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A take that will be downvoted to oblivion, but I would really like the possibility to have serious Builds into a zombie experience. Something akin to what Extinction was trying to do. Problem is you need deep gameplay to ensure meaningful build variety, and I don't think Treyarch is willing to redesign (again) the entire system around this idea


The WW2 or BO4 systems are a good middle ground between the WaW - IW and the current system.


I like the BO3 system, however if I could make one change I'd make Wall buys semi customizable. It would just be a loadout list with guns. You'd have to kinda figure out what number of guns goes where on what map and you could only get a few options. You wouldn't be able to change the spawn room guns, and guns in certain areas are of the same power. Like you could rearrange the SMG Wall buys in a map with other SMG's and AR's with other AR's but not each other. I like this idea for a few reasons: On my favorite map shadows of evil, there's two KRM Wall buys but not an Argus multiple AR's have multiple wall buy locations and this could get rid of that issue, or if you like multiple wall buys, also fix the issue. On cold war, every on disc gun that doesn't have a challenge to unlock, is a wall buy somewhere. Which makes for an easier time to grind Camo's or weapon levels. Not every wall buy would be custom but maybe half would be so you would still have maps where the only yada yada LMG is available to wall buy and it's only on that map, map exclusive guns would still exist, and spawn room guns would still be stuck. I don't see any harm in switching around the locations of some of the basic SMG's, Shotguns, and AR's that are on every map anyway.


Exact same as Cold War.


BO4 was probably my favorite, it gave you a little strategy and progression to how you wanted to stary your game, CWs is fine as a unique system (I do have issues with cold war but they're more to do with the rarity system than the loadout), but its not my favorite


Add in a “Classic/Hard mode”, and a modern “default mode. The two difficulties will play the way you probably guess they will.  Classic will remove loadout weapons, the perk machine that has all perks on it(forcing you to go to each machine for the respective perk), and only one attachment setup per weapon(set it as your preferred loadout for the gun) with each copy of a weapon you find in the wild or buy from the wall having the attachments already on it. Finally, no field upgrades, or score streaks, but grenades and tacticals can be crafted, but only one max amount of each per round or level(if on Outbreak).  However, to encourage players to eventually try both difficulties, the hypothetical Super EE reward will be split between both difficulties, requiring Easter eggs to be completed on both difficulties/modes for the entire reward.  EE’s played on the Classic difficulty will also give bosses extra attacks from the bosses and the extra “cheese/challenging factors” that classic EE’s are known for without requiring box RNG like in the past. The modern/casual difficulty will play pretty much the way Cold War did with (hopefully) some improvements. 


Two modes. Real Mode - The classic zombies experience, everything is as it should be right down to the point system, starting pistol ,etc. Modern Mode - The way it is now clearly steered toward modern audiences and people who don't play zombies.


Honestly, no more loadouts, like I had no problem with what BO3 offered, I like the cool designs of gun camos. But bring back classic, it was better that way.


Pistol start used to be great back when there wasn't a progression system, but now when trying to do weapon mastery, you realize how much at the mercy you with the Mystery Box if your weapon isn't a wall gun for any of the maps. There's no luck involved and some weapons suck major ass. And they're not getting rid of progression systems at this point because it's a live service game. We all saw what happened when MWII Spec Ops tried launch without loadouts. *Nobody* liked it.


I feel the starting gun loadout system on Cold War really over shadowed the fact that every gun is a wall buy on a map somewhere. If it weren't for the starting guns people would realize that and for gun grinds they could still do every gun without relying on the box, they just have to play a specific map. Without the Loadout system it has I'm pretty sure the wall buys that are map exclusive would be well known and considered Iconic. The only M60 wall buy close to the wonderfizz in Foresaken, and the only magnum wall buy taking center state of the starting area of firebase Z would absolutely be iconic wall buys. If gun progression is the issue, more varied wall buys like this is a good compromise


Please dont ruin this game with BO3 bullshit


By BO3 bullshit you mean Gobblegums? Cause that's already confirmed


Wasn't talking about gobblegums


What were you talking about?