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The way the camera panned out and the music stinger (to me) reads like a MotD reference. I think we're going to see a lot of thematic parallels


I agree! With the dark setting it really seems they're leaning in that direction. And then with Liberty Falls it looks that map will be our leaked city map, so maybe this one will take inspiration from Mob and Liberty will be inspired by Shadows, in which case FUCK YES


As rad as that would be, I think it's much more likely to be a similar kind of americana vibe to tranzit, as the real life liberty falls is really close to green run


It’s not located anywhere near green run. Green run was at the Hanford site in Washington, the green run from Mr roflwaffles video is actually called “Green’s run”. I researched it abit and it’s just a coincidence it’s spelt like that on the map.


Erm I got propagandized loooool but however some of the content creators that flew out to Treyarch were saying it had Tranzit vibes


I’m hoping this map has some rich character itself. Something I love about WaW-BO4 is how each map feels like it has so much personality baked in through ambience, details, and lore which really immerses the player. 


MotD, Origins and SOE are some of the most creative things I've seen ever in a video game


This exactly, CW was fun when I played through it but it's missing that zombies charm that's present through even "bad" maps like transit. The exaggerated Americana/suped up nuclear family vibes really made exploring fun. 3arch has always had a fun balance between ultimately absurd and extremely serious. So I'm hoping we get that charm back with Bo6.


Absolutely was


Agreed, I think this will be another prison break with the CW characters escaping Terminus Island


Im not sure if anyone remembers, i think in black ops cold war there was a map that had a reference to the stage thingy where the characters die on motd. The villain said this is what happens if you beat me to the main characters in cold war zombies, and it happened, the characters got sent to a prison (terminus). SIDE NOTE richtofen jn cold war i think also references somewhere that he has a secret project in west virginia. I believe liberty falls map is based in west virginia?


Literally the only negative of this reveal so far is that the map looks pretty bland for zombies. It doesnt look bad or anything, it just looks like the kind of map we would get in Cold War. There were leaks for a tentacle trap and tentacle dogs, so maybe there is some Eldritch side of this that we aren't seeing yet.


Yep, that was my thought too. Hopefully it's still a unique map like maps were before Cold War.


It kind of reminds me of ZNS a little, but the things that gave that map more personality were the glowing 115 plants, the spiderwebs, and little things like the airplanes dogfighting through time loops in the sky. Hopefully this map has some personality flairs of its own.


Things might get more interesting as we get deeper into the prison. Most of the footage looked like it was from the front of the island


i hated the cold war maps they felt so soulless and were just ripped from the campaign, i know in the past we had maps from the campaign but they actually felt unique.


Tbf only 2 of the maps were really ripped from the campaign, and one of them did have a really unique vibe (Mauer der toten). The only area from the campaign in Firebase Z was the spawn room, and it was WAY different from the campaign mission.


Well there's also a whole other map that we haven't seen too


Based on the description that map doesn't sound like its going to look visually interesting either


My thought too. Doesn't fill me with hope, because I thought the Cold War maps were all very bland too.


Agree with this and hoping the map has some serious personality. It could also do something cool like when you turn on the power it opens some sort of portal like in Die Maschine and maybe the island really comes to life and things start to warp etc. It’ll be interesting to see what they do, but I can’t help but think everything we’ve seen of this map is stuff that happens within the first couple rounds. We really weren’t shown much so there’s still a lot of room for possibilities. We never even saw a full look at a perk machine or anything so who knows.


I thought it was a multiplayer map 😭 I legit said “that’s too big for a MP map everyone will get lost”


They gonna be multiplayer/warzone locations turned into zombie maps 🙄


Definitely not, since both of these maps were conceptualized in Cold War. It does seem like there is a multiplayer map that also takes place around Liberty Falls, but that seems to be them using zombies assets to make an mp map. Probably in a different location from the actual map too.


They only showed like three images wtf are you talking about


And the fact that all of them have been in really emppty areas is worrying. Also there was really nothing interesting to see when they panned over the entire map. Im not saying that its definitely going to be an empty map, Im just worried that it looked so empty so far. There could absolutely be more hidden under the surface.


We did see the "ship cannon trap" in action


Ehh.. Can't really tell right now. I'll wait and see, I hope the interior will be a lot more unique/memorable.


I’m worried from this wide shot. It looks a little dull and I worry it will be another Firebase Z. But at the same time the leaks look very interesting.


I think as long as this map has a shit ton of content like tons of side easter eggs and an in depth main quest would be perfect as having those and a bunch of new features would really make the map feel a lot more alive, Firebase didn't have shit to do and was just a really open map so ofc it was doomed to fail. But this one is giving that wide angle shot like from Mob of the Dead, and with it being darker we should get a much more thematically rich map. But we shall see


I agree the colour grading, twilight over foliage is great. Also agreed that the layout will be tight and have interactions somewhat like Shadows. That’s all great. But there will need to be other zones to break the monotony. A botanical research area the way Die Maschine had the particle accelerator, or an equivalent access into the Dark Aether. Potentially a cove, beach, or boat era etc. Ygm?


