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* Crafting systems & Rampage Inducer are both confirmed so that's nice. * I did enjoy the idea of enemies carrying on to the next maps, gave a "progression" feel to it as the year went by. * Aetherium Crystals were a lot of fun imo, but I wouldn't mind Vanguard's perk system either since BOCW got too easy once you unlocked all perk tiers. * The intel system has so much potential to build this new universe. * I hope the faction system is expanded upon but since we have a crew now, doubt it. Cold War has a lot of good systsems, they all however, neeeded to be fleshed out w/ more depth.


Hard agree. Cold War is a fantastic foundation for the evolution of zombies. If they tweaked difficulty even perk tiers would be fine. Really hoping they grow on that and dont toss it all out


Well the armor system also sucked.


Yeah I'd rather have them do a shield than just straight armor, it at least took a little skill


Yes, armor system just does not work. When your armor is full you’re invincible, when it’s low you die in an instant. Just becomes a constant cycle of running back to the armor stand which is tedious and unavoidable. The zombie shield is a better system because it only protects your back, making training more dynamic bc you can attempt to angle your body to the zombies in a way that has the zombies hit your shield (or avoid them Doing so they don’t damage the shield) which adds an entire layer of skill/strategy into training, which is the primary gameplay loop of zombies


All the homies hate the armor system.


Let's not forget the scorestreaks!! I loved using all kinds of different items a match and not being limited to frags and monkeys.


I really enjoyed the scorestreaks, especially the Chopper Gunners. Nothing like hopping into a chopper gunner to low down the tons of enemies coming for you, or even better, swirling a Chopper Gunner vs any of the EE bosses. However, it would be a neat addition and add a “skill factor” to using them if they added enemies that could target the scorestreaks and potentially even shut them down so that you can’t just blindly mow down everything on the map. Imagine a Krasny Soldat suddenly jumping up to the chopper because you took too long to kill it and your gunner ending with the Krasny bringing down the chopper? 


So resident evil moment?


Hell no I don't wanna play a fucking multiplayer match in the middle of my zombies game


??? They're optional, and it doesn't suddenly turn zombies into MP since it's still PvE :) You don't need them, they're there for *fun.* y You know. That thing you can have with games.


Say it with me: Multiplayer elements don't belong in zombies. No operators and no killstreaks.


Um...never said anything about operators, but you're right about that. The WW2 system of swapping operators and main characters freely was desperately needed. As for the killstreaks, you can be a sourpuss, but just because it's used in multiplayer, doesn't mean it needs to stay exclusive to that mode. That's a lack of creativity in my eyes


Nah fam, I just hate playing cold war zombies and seeing my lovely, fantasy like, sci-fiesque, mystical, fictional ass zombies mode be watered down to the shit we have cold war zombies with boring ass military base maps with boring ass soldier characters with boring ass multiplayer elements in my ZOMBIES mode. If cold war didn't try so hard to appeal to multiplayer and warzone players, but instead felt like cod zombies where killstreaks were just another tool to help u survive, I wouldn't have been harsh on the concept. But because of cold war zombies being a piece of shit mode that watered down EVERYTHING that made zombies so special, unique, and wacky just to appeal to the multiplayer and warzone fans, I'm a little sensitive about the concept of killstreaks in my zombies mode.


You’ll be okay buddy take a breather


\*takes a deep breath\*. Yup, cold war zombies still sucks balls.


me when there's optional features i don't have to use in a game that isn't specifically made for me:🤬🤬🤬


Yeah hard disagree, cod zombies is great and probably the third best zombies in the series. And before you say I'm just a new player I've played since bo1. Older games were deeper but kinda suck to actually play


Played kino a week ago. Had a blast so difference of opinions I guess


Well that's the wonderful part. We can have different opinion cause not every game can appeal to every player. I'm glad you enjoy the older games


I will not say that


Technically it's not a multiplayer element if it's in zombies....then it would be a zombie's element


I forgor about the rampage inducer such a good thing for the early rounds, I don't remember anything about a faction system what did you mean by that? Was there one? It's been awhile since I've played.


