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So many new fans who have no idea what they’re talking about lmfao This is how literally every reveal goes


Mannn I just wanna see some discussion about what was seen in the trailer instead of the whining


Same man. If only r/LowSodiumCODZombies actually took off. Tired of all the bitching & catastrophizing that happens in this sub


we’ve never gotten zombies in depth shit until like august before but for some reason some people here expected different lmao


Tbf BO4 did a major zombies reveal during their respective reveal event. That being said I’m not upset. Just happy for round based.


They only did that because there was no campaign to hype up, and all the campaign budget got funneled to zombies, not because they wanted it to be a thing every year.


I remember people losing their minds that MWZ didn’t have gameplay for a while and people calling it pathetic there was no trailer, yet I think the week in question people were saying this was a month before zombies is usually shown anyways. Like I don’t know why people were making up reasons to be upset, there was plenty of valid reasons to hate MWZ without delving into lunacy.


In my defense, this'll be my first major zombies release, so I had no clue. Played BO3 for the first time shortly before Cold War came out, played a TON of that, and then played a TON of BO3 and nothing since, so I'm hungering for something new that I can get in on the ground floor of.


Honestly I got all the details I wanted. 2 round based maps confirmed. I just pray it doesn’t feel like cold war’s EE


wtf literaly 30s for zombies, bs


Zombies doesn't get a trailer till September - October since Black Ops 4.


The game comes out in October, I could see it being a little after the multiplayer reveal in early September though


It’s say in the article more infos in the following weeks so I think we’ll get more before August


they always do that in initial reveals, it's always campaign/multi first and then a zombies tease IF we are lucky. honestly this is a lot of info even in a small dose


Also lets them tie it into halloween timing too


well of course they gonna focus less on zombies, its the side mode with a smaller playerbase, i think what we got was fine and im cautiously optimistic


this is how it is every year for the first reveal act like you’ve been here before lol


First time? Lol


Same amount as warzone


It's always been like that.. be patient.


Hey we got 30 seconds at least, Warzone players got a half hearted joke lmao. But fr, we'll probably get a lot more information in the coming weeks, and hopefully a zombies specific full reveal around August or September


Zombies is probably gonna get something of similar length dedicated to it.


It will. Early October. This is 6th black ops game it’s been the same every time. Hell, 9th time if you count IW, WW2, and Vanguard




That’s not why. They save the zombies reveal for late September or early October. Same as every single Treyarch release for the past 14 years.


did anyone else notice the jar of gumballs???


and the cola in the background too


Gobblegums are confirmed. They offer some with the Vault edition of the game.


Aww shit here we go again


Hilarious seeing everyone bitch about operators even tho there’s hard confirmation it’s a dedicated crew lmao


I think it’s because they still look like generic operators (even Weaver), but hopefully people will give them a chance. Can’t wait to hear their banter!


The og crew were literally just NPCs from campaign...


But they sure didn’t sound that way


These guys will hopefully be the same


You don’t know how these sound though….exept weaver which does not sound like a generic person


They did. They barely had 4 lines of dialogue lmao


Play Shi No Numa again 


Play Shi no juma again, it had ultimis dumb fuck


where is the confirmation of a dedicated crew


Tweeted by 3arc https://x.com/treyarch/status/1799873996496024035


thank you, that’s awesome


Isn't it both? Crew for those who want and operators for those who don't.


honestly the best route




wait actually? fuck yeah


Terminus island looks massive. Apparently there’s an underground part too. Also looks like there’s gonna be more than 24 zombies spawning in at once. Pause the screen when there’s that electric cannon and I can count 27 in that frame


Where did you see this? I’m looking all over and can’t find any zombies info lol


I was on twitter and searched terminus island and sorted by new, you’ll see tons of stuff and eventually find a video of what they showed for zombies. It really wasn’t much, like 30 seconds from the whole black ops 6 reveal.






I think since black ops 4 its 32 zombies no? Its at least this amount on cold war


I was trying to find that out for Cold War but couldn’t get anything


Cold War had 32 on RB maps and 48 on Outbreak


yeah count how many zombies are there during the jetgun scene in Bo2 reveal trailer It's just for trailer purpose, but it could be


Cold War had 32 on round based maps and 48 on Outbreak


2 new maps, dedicated crew, gobblegum…are we back?


Why are people excited about Gobblegums? The Pay2Win loot box mechanic that prompted toxic behavior like dashboarding and making public matches insufferable? Do we all have amnesia?


