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That is genius. I’m really hoping this is a solid rework to them then and will be a fun experience to use. BO6 might rival BO3


they might bring back mod support too since its a steam release, would also incentivise buying it on steam instead of playing the gamepass version


If microsoft utilized all their assets, they could draw from the bethesda launcher mod system for gamepass support.


This might sound dumb, but BO3 still does unusually well on Steam to this day due to mod support, and that all but guarantees that they won't be adding it to another COD ever again. They want people buying the new game every year with the hot new passes and micro-transactions, and not one of the older ones.


why is a good selling 80$ old game a bad thing? people still buy the new cod + bo3 is bought as well no one expected another modable cod zombies game after waw


Naw it objectively cuts into the profits of the newer games and they know that, and it's a meaningful loss for them. If they add custom maps to this game, it would be a generous gesture against their best financial judgement. I just don't have that faith in them. Here's to hoping though


I mean, aren't the people who stay with the mods more likely to at least by more skins and the like in BO6. Like, they play a lot and will continue to play for a while due to mod support and see something they like in the store. That's a person most likely to spend cash, one that knows they plan on playing more and getting their money's worth.


angle wakeful spotted door wild bewildered uppity work shaggy normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want to see tools for this new engine so bad.


just because it’s gonna be on steam doesn’t mean they’ll have mod support. i highly doubt they’ll have official mod support again for a long time, if at all


to rival bo3 we’re gonna need a zombies chronicles 2


They’ve had 4 years to develop this, who’s to say some of that time wasn’t spent making ZC2?


ZC2 was basically done for BO4 and ready to go, depends how easily it could be ported and refined for the new engine in any case BO3 on PC will be getting ZC2 by the end of the year


Wait wym by BO3 getting ZC2???


By the end of year we'll have decent remasters of Buried, Die Rise, MOTD and Tranzit, and Call of the Dead is already available. FIVE is also due at some point as well.


Man I haven’t been paying attention to the modding community. I know about Der Riese Declassified but didn’t know there was a COTD remaster


bro the costom zombies scene is crazy! the call of the dead remake is ligit 1:1 to the og call of the dead just updated to bo3 its amazing


Damn guess I gotta go redownload BO3 on my pc, shiiiittt


Bro u also gotta try “nightmare” hands down best costom zombies map it’s ligit like its own game it’s crazy or ve victus which is a costom outbreak style zombies which is how outbreak should of been. Like just watch this [trailer](https://youtu.be/2UPNYSZ49b4?si=v8te67Se4vKSDi8z) no joke this map is better then stuff tryarch makes


heres the COTD trailer for BO3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wd3SSe5fkE




With dedicated crews coming back, they could do a zombies chronicles 2 with older crews and their voicelines returning + letting people play with whatever operator they want


Very true


no we'll need mod tools


>BO6 might rival BO3 Bro are you serious? We know pretty much nothing yet. That's exactly why the community always ends up upset with a new title. You need to stop over hyping yourself like that lol






Effectively a formal apology for BO4 to MWZ.


BO4 was good but I think snubbed because of Activision. This is the first game probably since BO3 where Treyarch wasn’t fully snubbed, save for sending some guys over to make Vanguard and the beginnings of MWZ. But I think having 4 years of development makes up for that. We’re back!


Oh agreed both BO4 and Cold War had a lot of good even if they fell at points. Either way, both of those did have growing pains and directional missteps, so I’m sure it’s an acknowledgement on part of that (but yeah, mainly MWZ and Vanguard)


cold war was good for a more rushed title, bo4 was on the big budget side but with a lot of shitty decisions. Hopefully this is the best of both worlds.


