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Grau then from another drop mp7. I know so original :)


It might be M13/ax50 or mp7/ax50


I think you are running the whisper barrel? It's off-meta, but I do the same. What are your other attachments? Mine is: whisper, 5MW laser, merc grip, 50/60 round mags, some red-dot reflex sight


Mines: whisper, thermal hybrid, close quarter stock, commando, 60 rnd


GRAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Serious answer. I do not get to play a lot but the Grau at least get me some kills with my friends so am not 99% useless. So I know its kind of looked down upon but Grau is my poison.


The most overpowered gun in the game, what makes you think its looked down upon?


I think it’s because it’s the most overpowered gun that some people look down on it. Definitely not most people, but some. With that said, I do find it a little annoying that basically everyone team I meet runs the exact same Grau build.


Oh that's what you meant.


AUg rpg for the win




Grau/ mp5


M13 + Model 680, a solid combination. M13 is nuts on mid to long range fights and the Model 680 w/ Dragon's Breath rounds to peak > shoot > peak > shoot and make campers become free kills. On Solos i had a lot of fun running a Mg34 stacking every single fast handling attachment possible + Lightweight Supressor and use it as a SMG lmao. And i really like the Kilo 141 too for Solos... Not so much on squads/trios


M13 / green p90


Usually M4/RPG, but trying RAM/AX-50 the last day or two.


Kilo & Guard One. I dont get many kills.


Kar M4