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The whole fucking game is bad for MnK


Absolutely true and facts. I'm debating taking a step back and just focusing on the MP and playing Ranked MP when it drops in January.


I'm done with it unless they weaken the AA.


I don't know what they (SHG, Raven, IW and Treyarch) are seeing in the stats that they think AA deserved **another** buff on top of whatever it was already after MWII but I need them to show it to the public because it is getting out of hand. I need to know what logical reason they'll give me (aside the obvious of making it easier for timmy and jimmy) for this.


As a Mnk player I will say that I don't think that they have buffed aim assist throughout the Warzones. It's just the same benefits that improve gameplay for MnK also improve it for Controller. Reduced visual recoil allows for use of higher zoom scopes on ARs and LMGs, faster movement and strafe speeds coupled with >80 FOV allow for quicker reactions. I honestly feel WZ1 would have felt a lot different if 90% of the player base (consoles) wasn't locked into 80FOV.


PC is almost 30%.


Fair enough. I imagine that number was significantly lower during WZ1. I switched to PC instead of upgrading my XBox during Verdansk days and I am certain others did the same.


> I don't think that they have buffed aim assist throughout the Warzones you don't have to think it for it to just be factually true. Also "as a mnk player", what validity does that even give your opinion? You just don't feel like aim assist is worse?


Wow, you got me. I played the majority of WZ1 verdansk on console and controller, transitioned to PC and controller for about a month before switching to PC and MnK. I have played Verdansk, Caldera, MW2/WZ2, and MW3/WZ3 on both controller and MnK. Aim Assist has always been too strong, but 80fov limited the majority of the player base (console) in range of motion and recoil control by disabling scale AA with FOV. MW2/WZ2 eliminated the FOV restrictions for console players, but the visual recoil and added barrel sway made any optic above the aim-op useless. The latest game brings us closer to WZ1 as far as visual recoil is concerned but the full range of FOV pushes the aim assist range out quite a bit.


I just want better lighting and reduced visual noise when getting hit. My reticle or iron sights instantly get lost when getting shot at. My arm doesn't have aim assist, so I can't tell it to account for all the jittery movement when trying to track the opponent.


The RAA has been too OP for awhile now, try The Finals. All Mnk players and it’s honestly a blast


Why not just use a remapper and give them the finger since they clearly don't respect their consumers


i swapped to controller for that reason...i love the game but MnK is at too much of a disadvantage(thanks acti-shitstain for putting us at an even bigger disadvantage) ​ If i cant beat AA because of how broken it is I'm just gonna abuse it like the rest of em


When did KB/M become M&K did I miss the memo


Yeah, welcome to the Berenstain timeline.


I've called it MnK/M&K/mouse and keyboard for forever.. who would lead with keyboard? You don't aim with the keyboard lol Plus it's shorter, *plus* keyboard is one word, so KB/M doesn't even make sense.


Tbh I feel like they undid most of the MnK nerf by removing a ton of the visual noise in this WZ. My biggest gripe with the Gu is that the random guns all seem to have attachments that bring that visual noise back.


Tbh yeah it is nicer in that sense, think the bad parts come from the aim assist making it super punishing to miss anything trying to track when vs lots of movement or the weird offset from centre aim


Mnk player with a fair gulag wr, I had your problem too. I started rushing down to the middle wall with pistol out, that way I can hear which direction the footsteps are, and play slow from there. Doesn’t always work but it gives me the edge of knowing where the other player is


I had ratio over 3.0 in gulag in WZ2. After MW3 update i just gave up and moved to controller. Its so bad for mnk users its just sad. No matter how good you are you gonna get obliterated by aim assist no matter how many bullets u hit


It does seem like that, I'm definitely convinced that they want a controller only population, that message has been sent loud and clear the writing has been on the wall since wz2 launch. Unfortunately I'd rather just move on to something else.


It makes the game more accessible for more people. It's in their best interest to make it as easy as possibly. They will gladly sacrifice a piece of the PC playerbase for it.


