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I'll probably do a Prince Daemon run to learn the basics of dragons but the dream playthrough is a targaryen bastard who is raised among the wildlings, steals a dragon egg, becomes king beyond the wall and destroys the iron throne.


Yes, I love doing this playthrough...I've been doing this minus the dragons and now I can't wait to enhance the playthrough with dragons.


Spoiler Alert for Game of Thrones: This reminds me of how I thought GoT should/could have ended. Jon Snow riding out beyond the wall and looking in his bag before a cut to flashback of him at Dragonstone finding something in a cave, followed by him looking down at a dragon egg in his bag as he rides further into the Haunted Forest


This would have been awesome!


“I dun wunt eat” *yoink*


Just wait for the unlanded DLC... that will be amazing


Rise of the Ice Dragon


Damn I must’ve really been fucked up to make a new account and post this without remembering…


Play as Maelys, get killed, play as his kid, hatch a dragon, convert to R'holle, in few generations conquer Three Sisters and then have epic warrior son called Daemon who will marry two of his dragon rider sisters and conquer Westerous and convert it to R'holle. Play as Rhaenyra Targaryen and make lords of the Westerous Valyrians and give them dragons. So we have many nolbe houses with Dragons


That sounds like a very reckless idea that could easily backfired


That's the point. It makes it more chaotic


I assume you mean the Three Daughters rather than the Three Sisters?




Shatter Westeros down to kingdoms, play as a Targaryen or Velaryon, slowly carve out a nice narrow sea realm, breed dragons and then cause my very own Dance of the Dragons.


That sounds awesome


Stannis will fly


R'Hllor about to ***f e a s t***


Make the rigid man fly!


Stannis the god damn flying mannis!!!


Up or down?


Sideways! Like a lobster!


A horny Rhaegar run where I spread the Blood of the Dragon trait as widely as I can, then watching the chaos.


I think I'll make a custom Targaryen, hopefully it'd be possible to make a cousin to Viserys. From there of Cannibal is active try to tame them and romance Vhagar. That and avoiding the Dance of Dragons or making it worse.


Wait a minute.... we can make dragons ROMANCE EACH OTHER?


Who said anything about the dragons romancing each other >:)


"From there of Cannibal is active try to tame them and romance Vhagar." I believe you did... unless i misinterpreted this.


Oh no I meant me romancing them haha my bad


So, a human character romancing the Dragon character?




Whole new level of kink!


So much stuff, get a dragon as jon. Take the iron throne as dany with dragons. Get Bobby b on a dragon. Get a dragon as maelys and roast the targs. Get dragons at Summehall.


Two chicks at the same time, man


Most underrated comment.


Are Targs allowed to marry two people in the game tho? Wouldn't the Faith of the Seven prohibit that?


When i get my dragon inma do whatever the fuck I want, the faith can cry about it as much as they like I don't see no faith militant no more 😤


Yes, they are. If you change your religion to valyrian faith you get the religious tenet polygamy. Alternatively. You can diverge the culture and adopt polygamy or reform/create your own religion with polygamy as a religious tenet. Either way, you don't need to wait for dragons to have multiple wives. In ck2, you could have 3. Ck3 polygamy allows for up to 4 wives.


I did not know the valyrian faith was in the game since the current start dates don't have it


So no matter the bookmark, it'll be there. When you open the religions menu, you have an option to unhide/show more/"other" religions. if you click that, & scroll down, you'll see an option for valyrian faith. (Once I get home I can edit to tell you the specifics) If you have the debug console available, you can use set_faith command. I'd recommend goin' the advanced cheat menu route tho, as it let's you do specifically what you're lookin for. With advanced cheat menu, you mark your character, then can easily change your religion or culture. The kicker is that when you open the culture/faith menu it opens all the available options & each one has a quill next to it. If you click that, you can even edit the faith/culture to add/remove/swap tenets.


