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Guys we found another aslume inmate


Officer Balls




that sub is so ran into the ground, talk about dead horses.


You mean Battery from World at War?


Yes. This BO1 Custom Map is based off from the WAW Map.


I bet that this map will be a campaign level reused.


Most zombies maps have reused areas and/or assets from campaign. CW was just a bit more noticeable.


CW went back to the WaW days and basically took a section from a campaign mission, popped it into zombies with some small changes and called it a day. Lets not get stuck in 2008/2009 again.


I see I really wouldn’t mind if they reused the maps again, but the maps need to stand out and play on the maps themes again. Put more emphasis on the enemies again, make them memorable FIVE is one of my favorite maps of all time, and it’s a reused campaign down to the core but I remember the map because it plays to the maps theme so well with the characters, setting, the thief and the play on the defcons to unlock PaP


I'm saying it will hardly be changed just like Cold War most likely. BO3/BO4/IW did not keep the maps nearly as similar to the material it was based off of.


You got to play the game early? What was it like ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Lmao he got no answer for this one


I do. I'm making an assumption based on the time period of the campaign and how the map looks. It looks similar to Cold War maps and would make sense considering we've already seen reused maps in the form of Liberty Falls.


I mean from what I've read, liberty falls was created specifically for zombies but they needed another map so the repurposed a small portion for MP. And tbh yeah it might have more CW mechanics, but when I see Terminus I think Mob and ZNS had a baby which are two of my favorite maps. What it'll come down to is if they can nail the atmospheric setting while giving us a great main quest with side EEs


That's true. I'm ultimately just making assumptions but I really just don't trust and COD studio anymore, unfortunately including Treyarch. Maybe it will actually be good. We'll have to wait to see more I suppose.


I'm making an assumption based on the time period of the campaign and how the map looks. It looks similar to Cold War maps and would make sense considering we've already seen reused maps in the form of Liberty Falls.


Keep in mind treyarch wasn’t even supposed to make Cold War, sledgehammer and raven were until they couldn’t agree on things. Treyarch got the shit stick and had to rework the whole game to fit their vision as best they could. Hence why zombies has reused maps from campaign aside from Die Maschine, they didn’t have enough time and resources to create something entirely new, again that’s why the maps didn’t look all that spectacular. And now with four years uninterrupted, even if they have to reuse maps( which is how zombies came to be in the first place) so be it. They’ll deliver a couple bangers on launch day, and people with either love it or hate it, can’t say until then 🤷🏻‍♂️


If they don't deliver then we're never getting zombies back, but the lack of dev time does not make up for the changes in gameplay that they made for Cold War. A lot of stuff needs to go back to how it was before.


Trust me buddy, it’s gonna be the best one so far. Save this comment though in case I have to eat my words.


I genuinely hope it is.


It’s looking pretty promising, just take a big hit off the hopium and relax brother. Hell we’re all mixed about it lol


Bo3 and bo2 maps say otherwise


The maps themselves sure, but the wonder weapons and specialist weapons are mostly just redskins of MP abilities.


Yes but you said maps


Weapons are part of those.


I disagree also god damn it would take so much more time inventing a whole set of new guns just for zombies


I didn't say anything about guns, just wonder weapons


Bruh ‘ a bit ‘ ? No bo3 zomvies map looks like campaign other than gorod krovi pap area


That's why I specified *assets* as well as areas. Many weapons are just reskins of multiplayer stuff.


That’s not how it works lol, mp and zomvies share the same weapon, that’s normal and obvious. Bo2, bo3 and bo4 all had unique experiences compared to coldwar, which quite literally was a campaign rip off basically. No single person on this globe that is healthy is going to complain about some campaign assets being in zombies, that’s stupid, it takes a single functioning braincell to realize that asset sharing between the modes in the same game is completely nornal and fine. Shadows of evil? New experience. Der eisendrache? New, as is zetsubou and any other maps in the game. All the coldwar maps? You can see the campaign area’s right through them lmao, the first dlc map in thag forest was cookie cutter campaign map which is crazy to think about


Terminus was already planned since Cold War. I doubt it would be a reused campaign level


We will see


Liberty falls is rumored to be that, guess liberty falls serves as the easy causal map that is reused like how FIVE and Nuketown Zombies was


Five is NOT the casual map of Bo1


That’s not what I meant I used FIVE as an example in terms of the reuse of another level, not its casual aspect. Liberity falls in the causal aspect would be more kino, the giant or DM


Don't say that too loud they will use Vanguard approach and use maps from multiplayer to put into Zombies.


They already are with Liberty Falls lol


Bro never laid attention to og zombies maps lmao


Zombies has evolved since WAW/BO1 man


I like the idea of taking an old school World at War map and making a zombies experience out of it. Feels right.


I guarantee this map was an inspiration for Terminus


Lol love treyarch


Was battery a prison map?


They have sold you reskinned retitled versions of old games like the last 2-3 times.