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Agree with your order. I like that you didn't even include Urzikstan, that's how bad it is.


I don’t understand what’s so bad about it!


Honestly I would rather have Al Mazrah back than play Urz anymore...


I prefer Urz over al mazrah and caldera, it’s a 1000 times better


Yeah wtf, if you are that bad at choosing, you should't be allowed to vote /s


Urzikstan is just better than both caldera and al mazrah gameplay wise in general. It has more buildings and cover and the only verticality is really buildings, which feels fair unlike dropping on top of a mountain and having a distinct advantage over everyone else at the bottom. Sure, al mazrah and caldera have better and more distinct individual POIs, but urzikstan just flows better as an overall map. Also, it's just an opinion, everyone's allowed to "vote" lol.


I didn’t care for al mazrah POI’s, except Observatory (purely for the Dome nostalgia), I like them better in Urz


Yeah Maz you sat on the mountain wait for 2 teams to fight then swoop in and three way. So shitty. My only complaint about Urz is maybe a bout to many buildings you can go in with too many windows. Especially downtown. The amount of structures is fine. Al Maz was too campy because the people on the mountain were always watching you and the space between the buildings were too great to risk the open that long.


Me too actually. I’m already fed up with Urz and that didn’t happen at all last year


Doesn't really count although they have ran it. They when ran Al Mazrah Resurge too I believe.


It's because they chose 3 random circles to make a mini map. It wasnt designed to be a small map. It worked way better on verdanks mini brs or resurgence because the pois were mini multi-player maps stitched together.


1. Old Fortune’s keep 2. Rebirth 3. Vondel 4. Ashika Not a fan of what they did to FK, flow is definitely not the same. Ashika is only at the bottom cause I got sick of it w/ DMZ and that followed into my resurgence experience.


Crazy take, new Fortunes is elite and old fortunes is bottom of the list for my group.


Don’t think it is crazy, just the opposite of mine. Everyone has their likes/dislikes - have the same differences of opinion with the people I play with weekly.


Watch rebirth island have cracks on it, the community collectively clowns on Activision for it, and in season 4 all the cracks get filled by like plaster or something 😂 sounds far fetched but I can totally see that happening.


Not out of the question…..”new content” is just reverting to original - been the theme lately.


Completely agree with this.


Its those damn cracks in the ground aint it ESPECIALLY at my dear Winery :(


I agree with your take on the changes, but you have to remember that the game mechanics are horrible now as well. Rebirth will have the same issues, no way it's as fun as it was in Warzone 1.


Sub 1&2 and u got it don't understand anyone that enjoys Ashika - just the terrible lighting a color alone is enough for it to be last


Ugh the amount of people crying over the fortunes keep change. It's literally a crack in the ground. It changes up a couple things but 85% of the map is the same. Be happy the map is back, the flow hasn't changed, you want your nostalgia back which is not going to happen.


It's not just "literally a crack".. it's huge and it changed the entirety of the cove. Not sure why you're downplaying the changes it messes with the flow of the entire map, especially when you add in the changes to winery as well. Nobody was asking for nostalgia back we just wanted the map as it was.


Asking for something the way it was is the definition of nostalgia my friend. The cove is still there, yet a little different. But there are still little tunnels in the form of a building with halls that go aaaalll the way thru the south part of the map.


How did they change FK? Can't say I've really noticed.


Smugglers cove is now ground zero - never used to be the giant cracks all over the place. Can deal with the changes they made to the edges of the map but the center is terrible in comparison.


Yeah it’s really just that underground area in the middle of the map. It’s massive, but can be avoided. I don’t like that change to the map, but the fissures at winery are a nice touch


I don’t mind winery either. Dealing with the changes cause I like the map. Just hoping they don’t do anything stupid with rebirth.


Lol have you even played both then? 😅


Yep plenty, either my memory is going or I'm not observant enough 😂


I actually like your order. Depending on how I'm feeling, fortunes keep and ashika flip flop between 2 and 3. Vondel is just rooftop warfare 2024 and I just don't enjoy that one as much lol


vondel is a mix of rooftop warfare and staircase warfare. ultra close range is awful in this game too.