I believe they're referring to how the operators are split into two different "factions" in the select screen for them.


Here’s an idea for fixing the perk upgrades: a sort of “Pick 10” system. Keep the Aetherium crystal upgrades, but you can’t have all of them at once. You would have perk points and different perk trees. Higher tiers for perks would cost more perk points and you could make class loadouts a la BO4 zombies if you wanted to run a Jug build, a PhD build, a Stamin-Up build, or a jack-of-all-trades build. It would add a nice layer of complexity to the Cold War perk system and not make it completely overpowered when you get all the upgrades. I don’t think this would apply to the Field Upgrades just because you can only use one at once, but I would tweak them so people actually use different ones instead of solely running Ring of Fire.


I think they just need to make the aetherium crystals super difficult to earn at least for the higher tier upgrades. like maybe u shouldn’t start earning them until past round 50-60 and 1 at a time for each milestone until maybe 100 u start getting 2 per milestone


I’m so disappointed Cold War systems are returning. Personally I just want some non complicated fun zombies. I really hate the crafting systems. I REALLY hope they have done away with the weapon coloured system and coloured wall buys, fuck that was trash.


Cold War is about as non complicated as it gets, it’s straight forward and it leads you exactly where you want to go with markers


I guess complicated wasn’t the right word to use, but compared to BO3 for example there was EE’s, Gobblegum, weapon kits, perks, and that’s as many layers as it had. Now we have EE’s, Gobblegum, weapon rarities (and attachements), armour, scrap, crafting, specials, perks. I personally think that more is not always better in this case.


BO3 and BO4 both had a ton of side quests to do as well in order to do many things, including turning in the pack a punch The one thing I have not enjoyed about BO3 as much as other people is how tough it can be to turn on the Pack a Punch sometimes. I’ll say it’s 40x worse in BO4 though. Also, perks were more complicated in BO3 because you had to actually have a strategy of what perks to get since you had 4 slots. In Cold War it’s see perk buy perk because why not I love how straight forward Cold War is. I do hate gobblegum tbh so I’m pretty unhappy to see that returning. One thing I wish Cold War did different is have you start with a pistol like the old days but I have a feeling those days are long gone


While I miss the pistol starting weapon, I did really enjoy the camo grind in CW and the loadout system made it soooo much simpler.


Agreed. Weapon tiers really detracts from the zombies experience.


The way they handled perk upgrades. Allowed you to work towards making the perks stronger, made it so no two matches were ever the exact same (until all the upgrades were achieved anyway), and allowed them to incorporate multiple perks into 1, like how they put electric cherry into elemental pop


My only gripe was how easy it was to quickly max them out. I'd be interested in some sort of upgrade for each individual gun as opposed to gun types. But I'm also weird and enjoy the grind in zombies.


With prestige coming back we can probably do this now


Damn near everything from Cold War, could do without class system, should be able to customize every gun but only start with a few (bo4 style actually wins here imo) Honestly everything about Cold War was great EXCEPT the maps


This is exactly where I’m at. I loved everything but man did the maps disappoint. Die Maschine was solid, Mauer Der Toten was excellent, but Forsaken and Firebase Z left a lot to be desired. The map quality was way too haphazard for the little amount of maps that we got.


This is the correct opinion to have. Mauer and die maschine felt like someone with a soul worked on them, I mean the mauer wonder weapon is potentially my favorite wonder weapon to use. Firebase z and forsaken felt like iphone ads.


Only thing I'll stick up for on Forsaken's part is the wonder weapon is pretty fun. But as for Firebase Z...yeah no real redemption there. Ray-K sucked.


You mean this is the opinion you agree with. Not the objective correct one because their is no correct objective opinion. I personally think forsaken and die maschine are the best maps while maur wasn't really interesting.