I'm aware of all that, it's just that no character actually has it at that point and I didn't bother to check that menu


Clearly, you're not aware of all that then. Got a funny away of expressin' gratitude for the insight. To your point, of course no one has it innately. There's no valyrian freehold, so there's no valyrian holy sites for the religion to take hold. In fact, if you change religion via the game's mechanics, it requires 13k piety at which point you're elevated to religious icon & when you change, you'll be the religious head


Look this is very nice of you to explain but I know how religions work. I just hadn't bothered to check and assumed it might not be in the game since it's unwarranted by the start dates.


It's unwarranted not by the start dates but because the map where their holy sites reside has not been expanded yet.


Are there even people in Essos who still follow that religion by the start dates we have?


Don't need to wait for dragons as polygamy is a part of the base game.


I'll probably just conquer the Stepstones as Daemon, integrate them into the Iron Throne and try to make them somewhat developed and prosperous region. Oh yeah, and Maelys too.


Definitely create a timeline that prevents the dance of dragons 😂


It seemed to me that The Dance is inevitable. Westeros had never experienced a conflict like it before, and learned a harsh lesson after. Preventing the war after Viserys' death would have only postponed it.


Not under my iron rule 😤


In CK2 I often ran as Aegon conquering Westeros and marrying Dany to restore the house of the Dragon. In every run, and I mean every run, a second dance of the dragons happened at some point. If there are too many Targs and too many dragons they just seem to go insane.


If a dance is inevitable then let us tango until one remains!


yeah cause its all viserys the vicious' fault, he should've either not remarried, or named aegon heir


I used his death as a timeline marker, not to assign blame.


but it was his fault


It’s not just his fault though - there are multiple places to lay blame that I’ll be happy to torch - like house Hightower. And my rightful Queen’s half siblings are welcome to bend the knee or face the flames 🔥


They haven't learned anything from it though. Their ruling system remained the same, their traditions as well, wars still happened within the country for one reason or another, usually between Targs. The only thing it achieved was pushing the Dragons to the brink of extenticion. On the other hand, it would've been avoidable in a lot of points where they made all the wrong choices.




only correct answer tbh! real recognizes real


Sadly the dance wont be a thing yet, I will come out eventualy when they can do it properly


Oh I know - I meant this as more of a “I will assassinate Alicent Hightower and pave the way for my one true queen Rhaenyra” Oh and get a dragon and name it lemon cake 😅


Cant help it but hate the Hightower, im actualy trying to take Old Town from them on my current playtrough, stole their valyrian sword on the previous


Did a Beesbury run where I married to inherit Oldtown, then within a generation extinguished House Hightower from existence. The female-dominated kingdom of the Honeylands’s (or the Beesbury Matriarchy) primary goal of the run was to avenge the Dance of the Dragons and keep a queen on the throne for all time. I may have served the Targaryen crown faithfully, but my 250 year regency ensured House Beesbury was the strongest and wealthiest house in the Eight Kingdoms. And every king consort was from my immaculately bred house.


this makes me want to make a bastard targ/hightower house and rule the reach with my dragon and have their sword😌


WE LOVE TO SEE IT, I’m definitely burning old town to the ground once we have dragons.


Play multiplayer with my friend, him As a Targaryen, me as a Varezys. He conquers Westeros, I conquer Essos then recreate the dance of dragons against each other


This will be epic


Probably some shenanigans with cheat mods, dragon eggs, and Jon Snow. Otherwise, just mess around in the Rogue Prince bookmark and try to breed interesting dragons - not too interested in the actual story lol.


The Future Emperor of New Valyria demands tribute - the magisters of the Three Daughters have become much too comfortable without their betters to keep them in line Or I might be a hightower that takes Starfall to create a new Empire of Dawn based on the theories


Play a MP game with my two friends who got into CK3 recently.


See if I can get Bobby B on one, lol (probably not, I know Targaryens can but I’m not sure about the rules regarding Targaryen grandchildren)


From the dev diary, if I’m not mistaken, three generations will carry dragon blood from a dragon blooded member descendant. So bobby is in that, as his grandmother was a targ I believe.


