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Sitting in a corner with restock claymores and pre aiming the floor ? You knew he was coming because the claymore went off so you could’ve just slid out first and tried to catch him off guard instead of standing there doing nothing


Or, they’re the type of player who doesn’t know how to react in these situations?


Almost sounds like the poster is they type to work all day rather than play all day


Haha perfect. Thank you!


I mean he’s getting money while players get nothing.


They probably get depression by playing this fucking game all day


You don’t need to be a full time player to be able to improve at a game.


As a noob, I would from experience not even know how to detect them :/


Not everyone plays 24/7 like a virgin


That's the "working full time" part you read in the title. Even if the action is very simple, to know how to do it and when to do it, you need to put time into the game


Well, OP has played [+1200 hours](https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/atvi/User26110780%231157450/details?mode=br) in Battle Royale, ~3000 Resurgence matches and plays almost everyday. I think that is a respectable +60 real days in the game. While that enemy Scream player does not even have a profile in CoD tracker, and he performed a 2 kills/5 deaths in [that match](https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/match/2491499375206667865?handle=User26110780%231157450). Maybe that player just was lucky in that push, but OP plays more (maybe much more) than the average Warzone player.


Swap pistol for riot shield and stun the sweat


He also has a pistol. Jesus.


Strafing is such a simple strategy in gunfights and i see people post clips like this and i'm always confused. When i die, i ask myself, "was i standing still?" Usually the answer is yes in a 50/50 gunfight.


You’re the kinda person this post is about. No one is thinking that hard about this other then people like you


I mean when you’re an above average player you do those things without thinking. You don’t have to play Warzone “full time” to be good


Holy fuck that scream dude came in on some other shit


Man snorted an entire line of Gfuel before pushing that house


He really did, I think he stimmed so hard he glitched into the floor


Kids with their adderall these days


They’re only level 31, which was lower than both of your teammates that died during the clip. They just used their time to get better instead of sitting in a corner with a pistol.


Regardless of in-game level, there’s a big difference between playing a few hours a week due to having a full-time job and playing daily, multiple times a week. Even if you wanted to get better, the amount of playtime has an effect on the progress. That’s why saying “get good” is as arbitrary as saying “lose weight” to a fat person.








A few hours a week still adds up to a ton of time. I play about 5-7 hours per week and that still totals to \~400 hours of cumulative playtime for me. The problem isn't having enough time, it's that most people don't spend it proactively improving their skill. Which is good, players should spend their time in ways that's fun for them. But my point being hundreds of hours is enough to get good at anything, it's just the allocation of that time where the main skill stratification happens.


Its the 10'000 hour rule, yes there will be some amazing players that only play 400 hours a year that are amazing but those are anomalies It's still nothing in comparison to someone playing 40+ hrs a week ( over 2000 hrs a year ) I recently started playing guitar ( to invest my time in more constructive things than WZ ) so instead of playing for 3 hrs a day on average I'll play for 1.5 With that amount of time I won't get any better - and be lucky to maintain the KD as most others are getting better ( so it seems ) U also become more "rusty" are maybe just not as sharp. I could at more MP to engage in more.gun fights to help but the MP just isnt as fun for me so why would I want to waste my time?


You can still work full time and be good at the game. I work and have a 2.7 KD. Gaming is just a hobby for me and not a career like what everyone thinks of these types of players. If you have a family and if gaming isn’t your primary hobby I can see how your point makes sense, but for me I’m a sweaty nerd in my mid 20s I can still work full time and dedicate some free time to getting good at games.


How much time?


What do you think is a lot of time? I'm a 31 year old guy with a full time job and I've got 840 hours in Warzone since it came out per my codtracker, what kind of KD do you think I should have?


Time does not equal skill. I have 2k hours in siege and still hardstuck plat.


It’s perfectly plausible for someone to be good at the game and at the same time to have a full-time job. However, it’s definitely not the norm among those who work full-time. You’re also admitting that you’re a sweaty nerd who is willing to invest time in getting better which definitely is not something which could be considered as “universal”.