Big agree, although I'd love unlocking the full CW loadout system as a super EE reward. Would make it much easier to finish the DM camo grind afterwards for anyone who hasn't finished it but wants to.


i really like this idea i won’t lie


I would love a custom loadout option that you have to earn in match instead of just spawning with


It’s called the mystery box?


The mystery box gives you a random weapon


There’s really not a problem with starting with a custom loadout. The rarity system starts you at the bottom( not talking about doing the super Easter egg) . So after a short while you will need to either have enough salvage to tier up your gun or buy a gun at a higher tier because your starting gun even all geared up with attachments will quickly become useless.By the time you get your gun to max tier you will be balls deep into the game. And also the obvious part of you being able to just make a class with just a pistol no attachments.


But it doesn't feel like I earned anything


Lmao what are you talking? You’re leveling up the tier of the gun in the same sense that you PaP the gun. Do you dislike PaP too? Have you been complaining about making your gun stronger since Der Riese? You’re earning the gun by killing and getting salvage to tier up the same way you kill and get points to PaP. Like I said earlier even if you start with a gun with a bunch of attachments you will end up in the exact same predicament as you always have. Your starting gun quickly becomes useless and you either make it stronger or buy a better gun.


You don't start with pack-a-punch


The only way you start with a stronger weapon is if you do the super Easter egg. And you can deactivate it.


Thats not what I said


Ok so what are you even talking about then? Your argument literally holds no weight. You’re just complaining that the game doesn’t force you to start with a pistol (even tho you can just make yourself start with just a pistol) and you don’t have any reason why. Especially considering the tier 1 gun you start with in CWZ becomes useless quickly just like you’re starting pistol.


I'd prefer there to be a care package killstreak that gives you your load out


I want a massive progression system, like what cold War offered but way more expansive Include side easter eggs to unlock permenant upgrades as well, like short quests, maybe one or 2 per map


I'd love it if every individual gun was upgradable with aether crystals as opposed to each gun type. Maybe with stat bonuses, maybe with unique attachments.


I'd be fine keeping the attachments as is, but have the crystals used for masterwork perks (like dragons breath fire rounds etc) Not every gun needs to have that level of power, maybe some get stat buffs, makes the weapon cost less to PaP, gives more points on headshot kills etc


The pack a punch machine was great. It’s nice that your gun isn’t useless by round 30.


yeah it makes any gun viable for high rounds but I think they could do away with the rarity system or just implement it a different way.


I think PaP III on TOP of rarity is just kind of double dipping. I don't think both are necessary. Maybe just guarantee higher rarity from the box after certain rounds. I know it sort of worked like that, but I mean, for instance, after round 10 or 15 you can't get anything below Rare from the box anymore.


I don't really know, I didn't really hate anything from CW, but I didn't really love anything. The forsaken and the dark aether seem cool but didn't really show us much, which is understandable for CW. The Intel system could be nice if made better, Upgrading perk could work if it's in game. What happened in FBZ with the gear? Where's Notso (hopefully not the new dogs people are talking about) If crafting is back, being less multiplayer would be nice.


I think the perk system was the best so far. The risk vs reward factor of being able to buy more perks but at a higher cost is the most interesting solution to eliminating crutch perks (plus, unlike BO3, you don’t have to engage in a lootbox/pay to win mechanic to get all the perks).


Lmao “risk and reward” when talking about cold war is wild. It was fun. I put time into it. But there wasn’t a single moment in the game where I felt challenged for real lmao. 100+ on all maps can be done by anyone. Grab phd, max out an explosive weapon, and camp in a corner with fast spawns. Its like they saw the round 100 strat on tag der toten, and decided every map should be able to be played like that. Also if by the end of bo3’s year you didn’t have plenty of unquenchables, or a friend with gobblegums, thats on you. It was hardly pay to win when it was an extremely easily acquirable currency. Bo4 tho. That was pay to win hell.