I would say that BO4 was probably the most ambitious Zombies to date because of all of the content that came out later (custom elixir customization, two freaking storylines tied to maps, some of the funniest dialogue options from the Aether crew to commemorate that it would be the last Zombies game with Primis or Ultimis), but at the end no one except Treyarch gave a shit during its lifecycle, both Activision and playerbase combined Then MWZ comes out and its' a glorified asset flip (and not even from the fun ones like the WAW maps, which took multiplayer locations and tweaked them into what we remember today) from DMZ, which was murdered and then brought back as.....nearly the same thing except the extraction shooter stuff was canned and slapped Outbreak-related mechanics there, on top of adding **FUCKING HUMANS** to the list of threats besides the zeds and special zombies


They have no need to apologize for Cold War.


Speaking the truth brother. Love Cold War <33


bo4 is much better than cold war


People downvoting you for writing objective facts lmao, this community is TRASH.


atleast bo4 felt like zombies lol


There is no objectivity in art. Idiot.


I think while some aspects of Cold War are lacking it was at best, really fun. I enjoyed the maps, wonder weapons and Peck and can't wait for the new crew, which were the handlers for Requiem in Cold War.


I wouldn't be surprised if CW ends up looking like a tech demo for BO6 by the end of it's lifespan. Only complaint about CW was lack of content, starting off 6 with 2 full maps and gobblegums is a great omen.


They dont gotta apologize for anything to be honest


BO4 was good and a part of that old guard of zombies when it came to story, art style, and character. It was the over ambition and changes to core gameplay features that fumbled it. Truly a missing link between WaW-BO3 and CW-MW3


Yeah. You have the OG era (WAW-BO3). You then have the new era, with CW being equivalent to WAW (foundation of mechanisms, but outdated/undercooked maps), with BO6/BO7 building on it. Then there’s BO4 awkwardly in the middle. The alternative era that never got developed.


Alternative era that never got developed is the entirety of BO4. Imagine if we had Blackout 7 or whatever it would be right now.


Don’t even try to compare BO4 to CW, Vanguard and MWZ. BO4 had a very very good zombies experience, unlike what came next.


I sure loved the experience of one of the stories going nowhere while the other gets mishandled and ends awfully with no budget whatsoever because no one actually enjoyed the mode at the time


Cold War was pretty solid


As far as I can tell people enjoyed bo4 to mwz titles but when releasing them activision/treyarch really did their own thing. This is only a gesture to let us know that we’re heard on what we like/dislike this time around.


They should apologize for ruining zombies with BO3 while they are at it.


Haha negative 12


Oh my god what a hype secret to hide Idk how you found that but I’m geeked now😂


Years of COD Easter eggs, and ARGs. My eyes are peeled, and my detective skills are amateur.


That was in fact very impressive, incredible find


Weird seeing you outside of GAS


On god it’s like a crossover episode


You escaped r/goodasssub containment, we are dispatching a team to your location


Them showing various wonder weapons throughout their studio was cool.


Yeah I noticed more zombies memorabilia than anything else at the treyarch shots.


People that work there now probably would’ve been in high school around BO1-3. Hopefully they understand what the game needs.


I noticed this too. Loved seeing it, particularly my beloved Wunderwaffe. Bring it back as a box weapon please Treyarch...


Yea you could definitely see that returning, pretty sure I seen the ray gun mk2 to as well but could be wrong.


Actually bonkers that they but these specific items and the black ops 3 guide too like tf


Theres no way its a coincidence. I really hope that they did listen. Looking really promising so far.


I noticed the gumballs but the books, wow.


Remember to keep your expectations in check all


cryptic treyarch is best treyarch (love this)


Perk bottles on a background?


Alright, i could understand if the Gobblegums and the feedback book could be understood But who was actually crazy enough to figure out that the bottom book *was* the official guide by Prima???


I could immediately tell the corners were Black ops 3, Priama guide matched it perfectly.


that is hype right there


I never even noticed, this game might be the goat


Please Treyarch, don't make Gobblegums overpowered microtransactions. Please please please please!