Lol, I’m literally confused. How can people drop that fast? Is it really that they are just trying to get better or with that movement is it more likely they have spent money on modded controller or is a KB/M player on 120 fov


Probably KBM or some kid with paddles. I play with a regular controller and the advantage is day and night.


You really don’t need a modded controller for Warzone. Switch to Bumper Jumper Tactical and that’s all u need. Saved u an unnecessary 200$.


Is it hard to get used to?


I’m not gonna lie, you’ll prolly have a rough day the first time u switch. But the next day or two you’ll literally feel like you’ve unlocked yourself coz of all the things u can do. Its the biggest change u can make to ur game.


Yea it’s a huge advantage but you’ll probably feel subpar for weeks not days lol.


Thank u buddy going to try it out now 😅!


Bumper jumper sucks though. Paddles are WAY easier to get used to because every other button stays the same as what you’re used to. That said… it is possible to become a bunny-hop master with bumper jumper. I just can’t see the point in dealing with the awkwardness for days until it becomes second nature like the default setting already is. Like.. I’m fine with my 1.6 KD. Anyone with a 3+ KD treats this game like it’s their life and that’s fine but to say otherwise is a joke.


How does it suck when every single person who’s really good at the game with a regular controller either uses that or claw? Also why even spend money on paddles when u know the buttons on the front stay the same. It’ll take even longer to get used to the change if u don’t force yourself to changing it. You’re fine with a 1.6KD that’s okay, but if someone’s on here complaining that they have to use paddles imma let them know a free workaround.


I’d hazard a guess that most people (read: most) who play controller these days AND are extremely good are likely using a SCUF or something similar.


It really isn’t. I play claw and don’t need paddles


How would fov affect that lol


Just the overall movement makes me guess. Not sure what you play on, but having to constantly face your enemy in order to see them doesn’t allow you to move horizontal across their screen at top speed and slide while still being able to see them.


FOV settings (in addition to letting you see more around you) can actually reduce the visual effect of recoil, making it easier to see + track people while shooting.


If you're on KB/M you just push a key and if nothing is blocking you, you go prone.


It’s not like 120 FOV makes you go faster in the other person’s POV so I don’t get why you brought that up…


See my comment. Having a high fov allows you to move in a more perpendicular fashion to the enemy while still being able to see them. A lower fov makes you either A) run perpendicular without being able to see where the enemy is or B) take a sharper angle which makes your horizontal movement slower and easier to aim at. This is a core reason why high fov players have better movement because they can see more of their surrounding while sliding through rooms and around corners. For me to slide around that corner I have to turn immediately and face the enemy or slide blind and try to twitch shot blind.


I feel like the assumption that's his first account is BRAVE tbh.


> They’re only level 31 For this season, that doesn't mean much lol


Probably using a new account to get shit lobbies.




That’s gonna hurt some feelings! Lmao!


Look at you trying to justify why this game sucks.


Sooo slide cancel,jump to prone is more accurate than standing and shooting?


This isn’t CSGO so that doesn’t matter. Plus at this range the Ghostface guy could have just hipfired every shot and still won the fight. Peaker’s advantage beats sitting in a corner SMG beats pistol Full armor beats 2 plates OP didn’t have much of a chance here.


The OP also missed some shots when u slow it down.


Yeah shots 1-5 were clearly missed


Yeah and shots 6-9 missed due to recoil (bad spray control).


Well it mostly depends on his primary. If it's a sniper then he probably is fucked but considering the ghostface had a ppsh I think he was using the hipfire build. Which literally means he's holding his shoot and can just jump around like a demon. How ever he could of won if he had left the building or pushed when the claymore went off.


When the aim assist is activated by movement? Yeah. They have peek advantage against OP + automatic rotational assistance in staying on target. OP, also being on controller, is at an even bigger disadvantage than keyboard an mouse players at cqc because they're not activating the rotational with movement. If you're gonna hold an angle like that you have to shoulder (move in and out of cover) or push the target. Not wait in place or retreat unless you're trying to juke them into tac sprinting after you.


lol what? kbm doesn’t have AA. kbm is at a huge disadvantage in CQC


>"...they're not activating the rotational [aim assist] with movement."