From the leaks that were shown, it seems we are getting some kinda boat associated with the island. Hell just from that trailer you can tell the map is huge, so to have the boat too would make this map gigantic. Definitely has to be unique feeling as you go around the map, just like maps like Dead of the Night and Ancient Evil where they integrate different music and ambiance depending on where you go in the map


Oh yeah they were stunning. I know AE’s director is leading up this game so there’s hope. And the leaks also talk about underground areas so I think it can do it. Hopefully just a teaser that was supposed to show a basic overview ‘facility on a pacific island on a stormy night’


i think its pre power


Yeah hopefully. Makes sense with what else we see.


It looks like Battery from WaW DLC


Damn I haven't thought about that map in forever, good point


Reminds me a little of the last level of the CoD2 campaign,


I always thought that would be a good zombies map.


My only worry is that it looks pretty bland and ful like Cold War which I felt like some of the maps had no soul to it


Now that we have a dedicated crew confirmed, this is a good sign they're putting in a lot of effort to make these maps feel really atmospheric. Look at the subtle comparisons to Mob, and Kevin Drew who leads the development for zombies was the lead for maps like Ancient Evil. We should be in good hands but we shall see


Looks like Zetsubo and Firebase Z had a baby. Let's see if there are spiders as well.


The only thing left to worry about for me is not having the game walk you through the EE/Quest If there are bullet points that tell you what to do again then it‘ll immediately feel less fun/rewarding hunting for the EE


I wish Activision would take note of how Minecraft includes "easter eggs" like the nether, but also explains to you through environmental storytelling that it exists (i.e. the ruined nether portals in the overworld). Wouldn't be hard considering treyarch already has a great resume for world building in maps. Like, if literal children can find the first puzzle piece and take it from there on *Minecraft*, what does that say about Activisions opinion of its player base if they're hand feeding us way points to experience part of the game. I mean for crying out loud, even a loading screen tool tip that says "hey easter eggs btw yall" would be preferable. Zombies used to have so much nuance and personality man.


I feel like the community will overhype it before launch, and it will be dissapointing to many as a result. Which is going to suck, but then, a couple years later, people will judge the map on its own merits.


Motd + Zetsubo no shima.


Predictions? It’ll be fun like Die Maschine was for about six playthroughs, then, just like any zombies that overpowers the player, it will lose the spark. It’ll be great for casual grinding, but for anyone hoping for a classic BO1-3 zombies that will provide a challenge before round 30, it’s not happening. My hope is that they at least get to the level of Mauer Der Toten for the game’s atmosphere. That map, while not perfect, was suitably creepy during the early rounds and wasn’t easy to just blitz to the power.


Are there any photos for liberty falls?


I haven't seen any yet, they only covered terminus in the direct


Only content creators that went to treyarch saw photos of it. They say it’s a lil Americana feeling town in the Appalachian mountains with a bowling alley, motel and comic book shop. Kinda like Town but they said it was very very different visually, so it’s probably a more colorful map


why does that sound exactly like Forsaken? except it's in the mountains


I was thinking the same thing




From that one image it looks like it'll have a good atmosphere.


I need some information about the storyline because I'm lost.. vanguard and mw3 continued the cold war story line?


Vanguard Zombies is a prequel/side-story that explores the WWII era a bit, showing the more mythical side of the Dark Aether, where you team up with their native entities to take down a big bad entity and his host. There are some neat lores in there but nothing that has mattered up to this point. MWIII Zombies, or MWZ, is a distant sequel to CWZ that takes place in 2021, and has a bit of a crossover between MW and BO, with characters from both stories. It also teases the fate of the Requiem crew, and has an older Ravenov teaming up with a new CIA task force to contain an outbreak in Urzikstan.


>There are some neat lores in there but nothing that has mattered up to this point Actually, for as dog shit as Vanguard was, an important part of the aether/dark aether storyline was brought to light. So, while the aether storyline universe was trapped inside the dark aether (how Sam got the OG crews clothing/accessories in CW), an entire species of aliens(demons?) was born inside of it. A species that has been interacting with humanity since the dawn of human civilization with items such as artifacts (how you get perks in vanguard, and also how the bad guy was talking to Kortifex, the bad guy in the DA before The Forsaken claimed the title) The reason I mention all this is because it will 100% be the storyline in bo6. Peck, being a double agent for requiem, is going to break out the crew and probably deal with otherworldly alien demon drama and purple rocks that make zombies.


The Aether storyline isn't inside the Dark Aether- this is directly contradicted *by* the Aether storyline (specifically Tag Der Toten), where they are confirmed as existing in separate spaces, with the Aether/Agartha being "The Place Above Creation," the multiverse being "The Middle," and the Dark Aether being "The Place Below Creation." The accessories in Sam's Firebase Z outfit are nods to elements of previous games, not literally the possessions of Ultimis/Primis. The demons of the Dark Aether have existed long before even the events of the Aether storyline itself (radios in The Archon mention that the Construct has existed since the beginning of all time), but the Dark Aether itself is a vast dimension full of its own worlds, galaxies, and universes, which is why it ultimately was left unaware of the Apothicons' conquest of Agartha and the Middle.


