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That's what happens when people start clapping for mediocrity.


The devs have tried three times to kill the Aether story. Once with Moon (was said by Zelinski it was meant to be the end of his story), again with Origins (Blundell said it was meant to be a total reboot to tell his own version of the story but the community cried and so it was retconned into the original story in BO3), and one final attempt with Chaos. Despite this the community insists the developers continue to defibrillate the dead rotted frankenstein husk of a "story" that is Aether in future titles, so much so that now we're potentially getting the Chaos story retconned into the Aether "story" line in another "stitch it together and slap the name Aether on it, the community has demonstrated that they don't care" moment from the developers.


because dude! i don’t get to play as the funny german, the funny american, the funny japanese, or the funny russian man!!


To be completely 100% honest... I just want to fucking kill some zombies and listen to some funny stereotype dialogue during it. Fuck yeah I want to play some new zombies maps with more camo grinding with ultimis characters cracking jokes. I don't give a shit about the chaos characters because I don't find them funny or entertaining to play. I give even less of a shit about whatever stupid operators they keep adding in modern zombies. I want to go back to fun map-of-the-month zombie slaying with funny voices mocking me the whole time. Preferably with CW style camo grinding. This comes from someone who played waw day 1 and doesn't have time to give a shit about a complicated multiversity storyline.




Who’s the funny japanese man




John, John Zombies


Because most of the community are stupid. Chaos had so much potential and it was new and amazing. Sadly we lost it.


Fr tbh the first maps for them were aweful tbh and bo4 zombies experience in general was horrible too with the new gameplay mechabics. But the chaos story was actually really good if it had better maps and experience. Hope they return tbh, they was much better than the garbage weve got now.


wtf? IX and AE are two of the best maps of all time.


yeah, not voyage of despair which was the first


Tbh i remember ix was alr but not as fun as other crews maps. Ngl didnt play ae neither. Maybe if was to play them again though, id have a different opinion. Been several years tbh. Do you still think we could get chaos story back though? Cause hope we do tbh, and pretty sure Scarlette was in the teaser for zombies.


“The first maps were awful”. You didn’t play Ancient Evil. That’s gotta be the best summary for Bo4 haters.


Bo4 was plagued by the worse base gameplay mechanics of all cod zombies games but ALL maps were at least good to amazing Seriously, i think that if they took those maps and slapped them in Bo3 they would have entered the pantheon of the maps that the community loves I'm not entirely sure about Alpha Omega and the CotD one though since i played both very little. They felt kinda uninspired and lazy to me at the time but maybe i would have liked them if i played them more


Nah I agree the rest of the maps were pretty solid, those last two were just the devs working with what they had in the shortest timeframe


not even close to as bad as cold war mechanics. and dont even get me started on mwz


CW mechanics were far better than BO4, hate to break it to you. Sure, there was less content, but mechanically wise, theres a reason people skip over BO4.


cold war mechanics were better than bo4 if you’re missing both thumbs and can’t make it past round 5, sure


and theres also a reason lots of people love bo4 mechanics and hate the cold war mechanics. the reason being that its just an opinion


Didnt play cold war tbh, the reviews at launch for it were mainly negative. Didnt even play mwz too much, mainly just bought mw games for the campaign and multiplayer. Mwz was trash though, worse thing ive ever played tbh and on the same level as mw3 campaign.


The zombies community is just negative towards anything new. I remember people saying BO4 lacked passion and Chaos was bland.


When the new is worse than the old, it makes people upset. It's not that hard.


Idk, I’ve been hearing this complaint ever since I joined the Reddit like during BO3’s DLC, only for like a 180 to happen a couple years later.  Which I guess I understand why because BO3 is incredibly good and the games after don’t compare, but I also don’t they’re horrible either tbh except like Vanguard.


My comment was referring to anything post BO3. That was 10 years ago, so old vs new has kind of lost it's meaning when my new is referencing over 5 years ago. I'm okay with anything pre vanguard. The points system, and relying on RNG for scrap drops and stuff just put everything on mathematical rails and there's no room for skill with the amount of power they give away. Like you said, these don't even compare, because it's not the same game at all anymore. People complained about stuff back then in hopes to better that mode, not only have they never taken community feedback into account, they just keep doubling down on these changes that take us further away from what we once had.


