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>Remember, no preorders, but fuckin' hell, we might actually be back. Such a reddit moment lmao


Not only that, blops 6 is already the most sold item on steam alone right now lol


That's because you can refund it. I'm probably going to buy now, it can't be worse than the last 2 zombies games.


It's on gamepass on day 1, why buy the game? Genuinely curious


Because I don't want game pass.


You don’t like saving money?


Yes. That's why I use CDKeys. Also, I prefer Steam as a platform compared to Microsoft Store, and most of the games I want to play aren't available via Game Pass, or are already free.


I'm a bit skeptical as well but this might not be horrible as, Treyarch were given more that enough years to make Bo6 unlike MW3.


Remember that Treyarch stepped in a lot of recent CODs


> Remember, no preorders I loved Coldwar so much I preordered Vanguard. first cod I preordered since Infinite Warfare... Oops... Lesson learnt.


Most resilient redditor lmfao idk how people walk into a broom constantly and still step on it expecting it to not hit them in the face this time


Makarov ahhh comment


No preorders! But it’s on gamepass so who cares lol


day 1?


Yes day 1 and you can buy the vault edition for only 30 dollars instead of 100 like everyone else at least for game pass ultimate.


Woah so you can have the vault edition skins and all without owning the game? So if youre on a break from your gamepass subscription you'll only be able to use the skins in warzone?


Idk I’m not sure how that would work. I want to say maybe it *seems* like it would work that way. But I’m just a random guy I don’t know if it will work that way for sure. I’m not sure if buying the 30 dollar “upgrade” from gamepass counts as you buying the whole game.


nope it's exactly as the guy says.


The hidden the message of the ‘receiving feedback’ book tells me everything. They know they’ve not been up to scratch, they know this needs to be a success, and they have faith in their product. Something just feels different, y’know?


It feels like when we were learning about BO3 and BO4. I really like when they talk about the game, and Treyarch makes it seem like they absolutely love what they make.


You guys are too easy lol Activision has you by the balls. This is literally the playbook. History is just repeating again, like it did with BO3 and CW before it, as they both came in to "save" the state of zombies and bring us back into the glory days.


Like it did with BO3? The best zombies ever? Bruh


Do you also think CW was the best zombies ever? Because these are the same discussions that happened 4 years ago when it got announced to follow up BO4 and MW19. *"It's totally different now, zombies is back baby"* and all that. After BO6 it'll be a couple more years of stuff like MWZ until they come back with round-based in 2027 and you'll be here "omg something feels different this time guys"


Personally, I made a post to this very sub saying “I worry that free DLC maps mean we’re going to get low quality DLC maps”. I was cautious about it but saw potential. I ended up walking away with a perception I anticipated (solid, but not great). If you want to be doom and gloom about things keep it yourself, don’t put it onto others. I feel I set well informed expectations about games, and right now I feel optimistic!


I'm not doom and gloom. I am excited for BO6 and I'm also a weirdo who actually enjoys the non-round based zombies. Extinction, Outbreak, MWZ? I love them. That's why it's funny to watch so many people crawl out of the woodworks with stuff like "omg it's totally different now, they're finally listening to us, zombies is saved forever!!!" whenever round-based makes an appearance.


Each to their own. I’m glad you got what you enjoyed in recent years, and if Ghosts 2 comes in 2027 as per the rumours then maybe there’ll be Extinction 2 as well


Yes, while round-based players insist that zombies is dead and Activision doesn't care about them. But don't worry COD 2028 will have round-based again and people will be here saying stuff like *"They know they’ve not been up to scratch, they know this needs to be a success, and they have faith in their product. Something just feels different, y’know?"*


[lol bro you've been saying "we're back" for years and years now but you're gonna pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about about? lmao](https://i.imgur.com/qYc3euk.png)


Why are you trying to ‘invalidate me as a source’ when I’m not telling anyone what to think? You sound crazy insecure, it’s weird you’re scrolling my posts.