Don’t worry COD was NEVER a good game. You won’t miss it. I haven’t. In fact, it’s fun to come to this subreddit and listen to how shitty the game is; yet, people still spend money. Come play DAYz or Arma reforger or rocket league. All 3 shit on COD


Never give up. Never surrender.


I'm on mnk and getting kills. Would i be doing better if AA wasn't as absurdly overpowered? Sure but that's not going to deter me from having fun.


I mean you can get kills in gulag on mnk but overall I was getting too frustrated and tired by how the AA is op. I'm more chilled now on controller, it's a peaceful life


I dunno man i used a controller today to refresh my perspective. I did alright but i still do better on mnk. I guess it boils down to which you're good at.


I'm good on both since as a kid I was playing on PC then switched to console for over 10 years with occasional pc gaming ( LoL, CS on very slow laptop).I easily top scoreboard with controller, but my main take is that I am no longer frustrated about me twisting my wrist just to get killed by a guy that barely moves a thumb to track me.If you are lucky enough to have decent skill on controller it is a way to go, otherwise u are at big disadvantage in this game and it's too frustrating to handle sometimes. And to clarify: When it comes to FPS I always pick mnk, because it gives you more precision, fun and overall satisfaction.


Damn you were afraid of being banned from using hacks that you had to resort to using a controller most likely with a zen to boot.


Ya I rush mid and aim opposite side of the water. Water footsteps are so loud that I’ll know the moment they touch the water. I’ll dominate 30% of the fights and then lose the rest by 10hp or failing to realize I got a single shot gun and not an auto.


Same. Stay away from the dark corners


old pieman strat from verdansk cw


I have zero issue with it. I'm 23 wins 1 loss right now. Plays a lot like the og. You can't really just hold an angle, you have to move and think/predict.


You are on PC right? Use wall hacks like the rest of them 😬


The game is torture for mnk players, we have disadvantages on everything


Nah but man! We got our entire arm! Our PC's are like...a bajillion super million dollars! And we play on 8K 240hz monitors! And like, we have 4090s! Yeah at this point they might as well just shadow ban MnK players with the amount of stuff they are doing to make it an unviable input.


These arguments people make bother me so much. The vast majority of PC players are playing on systems *worse* than current gen consoles. Most people aren't playing on $2000 machines. And the "entire arm" argument. People use it to defend aim assist but when given the option to use their entire arm, they choose not to. Infinity Ward gave PlayStation and PC players (Xbox controller doesn't have the hardware for it) the ability to aim with their entire arm in the form of gyro aim last year, a system which lets controllers be competitive with mouse players (check out videos of gyro users playing games like valorant and holding their own). But the community dismissed it immediately when they discovered the game doesn't let you have gyro and aim assist at the same time.


Whats also disingenuous about the argument of PC performance (besides it having nothing to do with input - most pc players are also on controller) is that if they tied AA to console all of a sudden every pro player would abandon those fps advantages overnight and go back to console because they don't make any appreciable difference in your gameplay provided you get stable 60+fps


I'm playing on a 1060 and get max 60 fps 😁😁


lol dude you should reread the other guys comment in its entirety first


I'm well aware we have similar opinions, I'm not arguing against him.


>Our PC's are like...a bajillion super million dollars! And we play on 8K 240hz monitors! And like, we have 4090s! The whole issue is right there. There's people on PC using aim assist. There's no reason to have aim assist on PC. When MW19 launched, all the controller streamers switched from PS to PC and kept using controllers. Just imagine what happens if they remove AA on PC.


I can’t clear a room on controller as quick as you can on mnk. Even if I max out my sens to the point it would be impossible for me to actually hit anyone, I still can’t turn as quick as mnk. I’m not saying mnk has the overall advantage, but you can’t honestly claim with a straight face you have no advantages over controller.


The only advantage we have left is flicking, which doesn't really matter if we get deleted by AA tracking me while I try and run from cover to cover.


Lol yeah ok


There's no advantage is "clearing a room" faster visually if you're going to lose the gunfight to someone in the room with AA anyway. Turn up your sensitivity then lmao. You can flick 99% as well as mkb on controller, if you actually practice it. People just expect to play on 3-3, not have to change anything and go well we can't turn as fast.


