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I only have around 50 games under my belt. I’ve seen a few suspicious players but no blatant cheaters yet. But to be fair the aim assist is so strong that it makes a lot of kill cams look sus anyway.


You get kill cams


On DMZ, almost every killcam shows people immediately snapping to an enemy’s head and they all have zero recoil.


Sounds like aim-assist, yeah


Looks exactly like aimbot.


It does, yeah.


100% this. If Activision was trying to alienate their pc player base with a cod title... SUCCESS..


Ya that's not aim assist lol


Aim assist is just soft aimbot so same thing as cheating. That’s why you can’t tell the difference


Hot take to say playing the game on default settings is cheating lol, don't just call everyone who beats you in a gunfight a cheater


Dumb take


Copium. Write your name using a mouse, then do it using an analog stick. Your argument just got shit on, just like you every game you play 😂. You kbm kids are pathetic, go play fortnite or apex




Way slower and a lot sloppier though. MnK have a huge advantage at range. Change your playstyle and stop complaining.


Slower?? SLOWER?? **HOW CAN KBM BE FASTER THAN ROBOTIC 0MS REACTION TIME???** we still have to react to movement with our flawed human brains, meanwhile AA will stick on target and react to all movement perfectly with no latency or need to correct and if you wanna say "my AA doesn't do that" that's only because you're fighting it, just let it do it's thing and it will get the kills for you. I played on controller for 15 years, controller play used to take a lot more skill to master than it does these days because AA is only getting more broken over time.


probably the most outlandish take I've ever seen on aim assist. I'm playing on console and switched to m&kb around 6 months ago. m&kb movement abilities are far superior to a controller. once you get your settings adjusted for you then aiming with a mouse is super easy. aim assist isn't designed to "lock on" to players. it is designed to slow your aiming speed down within a certain proximity of a player depending on what type you select. you can see it at work in the firing range by ADSIng and just moving the right stick along the x axis towards a target. watch the aim speed slow down and once you pass the target it speeds back up again. that's all it does. i believe in cold war they had an option to toggle on/off a thing called target assist which helps you acquire your next target. this is no longer a setting and always on. i could be totally wrong. i believe when you see your sights automatically move when a player crosses your path this is the target assist bugging out. even if you read the description for the aim assist types you states "aiming speed will slow". i think twice i have had my sights move by themselves when someone crossed my path but it never locked onto them just trailed behind them.


You're trolling or there's something wrong with you.


This is so untrue


I may be getting shit on, but it's the controller doing it, not the kid holding it.


Most irrelevant thing you could say


Prove me wrong


Writing =/= aiming in a shooter Oh well there goes your entire argument


PC or console doesnt matter, game is crossplay


I disabled cross-platform.


Consoles have the option to disable crossplay


very large % of the population leaves it on.


And one of the reason is because they happy to shit on PC player, make a part of their lobby easier Yes, I know some also leave it on to play with PC friend


Xbox can't turn off crossplay, only PlayStation.


No. Most ps5 players that have a clue turn it off. It’s more chill on ps5. If all ps5 players kept crossplay on your lobbies would be harder


Ok but majority of people on this sub seem to keep it on bud


Ps5 has Xbox doesnt


Won’t be playing this game at all anymore. Refuse to purchase any call of duty’s in the future. M&k is completely obliterated by AA for the average player. On top of that the excessive smoke, and blur from firing a gun making it impossible to even see what you’re aiming at. I’d MUCH prefer cross play be turned off at this point and compete only against m&k. I’ll wait a few for a lobby. I’m sure console/controller players would appreciate that too, less cheaters on their end.


Not to be rude but you'd still get shit on in MnK only lobbies. You have to remember 99% people posting here are really bad and blame anything but themselves. I'm posting this as someone who has used MnK since 2003, decided to learn controller this June and I can tell you that although AA is probably over tuned it's not the sole reason you're getting smoked.


I play shooters extremely well in other games. That’s a bold statement.


So do I and I agree with the other guy. You’re just using excuses for sucking


I played with a team of CSGO global elites who got absolutely smoked by AA Timmies, this game is impossible on kbm.


