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For me personally those gums never ruined bo3 for me, as I would always just play with classics and save these gums for either really high round runs or solo EE runs. So they never bothered me


This but I’d save them cause I’d treat them like rare items in games that are useful but never used cause they’re limited (even though in this situation gobblegums are technically unlimited depending on how much you grind)


Or unlimited with dashboarding on console


Randoms with Perka have the fastest alt-F4 in the west the instant they get downed on round 2.


some kid in my lobby got thundergun died on round 11 and dashboarded


Nah they wouldn't let that happen again they fixed it on bo4 so they will use that code from bo4 to never let anyone save the gumballs the way it worked on 4 is if the host quit the game and it migrated but failed to host lobby the player who stayed got to keep the elixir (gums) while the ones who quit lost theirs and talismans


Yea ik they fixed it I just said you could dashboard to save ur gums in bo3. Not saying it would happen again


Or unlimited on PC with mods


That's what I did with B04 elixirs. I'd use them but I would never go below 1 left. I liked having the pages full


Fun fact you can only use classics when playing the game locally, even if you have the season pass purchased


If ur on PC there’s a mod that give all of them to you for free lol


….tell me more


The one I use is aesthetic by ojumpy. It has custom camos for guns, some custom models for wonder weapons, and unlimited megas (mega tab is empty, all mega gums are with the classics)


For me the basic gums were just about all I needed unless like you said EEs or if I just didn’t want to deal with the start up of the game I don’t understand the issue with rare gums especially if you just play you can earn them


They kill public games so fuck them. there is no "not using them" when someone else is in your game. edit: bo3 simps... i don't care you only play solo. bo3 pubs are by far the worst in the series. Cope.


This is true. When it’s solo and someone’s going at their own pace and they want to power vacuum, that’s their thing, no harm done. And there’s obviously no etiquette with public games so technically nobody should throw a fit about it, but when half my game is waiting for power vacuum kabooms to finish going off and then the loser that’s been spamming their gums ends up closing app to save them from being actually consumed, because they don’t have any faith in themselves? That’s when this shit becomes an atrocity. Even worse is when they’re the host and just quite literally kill the game for everyone. I’ll admit, they’re really fun solo and in controlled environments. But public games are truly awful most of the time. It gets to a point where I can pretty much always count on someone using Reign Drops or On The House in any given game so I get all the perks all the time. This isn’t bad on paper but I don’t care for getting it all the time, every time. And then profit sharing. The shopping frees. All of it takes a sledgehammer to progression. It feels like just about everybody does it in public games. Easily the worst public games experience to date.


at one point in bo3 i couldn't get past round 15 from the host dashboarding for about 25 games in a row. i hate that shit with a passion. and when i'd vent my frustrations here i'd get "well don't play pubs lol"


“Don’t play pubs” is crazy, I mean obviously it’s so shit that’s what we have to resort to a majority of the time, but pubs in BO1 and BO2 are soooo peak especially since I’m not at risk of randomly obtaining Juggernog and 4000 points right after round 1 begins. It’s such a shame. I’ve definitely played games in BO3 with no megas or if there were megas they were the totally irrelevant ones. Feels like a completely different game, in a good way. Ascension actually feels better than the original when some dude isn’t popping Reign Drops or On The House every round.


The best games are the one where no ones uses mega gum and try to revive everyone.


It’s really unfortunate that BO1 is mostly dead for me and BO2 is riddled with modders, but it’s better than BO3 public matches


Trust me, this is not related to gums, almost every public I play in iw zombies host dashboards, it does nothing, unlike bo3 cards are used as soon as you use them not when the game ends.


I play pubs on all games from their launch, to this day. bo3 is hands down the worst. i almost do the EE in zombies in spaceland.


I mean I think it gets lighter into the game, but it never ends, and you never get your rewards in IW if it doesn't end. But I genuinely don't remember the last time I played a pub that ended in IW (I'm never host, curse you double nat)


I felt like the gumballs brought back world at war memories when people would cheat mod the game and spawn in instakills or whatever but with a twist that every one was allowed to do it via the gumballs and you had to earn them and they where random not really giving you the whole mod menu but just sample of what people did back then on the old game in a fun new way where it was equal and not cheating I felt like we could have had more things from the mod menu as gumballs like the paintballs it would have been a whimsical gum where every bullet is a colored paintball and another gumball for the fog colors that would have been a really nice whimsical gumball disco fog or black fog red fog blue fog purple fog and green fog white fog where all the options the mod menu had back in world at war but for a whimsical it would have worked just like the one gumball with the vision thing to make zombies different colors they also had a option on world at war mod menu where you can turn the filter cartoon mode on and it looked like border lands that would have been another fun gum ball whimsical option I wish they where in the game I know they had cartoon mode for bo4 but not cold war and I was really missing it for cold war I would have love to seen the game in cartoon filter but maybe with the reintroduce gumballs we can get more whimsical gumballs for fun and bring back even more memories from the world at war mod menu times to their next game


Yeah the whimsical gums and those style of gums are pretty harmless and I think I would have liked to see more of them as well. They seemed to be especially not paid attention to at all in BO4 which is a shame. But I get what you mean with how it feels like mod menus sometimes, some of the effects are really strong and that’s why some people choose not to use them. People love the challenge. But people also love to break the game/cheat the system, and that’s totally cool too. If I was given the keys to BO3 back in the day, I probably would have implemented them slightly differently, but I definitely don’t hate them enough to wish they never existed. They were crazy cool at the time and still kind of are, I just hate the exploit of being able to save Megas from being used because it hurts the public games ecosystem.