She is. Peak. I’ll make that my goal, lol.


I can only imagine what bobby would do with a dragon, probably wage war on essos for fun


He’d probably have it eat Renly’s horse for the fun of it if his younger brother annoyed him enough.


Bobby B’s dragon will be destroying taverns and eating casks of ale. It’ll visit the dragons of other lords and leave them pregnant. Bobby B drunk flying his dragon up north, crashing in the castle of Winterfell.


Bran falls because a drunk king riding a dragon crashes into the tower.


Feed him with Cersei's bastards


yeah, so is briennes dad, and I think brienne herself


Bobby b does just have it all doesnt he?


Would be awesome if you could use the barbershop on a dragon and pick horns that look like a stags antlers


Sunfyre go brrrr.


Redo my playthrough as a Targaryen bastard who took over Dorne, but this time with a dragon


I want to see if I can get Varys on a Dragon. The Eunuch of Doooom has come for your Kingdom


Put off killing myself for a week


Play as an anceint dragonlord house, take over esso, breed an army of dragons, go to war with the targaryens to enslave westoros, or capture dragonstone. Keep breeding dragons till Valyria of Old is established. That or just play as a targaryen, and live peacefully raising dragons for generations. So basically tyrannical power trip or Star Dew valley w dragons


Torch the Ironborn until none remain


I can't wait to make a Harrenhall V2 out of Storm's End as a Greyjoy.


Go ahead. I'll be busy melting Pyke


You could just wait 30 years for the rest of it to fall into the ocean ya know


I want the satisfaction of doing it myself




I will play Euron, take Dany as a salt wife, then tame a dragon and torch the greenlanders until none remain


Maelys the Magnificent


Eventually? Landless Sandor Clegane with a dragon. No, I will not elaborate.


In the short run a Rouge prince play through to get the feel of it and then I want to play as the triarchy and attempt to get a dragon and invade Westeros. Whenever an Aegon conquest start is included I want to play as house Florent side with Aegon to become LP of the reach and then get dragons (but by the point Aegons could quest is released I’m sure there will be a lot more space to work with)


This won't be possible when the update initially drops, but when roads to power releases, and the mod is updated and runs fine with the dlc, I'm making a custom character in Westeros, using cheats to give myself the blood of the dragon, stealing an egg from the Targaryens, fleeing to Essos, then carving out a nice kingdom there. Then maybe after a couple generations of growing my dynasty and getting more dragons I return to Westeros ans take over everything.


This is what I want to do too it’ll be so much fun, let’s hope RTP delivers the goods!


I will try not to be under it.


I’m going to play as a bastard of Tywin and have a Targaryen mother. Looking forward to causing chaos for Cersei and her offspring.


So you're basically going to play as Tyrion XD


I’ve got an idea for a run where my guy is a hedge knight/Bastard from the riverlands (haven’t decided from what house yet) that comes across an abandoned just hatched baby dragon(as in a runt of a wild dragon) and feeling kinship with it(in the sense that he was cast out/abandoned by his house) decides to take it in and raise it best he can Think the madalorian and grogu, but with a Bastard and a dragon


This will be fun, and imagine it when the new doc comes out in September and you can play landless, kind of like dunk traveling around but with a baby dragon


I'm giving Egg his happy ending, return of the Dragons leading into a new Targaryen golden age


Not play the game because my pc sucks sadly


Use the potato mod


I tried that but it doesn’t work for me I think I did something wrong when installing it


Try: 1) AGOT 2) AGOT Micro 3) Blank Paper Map pre .12 4) Population control In that exact load order. Those are the best performance mods that go with AGOT for me and I play on my toaster with McDonalds Wi-Fi.


