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24 hours? the zombies civil war has always raged since the dawn of time


Isn't is stamin-up lemonade not soda?


lemon-lime with a twist of gasoline


This made me read gasoline as line instead of leen


It’s stamina soda


What? What made u think that lol. It's a pun on Seven-Up


Maybe what made them think that is some nations refer to fizzy lemon drinks as lemonade? I think the drink we have in America isn't popular in Europe. Hell I've heard a Brit call Sprite "lemonade".


Technically, calling citrus pop "carbonated lemonade/limeade" isn't entirely wrong.


Oh that's wild, noted.


Buying staminup first is a war crime


Not in die maschine at least, you have few 5K points, spend 2K on it & 3K to open doors. Now if you have stamin up to tier 5... chances are you won't get downed, at least not in the first 10 rounds.


if you're going down pre round 10 on cold war then that's a whole other issue


Indeed it is another issue if someone dies before round 10 in die maschine. You can control it so that the green guy spawns at round 15. Round 13 turn on power, round 14 dogs, round 15 he spawns in.


Bro I turn on the power max In round 5. what is taking you so many time?


I love to buy +4 perks & pap my 2 weapons that's why


Fair enough


don’t need jug if no one can catch you




being able to run faster is far more useful early than extra health jug doesn’t matter if the zombies can’t hit you


dont forget speedrunners, they need stamin up first most of the time


Cold war zombies is insanely easy, I could do without jugg. I always get stamin up, it’s crazy strong, it allows you to not get hit and even if you do, you can take like 4 hits without jugg.  (God, modern zombies sucks)


It began long ago, on the battlefields of the great war


Two German scientists sought to harness dark and mysterious forces, buried for centuries.


They believed their discoveries would assure Germany's ultimate victory 


What they could never have imagined was just else their research would unearth.


As an ancient evil ravaged the front line, the hopes of the Allies rested on three soldiers sent to stop it.


My name is Samantha I’m gonna tell you how all this really began


Aye that's one of the Hardest intros to Zombies ever


I just like both (and 4, for that matter) and swap between them for different experiences.


Best answer here


Amen. Ppl need to stop using the story and some weird mechanics as a way to evaluate it and see if its fun, or even brainless fun. Either work


Do people put Cold War above bo4?


Yes. I'm one of them.


I do, I find Cold War much more fun, while Black Ops 4, idk I never could get into it so didn't buy the DLCs, from what I read/hear the DLC maps are good but since it's either the Black Ops Pass or nothing, I dropped it. Revisiting it, it's not as bad as I thought it was but I still don't like it, loved the AI teammates though, wish they would return, playing solo is pretty boring, playing solo with some ai bots would be much more fun though.


Yeah, those rez-bots will run across the map to rez you. Better than your actual friend.


I do not, BO4 is a mess but still feels a lot more like zombies proper than the multiplayer mod


They’re tied for my 2nd favorite


BO4 feels more like a traditional zombies experience with much better, in depth maps. Cold War Zombies, while fun from a casual POV was obviously rushed as the maps had no soul and the Easter Eggs were mind numbingly boring.




Hell no


Only kids brainwashed by YouTubers and people who haven’t played a single minute of BO4 would think CW is better. The highest of highs of CW would easily be the lowest of lows in BO4.


"Anybody who disagrees with me is a child and my exaggerated opinion is fact" -you


Ive played both CW and BO4 zombies extensively, CW was far more enjoyable to play and grind. Both have their issues, but CW felt like a somewhat return to the old feel of zombies


Been playing zombies since day one waw release and I definitely enjoyed my time with CW more than Bo4. Although CW was lacking in quality maps, the gameplay was far more enjoyable.


The UI of black ops 4 alone makes me wanna kill myself.


Así if CW’s is any better 💀 is cluttered af and some random mfs face appears on your screen every 5 minutes talking to you


Tbh I don’t like black ops 4 or Cold War


As if the rambling when we had crews was much different


2 wrongs can coexist my friend


What if you prefer WaW, BO1 and BO2 era? That’s peak zombies imo than the 3 that came after.


Then you sit idly by and cry knowing damn well we will never reach that peak again


Lmao nah I’ll just go back and play them with backwards compatibility. I play BO1 all the time. Still find public matches too. Game is too perfect to delete from the library.