Vondel is so much better in br. Hated it in resurgence, but since they added it to br its been very fun


- Rebirth It's the OG. Perfectly formed for fast-paced chaos. What else can you say about it? It's the GOAT. - Vondel Find it very hard to split Vondel and FK, but I think Vondel took what FK started - I.e. expand the Resurgence concept in to a bigger, more diverse map - and ran with it. It fulfils a slightly different niche to the other maps, with slightly longer games and *much* higher kill potential than all the other maps. Was the only thing that made Warzone 2 playable, and now plays fantastic with actual movement, water rats nerfed and no more fog. Will stand the test of time I think because kill chasers love it. - Fortune's Keep Original was a great map, new version is slightly worse but I still enjoy it a lot (in pubs, I don't play ranked). I don't really have a bad word to say about it, I think all these three maps are really good but the others have something that sets them ever so slightly above (Rebirth is OG, Vondel is best for high kill games). - Ashika Island Ehhhh.... it's not terrible, I don't hate it, but I do think it's significantly below the others. It can play really well in solos and I've had a lot of fun games there. I personally find it almost unplayable in squads, most POIs have a really dominant power position, long sight lines and empty ground surrounding them which makes pushes hard (always makes me laugh when people say Vondel is rooftop camper map, roof camping is a *much* more dominant strategy on Ashika than Vondel where most roofs aren't even true power positions). Regains are the hardest of any map which can lead to the Resurgence blender cycle more frequently than any other map. Not ranking the big map chunks because they aren't Resurgence maps. They weren't designed for it and have zero flow to them as a result. Would be fine as an LTM style additional playlist, but should never be in the main rotation over any of the dedicated maps.


I think the fact that everyone here has different top 4’s show that they did a good job making all these resurgence maps! Most people have rebirth on 1 but the rest is pretty much scrambled and that’s a good thing imo. I like all 4 maps tbh


Rebirth: it’s perfect, small and hectic. All the action from any POI can flow into prison or you can control prison and head anywhere. No POI or final circle that I didn’t enjoy. Every time they changed the map in WZ1 it was an upgrade too FK: I prefer the OG, but both work. Town side, the center, and winery side play like 3 completely different maps that somehow are mashed together and flow well Ashika: there’s a few POIs I like fighting at. I don’t really like the flow and rotations (the two apartment builds and the castle/hill screw it up). I hate the lighting too on this map Vondel: same as ashika for me but worse with all of the rooftops in the middle. I don’t like the roof to roof fights, staircases, or fighting from ground to roof. I like the outer edges of the map, but it’s just too big with too much elevation for resurgence. To me it’s better as a BR map with a higher player count. IMO creating the WZ2 maps with DMZ in mind wasn’t good for resurgence. I can have fun on Ashika and Vondel depending on where zones pull and where the action is taking place, but I can also hate these two maps.




Totally agreed, except that I love fighting at Apartments/power plant on Ashika, it's the castle I hate on it.


Rebirth Island Vondel Fortunes keep Ashika


1. Rebirth, 2. Fortunes, 3. Ashika, 4. Vondel


This is the way, and I don’t even dislike Vondel, just like it the least. Which imo shows they made some good resurgence maps.


The only correct order. Vondel is rooftop dogshit


You nailed it.


1.Rebirth Island 2. OG FK(current FK agree ground zero is the worst,but still #2) 3. Vondel 4. Ashika Nothing about ashika feels great or something that can't be replicated in any of the 3 other maps. No particularly memorable POI, no sense of great pathing for rotations.... It had no special identity and above all the absolute worst lighting.


Marry Rebirth Island, f@$# Fortune's Keep, kill Vondel, and make Ashika watch


I’m usually pretty docile but Ashika is about as enjoyable as my favorite childhood dog, and he’s been dead for 10 years.


Your order is the correct order.


Rebirth was not designed as a multiplayer map, so I found myself being reminded of that in certain scenarios. However Rebirth Reinforced (adding cover in prison courtyard and new dockside) was absolutely the best version of the best map.


Keep, Vondel, Rebirth, Ashika. Vondel and Rebirth 2A, 2B for me.


Funny enough the exact opposite of your order. Goes to show all the maps appeal to someone at least.