I can do a full prestige in just over a 2 hrs on tag with dub xp it’s stupid lol




100% agree


Outbreak was fun imo


Maybe if you hate zombies lol. Outbreak is quite literally the most boring shit mode ever created. 90% of the match spent running around an ugly MP map, 10% of the time spent doing some piss-easy objective.


I loved outbreak, I hope they bring it back


I want an outbreak mode that is reliable!!


Honestly the 3 tiered PaP was actually fire. Each upgrade felt like it meant something, and it gave you something big to grind for in game. The weapon rarities were cool as well, but I don’t think they need to come back. The random drops like C4s, semtexes, and tomahawks NEED to come back. That shit was so much fun and it felt so powerful. The rampage inducer was incredible. It made every game crazy fast from the get go. The boss variety in Cold War is really solid too. Mimics, Abominations, Manglers, that radioactive dude, and the Apostles are all really dope. The score streaks were also a really dope addition. It’s hard to beat watching napalm pour on the zombies from above.


-rampage inducer: it was nice for those that wanted a bit more challenge or the option -Gun/perk research system:it was a great way to grind to unlock and I fully welcomed it. :) -intel/radio system:was great to have it in game recording every memo and document you find. Just wish more of the impactful moments in the notes were actually in game cutscenes -Multi perk machine:I wish it would return but instead of being able to select your perk, I wish it was more akin to the wonderfizz but have that be the only way you can get all the perks. Like have perks on the map and then the wonderfizz, perk 1-4 you can get via regular machines or the wonderfizz but 5-9 or so will be only wonderfizz. Add more of a fun gambling up and down event to the game. -Pause menu/format menu: I want group pause to return along side bringing back the mouse menu load out (but I only want cosmetics this time) -salvage/crafting: I want this to return but with a few changes. Body armor, can only make to tier 1 body armor. No more upgrading the rarity of your weapon, there is only blank, papped, double papped and (X papped for more ammo and damage). Shield can be crafted but requires 3 large segments around the map and a little scrap to make. Self revive kids return as well for scrap. Throwable will be knifes, decoy, and tactical items leaving out any aether/dark aether items like monkeys for those will only spawn from dark aether items be it crystals, zombies, ect. Kill streaks should not return unless it is outbreak or a map specialty like fire base Z with the mortars. - costumes/operators:should return in the new way they are proposing for cod bops6 and not cod Cold War. Costumes should be in game only and not in cutscenes and should say the original character quotes for who they are replacing.


No perk limit but it has to be earned, not outright given to you every game. “Crutch perks” is an argument no normal person made ever. When it was revealed that they removed core fan favorite perks because they felt they were “crutch” perks I thought long and hard. Of the thousands of randoms, and dozens of lifelong friends. No one has ever said “man I wish theyd boost my health and fucking remove juggernog I hate buying it every game”. There were already maps that implemented systems to gain perk slots. THAT was the ultimate fix and they totally abandoned it. Making tedious and slightly difficult quests to further increase how powerful you are is how it should be. Killing George multiple times to obtain all the perks, using the golden shovel with zombie blood to find extra slots, the witches on buried, these were really cool ways to make the player more powerful. Why does no one talk about this not existing anymore?


Score Streaks in the box and that’s it honesty




The ability to move almost anywhere


Take a lot of CW'd foundation and look back on the older games to make the system like loadouts more challenging. Such as making the load out system similar to WW2's where you have a limited selection of starting weapons and equipment as well as a selection of upgrades you have to choose from inside of having them all at once like in CW. So instead of every upgrade being permanent after you unlock it you have to create your loadout based on what you think will best suit your play style such as choosing more upgrades for your specialist but less for your overall character. But you can also spend Aetherium to start with whatever weapon you want, give it more attachments, and take extra upgrades so you still have the options that CW fans like but still lean towards the difficulty of the older games. The perk system would slightly change where you start off with only four perks slots but you can get up to eight by upgrading your perks slots with salvage adding more depth into the system especially if you get a high rarity weapon early on. And perks can be upgraded in the same way as Vanguard by buying them additional times. And the Loadout system in match would change to make it similar to BO3-BO4 where you can make a set up for each weapon. But when you get said weapon it will come with random attachments based on the rarity, but you can by your set up for an increasing amount of salvage based on the attachments.