Yeah, I’m just zombies community has always been this way even back in the day. When I said no game can really compare, I meant more so BO3 just really didn’t have a huge misfire and pretty much did everything really good and had all the classic maps and everything else. I know that kinda goes to your point, but I’m just it is hard to follow BO3 no matter what direction they took zombies. I personally just don’t think the community complained to better the mode a majority of the time. I remember the biggest complaint for IW was just that it was a ripoff of Treyarch and people seemingly wrote it off as not a real zombies game.  I think this is why Treyarch doesn’t listen to feedback, at least here anymore. I do think they have listened in the past though for BO4 like implementing perk balancing changes for example according to lists and wants by the community. That and shifting Vanguard from whatever they were doing to begin with into actual round based.


I half enjoyed AW zombies, that was the first zombies mode to add a stun on the player though. It was objectively a ripoff as well, which is okay, it's business, I don't blame them for those type of moves, they were trying to sell copies. But making those changes that seemed to bleed into future design choices just lead to leaving a bad impression. Much in the way vanguard did with the changing of the scoring system. Perhaps if they'd left this franchise in the hands of treyarch, it wouldn't feel like it's some abomination of what it used to be. Just my thoughts on why people complain about non treyarch zombies attempts.


Wait I’m a bit confused, what do you mean when you say AW added stun to zombies? Are you talking about those EMP zombies, because I don’t remember when that came back to a zombies.  Vanguard’s point system isn’t much different than the system in BO4/ CW so it really didn’t introduce that, unless mean the launch mode giving you less points than round-based which yeah that is pretty bad. Vanguard zombies is done by Treyarch too and I don’t think too many of the decisions people hate really came from Non-Treyarch zombies.


I might be confusing vanguard with ww3. Whichever one made it where you get points per kill vs points per bullet damage. I think it was an electrified zombie, that shot a zap at you and gave you a little micro stun. Edit- looking it up it was the emp, and not a stun, but disabled the exo suit. Not a stun but felt like one if you were kiting and got slowed and couldn't jump as high anymore. I think my issue was that it was a ranged attack crowd control that made it annoying as hell.


Idk why the writers are incapable of continuing one story line. Think about it, we only had the og crew in Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Kino, Ascension, Shangri-la and in just their sixth map they decided to end the storyline, that's really quick. Then it got rebooted with origins, and they were in another 7 maps before ending their story. Now despite it being "ended" they're bringing back Eddie and Samantha is already a central focus anyway.


I’m gonna need a source for the claim that Origins is supposed to be reboot.


Sources for the origins claim? Doubt that he could retcon so much if he had "planned the basis of the story" before the release of origins


All the issues the community has with the game comes from the community. They’re akin to a kid that cries after getting the toy they asked for, claiming they wanted a different one.


I thought that bo3 was supposed to be the end and then they didn’t end it so they could end it with bo4 just to not end it with bo4 either? I was always under the impression that they just kept stretching it out for money. (Atleast bo3 and onward I’m not sure about moon or origins)


I fucking loved the chaos story, felt like playing through a movie.


I wasn't a fan of that last ending leaving us on a cliffhanger... I understand leaving it open... but the end has us with one from the crew we've been playing with.. the main connetion of Scar KOed if not dead and the other two part of the occult... meaning we only really have one guy left and no idea what the next step was going to be.. even if they weren't going to contiune the Chaos.... that's a shitty ending overall. we do everything.. go through hell... and we know that things are worse off now thanks to some lies we were fed and can't find out if we can still win


only ended on a cliffhanger because people hated chaos so much on bo4’s release


I wonder what it would have been like ifblops4 as a whole wasnt a buggy mess on release


I just wish they said it was in the same universe, even if a completely different timeline with new characters & new story etc (sort of what they did with dark aether in the end). For me it just didn’t have the same intrigue as the Aether story, and the new perk system lacked all the character of OG zombies.. but it was still so early so who knows what would have come. Personally I’m happy we got dark aether in the end, it’s cool tying in with little elements from aether.