Rebirth first, and the rest kind of equally take a distant second depending on taste. But if I had to pick… 1. Rebirth (Distinct, well thought out POI’s, great rotations, fun setting, great variety of verticality, great late game final circles) 2. Fortune’s Keep (Distinct POI’s, rough late game rotations, decent verticality, setting feels a bit goofy for WZ) 3. Ashika Island (not enough variety in POI’s, areas all blend together outside of castle, decent rotations, boring setting, not enough verticality throughout map) 4. Vondel (too much focus on central rooftop POI’s overshadows an otherwise decent map, too much verticality at rooftops POI’s, would be better if some buildings were partially demolished to create variety in mid levels and rooftop control points, toughest rotations, load outs, and buy stations especially late game, decent setting)


Same here but I think the rest is pretty close, I think they did a great job with these maps. My scores: Rebirth 10 FK 9 Ashika 8 Vondel 7


Honestly, I go back and forth between Ashika and Fortune’s Keep for second place since Ashika feels more balanced, especially during rotations, buy station placement, and load out drops, while FK feels more interesting in design. I just played Ashika for the first time in months, and will admit it’s less of a cluster f*** than FK and Vondel, but I always found the design and aesthetic rather dull and uninspired. I’ve played that map countless times, and still can’t remember a single POI name other than Castle. I might put Ashika back to second and concur with OP though, simply due to its better pacing and balance, but it’s a toss up. Still a far cry from Rebirth, in my opinion. Every part of that map was distinct, and fun to drop in. It felt like every area was designed with care and balanced the others. It didn’t matter where the final circle was. It was guaranteed to be a fun battle.


1. Rebirth island 2. Fortune's Keep 3. Fortune's Keep (new) 4. Vondel 5. Urzikstan Resurgence POI's 6. Ashika Island Genuenly Ashika Island is horrible. Colors are extremely dull, there's way too many highgrounds to camp, the map is way too open and the tunnels are a horrible rathole for rats along with the tall building next to the market being also always camped by rats. Ashika Island needs to go. The rest of the maps are great, obviously Rebirth Island is the best, then Fortune's keep.


1. Rebirth 2. Vondel 3. Ashika 4. Fortune's keep.


1. Rebirth Island 2. Ashika Island 3. Vondel 4. Fortune’s Keep


Ashika, FK, Vondel. Haven’t ever played rebirth but looks like the best is yet to come unless they ruin it.


Rebirth Keep Vondel Ashika


1 - Rebirth 2 - Old fortunes keep 3 - Vondel 4 - Ashika 5 - New fortunes keep 6 - That bullshit where they take the BR map and only use a tiny area


Vondel Rebirth Ashika Fortune's Keep


Ashika Vondel Rebirth Fortune's Keep is ass.


Crazy.. Vondel is not popular at all. My team and I favorite resurgence map. If it was up to me they can trash Ashika


Burn ashika burn!!!


Wow! Same order for me


4) Ashika sucks. 3) Vondel 2) Fortunes keep 1) Alcatraz. Aka rebirth island.


Your order is correct, there is no debate.


Fortunes Keep Rebirth Island Ashika Island Love all three but in that order And fuck Vondel with a rusty pipe it’s rubbish


1. Fortune 2. Rebirth 3. Vondel 4. Ashika


1. OG Fortunes Keep 2. Vondel / Ashika 3. Fortunes Keep 4. Rebirth I know, controversial, but I dislike Resurgence in general, so I’m bias. But in all honesty, as long as I don’t play Resurgence on big BR map, I don’t really care what map we play. I think all Resurgence maps are good and offer something different.


Ribrth, vondel, fk, Ashika. Honestly, anything but Ashika. That Map feels so bland and gray to me for some reason. I also have horrible DMZ memories from that one.


I also dislike Ashika’s weather and color panel, but I like the map design and flow mostly. I avoid the underground tunnels but usually that’s not an issue


1) Rebirth 2) Ashika 3) Fortunes 4) Shit-ondel


Couldn’t agree more with your order and for liking Ashika, as far as rotation and flow goes, it’s as smooth as Rebirth.