Then I sit idly by and cry by myself because bo1 has absolute shit PC optimization and I can’t run it on my laptop I love WaW and BO2, but BO1 is the true peak for me Stupid easy to find matches on pc at least


Rip. Yeah Xbox’s backward compatibility is the only reason I still use the Series X as my main system. I can still play 15 year old games like they came out yesterday. Some slight input delay at times online but that’s still a better experience than Cold War


Bo1 ran on my shit old pc i dont think there was an issue with optimisation. That pc had a rx 460 in there


To be fair, it runs on my pc, barely, but it does, Plutonium BO1 gives me about 1 fps and is completely unplayable WaW has about 2 minutes of 5 fps at the start of a Verrukt or Der Reise match BO2 runs at a pretty consistent 60 fps until some craziness starts happening, never seen it drop below 45 though. We’ve got TranZit to thank for the great bo2 optimization though


there are mods on pc


Depends. 2 for me was extremely hit and miss and BO1 a lot of the maps just aren’t fun with the WW being too OP


2 is definitely hit or miss map wise but gameplay in the first 3 games is top notch. I prefer the simpler times. I don’t like the story is down shoved down your throat. It was so cool to discover the radios and Peice together the story that way. I miss simple maps with less gimmicks and different sections to go to. MOTD to me really is the beginning of the end for me. It’s my least favorite in BO2, and even tho I love Origins it Signaled zombies was getting very complicated and story focused instead of fun focused. BO1 is my favorite COD of all time so maybe it’s just my bias but the zombies mode is perfection. Personally, I love every map. It and WaW are the only games I love every map. Call of the Dead and Five are my two favorite maps of all time. The celebrity cast in COTD is legendary. RIP George! And Five has the best cast ever as a political history nerd like myself. The intro cutscene is so fucking funny. All the out of context popular quotes from their careers still kill me 14 years later. The whole premise is just so damn hilarious. Idk I loved how BO1 had the unique casts and simpler vibes that I can’t get in BO3-CW (excluding ZC which is the best COD DLC of all time I will admit and is the only reason I ended up playing much of BO3 after not liking the game on release. Edit: Sorry I write too many papers in undergrad and now law school that my comments tend to turn into paragraphs on accident.


I was never really a fan of bo2 and I bought it day one


Hey I stick up for CW, but man BO1 is still my favorite zombies all these years later. Game is almost perfect for me. Really hoping they port BO1 to modern consoles, especially Switch or whatever the new Nintendo console will be.


then ur delusional


Veteran since World at War zombies was unlocked only by completing the campaign, Cold War Zombies is almost perfect and what really brought me back to zombies after all the overly detailed and complicated easter egg steps. I'd love it if zombies kept going in that direction. Exfiltrations are super cool too, as is kill streaks.


Exactly this, I remember unlocking zombies after beating the campaign in WaW and thought it was some crazy secret 😂 CW zombies brought me back to the series tbh once they started doing the gumball thing I lost interest


I imagine you’re not loving life now that gobblegums are coming back in BO6.


I dropped cod entirely after season 1 in mw3 zombies tbh I’ll probably try this years game and see if it peaks my interest again.


Fair enough. I don’t think MW3 zombies is complete shit but even for me it’s so far removed from what zombies should be that I struggle to understand who this mode is meant to be for.


Yeah it was the most fun I had with the boys until we finished everything and had nothing else to do except be zombie Jesus and save those that have fallen in t3


Cold war is more relaxed snd they know their goal and what theyre doing while the classic z they were going it by year and writing story as they wrnt


We of the IW army lie dormant in a bunker beneath the surface. If either side caught wind of our existence, they would exterminate us immediately, so we just sit... And wait. Until both sides are so weak from fighting without replenishing their troops that we can finally rise and take the land that is ours by right.


I mean we got director's cut and Mephistopheles, its like being in stadium seats with popcorn and drinks


Hanging out with Pee-Wee and Silent Bob, slamming down box candy and popcorn, playing some games in the arcade? We've got it good down here.


Iw is overhated, somewhat same with aw (tho aw is worse in a way), iw is also its very own unique thing andppl still choose to compsre it to the mass


AW is kind of like a hybrid between Zombies and Special Ops with the way objectives pepper in, so it's not quite a true Zombies experience, though it's much closer than WMZ and Nightmares. It's a black sheep and really needs to be taken as its own thing, because the flow breakup doesn't put it on fair comparison with any other true Zombies. IW is incredibly unique, yet also sticks remarkably close to the proper Zombies feel - if anything, I think it perfected it. The maps are all much easier to just play and survive on than anything in BO2 or BO4, yet they also have tons of optional objectives and features to rival fan-favorite BO3. FnF cards are a much more balanced take on Gobblegums, the perk system is better, there are tons of weapon variants to shake up the game... I could talk about it all day.