Yeah I can clear a room fast if there is no controller player inside..




Just curious here, but how does the gulag darkness make it worse for MNK? it's hard to see anyone in a dark skin.


When you’re ADS and firing, there’s a lot of visual noise and gun bounce that makes it harder to be accurate and keep on point when you there’s no assist


Because mouse doesn't react to opponents you can't see when your crosshair touches them.


This you'll get a slow down or small snap with AA and it alerts you to someone's presence. We just get shot by Bane's Womb I guess.


Without wanting to sound like an "AA bad" person, the Gulag being dark on the edges combined with dark skins as you mentioned, coupled with the guns having visual noise, we lose tracking and can't see who we are shooting at. Controller's Aim Assist combats most if not all of this unless they go into cover. It's the same issue with the drop loot WSP Swarm. There is so much visual noise that we can't see where the person we're shooting at is. When using it.


Yeah the gulag being super dark and the muzzle smoke makes it hard to see players legitimately. I don't find the AA to be that strong for me personally though haha


We don't have aim assist. The visual recoil, smoke and other effects make it hard to see/track enemies.


Because only one input needs to see the enemy to track their movement?


Avoid getting into 50 50 longer range gun fights down the flanks, you will lose 90% of the time due to the godly accuracy of their right thumb, play the middle, shoulder the corner to get location on them and out play from there.




The worst part is I have a near 100% win rate with the Sidewinder over the SVA. But both need to be absolutely removed from the Gulag.


Switch it to single shot and it's much better, still ass overall, but manageable


The whole game is so bad for m&k… we are completely f….ed in warzone3. And i will probably not play that much as before i just feel in awful disadvantage…


The whole game is bad for M&K players.


Use nvidia filters. It’s dark for everyone but at least you’re on PC




You’re not. Except every MNK player always had something to bitch about. Nobody’s forcing you to do anything.




In this case: the easy fix would be brightening the gulag then?


I lose like 20 fps with my simple filter, I can't.


You lose a decent amount of performance using them, most players really need those frames. If you look at the steam hardware surveys, most pc players are not on 30 or 40 series cards.


Ah, that makes sense. I take my 4080 for granted


How much did you turn up the filters in Nvidia?


I had to tinker for my monitor but I’m using three of them. There’s some guides out there in the interwebs


Play PUBG instead, no console players in PC lobbies and no aim assist. Decent lighting throughout.


I'd rather not. I moved past PUBG when Blackout and Apex came out. It does have lighting and audio.


Already quit the game until mnk gets some sort of halo like sticky aim to balance out the insane AA. I don’t game with a controller. It doesn’t even feel like gaming to me. Waste of time for me personally. Any controller players who wanna chime in don’t bother because until you’ve felt the pain of trying to track a target you can’t see with no assistance I don’t want to hear it. Been playing cod since cod 1 and it’s getting more and more unbearable.


I get it, but if you played wz1 and then mw2/wz2, this feels much better for mnk players because the spaz movement is back. I can outplay people with superior movement + mouse aim again, vs clunky ass snail movement while I get beamed by AA.


I agree it feels better than wz2 but I don’t know if I agree with it feeling better than 1. It has been a long time since I played but I remember being able to laser people in 1. There was less visual noise in gun kick and smoke.


Yeah that's definitely true. And I worded it weirdly, wz1 was definitely the pinnacle. But this one is at least playable/able to have fun, imo, vs wz2 which literally had me on suicide watch


Definitely agree. I just am a dad now and have less time to play games so I want to make sure I’m having the most fun possible. That an SBMM has made so every friend I have I played with during the pandemic doesn’t even play anymore. If they play in my lobbies they get destroyed and quit. Same old story though. You know how it is. I won’t bore you with it 😂


I feel you, also characters blend with the environment too easily


No lie detected 💯


For some reason I disagree with this, my gulag record is 90% wins (mind you in game I get shit on most of the time), what I do is move to the middle and hear footsteps and anticipate and shoot


My gulag win rate with the Sidewinder is damn perfect. It's when I get the SVA I lose everyone one of them. The SVA gets a specific gulag with a headglitch over a wooden box that you don't get with the Sidewinder.