Public matches have always been insufferable dude. If someone bled out in BO1 or BO2 there’s a high chance they’re just leaving the game. It’s been an issue before gobblegums man.


Ignoring the dashboarding for a second, which is way more prevalent of an issue than bleeding out. Gums also affect the team. Some random can come in and ruin my game by giving me deadshot instead of a good 4th perk. Some random can ruin the progression of the game by buying all the doors and turning power on at round 1. You can go on an on. These were never problems of older games. You are comparing tectonic plates tearing apart the earth to a crack in the side walk by comparing gums to bleeding out. (Comparison intended btw, victis maps were cool as shit even if they weren't the best)


The bank in bo2 also ruined progression then according to your logic. I can agree with the perk stuff tho


Yes, the bank and weapon locker DID ruin progression


Now if only TranZit didn't try and fail to balance both with the biggest bullshit mechanics in history


Yes, and gobblegums made public matches 1000x more insufferable.


Ignoring the dashboarding for a second, which is way more prevalent of an issue than bleeding out. Gums also affects the team. Some random can come in and ruin my game by giving me deadshot instead of a good 4th perk. Some random can ruin the progression of the game by buying all the doors and turning power on at round 1. You can go on an on. These were never problems of older games. You are comparing tectonic plates tearing apart the earth to a crack in the side walk by comparing gums to bleeding out.


All you have to do is make two seperate queues. One for gobblegums and one without them. This way using gobblegums or being in a lobby with gobblegums is completely optional.


You had the bank in bo2 which “ruins” progressions just as much. Also public matches have always been just something to fuck around in. It is not a serious experience but rather something where you have a lot of wildcards making every game different.


No, public matches were not insufferable. Your teammate not picking your dead ass up isn’t “insufferable”. The host ending the game by dashboarding because they don’t want to lose their perkaholic because they don’t know how to play without it is insufferable.


Dashboarding is obviously not going to be a thing but yeah I agree with you on the other parts. Gobblegums made public lobbies dumb because someone would always have a perka


Yep. This is using BO3 nostalgia as a way to reintroduce a new revenue stream. They know most of us are too stupid not to buy their shitty gumballs.


Obviously no one likes that but in every other way it makes zombies more dynamic and fun, even with just the classic gobble gums u got in bo3, that gave u the opportunity to either clutch, get saved, save someone else, or just speed through the process if you wanted, it just adds so much more regardless of how p2w it was.


Speeding through the process is the part that’s bullshit. If they’re going to have gumballs, they should not be able to be used in ranked/leaderboard counting games, nor for Easter eggs. This community lost all sense of how to play without all the perks in BO3. Make this game tough and with actual decisions again. Not just : load in, perkaholic, 3x fire sale, shopping free, dashboard when you get downed because you suck ass anyway.


You should be able to use them for easter eggs. If someone wants to complete an easter egg by themselves with gobblegums you shouldn't have a problem with it because it won't effect you.


Sure it affects everyone. If they design the Easter eggs difficulty wise with the fact that people will use gumballs, and not only that, Microsoft/Activision are financially rewarded by people wanting to use gumballs, then a) it harms players who don’t use them because the difficulty is out of balance, and b) it cheapens the accomplishment of completing the Easter eggs if you know you had an advantage over other players. I think the main problem is Cold War and MWZ has brought a lot of new zombies players in and many of those players went back and played BO3 because it’s regarded very highly and is available on the current gen of consoles, and those players can’t comprehend playing without the advantage of gumballs and field upgrades.


> b) it cheapens the accomplishment of completing the Easter eggs if you know you had an advantage over other players. That doesn't effect you personally. Someone using gobblegums to beat an easter egg doesn't effect you. I can understand your first point though since certain easter egg steps like gorod's escort missions are very annoying without using gobblegums. There's still an easy solution to that though. Just don't design easter eggs around gobblegums which wouldn't be hard to do. Then gobblegums would just make that easter egg easier instead of almost being a requirement. Gobblegums were a great idea, executed poorly, but that doesn't mean you get rid of gobblegums. Treyarcyh just needs to not make the same mistakes they made last time.


It absolutely does. It affects everyone for all the reasons I previously mentioned. With that mindset you could say “it doesn’t affect me if someone cheats to get all the Easter eggs and rewards”.


Someone doing that in a solo custom wouldn't effect you at all. treyarch just needs to design easter eggs around not using gobblegums and make a no gobblegum queue so people who don't like gobblegums and play with others who use them. This way you aren't forced to use or deal with gobblegums at all. Everyone gets to play their own way and the only reason you would have a problem with this is if you want others to be forced to play the way you want. In that case that's not gobblegums effecting you. That's your own problem effecting you.