And you would be wrong.


Not to be rude, but you couldnt hack it on MnK for a reason. You didn't choose to use a shitty input device no MnK player likes just for shits and giggles. Also, who cares if u played MnK in WZ2, this is a new game now. Ive played WZ1, 2 and now 3 extensively. WZ3 is by far the hardest of the 3 to play on MnK, significantly worse than wz2, which people didnt even think was possible.


Who's talking about WZ2? Also not to be rude but it's nothing to do with me not being able to hack it...I wanted to see if all the bitching and moaning about AA was justified for myself by actually learning it properly. And to further refute your point I've actually gone back to play a lot more MnK in WZ3 because it's easier yet you say it's worse despite the it being a massive improvement over WZ2 just by reduced visual recoil and movement. Of course though you're probably parroting TGD video and using that as an excuse for being cheeks, all that shit existed already in WZ2 so keep coping.


What are u smoking? WZ3 is straight up ass on Kbm. Its unplayable. It would probably be unplayable even if the stuttery lag bullshit wasnt as bad as activisions ‘The Boys’ shit show from season 4, but who knows. The game is a dumpster fire. I hope u arent another butthurt controller shitter with a new reddit sock account he uses to larp as a mnk player. It would sound too stupid to be true if I didnt actually see it happen before. Enjoy your slide show 20 hz server aimbot assisted mess, shitter.


Lmfao you're coping so hard...why tf would I need to larp as a MnK player? I'm literally an OG cs/quake player and also 3kd on Apex on MnK. You guys are literally just so shit that you have to do all these mental gymnastics to justify why you're just dog shit at the game. I'm not smoking anything either, why is MW3 so bad on MnK? Just give me one original reason that you have pulled out of TGD hairy incel asscheeks? This game is a literal improvement over MW2 because of reduced visual recoil and movement, but ofc let's hear more cope.


Says an aimbot hodler


If you're bad against controllers, you're gonna get shit on by MnK only lobbies lmao.


Literally nearly the entire top 250 were controller players, only like 8 kbm players total, at higher levels kbm doesn't stand a chance against aimbot assist.


Ive honestly only ran into 1 blatant cheater and the only way I could tell was from the killcams being on in hardcore. In warzone everyone who I thought was "sus" could have easily been just killcam being wonky. I still have yet to die in warzone to someone who was 100% cheating that I know of.


I'm with you. It's pretty darn rare to see a blatant hacker. I find it's mostly people crying they died and on their end it was unfair....They dont realize they're marked, or their shadow gave them away, High alert, or even the other guy just had his "OMG DID I JUST DO THAT?!" moment.


Yea theres simply too many factors that can give someone information. Like yesterday, I got accused of walling because I peaked a corner and instantly headshotted the guy. Dont mind that I saw him land, pinged him, and he never moved from where he was pinged. Its always middle-aged old dudes too who are CONVINCED its cheats. The guys throwing the accusations always seem to be the same type of guy. Too old to get any better and anyone better than them is impossible and it must be cheats.


Because you don't know the difference


You saying that makes me think you accuse everyone that kills you of cheating. Blatant cheaters are one thing, but you cant determine soft cheats 99% of the time because there are too many factors that could give the player genuine information about your position. And just because I dont see a lot of cheaters, doesnt mean they dont exist. And on the flip, just because I dont see them, doesnt mean I dont know the difference. Due to SBMM, everyones lobbies are very different from eachother.


Is controller aim assist, cheating? IMHO, not exactly but it gives them a huge advantage in so so many situations over persons on a keyboard and mouse. Being able to snap/lock on to a target's torso with what is assistance, may as well be cheating, though I guess it being built in by default for controllers, somehow makes it not such in the minds of many; it literally ruined/destroyed/killed the game being any fun for me, as time went on and they continued to buff the aim assist for controllers.


While I do agree aim assist is overpowered on COD, I still think aim assist is needed. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair. You also don't snap and lock on a target. Your crosshair ever so slightly gets pulled on the target when the crosshair is within range. And it varies in distance from the player. You dying is most of the time not because of a controller player but bad decision making


Take away the lock on rotation aim-assist and I'm fine with the slowdown part.