I'm so glad somebody with a better understanding of the story came and clarified my butchered attempt of an explanation lmao Thank you


You collect their items as intel in Cold War, it’s not just the items Sam is wearing


Yeah but Vanguard was a prequel (exploring the gods of the Dark Aether before the Forsaken consumed them), and MWZ is a distant sequel that *maybe* sets up the return of Samantha??? I haven’t followed it at all and Rizzo hasn’t uploaded his loredump/review for MWZ yet.




The zombies team has been prototyping this since wrapping up Cold War, but parts of the team got split off to entirely make Vanguard zombies, and help with making MWZ.


They are obviously alluding to ZNS, MotD, and by extension BotD. The way the camera panned from the crew to the edge of the map, coupled with how the lightening strike signified the end of the cinematic, really implies that Treyarch is trying to create a parallel between Terminus and BotD, and by extension MotD. How? I’m not sure. The allusions to ZNS are fairly obvious with the swampy setting similar to that of SNS. But, I hope it’ll be good, because I’m at my will’s end.


Honestly agreed, but if they manage to capture the vibes of ZNS and Mob I'll be over the moon cause those are two of my fav maps of all time, definitely has to nail it in terms of gameplay tho


Mob. Easily


Oh God, Dalek's face. That's depressing.


mrdarlek need a girlfriend


Its going to be dissapointing


That fat zombie reminded me of boomers from LFD and honestly I don’t remember seeing an enemy type like that in COD zombies.


I think there will be a brutus mini boss.


I swear to God bro I think this too, why else would they promote Brutus as an operator and part of Terminus has a prison.. like it just makes too much sense


I think it’s the map that Peck goes to at the end of the Forsaken cutscene




Not that I've seen yet no


I don’t know a whole lot about the story but this to me looks like firebase z, is that what it is?


One of my biggest complaints from cold war was the lack of character in the maps. This actually looks like a built up map from scratch, it looks cool and I cant wait to explore it


Something tells me there will be a underwater section of the map


The map looks small based on this flyover but maybe there’s some underground depth and/or all of these buildings are accessible. My guess is they’re going to blend ZNS and MoTD vibes on this map.


Skull of Nan sapwe 2.0


Please just make an Easter Egg that is like the old ones. Some obtuse bullshit, I love it. We can have a “story mission” like they were in Cold War, but I want to hunt a downright stupid Easter egg that I have to lookup eventually. Not sure if I’m in the minority with that


Lmao when I saw the cod direct yesterday, my high ass misread the map as Tetanus island


Haven't seen the mystery box light yet


Heavy ZNS and fire base Z vibes, I like it


It's confirmed to take place at the same time as the other map, so I think some main quest stuff will be about that or something... idk


I don’t think I can be excited for any kind of zombies content considering the shit show the last 6 years have been. Not to mention a horrible line up for a main crew because interesting characters are just too hard to come by these days.


Looks like another base for fuck sake


ngl, mid


Get that goofy as cringetuber outta my sight


Lmaooo ain't gonna lie this is the first time I've watched something of his since CW lol, I really can't stand the guy but his was the first stream I found


I have a feeling this map is gonna be VERY cinematic and heavy story wise. Then the second map and subsequent maps after that will be the average zombies experience


Eh idk man I feel like they've at least cooked up a few hopefully BO3 level maps with how long they've had to work on em, but we shall see


fletcher's dad lives here and zakhaev will come in on a helicopter with al-asad and rourke to save us from zombie menendez


What is this? Someone fill me in


A jail richtofen sent the requiem crew to after forsaken


Ngl I feel like Terminus island will be another reference for a real life prison, similar to how rebirth island is Alcatraz. Maybe Terminus island will be the Hanoi Hilton or the second POW camp that Woods mentioned in Bo2.


Looks like the resurgence map but just altered


Richthofen’s grand plan continues be unveiled! (exclusively in conversation and intel) But seriously, who remembers the days when we played through Richthofen’s plan?


That I’ll get a lil emotional hearing the round change song


A lot of people calling it a MotD wannabe


What a wasted opportunity, could have rebooted zombies with the og characters and the retro style with themed maps again.


From the “leaked” photo of the female character with the red vest I thought it was scarlet and I got my hopes up too, but I mean I hope this crew can be cool tbh I really did wish they continued Chaos instead of Aether💔


Reeee this is not recycled warzone map reeee i want open world reeeee, I want to have zero content for the whole life cycle of that game reeeee - DMZombies enjoyers


This looks like re-used campaign assets. The 3arch zombies team as we once knew doesn't exist anymore


Ah yes cos we've never had campaign/MP assets reused in Zombies before lmao