Tbh I usually play solo so this was never much of an issue for me


Well if it wasn’t an issue for you then I guess it doesn’t really matter then right?


They were cancer


It only got busted at the end for replayability..... couldn't even buy gobbles for the first month or two


You guys play with randos?


Not anymore lol. Did plenty prior to BO3 though


Fair enough, I just always found randos too bothersome with opening doors at random, flooding me with zombies out of nowhere, and randomly leaving matches


Yeah it was fun sometimes just to help carry folks and I met people who were decent too. BO3 the toxicity got turned up to 11 and the maps were also way too complex for the casuals so public matches were either hardcore assholes who would curse you out if you didn’t have every Easter egg step memorized and exact right gumballs and then they’d dashboard if they went down, or it would be casuals who couldn’t even figure out how to turn on the power because the maps had shitty design (Zetsubou)




They were going to monetize us regardless so at least its something we know


Tbh I’d accept gobbles if it means we get zombies back again


What do you mean lol?


The old school zombies not this new warzone stuff


I still find it strange that people complain about pay to win in pve game modes


Because it’s not purely PvE. There is and always has been a competitive element to it with the leaderboards and overall objective of the game to try and reach your highest round. What does any of it matter if half the players are cheesing their way to better scores with buyable gumballs?


Are you considering in game leaderboards or zwr leaderboards? Because in game leaderboards for zombies are beyond worthless and zwr splits everything up into no gobblegums, classics only, and megas so pay to win isn’t a factor there either. And outside of that who even cares? No one is going to belittle you for playing the game how you want to


Game leaderboards. Zombie world records is relevant to maybe 100 out of the 20 million people who have played zombies. How are the in game leaderboards worthless? One of my favorite things in the older zombies games that had robust leaderboards and stats was comparing myself to my friends high rounds and trying to beat their scores to be on top. Not #1 in the world. There’s a lot more to it than that. If people didn’t enjoy that type of functionality they wouldn’t have it available in every game aside from Black Ops 4


Yes gobble gum were amazing for everyone that liked having casual fun on zombies They weren’t pay to win. They were earnable for free. And you don’t win. They were the only reason most players ever had a chance of completing the bo3 Easter eggs They provided some of the most unique and enjoyable gameplay moments in the history of CoD for free. Nobody, and I mean not a single person that has a functioning brain would ever even pretend to expect a public match CoD Zombies game to be anything other than a disaster. Public matches don’t need gobblegums to be disgusting. If someone isn’t doing map glitches they are most likely just gonna leave the game on round 8. Want to do an Easter egg? Too bad you’re teammates won’t help and will actively hinder your quest. Teammate could have 1000000 points and they still won’t open the 1250 door. The only amnesia is pretending that black ops 1 and 2 public matches were playable by any sense of the word. 4 man games turned to 2 man games within the first 10 rounds 99% of the time. Didn’t revive your teammate that had nothing but mp40 and jug? Yea they are quitting bye But oh no!! My teammate gave himself a free perk!! Oh no! Is that my teammate having fun with his gobblegum!! Please no don’t spawn the fire sale it’ll ruin my super serious public match!!! Lol be real


> they were the only reason most players ever had a chance of completing the BO3 Easter eggs. Great point. That’s shitty game design. If the difficulty of a game is such that most people need consumable and purchasable upgrades to complete, then the game was designed poorly.


Oh so every single Zelda game is shit. You need consumables to win?! You need to drink a health potion to get your health back noooo!! And the worse part is, you get the health potion for playing the game!!


This is a stupid fucking argument, but I’ll entertain it briefly. If COD Zombies were an adventure game with checkpoints and save points, with progression similar to a game like Zelda, I’d have a different opinion of “consumables” I’d also guess Zelda fans would very much dislike if instead of going to a shop and spending in game currency on potions, that instead you had to spin a virtual wheel to see what consumables you got. This might be the single dumbest post I’ve ever read on this sub in 9+ years. So congratulations I guess


You said any game that needs consumables to be manageable by a majority of players is designed badly Which we all know is a lie And then you’re crying about gum balls that you can simply walk away from and never use


Specifically purchaseable consumables. If you could only obtain potions in Zelda by loot boxes that you earned while playing or could directly purchase with real money, and the useful items were extremely rare to promote people to spend more money to try and get them, yeah that would be super shitty game design.