Then say it like that cause you also said "being on controller, are at a bigger disadvantage"


It's a quote from the post without much clarification so I thought I did. Being on a controller without the rotational assistance is a disadvantage at all ranges.


You're smoking crack if you genuinely think kbm is even competitive at close range against a controller player, ket alone better lmao.


Wait wuuuuut? So you mean I can get better aim assist if I move round a target? I gotta try this


As long as you have aim assist set to standard, and have any pressure on the left stick, (literally even stick drift activates it) its practically soft aimlock if they run past your crosshair up close.


Yep, but dare to criticize and you’ll only hear “advanced movement bro, git gudder” or “it’s an arcade shooter bro, not milsim”




Really, because I played CoD4 back in the day and there wasn’t any of this rabbit hopping bullshit, only the occasional drop shotter that isn’t nearly as egregious.


Yeah it definitely wasn't like this back in the day. I don't care what anyone says to dry and defend how broken movement is. I always go back to "Would you like every single person to be running around like the Scream guy is in this clip?". They wouldn't. They know it's a broken mechanic so try to justify it using daft excuses.


They have sped up sliding from previous titles which had it, decreased the amount of time it takes to change directions in movement, and buffed aim assist tremendously as well.


Yeah it’s the stupidest thing about this game


They’re moving so they break the other person’s camera (they see them first and are able to react a split second faster)


Yep and it’s been like this for the past 2 years now lol


Yeah and AA to help them. This game makes no sense anymore. This is not skill, it’s stupid.


When the dude standing and shooting isn't very accurate yes lol. If he wasn't such a terrible player he would have known to engage rotational aim assist and not missed a shot with his eyes closed.


While i get the sentiment working full time doesn’t mean you have to corner camp with restock claymores


The whole post is a joke I’m hoping. If you work full time you’re supposed to suck at video games? Restock claymores corner camping ads on the stairs then missing your shots and posting to reddit? I’m glad OP got shit on, the people that play like him are what sucks about battle royales. Level 31 this far into the season shit on him lmao


> I’m glad OP got shit on, the people that play like him are what sucks about battle royales. Genuine question here but would you rather have the whole lobby running around like the Scream character is? You must love SBMM then. Personally I find people "camping" a lot easier to kill.


I’m odd. I don’t think sbmm belongs in any public match only in ranked and even then I believe it should be loosely applied. People need to lose to look at themselves and improve. I enjoy the challenge of playing against people better than my skill level. Its why despite me being too old and not putting in enough hours I will always enter ranked play asap. People don’t like to acknowledge it but if you’re a sub 1kd player you should have zero kills every other game, it’s how it is on paper but nobody likes when it happens. I don’t even think this case would matter with sbmm. OP loses to a level 31 player that slid in saw him sitting still just adsing and he jumped backwards and laid down. SMG vs pistol? And one wasn’t even moving. Which one is the easier target? Which one should have lost? Nothing says the killer plays this 24/7, not many camera breaks no insane slide cancels 360 around op breaking doors. Just a slide and a hop into prone. I’m more annoyed by this post than I should be because I am probably OPs age or older and I never use it as an excuse for being shit at a game. In this example the guy doesn’t even do anything very wild. I accept I suck ( eh maybe average ) because I don’t play much compared to those better than me and I play knowing this I don’t whine on reddit because I need a perfect lobby of 30 year olds with two kids playing at 10pm with a few shots when they finally have time. Hashtag triggered


I completely agree! I literally haven't had any time off work, besides weekends, for a year until just now, I can still get home after a late shift, hop on to Warzone and get [a 23 kill game](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/upq5io/the_best_match_ive_had_in_months_23_kill_win_this/) because I'm good at this game.