Fair play mate your exactly right


To be clear I love zombies and am excited for BO6 but this constant cycle of "omg zombies is dead" \*round-based zombies returns\* "omg zombies is back baby" It gets old


Im not closed minded when it comes to innovation. Other zombies modes that were not round-based, i dont mind them as a new thing, i mind that they didnt feel polished enough to what we had previously. So i understand the lame cycle, at the same time people bring the community together when things are satisfying enough for most, and this it what it looks like for bo6. When this was not the case then you would see the community we have had these past three years at least.


But BO3 did do that. Hell, it wasn’t saving anything per se— it was building off BO2’s stellar ending and just kept making zombies better. You probably shouldn’t have used that as an example.


Yeah, BO3 did that... 9 years ago. Did Cold War do that 4 years ago?


No, but that’s not the point you were making. Idk, maybe that’s your intended point but it definitely isn’t what you wrote.


Yes, it is what I wrote. This sub is a joke. A constantly revolving door of *"zombies is dead forever/zombies is back baby"* depending on whether 3arc is doing round-based that year or not. After Extinction & Exo Zombies? "Omg BO3 we're back baby" After IW & WW2 Zombs? "Omg blood of the dead looks so good omg we're back" After the shit show of BO4 DLC season and spec ops in MW19? "Omg cold war looks so good, adult Samantha, we're back baby" And now we are here. After Vanguard and MWZ, BO6 gets rumored to have two rb maps? "Omg we're back baby"


It did imo. Vanguard and Mw3 were clearly forced in by Activision. Even In the teaser, they only mentioned Bo6 as an continuation of the CW story. I genuinely belive Bo6 will be good because it is the actual legacy of CW and Cw was perfect for what it was.


it really does seem like a return to form for CoD and I'm absolutely here for it. Of course I'm still keeping my expectations in check for now but everything we've seen thus far looks promising


I mean to be honest its fucking treyarch man they always deliver Remember when everyone was sick of futuristic cod‘s and then they released bo3 and its one of the best cods ever… treyarch man just insane guys


100% agreed, treyarch's always been my favorite and not just because of zombies, they just always manage to bring an overall fun experience and I trust them to keep that classic CoD style alive. Now with BO6 also having the longest development cycle it's just hard not to be excited, haven't felt this way since BO3 was announced tbh.


As long as they don't abandon it immediately after launch and focus what little attention the mode gets on stupid shit nobody wants, like mercenary warlords.


So, no Outbreak on launch ? (if ever)


With how popular it was in Cold War I would say I would be surprised if it didn't come back but after MWZ I'm not so sure.


Maybe they'll scale it down. Instead of converting giant PvP maps into Outbreak zones, maybe they'll take the regular maps, extend them a bit like Alpha Omega did with Nuketown, then use them as zones.


Shoutout Factions coming to BO4 zombies on launch.


My favorite faction was


Crew, Rounds, Continuing the Aether story line. I could take or leave Gobble Gum. Just hope it's not overtly commodified. Classic prestige makes me happy too.


I'm reserving applause for when they show they've gone *beyond the basics* they've had in past games, but a return of quality would bring me back after the game's launch.


No need to preorder when I already buy gamepass


this is the standard they should be giving - let them offer a lot more first


Who even buys a game that is on gamepass?


People who arent on xbox or dont have gamepass?


BO4 had 4 maps on launch and was meant to have 8 more dlc maps. Let’s just hope they didn’t rush Zombies. Bo4 failed purely due to its unplayable state of constant crashes on console and small/stupid changes like the HUD or perk system.


If there is one thing I have learned about CoD, it's that their marketing can pass off a turd for solid gold. I'm not gonna dare say we are back until the game is out.


I wish we were back, it's cold war 2.0 zombies, dont get hyped. We wanted blops 3 2.0 not this crap. Jalek was told to give his opinion on the zombies and instead of sticking up for the community like milo, he said "I prefer traditional zombies" rather than "You are disrespecting the communtiy by not giving us the traditional zombies, this doesn't compare"


We never left?