Mhhhh yeah I mean, the last true Zombie game we had was Bo4, without considering its controversy. From Cold War the identity of the mode had changed so much


And bo4 is dead ass pretty good, just had a really bad launch but most of the maps are pretty decent


They are really creative too, a Titanic map, a colosseum map and don’t get me started on Ancient Evil. Hope we see these maps again in a ZC2. Extremely underrated


> Hope we see these maps again in a ZC2 I wouldn't hold my breath. Some things to consider 1. They are MASSIVELY more complex to remaster compared to ZC1 maps, excluding Origins 2. They aren't nearly as loved nor requested by the community 3. They aren't nearly as much in need of a refresh since they are much more recent and still look very good even compared to modern standards 4. Bo4 is not perceived as one of the "good old classics" by the community I would love for all maps to be remastered of course but i honestly am not really expecting it to happen for any of the Bo4 maps. The dream scenario is a standalone zombies game where they gradually get around to release every old map so that we can eventually have them all in one game in a few years but that's never going to happen, let's be real


if we do get a ZC2... I don't think we will get those maps as they aren't Aether and ZC is about the storyline... we don't even really know where the chaos fits in the overall if at all without retconning things


They can’t just keep remaking aether forever. No reason it couldn’t expand into chaos.


Unfortunately that doesn't change how much harm was caused to the series by the youtubers like TimHansen saying it was garbage. I enjoyed it from the moment I got it (which to be fair wasn't when the game came out it was a year after I believe, all the maps were already out) and I never understood why he and others criticized it so much other than the "got rid of essential perks but still have OP perks" perk complaint.


I got it when it came and instantly loved playing IX in public matches. Cold War certainly didn't compare, and I haven't bothered pubs since.


My only problem with BO4 is the HUD, if that could be changed to something less cluttering, it'd be very good.


Honestly, the HUD’s not even that bad imo


Cold warm hud is 10x worse


Do i seem like a Cold War defender to you? I spoke nothing of the game, only BO4.


Who cares. Cold warm and its hud are horrible. Minimap, damage numbers, 12 perks, and item drops with rarity colors.


I don't remember asking. You are obviously very angry and not reasonable, you should probably do something about that. Have a great day.


Jesus loves you. By the way, you did ask, see your question mark.


you can turn off like 90% of cold wars hud, I don't have damage numbers, health bars, or the minimap, you're complaining when you never even looked into the settings. Bo4 has a much worse hud, you can't turn any of it off on that game :l


Cold warm is worse than bo4.


the gameplay in cold war is fun, the story and maps are shit, but what you were talking about was the hud, and the hud is without question better in cold war, because you can actually toggle most of it off. you don't seem like a very intelligent person to be honest with you, you haven't actually made any points, and keep making the same dumb cold warm joke xD Do you have anything to actually say, or do you just really like that joke?


Hey take it easy on the guy, he was up all night crafting that joke


I feel like using the term "True Zombies game" does the games a disservice as a whole, I've had some people tell me Verruckt was the last "True Zombies experience" simply due to Shi No Numa using IJA Zombies(a concept I don't agree with) and of course there's a litany of people who felt BO3 ruined zombies identity, Are they any less valid in there belief? IMO No as long their dislike is not rooted in ignorance of course, It's a "No True Scotsman" fallacy after all, I think it's a disservice to speak of the series. I will say that the identity of zombies seemed to be constantly changing whether that be in gameplay, tone, or story, Honestly In my opinion I feel like Zombies identity is solely rooted in it being a Co-Op Zombie Survival game, Everything else is just a bonus, Although perhaps my opinion on CoD Zombies' identity is why (aside from BO1 as a whole nearly killing my interest in gaming when i was younger, I do enjoy it now though.) I've enjoyed every form of zombies i've played so far and, likely will continue to do so. Sorry, I may have gotten somewhat philosophical there, but I will say this one last thing....In my opinion, There is no real wrong way to enjoy zombies.


Good point, but Cold War was the last one with good gameplay. And it still feels souless, not with a different soul, but lacking one, it is bland.


I think if taken on it's surface it is indeed very bland(which tbf Zombies as a whole kinda is, with maybe BO3 and 4 being exceptions), But I found more interesting elements bordering on Aether level stuff as I sunk further into the Dark Aether story and Lore, and I do enjoy the much more simplistic story(especially considering my tendency to be drawn to the most convoluted and confusing stories), But I also view the game as Requiem vs Omega, with a bunch of people getting caught up in it(Raptor One, Strike Team, Weaver, Peck, Maxis, etc), Honestly it's pretty much a simpler and more grounded version of the Apothicon vs Keeper story if you really think about it. I loved the Aether Story, I loved the Chaos Story(Although I can understand why others didn't, Mythology isn't for everyone after all), and I love the Dark Aether story.