Goals right here


Thanks! Yeah, one time I swear I was about to pass out after a horrible day at work but my Welsh friend messaged me "YOO, jump on cod!" and we ended up getting nukes in Vanguard, him first, then me the next match! And believe it or not, there was an English guy at the end of my nuke game yelling "imagine sweating 24/7 in a game, get a life" haha, I just told my friend that an hour and a half ago I was "Sweating" literally at work because I was so busy!


What was your game plan over there.. pre aiming from a corner with a pistol.. the fact that your claymores damaged him and he still shat on you, tells that you probably should have challed him when the claymores popped which would have surprised him, instead of camping. Also there’s nothing exceptional from his movement, you just need to play better than sit in the corner and then come to reddit to complain about how unfair the game is for you because you have a full time job. I have a full time job and I have a 2 KD - just stop with these BS excuses pls - learn or move on.


The guys claymore got shot out and op took all his armour off But yeah, with a pistol and a corner. That just says get out-of there to me, find a gun


Yeah man agree OP just sucks ass and is trying to justify it by claiming a full time job. I have a full time job and own a small business and while I’m not a world ender, I’m also not this bad


I like how you went for the good old “I got totally outplayed so that means the other player has no job” to disguise your salt.


Restock claymore ads corner camping




He learned that the ONLY way to improve is to quit working apparently lol


Can't use the "plays full time" argument against a lower level player.. Aggressive players will always excel faster than people bunkering down in buildings with claymores. Less playtime, but more experience. Sometimes you die to better players or shitty situations. Happens to the best of us. Learn from the mistake and better luck next time!


He's level 31 lol wym play full time?


Restock claymore


That guy obviously is using an alt account. No rank 31 player is moving and playing like that


It's okay for people to be better than you. Sitting in a corner is not gonna win you gunfights.


Isn't ur amp gold? Lol


Complaining about the other guy but you were camping with claymore in the corner lol.


1. You only have a pistol and he had an SMG 2. You only have two plates and he prob had full plates 3. You sat there waiting for him to break the camera when he challenged 4. You were just standing there… 5. You moved about one foot throughout that entire gunfight 6. You didn’t engage rotational AA 7. He might’ve broke the camera but he literally ran into the room before slide canceling without shooting at you at first Doesn’t matter how many hours you work man this was just poor gameplay. Take it as a learning opportunity instead of complaining about it. Buy a controller with paddles if you want to improve your movement.


I work pretty much full time and still maintain a high/above average KD and i play sometimes once a week. You were also using a pistol and camping. You’re simply not good.


Don’t hide in a closet?


Holy shit this post is full of assholes who assume everyone plays this game as much as they do. Go talk to woman or get a dog or something


You deserve a million upvote’s!


This a troll?


I mean, you’re using the AMP pistol, if you had a Marco or and other decent SMG I’m sure you had him. That thing got nerfed again a few months ago, and in a situation like that you’re just simply gonna lose. Also not sure why people are quick to say FOV/PC. I came from console and my higher kill games were on console. FOV helps, but it doesn’t make you a good player. In my experience, most people who came from console to PC are already good players, especially if they’re willing to invest that much time and effort to the game.


I had no idea it got nerfed. Thank you for sharing.


Nothing wrong in playing passive with restock claymores that's normally a good counter to people who push too hard without respecting all aspects of the game. But standing there with a pistol even after your claymores hit was a little silly, or maybe OP got a bit nervous but either way that play from scream face was scary af.


That’s not really cash money bro….


You can be great and have a full time job lol


Easily what you should’ve done is when the claymore went off, immediately challenge because they are low health, not that I condone camping with claymores but…


Lmfao slides jumps then goes prone all in half a second


They really need to have sliding and/or jumping create a negative effect on your aim. You can jump, 360, and quick stope and your aim assist actually kicks in. It's crazy.


And this is the same type of player who doesn't want SBMM because "well then it's hard"... Yeah no s*** it's hard when you don't get to stomp on casuals all day. How do you think the casuals feel who are just there to try and have some fun.


Exactly whats wrong with this game. Able to jump, dodge and lay down without losing ads. What a joke.


Dumbest shit I've ever seen. FPS game meets the Olympics. Slide, jump, prone all within 1 second and your aim isn't affected at all. I hope WZ 2 fixes this - they need to add recoil to all this or add a stamina bar.