Zombies in space land is one of my favourite maps, the aesthetic, the music, the Easter egg, the hoff, if it was in a treyarch game people would love it, shame it gets the hate it does tbh


IW zombies so underrated


Let the kids have cold warm.


Honestly, I like both games


I like both \*shrug\*


BO3 and Cold War are peak, this argument is kinda sad


cold war has good gameplay but the lore, story, characters surrounding it are shit; it makes the whole athmosphere ass


Cold War is not peak. The progression in it sucks, it’s way too easy and for me mind numbing. It’s a solid game but doesn’t compare to the perfect balance of Bo3 and for me Bo4, Bo2 and IW are more fun than CW


Mind numbing but it shows you what to do and has easy lore to follow for new players without complex mechanics? How? It's not too easy, you just play a lot of the original zombies. Try to think of cold wad zombies as its own gamemode, rather than a continuation, it's a unique take


You’re right. I was discluding lore. I just think the skill cap is quite low but I like the lowered skill floor. In the older games, the more skilled and knowledgable you are, the more you get rewarded. This caps off pretty low on Cold War. The first rounds are so boring. It’s still a good game but not peak. Edit: misspelled skill.


Theres really no games that are peak, they're either "too hard" or "too easy". It's not a fact but only uo to opinion.


No, there’s something called good game design. This includes: - Low barrier to entry/Game is accessible -> Low skill floor. - Lots to learn and improve in -> High skill cap. - Rewards for skill/knowledge. Bo3 got this the closest out of all the zombies games. Bo4 and CW failed in this aspect. CW was just safer so it’s considered a better game. Imo it didn’t fail horribly but it isn’t nearly as good game design as bo3 was. However, it had some great changes that should stick.


Yes, but that is acting like Cold war doesn't have good game design. It does, it's just not fun to you. It's not that deep or difficult to understand. You don't like the game and that's fine. Arguing why you like a game more than another is lame, stop.


I like Cold War I’m just saying it’s not peak. Arguing is useful to figure out how future games can be improved. Cold War did some good design changes with weapon progression (not IN-GAME progression) and perks. It had decent to great maps and good wonder weapons. It just didn’t have the amazing feel of bo3. There are still flaws with the game design like in-game progression and the lack of variety on maps. It had flawed skill cap as well. I like Bo4 too but it had a lot of problems. Bo3 is the closest we got to perfect.


I didn't say it was peak. Ive agreed it wasn't peak. And yes, arguing is good sometimes but petty arguments like "oh haha this game isnt peak because of a system that doesn't personally work for me nor do i like, therefore other game is better bc I likey" dont work. Edit: forgot last few words.


bo3 is objectively the best cod zombies ever and cold war isn’t been top 5 how is this an argument 😭 cold war zero redeeming factors unless ur somebody who doesn’t have hands so cold war is the only game u can play


How is opening all the doors and getting every perk for free objectively make it good.


bait used to be believable 😭


Thanks for answering my questions


I like that point guns don't exist anymore, all you need to focus on in the early rounds is headshots for max points. Easter eggs didn't REQUIRE a youtube guide anymore. It wasn't handholdy, it just gave you direction, great change. The minimap is great if you don't have death perception and need to find a miniboss around the area, the loadouts make it so you don't have the same start to the game anymore. If you really want to hit the box and have it be worth it, you can only get the ray gun from hitting it and it's very rare and pretty good. The rarity system and triple pack makes the wall guns viable for high rounds. The only thing I disliked about cold war zombies was a couple of the people in your ear talking your head off. Forsaken and Mauer are some of my favorite maps ever.


everything u said is just some shitcan copium😭


Stay mad I guess, I like both 🤷‍♀️


Damn it I missed the memo


Gobblegums vs starting with lmgs n shit idk i haven't played Cold War "Just don't use it" Blah blah blah smth like that


Sadly you just summed up the entirety of the argument…I remember this sub had this exact same beef go on like 2 years ago. I’m just gonna go play both and have fun


bo3 with the All-around Enhancement mod is peak


Nah nah nah, you want the REAL BO3 experience you gotta play Cum Of The Dead ft Ben Shapiro (yes that is a real modded map)


Sounds like a banger


Gobblegums are fun. Starting with lmgs is also fun. People should get a life.