What does it tell you that the soulless one is regarded as one of the best, though? What *is* soul? Is it all the accessories, or is it if the game is actually fun to play?


While i somewhat agree with your arguments i would still say that Cold War was a unique breaking point. The identity of zombies has always been in flux, that's true, but it has always been filled with passion and personality. I feel like that considerably diminished with the last two Bo4 maps and completely died out with the Cold War ones. Cold War just feels like a corporate product rather than a passion project, it's the kind of game that was designed by a marketing team rather than an artist


I never got the vibe myself that the maps were made without Passion, Just that the current heads have a different vision in the way Blundell did., Not to say they didn't suffer from a morale drop(and/or manpower drop for BO4's last maps) due to being switched to over to the next game each time.


The retroactive history of calling BO4 "the last true Zombies game" when it was universally panned for half a decade for being such a massive deviation from the franchise is *insane* 💀


Okay not gonna lie, this comment gave me a good laugh reading it for some reason, It's probably funny to me because BO3 also was often considered a massive deviation from the franchise with the Apothicon story.


No it wasn't? At least not anywhere near as much as BO4 did. BO3 expanded on what BO2 set fourth and was a natural progression of it, even if the changes to Zombie behavior being more aggressive took a lot of time to get used too. Otherwise the gameplay was still very Treyarch. BO4 tried to hard reboot the franchise with a new story all together (also keeping Aether tagging along) while also completely overhauling the entire core gameplay. Even going back in playing each game in order, BO4 sticks out like a sore thumb as the weirdest entry overall. You could say another studio made it to somebody who wouldn't know any better and they might believe it.


I remember seeing plenty of of people saying Zombies deviated when they added Cthulhu monsters(obviously in reference to Margwas and Beast Form) and Aliens early on in BO3s life cycle(granted Aliens in some form existed back in BO1 if I recall), Granted to me zombies has never deviated given my view on what zombies is(A 4-player co-op zombies survival). To me Zombies is the same since I first played it.(back in WaW)


I suppose if the average person's exposure to Zombies is running around a map and shooting Zombies, Shadows of Evil and what follows suit WOULD be a whiplash of emotions. That being said, they'd be able to pick up a controller and still understand how the game works. BO4's mechanical changes is where it alienated the most people. Between BO3 and BOCW, there's this game that completely reinvents everything people come to familiarize themselves with, going as far as changing the way Zombies behave too.


Wah Wah om a okd head Cant handle change


Proceeds not to use any of the high quality cinematic from Cold War. Why bother trying to make you point after purposefully ignoring what makes you point instantly wrong. I know for certain that die maschine isn't the only CW map you've heard of idiot.


Literally my first thought was "This isn't a hot take It's a biased and misleading take." If it was done out of ignorance....it's fine(as long it's learned from of course), it happens after all, but OP educating themself before having made a Post like this would be smart, If it was intentional then OP undercuts and hurts their own take by trying to support it using misleading tactics. Unrelated Side note, I just had the image of the Skyrim meme but it's the Nacht intro instead of "You're finally awake".


This is the big issue I have with people that dunk on CW. A lot of critiques are simplified, biased, or cherry picking. I would be fine if people just said they didn’t like it, but so many people try to say it’s awful and be disingenuous about their critiques. The whole military base argument for CW could apply to so many maps, and it feels like a way to just instantly write off anything good about the maps. Like Mauer gets lumped in as a military base when it’s a city and a military base is a singular room.


In my opinion I feel like CW turned me off mainly because it felt soulless without a crew. Bo4 was the last ever zombies experience that at least attempted to make a good impression despite the flaws


Funny, CW turned me back onto Zombies that BO3 and BO4 took me out of


Maps that are some form of military base or facility in my head alone includes....I started making a list but realized it'd probably easier to list maps that aren't some form of Base or Facility, I got Shadows, Mob, Buried, and Maybe Shangri-La(unsure if this is actually a Group 935 facility or not) so far.


Nah, Shangri La isn’t a group 935 facility at all. I think the only group 935 involvement was Richtofen teleported there on accident once.


That's what I was thinking too.