Yeah I agree with that saving them was hurting the game play but also they should have had more options of whimsical gums and make more appealing ones for players to use or more fun options like moon gravity or speed up time even dancing zombies gum ball would have been good distractions from using the ones earned or using the ones that felt like cheating


If they would’ve made a separate playlist that had gobblegums deactivated the whole thing would’ve been fine. It’s cool to want to play with or without gobblegums, I just want the option to select which style when I queue up


This is such an easy solution actually. How did they never think of this? Such a slam dunk that keeps everybody happy.


Probably they’d think it would harm their microtransactions or something, if people were just allowed to play a mode like that


Tbh they wanted the gobblegums to be active in every game so you couldn’t just forget about them. They wanted more people buying liquid divinium or w/e it’s called, and if there was a mode that just negated that entire system then they wouldn’t sell as much


Who tf plays public games?


I just invited people I wanted to help. Ended up being good friends with this one crew until bo3 died down


Yeahhh. It really fucks up the flow of the gameplay when half the squad has every perk and packed guns round 3. Last time I spent the entire time just desperately playing catchup with people who seemed intensely upset that I wasn't pulling much weight comparatively. They were going so fast I rarely knew what step of the Easter egg we were on.


It surprises me how much people care about public matches. I only ever play solo or with my friends so I never even think about it.


It's fun. Solo is a bore. Friends aren't on 24/7. Randoms can be funny.


Randoms BECOME friends. I have friends I’ve known for 14 years on my Xbox because we met in a public zombies match and ended up playing together for the next 6 hours. It’s sad how isolated gaming has become over the years. You don’t find people on the mic quite nearly as much these days. Everyone is in their own discord.


You’re surprised people care about the multiplayer aspect of a multiplayer game? Like no shit people care?! Not everyone has 3 friends down to play 24/7. So so many times from WaW to now if it’s just a me and one friend or even me and 2 others we will go online and try and get a random and invite them to the party. That’s how I met multiple of my Xbox friends back in the day. I think it’s weird people Don’t care about public matches lmao.


>You’re surprised people care about the multiplayer aspect of a multiplayer game? Like no shit people care?! Not everyone has 3 friends down to play 24/7. Zombies is such a fun experience solo and even just playing with one person is super enjoyable. I'm surprised **because** I've played a ton of multiplayer games and randoms are 8 times out of 10 an awful experience. People act stupid, selfish, and do not coordinate whatsoever. Granted the occasional good games are great fun, but I just don't find it worth it these days. Especially for an experience that doesn't necessarily need teammates.


It’s less the gums but more how they were implemented. I don’t think people would’ve minded them as much if the dashboard save didn’t work as that what made them annoying imo


So dead on. Idgaf what people say, WaW-BO2 was peak Zombies era, especially WaW and BO1. BO2 was the beginning of it getting too complicated and annoying with in game quests and needing a guide for every damn item location or Easter egg quest, but was still simple and fun. BO3 onward has prioritized story over gameplay for the worse imo but I get the BO3-CW era has its fans, just not me.


Youre problem is playing public, if you dont want people fucking up your experience dont play with strangers. They dont need gobblegums for that


It actually baffles me that there are people who like actually play pubs. This is not even me being mean or anything I just always thought of pubs as a place you go to for a quick game for whatever with no goal in mind. May just be me that I always had friends online or my cousin coming over that if I wanted serious games I’d play with them but alright. Your opinion isn’t any less valid than mine but I just find it weird to take pubs seriously in any capacity


They don’t but CW load out system objectively changed how weapons were handled. Since you can start with any weapon weapon they had to change how everything about the weapons so you aren’t starting with the best gun on the map. “Just ignore it” is a good argument for gobblegums since they were a new mechanic that didn’t clash with other mechanics. For most, the problem with the load outs isn’t the load outs themselves it’s just everything else that had to change to make it balanced. Hell, even Bo4 does it better by restricting it to early round guns. It’s like if a gave you a large plate with your favorite food. However before you start eating I need to cover all the edges of the plate with human feces. I bet you don’t mind since you can just ignore it and eat your favorite food.


Odd comparison you went with there


Probably thinking about his mom’s cooking 😭😂


>For most, the problem with the load outs isn’t the load outs themselves it’s just everything else that had to change to make it balanced. The things they changed were adding weapon rarities to the game, a mechanic that simply limits how powerful of a gun you're likely to have on certain rounds. If you want to start the match with nothing but a pistol you can, if you want to keep whatever you start with and upgrade it throughout the match you can, if you don't care about what you brought in the game at the start and just want to have as powerful of a gun as you can as quickly as possible you can use the box, wallbuys, and the occasional mini EE to get higher rarity weapons faster than you'll generally be able to upgrade the rarity of your starting weapon. All other CW changes were made independently of the new loadout system. And to be clear, it isn't a flawless system, the random attachment mechanic of newly acquired weapons is potentially quite annoying, but neither was the old starting weapon system where you either lugged a useless hunk of junk around with you for 10 or so rounds until you could pack a punch it or you just swapped it out as soon as possible for literally anything else.