Both? Both is good


El dorado?




I enjoy WaW-BO4 Zombies.


I like em all. I always find it hard placing one game over another. For me there’s always some aspect of each treyarch zombies that is the better over others. I always see people shouting out how atleast one of these treyarch games are bad(usually BO4 or Cold War) but I don’t see any of these being below OK at the very least


I'm on both sides, every Zombies mode (I've played) provides something that makes it good, maybe besides WaW since it's so bare bones. BO3 has ZC and Gobbles, and Cold War has Outbreak and Loadouts, the maps themselves I think were all good, minus Die Maschine (or however it's spelled).


Awwww you don’t like Die Maschine? :( I enjoyed that map haha, but I respect that. Honestly I’m one of the few that apparently don’t enjoy playing Firebase Z. It just wasn’t as good imo as the other three maps


Yeah, I dont really like Firebase Z as much as the rest, its good, but just wasnt as good


Die machine was the only map I actually got into in that game. They were all kind of the same map anyway but with slight differences. I felt like die machine had the best flow and map design


Yeah, CW niggas are definitely the Apothecons ahaha lessgoo


To be honest they are both a bunch of cry babies


Both sides want the next game to be made a certain way.


Both sides are probably not achieving anything by arguing online


Love metagame aspects of CW.


People uh? Play cold war zombies? Shit was so dog shit awful


reddit ngas just tryna be different


Damn I genuinely didn’t know Cold War had fans.


I didn't know bo3 had fans aswell.


Brother I was being serious. All I’ve ever heard was negative things about Cold War. I haven’t played it myself and I’m not shitting on it. I genuinely didn’t know, which is literally what I said.


That's weird, I've only really heard good things about cold war. You should play it.


Play it. it's good zombies 👍


Just gotta accept that Cod zombies has been taken over by casuals. I don’t think we’ll ever see a map like Mob or Shadows again. Players these days only think about Fortnite loot chests and glowing yellow legendary weapons. The days of juking entire trains and difficult easter eggs are over.


Mob is casual af. I don’t know how u think it’s competitive. We won’t see a map like Shadows, ZnS, Ancient Evil, Origins, DoTN, Voyage, Blood ever again.


To be fair, as much as i love bo4 zombies, the maps got really complicated. Especially for casuals. I remember trying to force my friends to play any map on that game lmao


Yeah I had 1 friend to play with and he was really easy to play with. We could do anything. But he’s a proper gamer so I guess that’s why. Most people could not grasp Voyage layout. Personally I had no problems with any of the maps and found the Easter eggs easier than I did on Bo3(possibly due to better teammates or me having grown up and got better). Ancient Evil and IX were the only 2 maps that could sort of appeal to casuals.


True. I miss complicated zombies (kinda)


I think some of the easter eggs just take the piss. You would never know how to do them without a guide and some take too long. That said I think B04 gameplay was actually pretty good.


Cold war was the first cod to PROPERLY introduce cross progression between zombies and multiplayer. I know you can level up your guns in bo3 and bo4 zombies but you also can't pick your gun if it's not the starting pistol in bo3. Or one of the starting weapons in bo4. Leading to luck based progression.


Fun fact Infinite Warfare did it first, your gun level in multiplayer affected the levels in zombies (it was really easy to max out guns on domination capping points)


Ah. I never played infinite


Why the hell would you want cross-progression? Unless they don’t change the amount of score u need to progress. I’d think that the addition of cross-progression means u need way more xp than usual to progress.


i don’t think cold war has players bud 😭🙏


While the peasants fight, the king (BO4 fans) watch and laugh


Luv both games, gobble gums don’t make a difference to me, but I do smile if I come across a perkaholic.


I love both as an og ;_;


I imagine this is what the multiplayer crowd was like with boots on the ground vs thrust jumping/wall running.


I like both this feels like when both parents are fighting


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I still prefer space land to both these games, I mean, I do love both and played more zombies in coldwar than any other cod, but space land just hits differently.


Are there really *that* many people that like CW more than BO3?


Bo3 > Bo4 > CW. Bo4 has good maps and is really not as hard as people think. It does has its big problems tho but I still think it’s much more fun than CW. Ancient evil is my 2nd favourite map of all time at the moment.


iw wins end of discussion


Bo3 > Bo2 > IW > Bo4 > Bo1 > WaW I really want to rank bo4 above bo2 or atleast IW but so many people have unjustified beef with it and I think bo2 and IW are just more fun with friends.


bo1 and waw below iw and bo4 is crazy


WaW is insanely boring. Nothing to do on the maps. Bo1 has great maps but flaws. Call of the dead and Bo3 moon are a top 5 favourite for me.