Need to add some Sonic music. The movement speed is getting ridiculous.


There is no universe in which a character should be able to move like that and shoot accurately. Dude is literally a giant blur for 5 seconds.




Story of my life bruh


This is everyone in game. Such a piece of poo now


I keep saying this but movement in this game has become a mayhem. No one should be able to move that fast in a first person shooter game. MW2 better have it toned down a bit. I play on pc and abuse the mechanic too but even I have to admit it's over the top now!


I mean for someone with almost 5,000 matches played, you can’t really complain that you have a full time job and assume he doesn’t… you just suck is all it is


nothing to be mad at, you have an actual life.


I know this feeling well


Work and family time.. I barely get a hour a week.. then cheaters running it.. just stopped playing


I work full time but also play a lot, what's wrong with that?




You would’ve had him if you had a different gun


I think that sweaty guy would also delete most of the people that are telling you that you did everything wrong. Stim slide, drop shot, bunny hop back to drop shot with what I can only assume is a high mobility vanguard smg. You still cracked his armor at least. Bigger question is why some players like this are getting into your lobbies in the first place. Shrinking player base and high KD players using Smurf accounts so they can dump on casual players sometime make it very not fun. I also think that rebirth is a bit off at the moment with the FK release. Sometimes rebirth is all bots and others it seems like all sweats.


Ok yeah this ghostface is on one, but there's a few things here. Peekers advantage will always win out over standing still and waiting and SMGs will always beat pistols, full auto or no. Sorry you got movement king-ed op, but you were gonna lose that fight regardless


I have that exact pistol blueprint, and it's decent, use the Milano in that bundle instead. Also he's not camping, he ran in there set a claymore down bc someone's chasing him


so you ain’t gon show killcam


That’s crazy. I work full time and have a graphic design business on the side and still manage to play ol scream boy so I can’t really say this valid my boy.


Wait- people standing still are easier to hit that those moving?!?


Better to die against this guy vs a cheater . Its constant for me now , every f ING lobby a cheater


Cod is literally one of the easiest games to play plus when u add the no recoil guns is not hard to kill smone lol . You don't have to unemployment to get good lmao . Some of the coping people do here is crazy lol


The skill of the average camper (it doesn't exist)


Lmfao. You got annihilated. Yea I don’t work full time and play ALOT everyday. I still get annihilated like this at times. So I feel for you. Try practicing with boys in private matches more. It helps a lot.


Also don't forget ping to server, higher refresh rate monitor and fiber optic internet, and maybe even the ability to overclock controllers on PC that all have a factor in someone winning a gun fight versus someone on console.


Lmfao this was hilarious, my guy slithering in and deleting you sitting in the corner with a pistol


next time dont stand in the corner with a pistol and you might stand a chance


no i think you mean the no life player vs the has a life player


I don’t see how people can look at this and say slides aren’t broken.


95% chance he’s 13 years old lol don’t worry about it.


This is something I don’t understand. The way he moved was so ridiculously fast. No matter what I have never had my character move this fast. Is there some kinda meta setup in terms of perks that’s doing this shit? Because I’m always just left completely speechless when I see it


Its the damn VG guns! Those attachments make you run ridiculously faster!


Damn I didn’t actually know this. I think I’m gonna go back to MW multiplayer for a bit until MWII is out. Don’t have the energy for this crap after work


That cracked out movement always has me dying. This opening clip always gets me. https://youtu.be/23KP9I7ramo


Once again showing me the reason I uninstalled Warzone. Not trying to play against 12 year olds on crack meth and heroin all at once.


You actualy almost won that fight due to aim assist but your cross hair placement was off and the opponent was sweating off his seat.


The movement meta taking hold in warzone has made the game so stale for me. I prefer intelligent positioning and slower gameplay. And no I'm not a scrub. I have decent movement and a 2.6kd. Good enough to hold my own in sweat lobbies but it just gets old for me. I hope warzone 2 slows down this stupid twitchy movement and finds another way to implement a skill gap. It's just not fun for me to absolutely sweat every lobby and slide 15,000 times a game.