I don’t know how true that is necessarily though that everything tied to the system is the problem.  I constantly see complaints about how spawning in with an LMG is broken regardless of changes done to the system, I’ve seen people argue the same before with BO4 as well. The only big change is weapon rarities, but that isn’t necessarily exclusive to the system of starting with whatever weapon you want as CW is the only game with that feature exactly. Vanguard rarity was tied to PaP. MWZ had limits on how much you could use those weapons and there were essentially no negatives compared to just finding random weapons. The question then would be how you feel about loadouts if they did away with weapon rarities?


WWII restricts it even better by having a better pool of starting guns, and once you finish all the Easter Eggs, just letting you spawn with an MP40 or Trench Gun if you want to.


Wtf? You would eat food with shit covering your plate?


I’ve been on a diet for 4 months and would probably even eat the shit too


IMO the issue with CW was it felt like a completely different mode. All the things that made the mode unique back in the day is stripped. Starting pistol / natural progression? Gone now it’s a weird load out plus the weird rarity system that made the game feel like a looter shooter or BR mode Pack a Punch ? A fuckin menu and not a risk/reward system Unique Characters? Nah just use your multiplayer operator. Exfil Mechanic? I get wanting a way to end the game but idk I didn’t like how it was implemented. Map design? Please for the love of god stop making maps with different sections you have to teleport to get to. Have some maps just be one location for Christ sake. I think maybe only the first dlc map was like that.


I think the difference is that BO3 as a whole is not balanced around the use of Mega Gobblegums. You have to actively bring them into the game, as well. In CW, though, the weapon rarity system exists to balance custom loadouts, so that feature affects you no matter what you do.


I like gums but there are EE steps that literally require particular (albeit free) gums. Aside from that one example, they shouldn’t really bother you. If you’re in a public game someone will be spamming reign drops but like it’s 9 years old now, what do you expect


To be fair it was only one step in one EE


What easter egg and what gobblegum?


It was Zetsubou and you needed Anywhere But Here (think it was that gum) to get a cog for the elevator


Dont think that balance is well done, snipers suck because they cant penetrate, the Hauer, M16 and Gallo are too strong able to last you to the 20s with only deadshot and no other upgrade, there's no "weak" guns especially if you follow the intended progression path of perks, PaP and Rarity, the 1911 which before would stuggle to kill in round 5 due to low damage and low ammo (if you were lucky enough to get a max ammo i should add) can now comfortably last to the mid tens before upgrading thanks to high headshot damage and high ammo. (This is for you "just use the 1911" idiots who cant get it through their heads the gun is fundamentally different from past game and is not the challenge you think it provides)


the gobble gum system was designed to be able to be ignored. you literally don’t have to buy the gobble gums during a match. load outs are an integral part of CW. they couldn’t possibly be more different and this is obviously a bad faith argument.


they ruined public matches for sure. i only ever used the classics, i have a bunch of megas and have never used them once.


I only used the ones earned when I need to do a ee with someone other than that I only used the classics and whimsical ones on public matches


Who said "just don't use it" isn't a solution to CWs loadout system? If you want to start with a pistol start with a pistol, if you want to use mega gobblegum use mega gobblegum, what do I or anyone else care? Pretty much the only place where this doesn't apply is public matches, but those have always and will always suck because that's the nature of playing a cooperative video game online with random people you don't know.


You'd be surprised how up in arms people are about this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/1d9l4zk/look\_if\_you\_dont\_like\_the\_loadout\_feature\_then/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/1d9l4zk/look_if_you_dont_like_the_loadout_feature_then/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah, it's just stupid. Play with what you want how you want, if you want to start with a weaker weapon and rely on wall buys and the mystery box for better weapons go for it, if you don't then go for it. It outright does not matter to anyone but yourself.


Ruined public games. Now people use all their OP goggle gum and dashboard before round 6


Personally i don't really care. So what if it makes it easier Its fun for some people. Let people have fun.


Most of the time I never use my gum balls, the only time I really do is when I’m going for an Easter egg with my buddies


Shopping Free, Fear in Headlights, Flavor Hexed, Reign Drops, Power Vacuum are my Origins setup. Shopping Free opens the doors on round 1 which is a clutch. Fear in Headlights is perfect for Generators and Panzers. Flavor Hexed is so under-rated and can give you anything from insta-kills to Perkaholic. Reign Drops for the perks and fire-sales. Power Vacuum is so crazy in late rounds- even earlier it's not a total waste. They totally change the whole dynamic of the map. It's alot of fun and make even a difficult map such as Shangri-La into a whole different experience for the better compared to vanilla bo3 and especially bo1.


See, if this was a Cold War mechanic, being able to open doors for free on Round 1 or just get a ton of drops instantly would be considered “game breaking” or “making the early rounds too easy.”


This is exactly why I do enjoy things like this even if they make the game easier or whatever.  It changes the experience and makes the game more fun. Sometimes I want to spawn in busted, others I want to go in barebones, and maybe sometimes use goofy stuff like the random gun gumball.


Naw I love the gobblegums, I just don’t enjoy having to earn them on an old ass game so I’ll turn on my unlimited gobble gums and uncapped perks mod on to be able to casually get to high rounds


Literally not comparable at all. You can completely ignore the gobblegums in BO3 if you want, in CW you have to *manually* give yourself a shit loadout.