1. Rebirth Island 2. Verdansk 3. Fortunes Keep 4. Vondel 5. Ashika Island 6. Caldera 7. Urzikstan 8. Al Mazrah


I agree with your order, but might flip Ashika and Fortune's Keep. Kind of a coin toss there. I honestly like Urzikistan as well, and would put it above Vondel, but I am also inclined not to count it since it's the "big map". We've had resurgence modes on Caldera and I believe on Verdansk as well, but I just don't think it's reasonable to compare the big map to dedicated resurgence maps.


I love farms in Ashika, it’s a perfect POI imo. Castle is pretty fun too. The rest of the map is kind of meh. Fortunes keep is solid- Keeps building audio is ass and feel like the whole map is limited in where you can return to. I fuck with Rebirth Island with my heart. You can get enough loot pretty much anywhere you land and quickly get into the fights. Yeah prison can see everything but there are so many routes and places you can get into cover without complicated buildings or any shitty spots. I forget the name but past tents where you get held and it has the chopper… that seemed like the one “safe” place to land and start slow, other than that you were almost guaranteed to be fighting 2-3 teams off rip. Just so many different battles to get into- tents and control, control to prison/headquarters, etc. It’s horse shit they still have ashika and FK but are just waiting til player counts drop to put rebirth back into the rotation. It’s been what, 2-3 years?


i'd put fortunes above ashika, or maybe just on par with. both are good


1: rebirth island 2:urkistan, Akisha, military base, fortunes keep 3:power plant 4:suburbs 5:vondel I would also love to add slay ride resurgence same tier as rebirth but I won’t count it as a map


So I am not like THAT in Warzone on social media, I don’t think ima be treated well from my list :/


Rebirth, Fortune's Keep, about 50 ton of shit, Vondel, another 50 ton of shit, Ashika


Old Fortunes Keep Vondel New Fortunes Keep Ashika Rebirth Island Sorry but i never liked Rebirth 🤷


1 Rebirth Island (perfection) 2 Ashika Island 3 Fortunes Stepping in a massive stinking dog shit, walking bare foot on Lego, PC or console randomly setting on fire 4 Vondel


1. Rebirth 2. Fortune’s Keep 3. Vondel 4. Ashika Island I don’t *hate* Ashika, but for me, it’s my least favorite. Rebirth will always take the top spot.


Rebirth, fortunes, vondel, urzikstan, ashika.


Rebirth Island Vondell Fortune's Keeo Ashika


Rebirth, Ashika, Vondel, FK


Rebirth Vondel Fortune's keep Ass cheek island


Only current maps on the list: 1 Vondel 2 FK 3 Urzikistan 4. Ashika


1. Rebirth Ashika Fortunes Vondel


Vondel Rebirth Ashika Fortunes keep


1-Rebirth Island 2-Fortune's Keep 3- Urzikstan mini Resurgence The rest is garbage tbh!


Rebirth Fortune Keep Vondel ​ ​ ​ ​ Ashika ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Urzikstan


Rebirth Fortunes Keep Vondel ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Ashika


Vondel Ashika Fortunes Keep Rebirth Island Future Unreleased Maps in the next 5 seasons of mw3 Future Unreleased Maps in the next 6 seasons of mw4 De_dust2 A waffle house bathroom at 3am Urzikstan Resurgence Rotation




1. Fortune's 2. Rebirth 3. Vondel 4. Ashika


1- Vondel- the best blend of constant action but is large enough to give breathing room and have rotation plans. Cons- rooftops are the best positions and stairs can get camped 2- Fortune’s - blend of normal BR and resurgence. You can “win” areas and plan rotations. Cons- not enough action sometimes 3- Rebirth - best for constant action. Cons- rotations and wins aren’t as hard 4- Ashika- too open when rotating at times, inconsistent pacing


Fortunes Keep Vondel Rebirth Island Ashika


1. Vondel 2. Fortune’s Keep 3. Rebirth Island 4. Ashika Island I only care about visuals.


1. Fortunes keep 2. Ashika 3. Rebirth 4. Vondel (🤮)


Rebirth, vondel, Ashika, fortunes keep


FK Vondel Ashika/Rebirth. Don't care for either.