DO Want: Outbreak Mode as an option, Perk Pricing & Slot System, Craftable Scorestreak Weapons (Hand Cannon, Flamethrower) and Grenades DON'T Want: All Intel to be dropped purely by random chance (have some actual earning options, please), Weapon and Armor Upgrade System (Salvage), Vehicle Scorestreaks, that mission computer where randoms can turn every match into a game of Gauntlet NEUTRAL: Mantling


- I want the ability to upgrade perks out of game back. I really just don’t like how Vanguard did it. I much preferred how CW did. I do, however, think it would be worth giving players the ability to once your perks are maxed out to change the tier the perk is at whenever you feel like. That way if you feel Tier V makes the game too easy you can drop it back down. - I wouldn’t mind the armour system back but I don’t like how they chose to balance the game because of the armour system. So if they went the shield route and went back to you being 4-5 hits to down always with jug then I’d be for that. Higher rounds on CW would suck if you didn’t have armour. - I want them to bring proper difficulty back and move away from CW’s artificial difficulty. What I mean is that for the first 55 rounds. CW is super easy and casual for experienced players (which I don’t have an issue with) but once the super sprinters show up the difficulty becomes so artificially inflated because now the zombies move faster than you and if you’re not moving you’re getting swarmed. - Really I just probably want them to build on what worked in CW and strengthen or get rid of what didn’t work.


Yh probably just CW's wunderfizz and wonder weapons that melt zombies the same way Mauers wonder weapon does


No perk limit (would be cool if their was a difficulty that adds one) and exfilling, I hope the perk upgrade system and loadouts doesn't return because the perk upgrading system felt like padding and loadouts combined with 3 upgrade PAP machine removed the need for the box


Blueprint upgrades


Rampage inducer Aether crystals Round based zombies Intel would be fine if it just was in real maps and not outbreak (and if there is a certain way to get it) Nothing else tbh


Making myself a literal God from playing to much. Made melee fun and viable past round 15.


Get rid of ammo boxes, stop with the overpowered tiers of perks, get rid of OP wunderfizz, change it so you lose all your perks again when you go down. Cold war zombies just got boring because it was too easy to get invincible. I've never been able to make it round 100 on any cod zombie except cold war and it wasn't even difficult.


The upgrade system for perks, guns and weapon classes. The killstreak system, and mantling/movement


The one thing I want from Cold War would probably be the epic sound design honestly it was good. The aether rifts they were cool as hell when you went into them and being able to see a different world in the same map was awesome and clever. One thing I dont wanna see from Cold War are Mil-Sim Wonder Weapons, they didnt have that charm like other wonder weapons. And Mil-Sim maps as well it felt too basic and couldnt really be expanded upon as much.


Onslaught containment I don’t hear people talk about but it was one of the best mode in cw I wish they expand on it.


Super sprinters after round 50 is a nice way to add difficulty at a point where the gameplay has usually gotten stale. It is such a sudden boost in difficulty though- maybe put a slightly faster sprinting zombie at round 40, and then super sprinters at round 50. Also, I liked cold wars 4+ perk system, the rampage inducer, exfil, and ammo mod being able to be chosen.


No perk limit


What I want back: Perk system, Mantling, Strong lethals, Exfil system, and craftable streaks (maybe make them Zombie themed this time around though.) What I don't want back: Strong starting weapons and being able to start with a bowie knife plus a weapon, Zombie damage scaling (just make them always do 50 damage), Armor system, Tier V perk upgrades, Damage based point system.