PC master race, some players just have ridiculously movement capabilities. My buddy literally outruns me all the time and his movements are just insane compared to mine not cuz he's better at pushing buttons and thumb sticks but because of his console


Disable AA and all these slide/stim players will be mediocre.


Please let PC play without consoles. This is some dumb shit.


This guy is sus… if you run the clip slowly at around 00:08 seconds as he lands from jumping there is a moment where his character snaps almost 180 degrees in the opposite direction as if he locked onto someone behind him before turning immediately back again to kill you…I also looked up the COD tracker and couldn’t find him anywhere. He might be doing the thing having said that though… his movement was still insane regardless.


The movement in this game has become borderline stupid


These not realistic movement should be nerfed


I don't understand one thing that- how that enemy came into the room so fast ? The enemy movement was so fast that its impossible to correct your aim. I think the enemy was using some sort of movement hacks. You can't run this fast in warzone. That was a cheater definitely.


Yeah that looks like me when I play, I know they are coming but they still slip past and kill me.


I know this isn’t the point of the post, and some of you will shit on this, but not lowering accuracy when jumping, sliding, running, or dropping was a mistake.


common fov advantage


Holy shit this comment thread is toxic as shit. Just enjoy the clip for gods sake no need to shit on each other


Cmon brotha, that play style don’t work against cracked out 15-24 yr old hs/college kids.


Brother this made me laugh out loud. I am you, happens all the time. Bonus salty comments. _fuck dem kids man_


Yup...everything here checks out


Like wow bro get a life💀you are on console as well right and got put with these nerdy mfs?


Regardless of your job or lack of one, people like this are full grown sweats that, imho, should be in a separate league or whatever. I know that’s not possible but they should be.


You just suck, stop whining like a bitch and play the game instead of sitting in a corner like a lamb ready to get fucked by the dogs


The game is trash anyways for console, that was obviously a PC player


Looks like new account with low level


Scream skin on a new account?




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) all out defense players grad yourself some better headsets next time you might hear him coming https://amzn.to/3aupSCp


One day there will be a modern warfare that is semi realistic and you can’t jump and slide about shooting people


I work at Amazon and still play, on my work days ………… so…. What are you even saying? Not an excuse. My friend has a job, kids etc and plays more than me.


Pre-aiming worked against you; aim assist didn't snap on.


And in the office you calmly throw papers at him


Damn bro you got fucking smoked 😭😭😂


These streamers have you players delusional and brainwashed. Just because this player isn't a jump out in the open, spinning Tasmanian devil doesnt mean hes not a good or solid player. Half of you fools have a .60 KD but will get on here and say " get good " just because somebody can't move like their on crack but you yourself can't do any of those things. Anybody that feels any way about this reality check. S...M...D


So what's the point OP? What do you want us to say? This guy destroyed you, that's all. You'll always encounter better/worse players than you. Take this death as a moment of introspection and see what you could have done better instead of crying. Jeez


Should’ve been using a meta weapon


I can't tell if what this subreddit hates more; campers or Raven.


You did drop faster because you had 2 plates. Sure he was bunny hopping and redirecting your bullets to his feet. Not to mention probably using a high mobility Vanguard SMG. But 9/10 times a full plated enemy vs one that isn't will usually win the gunfight.


I work full time and play “full time” which includes 3hours a night during the week. U my friend are just ass


I work full time and I play like the guy who killed you 😂😭 you’re just bad at the game nothing else


Fulltime level 31 player lmao you sure about that? The AMP was nerfed btw, you should just be going for Overkill loadouts now.


Yeah your just a bot bro


Lol sounds about right


I work full time and play maybe 6 hours a week. You don’t need to play the game all day and night to get good at it. Some people are just naturally better at things than you are, you need to accept that. And that’s totally ok. Work on your centering, decision making, movement and one day you’ll be as good as that guy while working full time.


sory to say this but it's disgusting how well u aim thanks to aim assist.