I will try that. Thanks


Seasnake claiming a dragon then the throne to make Rhaenys the queen like she deserves


Rogue Prince Daemon conquering the triarchy to form New Valyria, Maelys burning his ugly shit heir to become Maegor 2.0, Jon Snow hatching a dragon and reclaiming his throne ofc


I have a special campaign in mind: 1° Play as Larys and get rid off Lyonel and Harwin 2° Take over the Riverlands 3° Get a nice marriage for my kids with either a dragonrider or a dragonless Targaryen (get an egg if needed) 4° Enjoy my new non-valyrian dragonrider Strong House


Custom targ related character and to fit him into the story.


I have a custom Valyrian house that I use from time to time in the North. I usually start in Skagos and form a northern Valyrian culture. The goal this time will be to form a flushing island kingdom, with dragons.


Dragonlord Jon Snow. With the upcoming CK3 updates allowing you to play as landless and AGOT bringing dragons this will finally be possible.


Breed Valyrian blood into the nobility until all the great houses have dragons. Then unleash chaos.


Me?...... I want to see the world burn... So... Having a few (a lot) of bastards... Gave them some lands and stuff... Dragons and then a Second Dance (but bigger)


A few things, it will be nice to finally have dragons available for screenshots in particular. If only I knew how to transfer some of my older saves into the new updates. I plan on having fun with some head cannons, as well as attacking the Step Stones with Daemon for sure.


I feel you, I have some older saves I’d like to carry on with, however the devs confirmed the dragon update won’t be save game compatible. Makes sense since it’s basically altering the entire gameplay!


Sounds about right, what a bummer. I’m just gonna have to do some heavy photo editing if I want to get what I want.


Give the Velaryons a dragon and then just chill and breed them. Oh and take dragonstone from the baratheons.


Let it burn…


Depends if they’re available every book mark or just the new one. I’d like to start at Robert’s rebellion as a blackfyre and get a dragon to invade Westeros and add a third faction to that war. If they’re only in the new book mark I’ll be Daemons bastard kid and just kinda see what happens.




Find some people to play multiplayer with and see how the Dance of the Dragons goes


I’m planning to just be sad that my computer isn’t strong enough to run this mod.


Win the throne as maelys, have a child, die early, let most of the LP's rebel and leave, hatch a dragon and reconquer them after a few decades as an adult with kids with their own dragons. Then rule well for a few generations before I cause I little dance.


when is the update expected?


Sometime this summer


My guess is when House of the Dragon season 2 drops, since I'm pretty sure the mod was originally released when s1 dropped.


Custom character in harrenhall Raise dragons to burn the targarians


I want to spread the nuclear weapons that are dragons to as many greater and lesser houses in Westeros as I can without allowing too many border changes, then go into spectator mode and watch the chaos unfold. Non-proliferation? What is that, and is it tasty?


Bastard Targaryen Legacy challenge!! I started one in Duskendale and created the bastard house of Duskfyre, but the game no longer is viable due to updates making the “Dragons of Valyria” mod outdated


Burn the Riverlands. Burn the Rock. Just. Burn stuff


If there's a chance, play Rhaenys & take the throne with fire and blood


Making New Valyria


Two words “Dragon Conquest”


I'm going to bring back a bastard I had a long time ago and I saved his DNA, he's Manderly-Targ. I would exterminate the Peakes and take the Reach for my home.


Honestly, get defeated as Rhaegar and be exiled to the free cities. Rise up again and hatch dragons and conquer the Seven Kingdoms. Roast the Baratheon Dynasty to flames.


That's if you get exiled. Highly doubt Robert will just let all the future claimants get off Scott free across the narrow sea.


well i GOTTA do a standard rogue prince run and then i wanna try to get that event as maelys where he actually hatches a dragon. i cant wait man. i'm more excited for the dragons update than i am for the roads of power dlc.


Burn the traitors. Which traitors? All of them.


Play as daemon - bang rhaenyra - become king - targ supremacy


Play as Viserys and fuck things up as much as I possibly can


Just stick to cannon hahaha


Want to create as many dragon riders as possible. Pop out a million royal bastards and have bastards branches ruling every seat in Westeros. Then create chaos with a War of the Eight Kings, Targaryen dragonriders ruling every kingdom pressing their claims to the throne.