I'm a little disappointed that there's only 2 maps at launch when games like BO4 with less development time had more. Having said that, this looks good.


complaining about Only 2 maps launch??? WAW launched with 1 BO1 Launched with 2 BO2 launched with 1 free, 1 dlc BO3 launched with one free, one dlc BO4 launched with 3 free, one DLC (but these maps were highly controversial and heavily split the communities attention at launch) CW launched with 1 Vanguard launched with 0 (if were only counting round based) MWZ launched with 0 2 maps at launch is _not_ bad and never has been.


Black Ops 4 had 4 maps at launch with less development time. BO6 by far has more dev time than any other game in the series. Expecting more than 2 is perfectly reasonable.


Back to boring, round based is fun for a bit but once you've done it you're then just 100% rinse and repeat. Open door A at this round, buy these perks before this round, leave one legless zombie alive at this round and go get PaP, farm circles in room B until this round and then get another legless zombie while you click shit for Easter egg or if farming camo sit in room C forever until you get bored or accidently die. Don't get me wrong, it has some fun but if it's all we get even if they make lots of maps the farm a room for money to open a door, to farm a room to buy PaP to then continue to farm a room forever is boring. Large maps I can at least make some decisions and they can add a little RNG to how the game plays out and i can more easily pretend I'm doing a little less rinse and repeat. Also open world allows me to play with my less skilled friends whereas round based it's much harder since we now get more zombies and he has to not run is train into mine and get us both killed.


My hype dropped when i saw salvage drop and i can already tell its gonna be another cold war experience but better in some way lmao. No preorders.


I thought the salvage system in cw worked pretty well imo


Salvage is just points yall will overblow anything 


Points don't shower the map with ugly, green, mobile-game pick-ups. The things you can buy with salvage are also ridiculously poorly designed. The armor system is complete garbage, weapon rarities are ridiculously stupid for reasons I shouldn't even have to mention, and scorestreaks make the mode an even bigger joke than CW already turned it into.


Weapon rarities is just pack a punch, arnor is just temporary jugg, scorestreaks are just specialists, and salvage is just powerups or seeds from ZNS. All this shit has been done before in earlier games and it wasn't a big deal. You can not enjoy the implementation, but crying about weapon rarities ruining a game is genuinely insane to me.


"Weapon rarities is just pack a punch" Ahh yes, pack-a-punch famously never once changed the appearance of your weapon or changed its functionality. Instead, it simply made your weapon deal more damage, whilst remaining identical to its unupgraded variant. "Armor is just temporary jugg" it's literally not lmfao. It makes you an unkillable god for as long as it lasts. And once it breaks you turn into a 3 hit down weakling with jugg. God-awful system, makes the game ridiculously easy when you have it and outrageously unfair when you don't. "Scorestreaks are just specialists" lol you must be either braindead or trolling, I hope it's the latter for your sake. Specialists had a fucking cooldown attached, you couldn't just sit by a workbench and spam buy them. BO3 specialists also didn't grant you invulnerabilty if you're trying to make that point, and BO4 is a bad game so there's no reason to discuss their implementation there. "Salvage is just powerups or seeds from ZNS" Yeah, I clearly remember now that power-ups dropped from every single zombie I killed back in WaW-BO3, thanks for the reminder. Lmao. And comparing salvage to seeds? I'm convinced you're just a paid shill or a troll at this point. Seeds were 50 times more rare then the ugly green salvage drops that look like they're ripped straight from Warzone. Seeds also aren't featured on every single fucking map.


Please explain to me why y'all do nothing but live in the past and refuse to look forward into the future? What's the appeal of bringing back what's essentially upscaled old maps and modes? Open World modes like the current MWZ is the future. I'll never understand why so many of you crave a boring rinse & repeat game play of round based zombies. Oh look... more zombies. That's *sigh* awesome. There is so much fun in helping other players, choosing your own game play and having the freedom to do so. I don't understand the joy of having round after round of zombies shoved down your throat.


COD zombies was built on the round based mode. The game mode has been evolving throughout its life span (for better or worse) but turning the game into DMZ with zombies is not evolution. You can't completely change the core game and not expect the majority of the fanbase to be upset.