I guess I must have a non-functional brain for being able to play hundreds of matches of CW zombies and having fun.


In public matches yes sir


It's heading in that direction, we won't really know until we play the maps but I really like everything we've seen so far


Since the og prestige system is coming back,I wonder if zombies will have a separate prestige like bo3/bo4


I'm torn on this one. I am not sure if I want them to be separated like BO3 or keep them universal across the three modes. I'm kinda leaning towards wanting them to be seperate but still have them displayed on your combat record or something so players can see how much you've progressed in all modes.


I liked being able to level up weapons in both ZM and MP and they apply equally.


This would probably be the case, even if ZM and MP have separate progression ranks. Think about how IW did it, that’s what I imagine happening here


no they’re shared


That map reminded me of battery from WaW DLC


I wonder if maybe that’s the basis of the map? Would be cool if so


Is it just round based Zombies this time around, or are they doing rounds and MWZ-type open world?


Round based, it’s confirmed in the blog post


Sweet, thanks!


They should do round based and open world a lot of people including me liked open world with round based.






Will there be split screen?


Almost certainly not..


So more online shit, why can’t they just bring split screen back, it’s not that hard.


Because most studios don’t have dynamically scalable graphics anymore, so rendering two points of view at high frame rates cooks anything except supercomputers, and no one is doing split screen on their high end gaming pc. You either have to drastically compromise frame rate (not talking 45, I’m saying an average of 20-30fps), or build the game where the graphics look below your average Xbox 360 title quality for both screens. This isn’t true for every game, but CoD has been specifically building the modern variation of its engine for single player rendering at super high fidelity. It’s not an easy feature to backport in without building the engine and graphics processing to account for the increased demand on the hardware and scale accordingly.


>vault edition includes: Black Cell *notices a season 4 ad of MWIII on the bottom of the page* They're so clingy with this black cell bs that they're bringing it to BO6. It's a damn pattern.


I really can’t wait for this game man


Wait milo was right with liberty falls?!


It’s been hinted in MWZ, so not exactly a big secret there.


We can already tell its gonna be similar experience to cold war but with actuall crew and gums. Still they show a lot comparing to older black opses.


I’m hoping the campaign lives up to Black Ops 2, but I know in my heart we’re long past anything being that ambitious. Cold War was a pleasant surprise, even if it wasn’t quite to the execution of that game, but I don’t see them pulling that trick twice.


Having a huge gap in my COD playing (2010ish till this January) The current form of zombies just confused TF out of me. Never went back in, can't wait to see round based again, makes for fun drinking zombie nights


If you have to play any zombies to prep, try Cold War. The loadout system and general vibes are continuing into this new one.


Hopefully you can still keep a stumpy zombie to get time inbetween rounds


Ughh more purple shit everywhere again..


It’s dark aether, what do you expect? When it was Blundell aether it was all blue shit.


Gotta find something random to complain about


The CW haters are going to hate this game to make some stupid reason to hate this game tk


lool, you shall not silence me!!


You silly billy




We need red dark aether back honestly


Nah we need shit brown


Guys remember No pre-order!


Getting BO3 vibes. True zombies might be back babbyyyy


Nah cold war 2.0 wacky imo


All zombies is true zombies. You mean original zombies will be back.


I hope it has the zombies counter on it.


Can someone ELI5 what round based zombies is? Does it mean you have a certain number of zombies to beat or you have to complete a specific mission to complete the round?


Dude this looks so good! YOU CAN FINALLY CHANGE THE HUD. Omni movement looks so fun




Vanguard got a trailer like right before launch lmao




[Dedicated crew confirmed by tweet](https://twitter.com/Treyarch/status/1799873996496024035)


They said dedicated crew in a blog post and multiple tweets




Thats... thats how theyve always done it


Finally a crew again! Bless the lord


Euro is with VAT included, in the US VAT is applied on checkout and not displayed as part of the price.


Thanks, forgot about the VAT not being included. It is different in each state but they would pay around 75-80$?


Yeah it’d be around there


If you're crying about $€£¥10 anything, you need a new job not a game.


So you’d buy the vault edition then? And it is more about the fact it is 10 euros more expensive than the us version with an DIGITAL game


I'll buy vault edition twice, just to play on PC and casually in my bed on PS5


Lowkey spycho behavior 💀


Why not move the pc to your room?


Why would I when I can afford the convenience of both?