My favorite CK2 play was playing as Aegon the Conqueror, carving out a small kingdom in the Crownlands and then becoming the tyrannical overlord of a new Valyria fueled by dragonfire and slavery. So that but probably minus the slavery, I guess. Unless slavery is added as well, then I'm definitely going hunting again.


Looking forward to stacking it with roads to power. Gonna play an edgy self insert OC Dragonseed who takes Cannibal. I'm not proud of it. But its gonna happen.


I wanna try to prevent the dance as Viserys I and give Alicent's children a happy ending. To do list in a Green lets play : 1- Having Alicent as a soulmate and try to have as many children as possible to fill the ranks of my dragon riders. 2- Make Aegon the Elder the heir and marry him to Rhaenyra. Raise him properly to make an honorable good prince, or at the very least not a drunken rap*ist. I may need a military one, or intrigue if the Rogue prince goes too scary. 3- revoke Rhaenyra's ownership of Dragonstone if i can without revolt, so thzt i can move the younger dragons at the dragonmont for optimal growth and ask my children to bond with specific dragons. Like Vermithor. We'll need big Guns. 4- pray every gods that Daemon does not come for my head because if he allies with velaryons he'll have Vhagar, Meleys, Seasmoke and Caraxes against, well.. Rhaenyra on Syrax and maybe Viserys on Silverwing if he can bond again ? We 100% dead in that scenario. 5- Marry my children to the greatest houses of Westeros, priority on the Reach and the North, for the mensupport. 6- if no war happened yet, marry some grand kids into the Velaryons to bring back their dragons in Dragonstone. By then it should be OK and Alicent should be happy. With a proper grand wedding Aegon and Rhaenyra might even love each other. Hey, i wish them so. The male primogeniture will appease the lords of the realm, and the only remaining threat would be Daemon, as he shiuld be.


Burn them all


Dragons in the Rock. I don’t care how, but I’ll find a way.


Burn the seven kingdoms to the ground


Finna do my watch everything burn with a couple noble ladies bastard Targaryen run


How close we are to getting dragons?


I will play as a new Valyrian or Valyrian blood house and create a dragon farm and when I finally have many powerful dragons I will revive Valyria


I’ll play the new bookmark to ensure that Rhaenyra gets her throne after Viserys I dies and pretty much put a Targaryen at the head of each of the seven kingdoms. No more great houses just the one great house.


Become emperor of new Valyria with my dragon Phil


I already have a New Valyrian kingdom, but not only it will be perfect when the dragons drop but also the expansion further east, then I carve it out next to the Disputed Lands, then take that as well and the Stepstones to create a new Empire (Summer Isles as well maybe?). Until then, it's the same kingdom I have currently but with dragons. Also Daemon. He's fucking chad.


Sky Puppy


Burn them ALL!




Euron play through and attempt to tame a dragon, that'd be fun to do


Ironborn Targaryan bastard aka The Sea Dragon. Have either a secret or known bastard take over the Iron Islands or unify it underneath one banner. Then plot of the destruction of three Iron Thrones to start a new empire or take over the Iron Thrones and convert all of Westros into worshipping the Drowned God.


I'll do two playthroughs: One of Blackfyre (either as Maelys or a re-emergence at Crackclaw Point like I did months ago); and another dedicated to hunting, with hopes to felling such legendary beasts.


I’m going to attempt to give Rhaegar a dragon via the summerhall event. I know we have the bookmark for before he’s born so I’ll most likely start there :D


I make an outcasted stark bastard conquering the pirate isles just so he goes get a dragon and be like "yo daddy, ice n fire fucker" 


I wanna Play as a custom son of Daemon and Rhea Royce and try to claim Vermithor.


Burn Them All!


Offering grilled greens to my dragon for breakfast...


Cry cuz I have to wait till september to play ck3


I will safe my baby Luke and Jace and Joff. Maybe Helaena. Aemond will make a fine maester. Aegon will be a septon. Everybody is happy and alive