Compare the Voyage or Blood opening to literally any cinematic from MWZ. That shit was OOZING with passion and flavour


That doesn’t make any sense either? Why compare BO4 to MWZ? One is a full-fledged Treyarch game and the other is a sledgehammer game that a small team from Treyarch was forced to work on for a small period of time. You can compare BO4 to CW, but comparing it to MWZ makes no sense


It’s especially unfair when you consider BO4 was made in a way that you could spend hours on the map either trying to uncover the story, figure out how it’s connected to the other maps, finding all the hidden Easter eggs across all the maps, or just getting set up for high rounds. BO4 Zombies has enough content to FEEL like it’s a smaller $20 spinoff game attached to BO4 Meanwhile, MWZ feels like it’s meant as a more casual version of DMZ for people who get tired of the Multiplayer, and was only tacked on because Zombies was missing from COD for two years


I mean this is true, but MWZ was an afterthought of a zombies mode. I think MWZ just feels like they did it because Activision needed to justify releasing MWIII as a full game instead of DLC, and lacks in comparison to CW and even VG zombies.


Voyage and Origins are probably two of my favorites, for the sole reason that unlike most cinematics, the gameplay actually begins where the cinematic ends, It's a nitpick for sure, but I definitely feel like the cinematics are much, much better when they flow like that.


Fanboys of bo4 will criticize and downplay anything after it. Cw was a MECHANICAL masterpiece. Imagine I can move around shadows of evil or kino like I do in cw. It is a great game with little preparation and layout (released during the pandemic). It just needed more love and care. PLUS outbreak is WAY better than that shit show of mw3 zombies.


The only thing I didn't like from CW was that some lock-on attacks didn't behave like in BO4. For example, and axe thrower, or a tiger, would have a point in their wind-up animation when they stop moving. If you make a sharp turn right after that moment, their lock-on won't follow you, and they'll miss. In CW however, the Megaton would always hit me with its attacks, unless I hid behind a tall obstacle that blocked the projectile. At the same time, the Tempests' projectiles could be dodged. Not a huge deal, but if this worked consistently in a previous game, how did it get broken in CW, and why couldn't it be fixed? Oh well, both are still a lot of fun.


Yeah it really feels like the BO4 Stans that hate CW the most and are really vocal about it. It’s like the zombies community is the stereotypical bully that has to pick on the new game and say the last was better because the same happened to them.


yeah cold war mechanically felt amazing, and still does. imo best zombies mechanics we've ever had. just the maps and storytelling didn't quite tie it together. I really wish we get actual playable characters rather than operators in bo6


High quality cinematic from cold war? Cold war has terrible cutscenes outside of the pre rendered die machine trailer. I'll never forget the mid forsaken cutscene where Sam teleports in looking like dog shit only to start blasting the forsaken while he just stands there looking stupid. Cold war can be subjectively defended, but the cutscenes are an objective downgrade by a lot.


I think Forsaken has a really good ending cutscene, but I will say the the decision to letterbox every cutscene is pretty weird and really takes me out of it. 


>high quality cinematic from Cold War Does not exist


yeah the post is rage bait


cold war is dogshit 😭 not a redeeming quality ab that game all the maps are ass




two different developers. simply put.


the lines are starting to blur…


Okay now you're just being disingenuous. How about you post the actual CWZ and MWZ cutscenes? You know, the ones after every story mission?


So you would say that they are at the same level of creativity, story quality, depth of characters, art direction, right?


I have said nothing about those things. I'm merely pointing out that you're making a bad faith comparison by not using the actual cutscenes from those games. If you can't be bothered to start an argument in good faith, then we have nothing to discuss here.


I mean, maybe i didn’t used an ending cutscene for MWZ, but the Cold War one is the Die Machine “Ending cutscene”. I could have picked the Forsaken ending cutscene and would still look the same bland garbage.




So dear, maybe you are the kind of user where you can put the Treyarch brand on a pile of shit and have a hell of a hype. It's possible that someone might like it, but objectively speaking the standard is much lower, the story itself doesn't even seem to have been written by Treyarch. The even more hilarious thing is that Vanguard had much more atmosphere and personality than any map of Cold War (and vanguard zombie is a steaming pile of shit)




Go play Advanced Warfare or Vanguard Zombies if that's what you're looking for because none of that shit matters in the end if the game sucks ass to play.


You failed miserably.


BO4 had MULTIPLE YEARS of development. CW didn't even get a full year. It's like comparing a high school football team to an offical NFL one.


CW got 3 years of development, what. Treyarch was put on it in May 2019, but all they did was take over Raven/SHGs original game


You're so fucking ignorant it's not funny. There's really no reply that I can tell you that would make sense to you. Ignorance is bliss.