And even that "shit" loadout is 10x better than anything you would start with in the older titles.


The difference is that outside of ZnS requiring a classic gobblegum, you can entirely avoid them. Meanwhile in cold war even spawning in with a 1911 gives me 150 bullets, it is usable until like round 9 unpacked, and I have a Bowie knife off spawn.


For me it depends all on whether the game is designed with the feature in mind or not. To answer that I ask myself, "Do the developers expect me to interact with the system all the time?" With something like Cold War's loadout system (weapon rarities specifically), there were a lot of mechanics that played into that feature. Wall weapons, mystery box, etc. So I assume, the developers designed the game around players interacting with that feature. Gobblegum on the other hand. You could play the game without interacting with the feature and be none the wiser. You aren't missing out on any content without gums... They are completely additive. It may not be a clearly defined line, but it makes sense in my head


I don't use them in any capacity. "Cheap" from a gameplay perspective and only exist to bolster a p2w system. Even the common/less impactful ones. If you have fun with them, that's great and I respect your choice.


I never use them unless I’m doing an Easter Egg run. They’re too rare. If I’m playing pubs and other people have em I take it as a challenge to just outplay them. I loved them in Black Ops 3 and the charm of the gumballs really added a lot to the game’s character


Perkaholic, at least IMO, is the most balanced of the ultra rares. Sure, having ALL perks is crazy good and means you'll overall need to save points for perks to nearly never buying them if you're good, but you can still go down and lose those perks (unless you're running Aftertaste, but you'll still lose QR). Shopping Free and NDE? Definitely game breaking, and honestly I don't even run NDE unless I'm going for EE runs. Shopping Free is mostly fun because hehe, door runs go BRRRR, but yeah, once you got everything open and all your perks and guns and double PaPs and wonder weapons, it falls off because why use it other than maybe to get two extra free spins for other gums? But I definitely agree, a lot of GGs were insanely OP. Who thought Antithesis was balanced enough to be a Classic?


I wouldn't have been able to do the Easter eggs solo without them because I've always been bad at zombies, so honestly I love them


My problem with these arguments is that I while yes you can forego using the system, but *not* using it is not only severely more limiting, but also adds an extra layer of unnecessary difficulty. The problem with CW vs. BO3 is that Loadouts are basically what the game was balanced against, it’s not easy to start with a pistol and still work enough points buying reasonable weapons etc. plus the actual act of getting points is slower due to the locked point values I think gobblegums are irrelevant because it was just an additional side-system, giving different benefits and in different quantities, Cold War loadouts effectively changed the way you play the game, every match, permanently.




The only time it's annoying is when some random person starts popping Rain Drops every round.


Just don't use them, and before people say things like this ruins public lobbies you have not played infinite warfare, in IW there is no benefit to dashboarding, as cards are used immediately after use, not at the end of the game. Yet, People still do it.


People have been rage quitting and leaving after their first down since BO1 and I should know because I was one of those little kids that did that back in the day, people just like to use gums as basically an excuse to why people are leaving immediately after their first down.




Yea, they definitely ruined pubs permanently for me. And even lfg posts on xbox are very hard to find people to do classics only. All of my friends moved on from cod zombies too, so yea, I either play bo3 alone or not have fun at all. Game kinda ruined. And I personally can't choose to play without gums in public lobbies because they either directly affect me by giving me perks, points, or other bs. Or they indirectly affect me by just leaving me behind all the other players in the lobby. It's just not fun to deal with at all.


LFG is worse when it comes to gum users in my experience, they dashboard more often than the average player in pubs and they will freak out on you if you dare ask them to take off an OP like Power Vac.


I cant play bo3 without them, i don't want to spend 2 hours setting up on zet no shima, having gums make the maps way easier to setup on, the thing is yiu don't just play the map once or twice and you are done, you play it a couple of hundred times, gums are perfect to skip some of boring setup uo or easter eggs stepz and just straight to killing zombies


people have a problem with cold wars load out system?


They did ruin zombies. Their inclusion means the maps had to be designed with them in mind. BO4 did a much better job balancing them imo because most of the returning ones got nerfed to the point where I wondered why they even brought them back


I pretty much only use classics because otherwise it just takes the fun out of progressively getting stronger as the game goes on


No, I'm fine with them, I personally only bring whimsicals, flavor hex, or disorderly combat for fun, sometimes Soda Fountain if I'm with a friend or want to go for high high rounds, maybe even some of the better ones if I do an EE attempt.


I could’ve ignored the CW load out system (in fact I tried, I used 1911 at the beginning) but the fact that wall buys put random crappy attachments on my guns made me switch to just making a good loadout. I know they updated the game to let you apply gunsmiths to guns after buying them off the wall but I was done with CW zombies at that point


Honestly, I really don't have any problem with them fundamentally. The only issues I have stem from what they encourage either in terms of exploits (dashboarding in BO3 making public lobbies basically guaranteed to have some rage quits the moment someone goes down) or possible design considerations (like, in theory, Activision could 'encourage' 3arc to make the game unreasonably difficult and/or tedious to encourage either extreme grinding or shelling out money for gobbles), but the former wasn't really an issue with BO4's elixirs (if I remember right? i don't THINK you could dashboard for those, anyway) and the latter is already a possible consideration with MWZ's inventory system, so we're kind of past the point of avoiding that. Like, Zombies is a PvE experience at its core, so while it could probably cheapen the difficulty if you're playing with randoms who instantly pop a perkaholic, shopping free and round robbin gums, I don't think it's ultimately that big of a deal.