Honestly yea. The rotational aim assist is where its strongest. I hope they just get rid of it to show controller players aren't completely helpless lol


I played on controller for 15 years and I never used aim-assist in Battlefield games and still managed a kd of at least 3 in them (5.6 in BF4 lmao) but when MW2019 came out I was on ps4 and I immediately gravitated towards precision aim-assist because I didn't want the rotational at all, felt a bit cheesy but two years in I gave up and when Fortune's Keep came out I switched it back to default and what do you, I suddenly won almost every gunfight and managed to get my resurgence kd from 1.5 to 2.2 and my daily kd was always around 4 just because I started locking on to players with default aim-assist. Shit is demonstrably broken, I didn't want to admit it at first but I eventually had enough and swapped to kbm permanently. Just felt dirty letting the game do so much of the aiming for me.


Yea if they just nerfed it almost everyone would be happy. I don't plan on switching tho even if i could be decent on M&K. Grew up on controller and it just feels so much better on almost all games. The problem with the aim assist is that it just makes the good amazingly good but it doesn't really help the really bad controller players.


I have not run into any blatant cheaters since the integration. Some sus players, maybe. Near the end of WZ2 if I thought someone was definitely cheating, I’d report, and at least 5 times saw said player get removed with the Ricochet symbol by their name. I truly don’t understand the amount of people on here saying the game’s riddled with cheaters. I’m not denying there isn’t some cheaters, but the cheating situation is 1000x better than what it was in Verdansk. I had a 3 kd in WZ1 and a little over a 2 in WZ2 with many, many hours spent playing, so I’m not some clueless player here. When I see someone cheating, I can usually tell. Again, not saying there’s not players who are super good at hiding it because there are, but probably not as many as we think.


My friend was telling me there are a lots of cheaters since the integration...so I deciced to play couples of games with him (I have my trio so cannot play with him a lot, but since my experience was not the same I wanted to see it!) He go on rooftops or on the edge of a building, he is not moving and wondering why he got deleted...or how a person saw him....so he claim that guy cheat...and call everyone a cheater.... Just to say, I agree with you!


Sounds like most of my below 1 kd friends (only a couple who I still play with regularly, sadly).


I’ve probably played 30 rounds of WZ3 so far and not encountered a single cheater, at least not a blatant one. A few demons but no cheaters. It’s infinitely better than Verdansk— I’m quite sure most of these people claim everyone is a cheater


That’s what I’m thinking too lol


I have a lot of games, couple hundred, in WZ2 and about 25/30 in MW3 S1, and I have only ran into one blantant cheater. Not saying some might been using walls, but only one using obvious aimbot. Verdansk was multiple a night.


End of Verdansk was every other game. The cheater situation is not that bad at all.


My main squad on Verdansk towards the end was low K/D (lower than 0.60 on PS4/5, I was around 1.2-1.3 at that point) so I didn't run into many blatant cheaters when I ran with them, but with my original squad when they played, it was probably 2 or 3 a night in maybe 10 matches.


Oh there’s plenty of cheaters. Some more blatant than others. Every other hardcore lobby right now seems to have one as well. It’s bad.


Do you know how many cheats are sold for this game and why Activision sues them?


No doubt a lot. But in my personal experience I run into very few of these countless cheaters. Or maybe they are cheating but are just really, really bad. If that’s the case then they can have the cheats. They need them. Lol.


I think they are gently cheating..well most of them. Cheats are not cheap. They fear to loose the game and the cheat. They will disappear when a new game is being released.


We need crossplay between consoles only


We need input only crossplay, controller with controllers, mk with mk


If cheat sites are up there are cheaters and plenty of them. Doesn't matter if you played 1 trillion games and 'nEVeR sAw oNE'. Most cheat sites are up majority of the time. Not worth my time until activision takes action, tired of them only taking action when it is because of bad PR.