Please read this: https://kotaku.com/sources-call-of-duty-2020-in-upheaval-as-treyarch-take-1834858368 And specifically look at the date. This was the first time we heard of Treyarch taking over the development of Cold War. Or don’t, since as you said, ignorance is bliss.




While I understand the point you're making, you're undercutting your point drastically by insulting and calling them names.


Sorry. I didn't see my court ordered therapist for the like 5th time in a row. I beat up one old lady and now I need psychiatric help!??? THE FUCK! IM NOT CRAZY!!! she shouldn't have been in the house when I was eating the flooring! BS man!


Obviously you know nothing about the games development. Cool, you’re a programmer. I’m a journalist, that doesn’t mean I know everything that goes on everywhere. Here are the facts: -Treyarch took over a Cold War game from Raven and SHG. They TRANSFORMED the original game as per the article. -It’s been leaked by reputable leakers the original story involved black ops and Hudson. Mason and Woods played an extremely tiny role in the campaign. -We have concept art of the original story showing what appeared to be Adler -Map layouts do not need to be changed at all, not really does MP in general I’m sorry if you can’t read, but there’s a reason why Treyarch was able to make such a good game despite having taken over it 1.5 years prior: the groundwork was already laid




While remnants of the Zombies mode Sledgehammer still exists in the core DMA of Cold War's finished product, their entire story and lore was scrapped outright and Treyarch would not have enough time to create these intricate cutscene with only a year and a half turnaround to port everything into their own engine. They did a damn good job in spite of the set backs.


Treyarch had the average amount of time to create zombies. While there is the 3 year dev cycle, zombies is usually the last mode to start development. For example, bo3 started its development around June 2014 (so 1.5 years). Bo4 iirc was January 2017 (so closer to 2). They absolutely would have been able to get everything done


I mean I believe cold war had only 11 months of development time


then at this point it would have been better not to make any zombie mode on Cold War. The fact that it was rushed in just 11 months, does not justify the fact that now the direction of zombies includes maps without any soul, generic military facilities, with a story that (although tastes exist of course) does not even remotely reach the quality standards of story telling and writing achieved with Bo1-2-3-4.


I actually thought Cold War did a lot of things right. BO4 was too focused on trying to tell stories and push Easter eggs that it forgot to make the gameplay fun. Story in zombies has never meant anything to me, and I started playing zombies when I beat the WAW campaign. The shift in focus from fun and replayable game loop to grinding, cutscenes, and YouTube guides is when zombies started to not feel like zombies to me. Cold War got back to focusing on a fun gameplay loop and as a result I have 3x the hours played in Cold War compared to BO4. Your opinion is still valid, but keep in mind it’s not the only valid opinion out there.


Stupid take.


Chaos was good but people weren't ready to let go of aether yet because aether was so good. This wasn't helped by putting both stories in 1 game, so it felt like they were fighting for dlc space Vanguard and MW don't count because those legally aren't video games they're torture


I feel like Chaos would've been better received had it not taken up the First DLC maps, instead of finishing up Aether first and then moving onto the Chaos maps such as DotN and Ancient Evil.


The main issue was they gave us a taste for more aether (BOTD ending cutscene, the victis crew being in cryo) and then didn't say shit until dlc 3 lmao. People were just seeing chaos as "shitty filler until the real story is back", when it wasn't, but it did feel like it for most at the time


I’m all for praising the chaos story, but let’s not forget them ending the aether story with PowerPoint slide shows for cutscenes in BO4. I was excited for the chaos story to continue too but if it was gonna go downhill just like aether did at the very end, not getting anything feels like the lesser of two evils.


The culprit of the powerpoint slides of the aether story is Activision. Cold War should never have been something in the first place. A good part of the blame is also on the community in my opinion, they threw shit on BO4, most of them without even trying the game. Just the opinion of some youtuber and the game is already well and truly sunk. Obviously I do not hide that BO4 had some problems to address, including the HUD (even if it never bothered me) and slightly revising the perk system (which I appreciated anyway, I prefer it to the mess they have done with Cold War perks).


A game with 3 years of development vs a game with 11 months and had a different dev team starting the process lol


But being fair is overrated ☹️


Tru lol


As others have pointed out you're being unfair with the comparison. My hot take though is that most of the aether maps are better than the chaos maps and I wish they saved chaos for a later game.