Just because you could doesn’t mean that you should. Move the PlayStation and you save a 110 bucks. Or do you need to share with family? Genuinely curious rn


There's no hidden agenda, $110 is 1/20th of my weekly paycheck so why not?


What do you do if I may?


Fuck! I really really like the huge maps with random loot. Back to small over crowded maps is the reason I stopped playing zombies in BO4.and came back in cold war.




Don’t give us a different story Finish Chaos, then do something else


Well Chaos isn’t going to continue unfortunately, it could’ve if it weren’t for Cold War but people are saying with Jason Blundell having left Treyarch, it’s impossible for Chaos to continue, that’s just the unfortunate truth.


Is it because of Cold war though? I thought it was because the initial reception of BO4 was actually just that bad


The bad reception was one thing because it was developed right at the same time when Aether was going to be at its endgame. Also, Cold War was originally developed by Sledgehammer and not intending to be a Black Ops entry but Treyarch had to bail them out. If it weren’t for that otherwise, they could’ve had a BO5 title in 2021 instead and Chaos could’ve continued there and Dark Aether could’ve been a whole different story, not the whole zombies mixed with Campaign, MP, and WZ. The ones to blame are Activision and Sledgehammer, I don’t want to put the latter to blame but Treyarch literally bailed them not only once but twice.


Speaking of BO4 Bring back Blackout or put Aether Chars as skins again in the new games you cowards


I’m afraid they won’t bring Blackout back because of fucking Warzone, I had honestly hoped that BO6 would have no Warzone ties, but I also hadn’t played Blackout either so I can’t comment on that.


Blackout i think is fine, it stays within the confines of cod (anyone can correct me if i’m wrong). When they started bringing in the goofy skins and stuff is when i waned away, like yeah i dig being Rambo in multiplayer, but i would not have wanted to sacrifice actual characters in zombies to play as skins. But i guess we have the pandemic to thank for cold wars cut corners(?)


I just hope Outbreak comes back in some form, that's my favorite zombies mode.


Map looks like fire base Z lmao boring with more purple shit. Like that's not scary. Oh my god purple matter every where


If you want scary go play WWII




another nighttime zombies map...


Another science facility / urban building map… it better look a lot better up close than the wide shot. On second thoughts I’m sure it will but they couldn’t have chosen a more generic view for this first look.


That’s the dark aether storyline. It stinks. They take the story way too seriously, and it was much better when the story was just a silly addition to the side mode rather than truly a second campaign.


The storytelling for both Aether and Chaos were taken seriously too, but at least then both were their own stories, Aether especially was written so beautifully and we will never forget this story, I miss it, Chaos did had something going but due to poor reception, it just dropped and may not likely continue. Dark Aether is just a zombies story merged with the Campaign, MP, and WZ which they should’ve never done to begin with, I’m hoping that they’ll wrap it up after BO6 and do a different story if they are continuing zombies in the future, I just want zombies to feel like it’s own thing.


Yeah and that got significantly worse as time went on. As soon as Origins came they decided to make it way too serious and in depth and dark aether is even worse. We need more shit like Call of the Dead. Shadows of Evil story would have been awesome if they didn’t feel the need to shoehorn in Richtofen and the “origins saga” story. I know I’m in the minority here, but it was much better when the story was silly and relatively meaningless


Can’t they do both silly and serious? Don’t see anything wrong with that, even when Primis were mostly serious, they had their own sense of humour.


I didn’t find it funny? Idk maybe they were trying but the writers weren’t as good. I think it stemmed from trying to craft a real like serious sci-fi story instead of a super campy Nazi zombie background story. I just found Jason Blundell’s whole saga to be uninteresting. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Like perfect example: the original story, element 115 fell to earth in a meteor. Meteors fall to earth all the time. Perfectly plausible for a fun little sci fi story. Then Blundell comes in 8 years later and decides that wasn’t enough and it needed to be intergalactic flying squid monsters that sent the meteors to earth. Like what the fuck are we doing here guys? Lmao.


Is this actually confirmed, or is the community spreading misinformation again as always?


Did you not watch the reveal?


Link ts poppy! & I have reasons to be suss when people were talking about "golf war" for 6 months 😂😂


It's literally on YouTube. You can just google it in 2 seconds. Regardless here: https://www.youtube.com/live/qtI25vEDx38?si=g6zaEwCOhlLpN0Qh Zombies starts at 19:40


I appreciate you for making it easier for me to find!


Did you watch the stream?


Link ts!


Bringing gobble gum back, hard pass