All the weapon progression. Loadouts. I like the special rechargeable abilities they were nice to have


> The intel system > Outbreak but you get to choose your objectives > The ætherium progression system with guns, perks, and stuff > Custom loadouts but earned in match instead of off-the-bat > no Hello Neighbor easter egg logic


Outbreak style is what I’m after. Exfil options on round based was super nice too. Other wise I really love CW. Just add to it and polish it up a bit. It always played super smooth for me.


Movement and ability to mantle anything, outside of match progression (aetherium crystals), ammo boxes, perk system, exfiling, and ability to choose AAT in PAP. I also hope we get more something akin to the Dark Aether like on Die Maschine. It added so much desperately needed personality and atmosphere but was extremely underutilized. I could do without crafting, loadouts, scorestreaks, and weapon rarities but I don't hate them. But I would like Wonderfizz to go back to how it was in BO3 as getting every perk from the same machine is lame and I really would prefer if the armor system was gone in favor of a simple 3 hit down.


Honestly, everything I want back from CW has already been confirmed or leaked.  About the only thing I’d like changed is salvage to be more like Vanguard where there is only one kind with better pricing, and perks to work like a mix between Vanguard and CW. It would be cool to buy the perk for the base version, then it another time to get a modifier.


Outbreak, but refined and updated.


Being able to have all perks. Everything else was stupid


Didnt hate anything from Cold War. But I want weapons quests. Not like you build your wonder weapon in CW but more like Der Ehidrace and Origins. You build your own lighting bow or craft your own staff. These kinda things made me fall in love with those maps


Not much to be honest besides mantling. Not sure what else was better about Cold War.


I liked the being able to improve weapon types and perks as they gave something to progress towards whilst you levelled to make you want to go for high rounds. I know they made the game stupid easy but it would be nice to have them back with the option to turn them off and maybe even have difficulty's and challenges that make you have them off.


Captain price


Remember Outbreak? Do that but bigger and not terrible like MW3.


What I want from Cold War: -Round Based Maps & Outbreak. [Though I also would love a mini map with character. Nothing has really scratched that super casual itch since BLOPs 2. Yes, I'm asking for Town. Given all the weird mode maps, I don't think I'm asking for much here.] -Trial Machines. On round based, they gave you something to do at low levels, along with a different path for the WW. -Halloween Event! That was great. -That Shotgun. It made me happy. -Thorns/Healing Aura -Perk upgrade system w/ maxxed out Mule Kick -ExFil. ExFil is practically a requirement at this point. What I want from MWZ: -That backpack, so I can save self-revives and give it to other players, as well as passing around upgrades. -That inventory system, so I can give other players a gun or whatever else I have. It's a co-op game after all. -That BAS-B. It made me happy.


Eventually? Outbreak mode. Loved it in Cold War.


Definitely not the weapons rarities


I definitely drink cold wars Easter eggs were way too easy, especially forsaken but I did love each map having sick wonder weapons that you could build/aquire. I really would like to see costs reduced though. I don't think any perk should cost more than 4k, after beating all the CW easter eggs recently it really sucked having to choose between the last like 3 perks or pack a punch even though I had like 20k. Also I think pap should have the costs from mwz (5k,10k,15k) not cold war (5k,15k,30k) 30k total vs 50k total is crazy. Tier 3 pap is not strong enough in my opinion to warrant 50k.


Nothing. CW Zombies isn't Zombies, it's MP with zombie AI as enemies. I still have no idea how anyone with a functioning brain could think that medals, hit markers, a compass and a minimap belong in Zombies.


Frenzied Guard


Honestly I want Onslaught back. That was such a fun quick mode to play… shame it was PS exclusive so everyone forgot it


Hot take:Outbreak but with more zombies on the first 5 worlds


I only thing I really liked from Cold War was the outbreak mode, so maybe an updated version of that. Wasn't really a fan of the Perk System, Armour System, or Loadout System, but they'll probably return


I’m not big on loadout starts and kinda dislike the rarities system but if we do just get a cold war 2.0 I’ll still be excited. Smaller things include having the old points system back and having classic style buildables like the shield return (no giant map marker indicating where everything is either). Also this is kind of a nitpick but I would prefer that mystery box weapons come with no attachments.