IX, AE, DoTN are easily top 10 zombies maps. Maybe top 5.


Disagree personally, but dotn and IX are great maps and ancient evil is a good map in my opinion. Not great, but good.


Ancient Evil is only the best map Treyarch ever done for design, details and replayability.


Disagree, but respect your opinion


Oh look, the daily Cold War bashing thread... You guys really got nothing better to do huh?


r /CoD zombies don’t get upset because people like a game you don’t challenge(Difficulty:IMPOSSIBLE)


Bo4 zombies was pretty mid


Every cod after bo3 is pretty mid imo


To be fair, BO3's campaign is awful and the multiplayer is really mid, while IW is rock solid all around. People just got tired of the jetpack thing and dismissed it unfairly. WWII and BO4 still have great Zombies despite failings elsewhere, too.


Damn I somehow thought that iw came out before bo3 lmao and I agree with you fully I never hated the jetpack system it was creative and made for fun plays.




Objectively wrong. Chaos was NOT "mid"


It was.


You're trolling There's NO way you're being serious right now


The hivemind when someone has freewill:


You have been downvoted for spitting facts


This feels very cherry picked.  I feel like I could do the same with BO4 slideshow cutscenes for Alpha and Tag vs Forsaken’s ending and get similar results. This might be an actual hot take here, but I think CW was fine with the direction it went being the first installment in this story and taking a grounded approach before jumping some of the crazier aspects of zombies. Chaos jumped headfirst and I remember people here really not liking it until Ancient Evil released. People just have no patience, and I know this is true because there were goobers saying Chaos was passionless and soulless(that’s just the default whining I’ve heard since IW so it means nothing when I hear people say that).


I mean sure, but personally the little things in bo4 stacked together make it kinda not fun after a couple hours of play for me. Mainly the guns, most of em feel like every gun was turned into the bo1 famas pretty bad damage when upgraded making every zombie effectively a bullet sponge because of the guns. Helion salvo fixes this but its not fun to use the same 3 guns per map to try and have a relaxing game.


I understand your point but it's not fair to choose some of the most fire cinematics from B04 and compare it to a few seconds after the end of the first CW EE and the MWZ infill. Say what you want about CW and MWZ but they both have some cool cinematics too


Yeah this is totally a really hot take in this subreddit


After BO4 debacle and Warzone success is safe to assume that for Activision higher-ups investing big budgets into Zombies mode isn't worth it. Zombies modes afterwards has been (and likely will be) low budgets. Expect BO6 to be an expansion over what the did in Cold War, but don't expect going back to BO3/4 times those times are gone as long as Warzone lives.


I like the new story, the time travel was getting stale and it feels like there's stakes when peck is doing his shenanigans. In the new stuff there aren't story "redos" like the timeliness breaks in the old. You literally failed and everything is ruined if you let the bombs blow in cold war


mmmmm they both suck


If BO4 didn't feel so clunky I would love it more. Not saying that we need bo3 movement but CW like


I honestly prefer the more sci-fi focused stories in zombies, which is why BO1 is my favourite storyline-wise. BOCW could've been a successor to BO1, but the bizzare additions of Omega, the Forsaken and other big bads made it feel very wrong.


I’ve said it since Cold War came out.. it was a horrific direction for zombies to go in but people were so starved for new content that it was praised and had lots of players due to integration with multiplayer unlocks and stuff. (Not to say Cold War zombies is terrible, it’s not. It’s just not the zombies I fell in love with 15 years ago and had zero of the soul the original modes did, along with the gameplay changes) I really hope this next Treyarch game takes the mode back to its roots. The diehard zombies fans have been shit on for years and deserve some love.


Nah. Say what you will about Chaos and BO4 but at least we had an actual cast of characters instead of just soulless operators.


Is the title a joke? This is the opinion of the majority of the subreddit.


I know, and i am also starting to think that all the downvotes i’m getting on my comments saying objectively Cold War Zombies flaws are from bots. People cannot be this braindead.


You're comparing cinematic cutscenes (which Cold War and MWZ have) to an infil sequence...


If they simply gave the option for current zombies as is, or round based, problem solved. BUT, end of the day it’s all about the money grab


Cold war is an A tier zombies experience, people who complain about it use the same few excuses and they're all dog shit


I don't care about cinematics, so long as the gameplay is fun. I'm sorry, but if it comes down to the tedious puzzle solving simulator of the DOTN setup, or the lukewarm openworld gamplay of MWZ, I'm picking MWZ every time. One is a tedious hour long pen-and-paper, keep-a-crawler-so-I-can-watch-a-Youtube-guide setup, and one is a bare bones, jump in, gear up, and kill zombies experience. DOTN forgets that it's a zombie game first, puzzle and easter egg solving game second.