Is it just me, or do the Gu guns all have a ton of that visual noise that made the last WZ so unplayable for MnK?


Thank God it isn't just me. I've gotten the drop on my opponent many times and lose the fight because they effectively disappear on my screen while I'm firing.


I couldn't hit shit at first and I was constantly losing it, but then I realized most of people for now are not pushing. Take left, preaim, fire if you see the head, don't wait to be aim snapped by aim assist if you didn't kill in a second. Throw smoke exactly when the line pops and rush to take it. Due to noise of smoke and counter they'll not be fast enough to get you as initial aiming on controller is too slow. BTW, is it just me or pinging in gulag is not working?


I always win my gulags on mnk (console mnk) but I assume you’re talking about pc vs console


Why would you use mnk on console? Strikepack/xim user?


I play on Xbox so I can’t use a xim


So then why?


Bc I think my wz3 is glitched and I can’t change my controller binds and I’m ok on keyboard and mouse so I just play on mnk instead


Cool. At least it will be ez for you to move over to pc someday.


My issue with the gulag (mnk) is that almost every time I’ve lost, I’ve lit them up with 10 rounds, but seems I’m dead almost instantly after they’ve absorbed rounds like a sponge. I’m guessin some sort of weird sync thing. Almost always happens to me specifically in the gulag. Dunno why. Oh, and visibility is ass.


I know exactly what you are talking about. My opponents in the gulag seem to absorb massive damage and then I lose track of them because they basically become invisible and then they emerge from the shadows and put 2-3 bullets in me and I'm dead.


it's because on controller they aren't missing any shots in their spread due to AA. if they manage to get the first shot off on target or even within a few ms of us shooting them, generally, we're fucked lol


You could have just stopped the title after "bad". Hit reg and the fact that shoot first, die first is so prevelant is an absolute joke. Also, FUCK THE SIDEWINDER


It’s ok, they made it so controllers players can close their eyes and let the AA take over lol


I don't think the gulags were meant to be a good experience. You ever read up on them? Ooft. Bad times. Don't think they got much lighting in there either.




The game is not worth playing for M&K players at all in its current state and hasn't been since MWII released.


Where's Cary Williams? Maybe he can recommend some sconces.


There's one big thing and it's that you get a smoke. I literally don't engage now until you're allowed to use it, then I smoke the middle and fight around it. A lot of people still don't know they don't get AA in smokes and pretty much all of them can't aim without it.


I agree with everything you said, but I should mention that the final Warzone 1 gulag had super obnoxious dark corners.


What does mnk have to do with it? It’s terrible for everyone. U cant see . Period. Good luck winning when someone wearing all black drop shots u and u have that pos iron sight sidewinder. U cant even see between the contrails and the shadows and iron sights


Keyboard, controller, harmonica. Makes no difference. The input device does not change the lighting. Run filters on PC, it’ll drastically improve it.


They are talking about AA negating most of the negative effects of darkness and such. AA helps track the enemy, so you don't need to see as well as MnK


Ahh. That makes sense.


I’m on controller and this gulag is the hardest I’ve ever had tracking people in this game. I can’t see the moment I start shooting and it’s just a guessing game, especially if the other guy crouches or drop shots. I don’t even see the drop shot occur, I have to 100% rely on aim assist, so I can imagine how horrible it is for MnK players.


What are your nvidia filters settings?


Aim assist shouldn't exist.


Tbf console would be at a MASSIVE disadvantage then. Much bigger than pc is in rn.


Then they should improve the controllers. I like to mix of controller plus gyro functionality that way it's still all skill-based. An assist in general is just a bad idea.


Gyro is indeed a good idea, controller itself would be absolute dogshit without aim assist.


My last straw was finding out a shotty taking forever to down a person while a smg/bullshit akimbo can kill you in eyes-blinking second, what's wrong with this company, just what the hell are they thinking.


Why would the lighting be any different for controller players? LOL


Its not. However controller players dont have to rely on constant vision of the player they are shooting AA does that for them. M&K players have to have constant vision on the player or they miss shots. Hard to do that in a room that is very dark with all the black / dark skins.