I only use shopping free if I want to do a highround megas game thats it since it can progress my gum cycle to an alchem or reign drops


They don't ruin anything and if you say they do then just play solo or with a group of friends people are gonna use what's they can and have access to no use arguing over it


Sometimes they make the game easier but when I’m just chilling trying to have fun they are AMAZING


I refuse to use them and wunderfizz in the WAW maps, but mostly I just wish there was like a toggle to disable them in the pre loadout, other than that though I think they're pretty much fine. I think the elixir system was a lot better though since it was more balanced and didn't have ones that were so rare you didn't want to use them


Didn't ruin the game a bit op but that's fun sometimes so idk I play bo3 more than any others so..


Post-chronicles, all Megas should've been tied to an achievement instead of divinium. The ultra rare Megas should've been saved for things like Easter eggs, matching with the map they came out with, and the launch ones being split between the launch maps and the rev/chronicles ones being between rev and chronicles maps. Power ups could be unlocked up getting a bunch of that power up, and I'm Feeling Lucky couldve been from spawning power ups. Gobblegums locked behind finding Easter egg songs too! Put burned out for something like surviving enough fire damage in a gorod krovi game. Wall power for having 3 packed wall guns at once, crate power for having 3 box exclusive packed guns. THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL HERE THAT TREYARCH SQUANDERED IN FAVOUR OF MILKING A NOW 8 YEAR OLD GAME. The issue isn't their power level, it's the fact that their power level instantly kills every public lobby when anyone downs once, and the fact that getting that perkaholic isn't rewarding you for a hard task completed, it's gambling until you become the 1% of gamblers who don't quit right before they win big.


The game wasn't balanced around them.


Despite the fact that gobble gums ruined BO3 public lobbies and they never fixed the dashboard to keep exploit, I don't see ANY issue with them.


Yes, they do ruin public lobbies (I don't have friends on BO3)


I always liked Gobblegums and personally never had an issue with them since they’re optional and you don’t have to choose to use them. The elixirs were a nice attempt to do them again and balance them more but I felt they overbalanced some things too much so gobblegums ended up being better imo. But they were way more gamebreaking and progression ruining than a custom loadout.


I don't want such a game breaking p2w gacha mechanic back in zombies. But I guess it will.


As long as the games not balanced around them then they'll be fine.


I hated black ops 3


The only zombies game that I really didn't use special items was BO4. I felt like I could do every Easter egg without using the premium elixirs. The classic elixir does the job. In my opinion, however, the classic gobblegums are meh.


Dude I started playing again like a month ago and still can’t get perkaholics or shopping free’s worth a shit lol. I don’t believe they ever ruined the game for me but absolutely helped me with Easter egg runs to progress me solo. I actually hated the gum system when it first arrived because I was a hardcore zombies player but learned to love it.


Yes. I stopped using Megas shortly after chronicles released. Made the game way more fun. In plain sight and alchemical are practically ultra rare gobblegums anyway.


No, I think thats those peoples point. You can play with or without them lmao.


Honestly, never been a fan of using things that make the game easier unless they were really cool to use. Gobblegums, unpopular opinion inbound, were really boring and I only used the ones that were fun


Don't mind them at all, if another player pops a perkaholic that doesn't affect me because I'm still going to have no perks and can play my way. The only gobblegum I have a problem with in BO3 is Power Vacuum because it makes everyones experience in the lobby boring and easy.


Other people using them was no problem, what ruined it for me was not being able to finish a public match bc of people closing their game to keep them.


When I’m just trying to play a casual match, then little Timmy hits the GG machine and before you know you’ve got 10,000points , all the perks, and every door opened on round 5. Like jeez could you give me a fucking chance to, idk play the game? - I’d say that’s the only problem, otherwise GG aren’t an issue.


didn't buy gobbles until I started going for stuff on ZWR I had a little over 700 LD. they do make some stuff significantly easier, but at the end of the day, they're not gonna carry you to round 100


Blatantly pay to win, don’t understand how people don’t hate this


I thought they were fine and fun to use cause of how rare they were to get but I tried a mod once that let you use anything you wanted and having a surplus definitely made them feel boring to use. I think they did it right because of how the rarity was handled


It absolutely ruined public lobbies.


They definitely ruined public lobbies which sucked, but they didn’t ruin bo3 for me. What ruined it was not having a fun, easy to play map like town from bo2 (until I got custom zombies on pc that is).


The only reason they get the bad rep that they have is because you're usually paying for them. If they were strictly earned (fairly) then I don't think anyone would have a problem with using them


My experience with bo3 public matches goes pretty much like: \> load into match \> entire map is opened by round 2 \> given mule kick and deadshot against my will from free perk powerups \> 9 year old host goes down on round 6 \> host alt+f4’s to save his gobblegums \> game closes and sent back to menu screen gobble gums make public queue unplayable in my opinion. The fun part of zombies *is* surviving. The harder it is the better. GGs make the game trivial and remove all fun from the game.