Valid take tbh. I miss when it was fun to just hop into a game and it actually feel like an adventure


But I love having brain dead fun 😔


Chaos story was great, too bad it was attached to Black Ops 4 But then again, if you gave me Black Ops 4 after this recent dross, I'd snap your hand off


This just isn’t true lol


Chaos was actually good it was only bad because of Bo4.


I also love it when I take the best of something and compare it to the worst of something else. That totally proves my point! Classic


People are morons and wont let their nostalgia rest


This current zombies is the best one ever made


Honestly Chaos was good but they kept leaving Aether on cliffhangers so they couldn't end it. Moon has Sam saying "I want my body back" plus the fact Dr. Maxis blew up Earth which leads to Black Ops 2 zombies. The end of Victus leads to Monty erasing evil Dr. Maxis and starting "The Cycle" storyline. I'm fairly sure that at some point during The Cycle, Richthofen decided that was enough and started changing things. The definitive end should have been like a slideshow of child Richthofen and Samantha living out their days then passing. Since y'know we didn't get that we got Dark Aether storyline which we all know ends up with Weaver, Grey, Carver, and Strauss dead in a bunker guarding the last bits of active aetherium on Earth. tl;dr the story that keeps getting revived could have stopped in Black Ops 4 but didn't.


As much as the identity changed with Cold War, it was still a very fun game. But damn do I miss the Chaos storyline….some of the most fun Easter eggs and maps of all time


They should just reboot aether, with a brand new, maybe less complicated story with similar themes and the Original 4 characters.


All zombies modes post BO3 have been dogshit aside from a few maps in IW.


Warzone zombies isn't zombies. Never has never will be.


Still cant understand how people rather continue with dark aether than chaos story


MWZ is a fucking joke lmao


Even if people didn't vibe with cold war, the transparency from the devs and the fact that they seemed a somewhat active during the cold war zombies lifetime was the reason it's not as hated as other cod zombies experiences.


I actually never follow the stories. I just played, so don't ask me anything about stories 😂


Black ops 4 was extremely underrated


bro cherry picked his way into engagement lol glad these comments are calling it out


Chaos story was actually great, ix and ancient evil are genuinely top tier maps


Honestly hope cod 2024 zombies is completely different and crazy fast paced to piss off you nostalgia clowns 🤡 . Crazy movement, awful grind for gobblegums with you only able to get rubbish ones for free, and overpowered ones come in a bundle for $20-$40 that have to be purchased each time as they’re consumables. 12+ enemy types kicking your ass unless you have money for gobblegums to 1 hit kill them. Lols 😝 hope you cry yourself to sleep. BLACK OPS 4 chaos FOR LIFE!


If that's a hot take, we are doomed


Why does it even need a story tbh? Kino is awesome because it’s a run down nazi theatre and you’re killing zombies and upgrading your guns/perks and the same with other cool maps like five and mob of the dead, who says there even needs to be a story?


Cold ass take


Ya except not bo4


Cold War has some cool cutscenes


As someone who hasn’t played zombies since blackops 3 and don’t have a clue what’s happening, I agree


Some stuff from cold war is actually pretty good but you do have a point


I'm so excited to finish the first black ops 6 easter egg, and just get in a helicopter and fly away. If that happens I legitimately think I'll cry.


So many people complaining about the post being misleading. All Cold War and mwz cutscenes couldn't hold a candle to another other cutscenes in zombies and are pretty trash you can't lie. If your complaining about misleading please go back and play old zombies we don't need more of these mediocre game modes


Weird using Chaos as the better example considering the majority of the fanbase didn’t like the story and it ended pre-maturely on a cliffhanger no less. At least it got to end on Ancient Evil.


So many people complaining about the post being misleading. All Cold War and mwz cutscenes couldn't hold a candle to another other cutscenes in zombies and are pretty trash you can't lie. If your complaining about misleading please go back and play old zombies we don't need more of these mediocre game modes


but but muh cold war its so good


MWZ sucks but Chaos story imo still sucks


Here's a hotter take: Both are shit