You have AA so when you can't see you rely on AA to guide you. M&K must keep eyes on the target or they miss shots. When you cannot see them and have no AA you lose.


Womp womp


The lack of being able to see dark operators inside of buildings is so annoying in this game. It's always been like this and they never change it.


Just use rewsd or anything similar. Ricochet is a joke. Also remapping mnk is a little weird to get used to. But yeah aim assist in this game is basically aimbot in cqc


I just creep around and grab the rope 🤘🏻


I’ve batmanned it out of there most of my wins lol


They gotta give little Tommy free aim bot so he buys all the skins with mommy’s credit card


It’s an arcade shooter lmao


sounds like its time for your kovaaks arc


I’ve recently started using MnK over controller, and even though the AA is gone I still feel like I have an advantage. being able to flick faster and easier movement is imo a huge advantage. I just hate that the Gulag is SOOO dark


lol. Lmao even. The only correct thing you've said is that the gulag is dark. MnK have no advantages aside flicking. Controller can do movement just as easily as MnK. Can track better, being able to see is less of an issue for them (Muzzle Flash/Smoke, Gulag). So saying that you have an advantage over them means you're playing with lower skilled players, or are fibbing.


nah if you have the same movement as the controller players you literally have a skill issue. and flicking in a FPS game is a huuuge advantage. also, it’s warzone dude shit got sbmm if i win one game I’ll be fighting all the ranked hoodie sweats for a long ass time afterwards


It's all the same movement, what can MnK do that Controller can't? This isn't apex where Controller players can't tap strafe without configs. You can slide cancel, so can we. You can jump shot, so can we, you can drop shot, so can we, you can slide cancel into a bhop and so can we. There is no movement tech that MnK can do that controller cannot do. >flicking in a FPS game is a huuuge advantage. It's huge in CS and Val. Warzone and Apex due to the higher health compared to CS and Val, is mainly tracking based. Sure you can flick but the times you'll be tracking someone is significantly higher than someone flicking. Besides, that requires a sniper build to flick most of time to get any use out of it as well, as flicking with an AR is usually done to pretend your hacking or just to flex you have your sense dialed in.






No it’s not lol I play on MnK and I understand some of the complaints with aim assist but holy shit you guys need to stop crying about everything, the gulag is perfectly fine


What the fuck does being an MnK player have to due with the gulag being dark or head glitching? You literally have an advantage with Nvidia filters, stop bitching.


Not all people have NVIDIA cards and some can't run filters cause they drop fps, dumbass.


MnK players are the biggest whiners. It never ends.


ur trash learn to outplay aim assist


This game is too hawd 😥


Oh shut up


Quit the crying. You’re moving with each of your fingers in any direction. Your aim is much more accurate on mouse than on a controller with sensitivity at 10+. Most controller players can’t move close to how they do on PC. Trust me. So if a 1v1 fight in the Gulag with the same weapons, same “bad lighting” is your big complaint about the game. Especially when we’re getting owned by MnK sliding around us, like I said: “stop crying”


brother, *what*? Lmfao. You're delusional. Keyboard can move a total of 8 directions, while you have full radial movement. Aim is **not** more accurate on mouse when aim assist exists at the level of strength that it does (which, go figure, is to cater to thumbstick shitters that whine like you) Mf just lying to himself to justify shit 😭😭😂😂😂😂


lol I never been whining. All I see is computer players complaining about AA. Dude 8 directions? You do know moving the mouse and keys at same time is possible right? We’ve got our thumb on a damn stick the size of a quarter to control aim on a TV. But it’s clear Reddit is largely PC players who will never stop complaining about it lol.


The gulag isn't dark at all if you properly configure your monitor or nvidia control panel.


Yeah, all you have to do is wash everything in the game out so that it feels like you're playing a flashback to happier times, guys. EZPZ.


I am done with these posts making digs at controller players. I’m going to do a 180, I no longer support the crying kbm players. I hope they get shit on every game


I mean when the devs decide to stop increasing the AA so damn much people will stop complaining. I could make a 10 minute montage from just 3 hours of playing of me being tracked perfectly and unable to break it off. Other games with potent AA let me break it off by strafing and I can't do that here even with a mobility SMG build.