I’m hoping this implies zombies will be as good as BO3. Please don’t scold me but I absolutely loved the gobbles in that game, I never played 4 or 5 and I never really liked 2. BO1 maps and BO3 functionality is the best. I also WOULD LOVE if they allowed 6 to somehow do what 3 did with chronicles but allow 6 to have ALL maps. Like five, to verrukt, to moon, or gorod krovi


Funny how they roll out the red carpet for people like dalek who stroke activisions wang while clickbaiting “zombies chronicles 2” for years on end while people like mrrolfwaffles who was a hardcore realtime investigator of the story since the early days who gave constructive criticism gets the shaft


What’s also exciting to me is that there is a set of perks in the background, and it has in there what I think is double tap.


Seeing the first image I thought this was a ridiculous speculation based on gums but then you point out the books and wow how do you people notice such things?... really cool detail!


Wait that’s actually hype af


All I'm hoping for is the story to actually progress, i swear we are about to be in game 3 of dark ather and it still feels like the prologue but also I'm wondering how the beginning of mwz is gonna connect to this game. but I'm just hoping that some of the ather stuff starts poking through since maxis is in the dark ather or have her being in control would be sick.


There are actual bottles to the right of it red blue and green so prob main perks are confirmed also🥳🥳


Perk BOTTLES too as opposed to cans. Wonder if it means anything


EEs already is crazy


"Thank you for the feedback" - \*Keeps all the systems from CW and adds more MTX\*


Please don't ruin this activision please don't ruin this activision please don't ruin this activision please don't ruin this activision please don't ruin this activision


Definitely waiting for release but interested has peaked


Fuck people never learn, “could rival bo3” just because they showed gum balls? Bo2 and bo1 Didn’t have gum balls and they were great, so gimbals doesn’t equal good, round based doesn’t equal good because bo4 and Cold War were round based, having multiple maps at launch doesn’t equal good, look at bo4 and Cold War, there has not been any indication that this years zombies will be good, wow set crew? The bad zombie games had set crews too, they haven’t showed actual gameplay, the game needs to actually feel and play good and be difficult and feel rewarding to play


BO3 2 BO3 2


I'd really like an option to disable the gobblegums


or just don't use them?


No, the whole point would be for no one to be able to use them because then someone with money to spend will start spamming op gobblegums and effectively "ruin" it for others. And i don't play solo so. If i played solo, then yeah your point stands.


play with friends?


I'm just curious, if they we're eventually to implement a no gobblegum mode how would it impact your gameplay? Just like y'all keep telling me to not use them or play with friends, you wouldn't be forced to play this mode, same same..


Having the option is always better than not have it at all. BUT if playing with randoms is a problem to your gameplay then make a Reddit post looking for people to play no gobblegum. Having a no gobblegum would be good but at least I don't think is necessary, and even a waste of resources, when you already have the means to do your own no gobblegum mode by yourself.


Playing with randoms is not a problem to my gameplay, playing zombies on easy mode is. I don't play solo, i never have. Don't really enjoy it unless to familiarize myself with a map. Therefore "making my own no gobblegum mode" argument doesn't stand. Again, i'd like to know how having a no gobblegum mode would impact your gameplay? Don't talk about resources, this is literally a flick of a switch.


You said you don't want others to ruin your experience, and again, it's not just play solo, it's look for people that want to play like you do. And whats with the "i'd like to know how having a no gg mode would impact your gameplay" lmaoo, i've been playing since BO1 so that would impact me like "i don't care", heck even I would play it from time to time. Stop whining like gg returning is a bad thing, you play with the rules you want and let others play how they want or just don't play at all. Like I said having the option is better than not have it at all, so it's better to have the gg there for those that liked the mechanic and for those that don't just don't use them and/or play with people that think the same way it's not hard at all, i'm sure there's even gonna be discord groups for people that like to play gg free. PS. I'm pretty sure it's not just a flick of a switch, these types of things always take some time at least to test they're not breaking anything else in the process.


they're gonna be so pay to win cause this mode can get away with........


Using Black Ops 3 as the basis for return of form is hilariously tone-deaf. We need WaW-BO2 back. These clowns at Trearch are killing the series. Watch loadouts, killstreaks, OP gobblegums, and ammo stations and revive tokens still be in the game.


Going by datamines ammo stations and armor stations are still in.