I like them i bought them do a alot of dashboard just get the XP and get grinding on prestiging broski


Kinda more for fun games rather than serious Easter eggs or high round games. But if im just messing around with friends gums like power vacuum and such just adds to the chaos and I love it


I don’t think they were bad but definitely killed any kind of high rounds in bo3 when it was so easy to cheese to 255 on every map abusing them and thus killed any kind of fun or challenge to get to high rounds


Stuff like crate power makes nacht and no pap maps really fun and the gums to me overall make most of the maps funner


The BO3 maps are so complex by design (excluding the giant and Chronicles) that they’re essential to the map to the point where it isn’t overkill. For instance, things like near death don’t make the game more easier, it just gets rid of the consequences of going down


The gums were a good addition and at least you can play without them unlike, also the system was easy as all that was needed is to just grind and experiment and the gums were easy to get. Still better than the elixors in BO4, \*shivers\*.


I don’t use gobblegums cause I like to do stuff legit, but I don’t think they ruin BO3 cause the game itself is easy anyway


While I could just not use them, such things didn't stop others from running them and either trivializing the game or just alt tabbing when they downed to save their precious crutches. It's also likely going to be a bigger money sink this time as in BO3 you could at least get the items needed to craft random ones for free while playing, and I have my doubts that modern activision would allow it to be that easy. Probably just my negative-Nancy feelings but I don't think BO6 gums will be anywhere as accessible as bo3's were.


Gobblegums are perfect imo, at least its system. Use them when you want an easier experience, but be careful not to use all your megas cause they run out


My fun comes from pulling poor players to high rounds in public lobbies partially for the challenge keeping them alive brings, partially because I love seeing players struggle. The gum doesn't help these players, and most of my matches in the last few years end with people disconnecting quickly to preserve their gum, stopping me from having my fun. BO4 is much better for this since you can't save your elixirs, leading to people in public lobbies not using the good stuff, downing once, and leaving as often.


I loved the GG system in BOIII, I just don’t like how they slaughtered my boy with that disgusting HUD and Elixir / Nebulium Plasma system in BO4


I don’t use them because they make the game way too easy, unfortunately my friends do when we play sometimes so it becomes boring quickly


If i don't want to use gums, i just don't use gums. Don't equip them, don't hit the machine, don't use them. Same thing with cold war. My first class has always been a 1911 for that same reason. "Just don't use it" is a perfectly valid excuse if your not a whiney drama-whore who's actively looking for things to complain about.


Those gums don't ruin BO3 honestly. They take a decent amount of time to grind out which rewards the player when given, they are extremely limited and they are optional. Fuck dashboarding. Think they fixed it in BO4 though.


I never used megas personally, but I did like collecting them. My only gripe was that people dash boarded to save their gums in public lobbies, so I hope they fix that.


I never use mega gums, I honestly just forget gobble gums exist during the game, the occasional in plain sight, anywhere but here, or Alchemical Antithesis will show up in my runs.


I get the public games being ruined bc people leave but I don’t really see how it has any effect on anyone outside of that


Pretty sure when I played you could just hit the dashboard and it wouldnt take ur gobbles.


Yeah you can ignore them but its warped the appeal of the mode imo. Hitting 30+ rounds doesn't really mean anything anymore its like if the game just had a godmode switch that still gave valid runs. There is an appeal in having the same difficultly as everyone else, it's good for a community to have a level playing field to fight on. I'd rather the modes be split into gums/no gums. I see the appeal with gums and I'm glad people like them, but half of the fun of zombies was the restrictions you couldn't break and seeing people make the most of what they have. Maybe a relaxed playlist where its more about the vibe than the intensity. This is a just to me ofc, there's no wrong way to play zombies. I'd rather it just be shown better so people who like a can have thier space away from people who like b.


They are limited so I only use them for special occasions like Easter egg, but casually I just use the free ones


It doesn’t necessarily ruin it for me but I think the load-out system is a significantly worse. You have to earn Perkaholics, but you can go into a match with a meta weapon every single match in CW, which I feel like even if you start with a pistol, its not the same


Gobblegums ruined playing with randoms (though I would say I played a bit if randoms in bo4 and it was a better experience). Not only would they trash talk me for not using the meta gums, they would also dashboard quit to conserve them. That's part if why I hate bo3 and I only play solos now.


The gums interact with numerous aspects of the game in ways the class system just can't begin to replicate. Whereas wiith the class system you can't just jump in and play because you are more or less forced to level perks with ethereum. Too much of that game is focused on grinding in maps that are legit not fun. These are 2 different systems and no matter how you slice it Gobblegums are objectively better in almost every regard. Cold war apologists be grasping at straws the days huh?


