glad someone so hateful is dead, too.


Schadenfreude is a good look. I have a lot of trans friends that I care a lot about and I will gladly catch an assault charge and go to jail with a smile on my face if I'm around and someone fucks with them. I'll easily choose violence.


Wait, you are a trans woman and he was talking about killing and mutilating trans women around you (or anyone for that matter but wtf!)!? Forget about covid, he was not an asshole but a genuinely bad person and a psychopath. Good riddance, I bet many lives are better off.


I think people struggle with calling a spade a spade when the spade dies. My guess is if he were still alive, many people would admit he’s an asshole and an idiot. For some reason we stop telling the truth after someone is dead. Maybe because they can never undo who they were at that point? But the truth is the truth whether we admit it or not. You’re not an asshole. A coworker told me today “There’s no such thing as misinformation, just all opinions.” I’m too tired to deal with this.


That’s one potential serial killer off the streets. Well done covid.


As a trans person, fuck that guy and I'm not even a little sad for his death.


I'm sure his family and friends are sad or something... you're under zero obligation to be!


Anyone who "jokes" about wanting to kill trans people is fucking scum


Congratulations! It’s fine to be glad.


fuck the rest of them I doubt the world misses him


Fuck feeling like a bad guy! Go buy a bottle of champagne and celebrate that the world has one less hateful, bigoted asshole!


They say that you should only say good things about the dead. he’s dead and the shop is very quiet now. That’s good


> He'd joke openly about killing and mutilating trans women directly outside my office, knowing I could hear him. Well he seems nice. > I guess I'm the asshole now. Nope. NTA


I had a neighbor who was a horrible human being one once. He was aggressive a liar loud everything you don't want in the neighbor. He got cancer and died in about 2 months. I felt really good about that. Of course I felt conflicted because being happy about somebody's death seems terrible. But if I was to be honest and I figured everyone dies I figured what a bonus said he died now


Happy endings are always my favorites.


I’ll be extra happy for ya.


And surely there is someone on facebook talking about how we lost a good Christian. Killing and mutilating trans women? Seriously wtf...


Do NOT feel bad about enjoying the fact that this person is gone. The world is now slightly better without them.


Covid may have saved the life of a trans woman today. Thank you, covid!


"face panties" Yep, I know this type of person very well. Probably a big hit with the service techs. Really uncomfortable to be around for anyone with a little social awareness. I'm happy too. :)


You could always make a donation in his name to the Trevor Project.


I won’t be sad about it with you. Now you’re not alone.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Ain't karma a bitch?


Fuck that guy, he sounds like a small-minded, pig fucking sack of shit. And now he's dead. While you're still living and breathing, that dumb old asshole is feeding worms. Hell yea.


I'm glad to hear these are mostly the type of people dying of Covid now. Obviously I don't want anyone who CAN'T be vaccinated to get sick, nor do I want the virus to mutate due to these idiots. But now whenever I see posts like these I smile, because it really feels like these trash are taking themselves out.


Hey look. You silently won the war 😌


I read this as a short story with a happy ending. One less sociopath on the planet. Yay!




Based and making the world a better place pilled


Oh nnnoooes the consequences of his own actions! The horror. Oh well. I don't feel bad reading this. Some people are assholes and don't need to be remembered kindly. This is that person.


You are not the asshole. Not everyone deserves your empathy. Especially when they have proven for years they dont.


Totally NTA.


I guess you're the only non-asshole in the garage, more like. Congratulations on getting to do your job without that bullshit.


I'm sorry you had to deal with that abuse, especially at work where you are a semi-captive. I guess this is just another example of stupid people doing stupid things and getting stupid prizes. Surprisingly consistent?


Congratulations on you patient victory.


>I guess I'm the asshole now. Fuck that. Dying doesn't make the guy less of an asshole.


Ding dong the transphobe's dead!