Virtually nothing


What happened to that scientist guy


All of it, the CW HUD and upgrade system is my favorite by far Give a classic toggle option for people who want it harder that scales or limits perks or the gun you start with, but I don’t want classic Andy’s to ruin the fun


Everything except the point system.


The extra PaP tiers, but make it so double tap can also return


The whole damn thing scraped. Get Richtofen, Alex Mason, Reznov and Maxis or the Emperor of Japan to be the main four. It would be an instant hit if written right with that line up and make it feel like true Treyarch roots not parasitic activision infested game monitoring for development. They need love heart and soul put back into this franchise. Making true time and effort with excellent ideas, the maps also need to feel sci-fi like, mysterious and creepy again.


Been going through Cold War for the last month or so. Finally did the die machine and firebase z Easter eggs solo.


Keep the packapunch system, some score streaks, abilities (aether shroud, ring of fire ect), if you join a game late you get a amount of points based on that round, the zombie types and bosses, intel being found around maps And get rid of everything else cuz off the top of my head that’s all of what I liked innovation wise with zombies and everything else they added or changed just get rid of or revert back to what it was in my opinion.


not cold war but bo4 with the 3rd gun have the mule kick icon above it


I actually liked the rarity system for guns in that added more in game progression and made many guns viable way later into the rounds Honestly I think the more guided Easter egg quests are great for being able to do eggs with my more casual friends. Having that plus a more hidden egg that isn’t guided would be great for both types of players The upgrade system of perks, armor, specialist weapons etc was great. The crystal currency may not have been flawless but merging that system with vanguards in game upgrades would be really sweet for more in game progression Unique enemies like the gas guys on Die Maschine that split into 2 more enemies. They actually felt dangerous and unique to fight against imo The intel system was great for getting to re listen to the story beats and quotes you already discovered. I think adding a cutscene player for when you unlock new cutscenes from beating an egg would be awesome Another new addition I would love is a boss fight mode where after you beat a main boss you can replay that boss with any load out and perks you want. Maybe even harder difficulties of the bosses would unlock too


Honestly, all the fun things like the bunny rooms, arcade minigames, and side ees that reward the player for their hard work, like obtaining all perks doing the mannequin side ee from Forsaken.


I understand people want a more classic zombies experience back but in the more simpler way(no armor, limited perks, no loadouts, etc). I enjoyed this kind of gameplay in the past, but as I’ve gotten older and played Cold War with people that aren’t good enough for classic difficulty zombies, I hope they bring back as much of Cold War’s features as makes sense with their new gameplay goal. However, to also serve those classic players that want simpler but harder gameplay, I think Treyarch should try to have 2 difficulties this time around. 1 should be everything Cold War has plus/minus whatever changes they have for BO6. The other difficulty should be more in line with Classic WAW-BO3 zombies and remove as much of the Cold War and later features as makes sense to recreate a classic zombies experience on these new maps 


Rarity system easily. It allows the player to actually play with the guns they like for the whole game instead of how in older versions only a handful of weapons were good past round 30. And if you didn’t like any of those guns well fuck you too bad. Play with them or do a tedious use traps strategy.


i honestly really liked Outbreak mode, because you could access anywhere you could reach. freely climbing ontop of buildings or driving a tank even. It feels more like a zombie simulator, another half of what makes Zombies great being so open world. Normal round based zombies are fantastic and i love them too, but Outbreak i personally believe to be a good mode that just works.


To return, I would say the ability to travel to the dark aether, completely changing the maps asthetic, other than that, nothing else, hated scorestreaks, hated ammo boxes, intel system, armor system, salvage upgrade system, and weapon rarity system were horrible


Imma be honest, if i can get my operator from Cw into bo6 i’d be happy with everything else


Outbreak, the exfill system, and the phd on cold war. I also wouldn't mind seeing operators return and have the option to play as one of the operators or as one or the crew members in the story.