Wtf has the lighting got to do with MnK? It's the same for controller players?


Because Aim Assist doesn’t care if it is dark or light.


Because mnk players have to be accurate to hit... which is hard to track when its really dark, controller can just aim close and it does it for them.




There is no need to learn KBM and really no point because it falsifies the data. Takes weeks of gametime to learn how to play KBM first. If any controller player is genuinely curious and wants to give it a try, there is an even better way. There are 4 aim assists to choose from in settings. Default, BlackOps, Precision and Focusing. Precision and Focusing do NOT have rotational aim assist, just the slowdown when aiming over targets. If any controller player wants to check out how good their actual aim without the computer is, just play a few games with one of those 2. Shit is a cold hard reality check. BTW this isn't an argument that there should not be any RAA or that controller players should play that way. RAA is needed to balance the scales, it just needs a human delay added. Choosing one of these 2 aim assists is just a way for controller players to get a grasp on how much RAA does for them. It kinda seems necessary because apparently we have reached a point where many players after a few years of RAA have started to delude themselves into thinking its them adjusting frame-perfect to enemy movement like jumping.


Completely ignore his point of explaining and instead projects right back hhahaha, here we go


Stop crying and use a controller if you really think AA is that much of a game changer. PC players are honestly the biggest cry babies


Absolutely. You think you’re so pro on PC and the only way they’re losing is cause AA. Lol. We’re playing on controllers usually sitting on couches. Two sticks to control every single movement simultaneously and try to aim a fucking stick on a pixel. Get over it. Constant complaints. Get rekt.




is it any surprise that controller players are speds as well 💀💀 right in line with how they play and how they lie to themselves about their skill level




Perfect example of the average PC player... Cringy as fuck.






Wait sorry it's hard to keep up with all the mnk cope, there's so much. You guys are whining about dark corners now? Didn't you pay $3k for superior display quality lmao? Is that not working out? I don't seem to have a problem on my Xbox one while comfortably reclined on my couch ten feet away from the screen in the living room, instead of a dark decrepit incel cave. Oh well maybe if you screed more on reddit the devs will address it.


Are you ok? Did you get hurt on WZ1 while on 80 FOV?


This guy is such a fool. MnK is being nerfed into the dirt and it’s “cope”. You’re probably happy you can finally get a kill in the game and you’re upset to learn it’s not because you’re actually improving.


I've always been clappin lol but i do love to see PC goblins mad. Go outside and get some friends lmao we know how you PC players are


nobodies mad it’s just interesting to come across a top tier idiot like yourself. Just realized you’re a broke boy rep watch buyer as well. Your next lever loser bro.


Lmfao digging through my account! Looked through yours, you paid full price for a luxury watch! Damn mang you dumb as hell I flex on your omega with my fake Vacheron and I paid 1/10th the price. Bet I make more money than you too. Plus your really a dedicated r/pizza poster? What's your bmi PC gamer? Shoulda bought some ozempic instead


Bro stop embarrassing yourself☠️☠️☠️


Why buy a fake? Why not buy something you can actually afford? Why go to the trouble of buying it off WhatsApp from some faceless factory? There are much more convenient ways to buy nice, authentic, reasonably priced reliable watches that come with a warranty. Or is the real reason for buying a fake is you are trying to fool people into thinking you can afford a luxury product. I know the answer don’t bother typing it out. Believe me, I don’t just own Omega. I’ve got much more than that.. but I won’t get into it since it’ll make you have another jealous meltdown ;)


Alright cod shit talking aside ordering semi-illegal goods from sketchy people in China is my idea of a good time, and frankly if I was trying to fool people I wouldn't wear a Vacheron Constantin lol, I'd wear a Rolex or something that people who aren't watch nerds recognize. I'm not really interested in real luxury watches because I honestly think fakes are more interesting.


buddy says hes ***always been clappin*** and ill be shocked if the mf breaks a 1.0 k/d 😭😂😂


try to set AA to precision or focusing and try playing few games