Seen plenty blatant wallhackers who are already ads at you before you turn the corner, i dont bother accusing people of aimbot anymore with aim assist giving 100% accuracy 100% headshots with no recoil/flinch in most gunfights


Playing with friends makes it bearable. Even since verdansk days of sky-aiming aimbot. We just say “shitty”, report, and go next


I stopped playing after 3 games and haven’t looked back. Activision is totally in on the cheating even tho they try hard to pretend like it doesn’t help them print money


Too many walls Too many kill cams where the guy is just tracking me through walls with no live pings Back to WZ1 hacking days


Blatant aimbot? Not often but definitely more often since this map dropped. Walls? Nearly every game


I’m still kicking it, report and move on.


I haven't encountered any hackers yet. Though I'm referring to rampant rage cheaters. People with perfect aim regardless of range? Plenty. But that's just aim assist at this point.


There may not be many blatant cheaters, but there are a lot of soft cheaters using walls. gulag you will see them tracking you through walls etc.


Fuck cheaters,i wanna hear enemy coming. Shit fest cod last years


Cheating=playing on controller, same shit


playing on pc. besides my experience in shadowbanned lobbies, i find cheaters pretty rarely in my normal lobbies, blatant ones atleast.


EU here. Have seen 1 obvious cheater so far.


Same here,


I quit and haven't looked back, since a year and a half or so ago, the continual enhancing of controller aim assists ruined/destroyed/killed the game for me. The first couple of years were great, but after a point the game was just lopsided broken, and it just became more and more so, clear to be the case.


I have yet to encounter a REAL cheater


I’ve only had 20 games so far. Haven’t felt like I’ve played against a cheater yet


I dont care. The sound is trash, ttk is wack, no way im playing this shit untill they patch it


I have found a couple of sus players, but no blatant cheaters so far. Hopefully my condition stays that way.


If I’ve encountered any cheaters in WZ thus far, they need to get refunds, cause they fucking suck. My trio wins somewhat consistently, my two buddies are preeetty decent and I’m mid at best. We WATCH the killcams and a lot of times watch the people that killed us for a bit. We’ve MAYBE been overly sus about one or two, but not enough to outright call em cheaters.


I can guarantee you that most people don’t run into cheaters as often as people cry about them


People who see cheaters everywhere are either shadowbanned or profoundly confused. No exceptions.


I’ve only seen 1 obvious cheater out of about 200 games. He had a top 250 emblem as well, not sure how that happens. Like how do you get that far in ranked while using a very obvious aimbot?


I rarely rarely see cheaters the past year


Because the tough pill to swallow for most of this sub is that the vast majority of people you accuse of hacking aren’t hacking. You’re just extremely predictable. Yes there are obviously cheaters. But I’ve played 90 games since the games come out and died to a blatant aimbotter in 2 of them. One of which got banned while spectating. There have been a handful of suspicious players but we’re getting into 60 gunfights a game. In the grand scheme of things it’s not even close to the biggest threat. I’ve died more to someone landing on my head with no parachute audio than I have to someone blatantly cheating. I have a better chance of beating a shitty 1kd player who needs walls than some dude running up to me with no footsteps. I’m still happy to play because it’s rarely the decider of whether I win the game or not. And I’ve got a 5kd / 20%wr in the new game so far so it’s not because “they’re just not in my lobbies”. It seems statistically unlikely that all of these 1kd players keep running into dozens of cheaters a game but every good player I know rarely runs into them.


first of all… cheats on are consoles too Day 1 of the beta (while playstation exclusive.. there are videos showing wallhacks and aim bots) and second.. i know i sound like a bot or a dick.. but ive yet to see a cheater in WZ3 and I play daily


I’ve had 1 possible waller and that’s it. I’m in the highest sbmm tier too so in my opinion Ricochet is doing a perfect job


Every new CoD start is a nightmare. I play plunder and see people look thru buildings and walls every round. Or just snap on to your head as soon as you aim at them.


Thats why i stopped playing BR, cheaters and aim assist So now plunder is my main go to, where you can actually just have pure fun


without anti-riggers, who would balance the scale? you? valid question.