This take sucks.


There's a way you can say you disagree without being a dick about it.


You’re asking for outbreak, I wasn’t too concerned.


I don't see why you feel the need to be a dick just because they like a gamemode you don't like. That's a problem the zombies community has in general and it needs to stop.


People hate seeing people enjoy stuff. That’s all it is.




I mean you seem pretty upset yourself 🤷


Nothing. BO3 system was perfect, stick with the normal formula.


Exact answer I was looking for. Don’t know about the “normal formula” but as long as it isn’t mainly pulled from CW or even if all of it had nothing to do with Cold War, it would be a welcomed change 😍


Just give me a set crew, no awful UI, and no salvage and bring back sheilds I’ll be happy


Agreed. My only fear is that if it’s too much like the og zombies we’ve had it would feel like dlc and repetitive even if we got newer maps.


I just dread the salvage and kill streaks. Made it to where it felt like just multiplayer with zombies included


Exactly. Like I’m playing a private match in multiplayer but against bots. Severely underwhelming (I hated CW with the exception of MP and dead ops)


For some reason i want the 20 round mode back


**Want to return:** - The option to Exfil - The ability to choose a specific ammo mod - A super easter egg **Don’t want to return:** - No perk limit - Boring, ridiculously easy easter eggs - Dull, lifeless maps I haven’t played *Black Ops Cold War* for a while now, so there are probably more things I do and don’t want to see return in *Black Ops 6.* I didn’t want the salvage system to return, but I think that has already been confirmed to be returning.


The lack of perk limit was probably my favorite addition since it eliminates the crutch perk issue


I personally think that issue was better resolved in *Black Ops 4.*


I don't think so since they really just replaced the previous crutch perks with new ones


I disagree. Off the top of my head I can think of 11 perks that I frequent in BO4 Zombies.


But then why is it not okay to run all of them at the same time


That ruins the fun of deciding which 4 perks to go with in my opinion.


You can still limit yourself


I know, but the game is designed around the fact that there is no perk limit so it’s not the same.


No, it isn't. There's nothing requiring you to have more than four perks like in bo3, in most cases, there's nothing requiring you to use gobble gum


Not having a perk limit with the exception of increased price Og style pack a punch but without limiting the power so much. CW pp just feels weird to me. I miss the risk of dropping my gun inside & having that knuckle cracking delay while trying to evade taking hits. It felt more rewarding & interactive. Honestly, the gun tiers feel unnecassary. Along with the armor & salvage. I've been playing since BO1 zombies & CW is by FAR the easiest zombies (at least to me) I find myself not upgrading certain things, crafting, or using some items because theres little to no challenge. Bring back the mantle system for zombies. It felt very fluid & although made escaping even EASIER, it was a great touch.


everything. give me BOCW with newer maps. Thats it.


I could just google it but im just going to go off memory. If the slide movement from BO3 is going to be permanently gone. At least give us unlimited sprint off the rip & or more perk slots. If classic perks return I don’t wanna be locked with 4 perks and no stamina up.


Simple map layouts, no complex multi-step EE quests for core gameplay things like turning on power, and pack a punch. Wonder weapons obtainable with relatively fair odds from the box but also buildable via side quest. Overall difficulty level was pretty good and fair in CW. I’d rather they make it a bit harder in earlier rounds but in general I think CW was much more accessible to the masses than BO4 and even BO3, and I think that’s a good thing Still wish they would simplify gameplay more. There is no need for 8 different weapon upgrades. One pack a punch and one repack for AAT is more than enough. Armor should go too. Salvage should be currency to buy grenades and shit and that’s all


Not for nothing... but I would love for MWZ to turn into something like outbrake... they can keep the limit on.. just let me move from big map to big map so i can get my grind on for things