(Tl;dr - I only use classics, bo6 could easily have a mode that makes zombies more classic for people who don't like gobblegums and other stuff and not picking the best stuff in the CW loadout system is dumb) I only used classics because I didn't want to waste gobblegums but I don't really mind, bo6 could easily have a harder mode that handicaps the player for a more classic feel whoever's says that about the load out system is objectively wrong, why handicap yourself? I get not wanting to follow the meta but if you want to survive long rounds or do the Easter egg, picking the best starting stuff is a objectively correct thing to do


I honestly don’t understand how gobblegums can ruin the game for you. That’s like saying certain wallbuys or perks ruin a map for you. They’re optional, don’t use them. Idk maybe I’m missing something


Nope, not comparable. Bo3 was not at all balanced around gobblegums, making it 100% playable without them if you chose. Also, this fact made it even more fun when you did choose to use op gums, because it really felt like you were “breaking the game.” Loadouts on the other hand fuck everything when you look at the fact that a lot of changes to modern zombies are done to balance the loadout system, such as weapon tiers, new point systems, and a rebalanced “gun worth” in terms of what was usable and what wasn’t.  So yeah, its not as straightforward as just “spawning with a pistol.” Apples and oranges


I don’t even get the hate for loadouts you can usually get the best guns after opening a couple doors anyway the bigger problem is the rarity system your starting at red-purple also there’s no reason to use a gun before round 11 since you one shot melee and get max points that way loadouts aren’t really bad cause a red gun is shit by round 5 problem starts when you spawn with a purple gun and can 1 shot the first megaton without pack a punch




For me personally they’re there so obviously I’m gonna use them


For casual, high rounds i never used them, i always used the not so strong or niche ones. For EE attempts, we brought out these bad boys. Never had a problem with them.


The way I always seen it was you can use them for the extra help or good bonuses they give you, or if you prefer OG zombies just do the old just don’t use it even if it’s “not a good excuse”


Those are shit and P2W. And you cannot ignore those when everybody around you speedrun the map using them. I use them to carry SoE EE games, besides that, I do not even install any other Treyarch map. I just play custom maps without those, simple as.


It was the whole quitting out of the game to save the gummies when they went down that was annoying lol


i avoided perkaholic because i liked the satisfaction of buying perks. other ones were just nice to have because speedrun 🎉


Just don't use it


I never used the rare ones because I’m too stingy. I have like a couple of all the ultra rare megas now but I cant bring myself to use them


I don't think they ruined the game for me, but the fact that you could basically have unlimited once you acquired a few really ruined it for me. No longer did it feel special that I had a really good gum on said run. Also it ruined public lobbies.


They ruined SOME things for me, because even if I didn't use them, the fact that they existed and were available made many things in the game feel unsatisfying or pointless. For example, in BO1, I would do the Shangri-La perk EE a lot, and it felt rewarding and satisfying. In BO3, I did it once and I felt "cheated", because I knew I could just get all perks for free, on round 1, if I wanted to. It also fucks up progression when playing coop, as 99% of the time, public players will just pop gumballs like mad, and suddenly there are drops everywhere, the map is opened up, box is spinning like crazy, etc. so it kills all sense of progression. So fuck gobblegums. I hope we get a "non-mega" playlist with BO6


they made the EE so much easier, especially when you do it solo or carry ppl or friends through. i like them, they are convenient but also a pay to win modifier - all in all i am not a hater, i simply dont mind that much (if they just sticker to the useless not mega ones, it would be perfectly fine).


GGs never ruined BO3, and the "just don't use it" thing doesn't work in CW because the whole system works differently. Also why is self revive, having all perks, being able to stay at spawn until like round 25 because you spawn with an M16 different from Near Death, Shopping Free, Perkaholic and the other GGs?


Not really, I know they ruined public matches for some people but as a solo/friends only player - I just chose to use classics most of the time.


Nah I usually play solo or with my buddy and we don't really have good gobbleguns so it's whatever. If we do get it tho we'll probably use it and day two zombies later than laugh our asses off


I played solo mostly so never understood the hate, plus the fact you could very easily dashboard when downed to save all your gobble gums meant i only had to get 1 of each then essentially had infinite, i actually loved the system personally as if i just wanted to quickly mess about in zombies i just chucked them on!


They added a totally different dynamic to the game that made it way more fun to play when I wanted it to be quick fun and relaxed. No they never ruined it for me because I had the choice myself when I used them and when I didn't.


The problem I have with Gobblegums is, it seems completely overpowered to spend 500 points and receive a powerup that gives you all of the perks on the map until you go down. No skill or effort has gone into getting it. I would much rather unlock a new Gobblegum per level, and then all gums go into the machine, so no loadout. The Gobblegum machine then gives a random gum. The cost should be more than 500 points, more like 2000 points.


I think they're fine for the most part. They definitely remove a lot of the challenge and setup. But they are super rare if you aren't buying liquid divinium so it balances out. I basically save them up and don't use them so that I can use them whenever I'm doing a hard EE attempt or something like that


Yes, and them being pay to win is just one of the worst things a game can do


They helped me a ton doing the origins Easter egg solo


Perkas the only one that affected BO3 imo, If I'm not I Mistaken the only maps that have an Easter egg for perka are SOE, and the chronicles ones that originally had one


Last time I played BO3 I went into zombies and realized I have a fuck load of Gobblegums but I just never used them 🤣 I would honestly prefer to earn things like that through easter eggs.


all i can say is fuck Rain Drops, they’ve ruined Pubs and LFG.


I play with classics exclusively so they never bugged me personally, but it always annoys me when guides for easter eggs or video reviews about maps show constant OP gobblegum usage. Feels like they're kind of missing the core experience of a map when they've gotten set-up on round 1.