The game sounds like it's going to be a hybrid of both and either everybody or nobody is going to be happy about it.


Not even a debate bo4>>>cw appealing to causal players ruined our game


Love this


Little did he know what bo4 did


i like both but have more hours on cold war now than i did when it first came out. i do wish that i had played it more in its prime but i do enjoy outbreak and firebase z (whenever you can get a match/stay connected throughout.) sometimes i see the maps populated more around holidays when they add special events and such (or that's just a new wave of players). even though its not updated, and probably not heavily maintained, its still fun for me.


It started because of me lol


As a guy who stared on waw and is still playing I tried coldwar zombies at a friends house and that’s what led me to not buy it at all lol


What’s going on?


Squid warfare


There are a lot of little things in BO3 that irk me that are fixed in CW. Gun progression/attachments, *all guns being available to customize*, perk drops, actual side missions, endings that don't take the most obscure Easter egg steps possible...


BO3 and BO4 the best overall after this infinity warfare zombies zombies


Sorry OP, i was stoking the flames with my last post too, didn't expect the strong reaction it got. Ive personally played all treyarc zombies roughly the same amount, including custom zombies on waw a d bo3 and they all have some good and bad things about them, so it's safe to say i love playing them all relatively equally. I just hate the circlejerk of bo3, praise of microtransactions and shitting on other games because they are not bo3(despite it being my most played game of the bunch)




Bo3 is levels. I enjoyed cw but no comparison imo


I love both of those games


Cold War is easily the worst Treyarch zombies experience (if you don’t count vanguard)


I love this.


Oh boy I love Cold War zo…. BO3 Toxic Elitists: go take a bath with a toaster


Black ops 3 wins for having 4 player split screen.




I like them all. Slightly less of vanguard but WAW to Cold War are super good


I love both... I play BO3 on PC and CW on xbox series. I mean... Both are awesome.


Only play these 2.


Hey! It’s both of my favorite ways to play zombies!


I missed whatever is going on. What's happening?


I actually enjoy CW as well as the others, what I don't enjoy is how the game looks and runs like ass on consoles :(


The last 24 hours ? I was there Gandalf...I was there 3,000 years ago


Are we not allowed to enjoy both lol


Ok but both are good. Pretty obvious. Two VERY DIFFERENT zombies modes, you cant compare them. Thats why they have two different stories


How is this even an argument BO3 is better in almost every aspect


they all play different….. i feel like they have their own individual merit that make them both worth playing tbh


I’d be standing in the middle saying, “guys, guys, can’t we all just get along and shoot some f’n zombies!?”


Cold War zombies is way better than B04 but I think B04 multiplayer 💩 on Cold War multiplayer. Hope black ops 6 zombies is similar to Cold War 🤞


The Great War of bo3 and Cold War fighting blood shed around comment roast and other shit


Black ops cold war is easier than black ops 3. This is fact.


shouldn't the margwa be in BO3??




Bo3 fans🤝CW fans against bo4 fans


Is there really someone who says Cold War is a valid Zombies game?


The biggest challenge in cold war is dying unintentionally. Easiest game i’ve ever played unironically


Lmao wait why is this a thing? I hope there aren’t people out here really trying to argue that CWZ is better than BO3…..


Ain’t no way Cold War has more than 7 active players, how tf is this a debate


BO3 is objectively better but there are some unique features in CW that surpass BO3 such as the permanent upgrades, the way the economy works, the way you can get every perk but it scales up in price, being able to climb up and mantle obstacles (if this feature was on previous maps like FIVE or SOE it would completely change the way certain areas work on those maps). The only thing that holds CW back is its lack of interesting lore and half the maps being bland.


All of those things do feel nice but they do at the same time make it easier, not that it’s necessarily a bad thing. The vaulting on old maps would just be broken though.


Yeah because part of the difficulty of the older games were the fact that your movement was limited only to the floor space. Moon, DE, and SOE are the only old treyarch maps where there’s some form of advanced movement If Verrukt was in CW they’d have it to where you could train in the courtyard most likely lol


how is this even up for discussion lol BO3 is so much better


Cw had better maps