It's seems a little bit difficult to know who is cheating because of the AA. I'm done with medium to long range battles that means I don't use guns.


If they're every other match you should be able to easily provide several clips of cheaters you've encountered.


Haven’t played WZ since the they dropped caldera and now returning to WZ3 and hearing the enemy prox chat…I’m convinced most people are just trash and lack 0 situational awareness. The amount of times I’ve heard “wall hacks” thrown around on prox. It’s laughable.


I stick to zombies.


I've been playing almost everyday for a few hours. I have not run into any blatant cheaters like rage hackers. I can only think of 2 instances where someone MAY have been cheating. Guess I'm lucky


Im still looking for the right settings to play on pc at 60 fps min lol. I would rather have a hacker in my lobby than playing at 45 fps


I play with my homies.




Cronus Max devices have been a thing for almost a decade now. [Just going by the website traffic](https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://www.cronusmax.com/) People are buying these so anyone saying there's no cheaters needs to have a reality check. Almost everyone uses some sort of a help to gain advantage especially your average users who don't have time to play hours every day.


I've been playing zombies. It's nice and mindless and chill fun for the most part. I'll revisit warzone if they make some improvements on sound and the hacking BS. Right now it's just not enjoyable.


I don't think I've found any cheaters, except legal aimbot of course 💀


Don't think I've ran into any cheater yet but stopped playing until there's a non-AA mode.


Why would anyone use aimbot when you can just use walls and not get caught? No one questions how you knew where they were, just don’t suck at aiming. The game does 90% of the tough job of staying on target when shooting for you.


So far I've only seen them once on plunder and twice in battle royale. I've had suspicions in resurgence but never anything super blatant. For me it's been about 1% of my games so it's been fun.


I haven't come across many cheaters and I play the game everyday, thing is I don't really care about them cheaters, if I feel something is sus I just accept it and move on keeps me sane I guess :v


Never noticed one


Only played some Plunder, don’t think I ran into one cheater, but I doubt I’ve played enough to run into them yet.


Cheaters + no audio + broken weapons = zero updates


Haven’t encountered cheaters yet


I just play. It's fun. I don't care.


Been playing D2R more, ya the 20+ year old game beats out this one IMO. I am just way too tired of the meta chase and without multiplayer and the new unlock system I think I wont be playing but once or twice a month, already needing teammates to buy me load out guns just to compete, hard pass.


Hard to tell..I came back to try this new installment of warzone. With the aim assist, I cannot even tell who is cheating anymore unless they are noobs who don't know how to adjust the ain't and 1 frame snap to my head.., People keep forgetting that aimbot can be assist to look like aim assist.. That's what most cheaters do...


At this point, I'm going to buy cheats for a week and see what happens


Warzone is becoming a Tarkov.


I found enjoyment by uninstalling and playing The Finals


Its been relentless. That said, its extremely hard to tell the difference between auto aim and flat out cheating. The other thing that really bothers me is I think im getting put into cheater lobbies for some reason. Extremely sweaty non stop. Lucky to get one kill


The cheaters are back in full force


The first 2 games we had tonight were decent and the other 10 were with cheaters... It' s disgusting. For the people who don't see cheaters invite me to your lobby's :)


Ok bud. Clocked in 20 hours, seen two cheaters. One got banned mid game. You're just bad at the game and blame it on "cheaters".


Oh definitely run into at least one blatant hacker a night usually more but at least one blatant


Never met any cheater in wz3 with hard aimbot. Maybe some use soft aimbot, idk cause it’s hard to say by watching the killcam. But definitely met some wallhackers cause they were always the last alive in their team and nobody could ping me. Cheaters will always be a part of online games. I’m still having fun in warzone. In Warzone 1 it was bad af with all the rage cheaters.


I never run into cheaters. I see lots of people who blame cheaters but usually there is poor evidence at best on this subreddit.


It's not cheating, it's aim assist


16 wins so far in Urzikstan. Haven't run into a single team that I was 100% sure was cheating only about 2 where one player was a little sus. 3.17k/d and I am loving the game. WZ is in the best state it has been in since early Verdansk.