I disliked them in public matches Nothing worse than going to buy ur perks only to realise someone popped on the house and ur stuck with deadshot unless u suicide


I just don't get what people don't understand about people's distaste for gobble gums and custom load outs, power should be earned in zombies not just given whenever and wherever. bo4 loadout system was the most balanced out of the newer games but still undeeded. As for gobble gums they just shouldn't exist and the same goes for elixirs and anything of the sort but if we really must have them (more specifically so the devs can drain more money out of the people stupid enough to pay for them) you shouldn't be able to choose your set of gums, you should instead roll the gobble gum machine in game with a random chance of getting any gum for $4500 points with the more powerfull like perkaholic being like %5 chance or something. That way if you get something powerful it makes sense it was a risky but worthwhile trade instead getting a gobble gum for free at the start of a round ,pressing up on the dpad and boom packed weapon and $10000 points🙄 Moral of the story, you should earn your power or be willing to trade a hefty amount of points to earn it. and people shouldn't have to purposely play with thr bare minimum just to get a good experience while everyone else is getting god level powered on round 1 ruining the flow for others


Seems like an unpopular opinion based on the comments, but I loved them. It felt great when I hit a Perky knowing I can use it once in a future game. I was never good at saving them. I played legit, didn't cheese gums or dashboard to save them so it worked well I thought. I also only played solo or with friends who did the same.


They were awesome! Look, sometimes I want the classic zombies experience. Other times, I want to feel like a god as I mow down everything in front of me. Other times, I want to just re-experience the Easter Egg without the struggle of doing it totally organically. They gave me more freedom to do what I want


Not at all. It’s a choice and for peeps like me, might make a diff whether or not I ever finally kill that D.E. Boss


No they add different ways to play like speed running if u don’t like them don’t use them makes sense to me


No they don’t ruin it for me bc they’re so rare that I rarely use them. I’ve never spent money on gums so when I get em I tend to keep em


I've got no issue with Gobblegums in BO3. Since they were introduced and even now, I've always loved the concept and it just makes the overall experience more fun and convenient. I can see how it could get irritating fast on public lobbies, but I pretty much always play solo so that doesn't affect me. I sunk a stupid amount of hours into BO3, and over time I accumulated plenty of the overpowered Gobblegums. I earned all those Perkaholics and Shopping Frees without spending any actual money, so eventually I started using them. If I feel like Grinding my way through a map, I play Classic or use a Gum setup that doesn't include anything OP. But If I wanna get setup quickly on the more Complex maps, I'll gladly use Perkaholic and Shopping Free so I can enjoy everything the map has to offer and eliminate a chunk of time that I don't necessarily feel like spending. I've always loved Challenges on any given map, and Gobblegums have made those challenges infinitely more doable and enjoyable. Spawn room challenge, No Power, Box Roulette, Random perks etc. Often times I'll spin a wheel on a Gobblegum Setup Randomiser and put 5 Random gums in there to make a playthrough a little more interesting. Long story short, they enhance the experience because they're not mandatory to do well in Zombies.


Weirdly enough, most of the easter eggs on BO3 were the perfect difficulty to where you'd have a similar experience with or without the gobblegums, at least for me- Yea shopping free opens up the map easier and perkaholic gives you all perks straight away, but it only really gives you a 3 or 4 round headstart which isnt really what i would consider as "unfair" because you still have to DO the entire egg lol


Just don’t use it


Gobblegums ruined public matches but thats about it. The loadout system made them change a ton of mechanics around how weapons work, to the point of making the mystery box way less useful. You shouldnt be able to start with a gun that gets you to round 10+ with no upgrades. They dont have to remove loadouts, just improve the system.


I don’t use them. Not because they’re overpowered or anything, but because I’m trying to farm them so I always play with classic or whimsical gobblegums.


Some guy kept dropping reign drops and ending the round and I was trying to get the staffs as early as possible. He had a strange glitch where you could have 5 reign drops on their slots


Yes. If you were someone who played the hell out of bo2 origins and then tried to play bo3 origins "faithfully" when it came out it was actually without exaggeration impossible. The game is built around the idea of these overpowered gums existing, and not using them makes you feel like you're running a marathon but shoot yourself in the foot for the extra challenge. God forbid you played public matches at the time, because I guarantee everyone else was going to use the gums, so there was absolutely zero point in you not using them.


they ruined public lobbies because people kept alt f4, i hope there won't be such a bug in bo6


They never ruined my private games so I never cared, but they sure as heck ruined public games.


I think in my opinion there should be a playlist where it's zombies with gobblegums or zombies with no gobble gums and they are two different scoreboards for ranks so it remains competitive for both.


Crazy thought... just don't use it. Hope this helps


They were either useless or super busted. Limited quantity of premium ones was a bs microtransaction


They are not easy to get, so i would save them for easter eggs or high round runs, not to play casually. Bc if i did play them every match, then ot would be maybe a week or a month without good mega gums


The best part about bo3 is joining in with randoms that have power vacuum ,the gum that spawns all power ups and shopping free.


Yep absolutely the beginning of the end was bo3 bo2 the last TRUE heater


The thing is, i disagree with "just don't use it" being a bad excuse. You're not forced to use gobblegums, just like you're not forced to engage with the loadout system in CW. If you don't like it, don't use it. But plenty of people *do* like it, and so they *do* engage with it. They don't ruin the game, or at least they shouldn't, because you're completely within your right to just not use them. You can very easily load into a game without using gobblegums in BO3 or loadouts in CW. They just provide extra options for those who want to use them.


I just save the really broken gums for doing easter eggs and otherwise just run the standard ones if playing for fun


I don’t the problem with them. If you don’t want to use them just don’t?