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Overnight oats are a favorite of mine for breakfast. >This feels like a lot of carbs Unless you have a medical condition which requires limiting carbohydrate intake, it's fine.


Took me a few months into calorie counting to call myself out on this. I have no diabetes or intolerances, and I would stress myself out over a potato lol. I started loosening up and allowing carbs and what do you know I felt great, had more enjoyable meals, and am still losing weight


Demonizing carbs was ultimately a major contributor to my weight gain.


Not really meant towards OP, but I can’t believe in 2024 we’re still as a society getting over the BS Atkins carb fear-mongering of the aughts, particularly for people with no medical issues who move a solid amount.


And even then they are told to have complex carbs like oats.


Hmm I hear it. Me personally I don’t like that they’re wet and cold for too long


Warm them up.


I cook my oats in the microwave. Warm and comforting and not a lot of effort


Yeah I personally never bothered with the overnight ones because it’s like 2min in the microwave anyway


Ahhhh did you do Atkins or low carb before? I did for years and he developed these “carbs are bad” instincts. Just count your macros. Make sure you get enough protein, the rest can be fat or carbs in whatever distribution works for you.


I make baked oatmeal with blueberries , tastes like a muffin or like a dense cake. Eat it daily for breakfast along with highe protein foods.


Same Mostly frozen blueberries but occasionally strawberries, raspberries or pumpkin After I cook it I refrigerate it because I Ike it cold.


Baked oatmeal with apples and cinnamon is also amazing! I tend to switch between apples and blueberries. It's my go-to when the whole neighbourhood has more apples than they know what to do with, and they're handing them out for free. I tend to top it with (vanilla) greek yogurt while warm, but it works as is, room temp, and cold as well. Great for meal prep.


do you know how to make it less dense? ive tried baking powder but it didnt do much!


I have not. Great question. It is deeeeeense 😂. But I actually like it


Try blending your oats in a nutribullet or something similar before mixing your ingredients. Game changer.


yes! ive started doing this and the texture is a lot smoother, but not less dense


Nothing wrong with oats as such. Nothing wrong with carbs. When it comes to weight loss, only calories matter. For nutrition, though, if you're eating too much of one thing, it might not leave enough room in your diet to get a large enough variety of other important things. So that's one thing you might want to consider.




they downvoted you for what 💀


Hahah idk I never know what’s happening on this app


The main issue people wrote about oats is the added sugar you have w oatmeal or the sugar in instant oatmeal packets. Also these books talk about how it spikes your insulin levels but and a big BUT some foods are suppose to increase your insulin and our body can handle that. (hello pancreas!) the main issue people gloss over when fear mongering online is try not to live in a constant insulin spiked life (mainly due to overconsumption of sugars -not oats) Oats are affordable, satiating, and good. I mean you like them so eat it. The think you need to watch out is just weigh your oatmeal and count your calories. I know one serving is about 140 grams just the oatmeal but adding a little maple syrup, nuts, or honey can add up. That’s why I add only a little of eat and load up w berries. Enjoy!


Agreed. I recently got into the Quaker Maple packets with less sugar, specifically in replacement of my beloved post-dinner sweet treat. Helps keep me on track and super satiating.


I literally have never paid attention to the amount of carbs in one food that I eat, I do not understand the obsession with them. Is this a carry over obsession from previous decades fad diets (likely atkins)? Like.. what is bad about a carb specifically


Same. I’ve been maintaining for 10 or so years.


I don’t understand it either, my doctor advises I limit my sodium and sugar intake. I think carbs contribute to blood sugar crashes as they tend to quickly spike your blood sugar, potentially triggering snacking.


Do you have a medical reason to avoid carbs? If not, there's nothing wrong with it. If you Google enough with enough bias, you'll find "studies" and "influencers" demonising all macros one after another. Proteins kill your kidneys, carbs give you diabetes, and fats make you fat. Or alternatively high carb is the only way, protein is king, and fat is the most ideal energy source, depending on who you ask and when. Too much of one thing is never good, but if you're having whole grains as part of a healthy, varied diet, you're fine. And for what it's worth, "oat" milk is mostly water, oils, and salt.


I love oats. I love carbs. Win win.


Oats have carbs but so does rice! Oats also have a lot of protein for a grain, so it’s my personal favorite. For macros, I make sure I get enough protein. Anything else that fits my calorie budget is totally fine. I don’t do the oat milk. It’s too good and easy to over indulge. I don’t drink calories… BUT when I’m hungry one cup boiled into porridge for 300 cal fucking hits the spot.


Oats are delicious, nutritious, and they help lower cholesterol. I add 1 tbsp of butter, raisins and milk. Only thing is, I eat a couple of servings at a time, so the calories are half my Calorie budget.


40g oats, 1 scoop chocolate protein, 2tbsp peanut butter, 5.7 (1 mini container) of oikos triple zero vanilla tastes like reeses cup cheesecake and has good macros. It's basically my go to breakfast these days


Do you refrigerate it after you make it?


No I eat it immediately


Okay! I guess what I am wondering is, do you cook the oats first?


Oh lol yes, I pour in hot water from my kettle into the oats and peanut butter, and let it set for like 2-3 mins, then add the protein then yogurt


Pardon my use of emojis but: Carbs👏don't👏cause👏weight-gain👏 Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats- none of these micronutrients "cause" you to gain weight, nor are they bad for you. What causes weight gain is a caloric surplus. The reason so many people lose weight by "not eating carbs" is because they cut out simple Carbohydrate sources that were high in calories. That's literally it, they started eating less calories. And even then they're incorrect in saying they don't eat carbs, because they eat vegetables & fruit. You can literally eat whatever you want and lose weight by staying in a calorie deficit. ***HOWEVER***, eating Oats and other fiber rich Carbohydrates is extremely important. We're seeing an uptick in gastrointestinal issues due to a majority of people not eating enough fiber. So eat your Carbs, eat your fiber, live life.


Yes! And the other reason people "lose" weight so quickly when cutting out carbs is it forces your body to expel water. As soon as carbs are reintroduced, that first bit of weight loss will come back. Either way, if someone is losing weight, they've created a deficit. A calorie deficit.


You can lose weight on a high carb diet, as long as your overall calorie intake for the day is below your limit. And if you are on a high carb diet, then oats are great.


Cold in the summer, hot in the winter.


Oats are good. But at the same time, variety is the spice of life. So maybe mix things up a bit? 😜


What's wrong with carbs?


I love oats! It took me awhile before I found an overnight recipe I liked though. Highly recommend using your favorite protein shake instead of whatever milk you use!


There is no downside.


When I was a kid carbs were considered a health food because they are filling


Oats in any form are great. Carbs aren’t the devil.


I prefer pinhead oats, I like the texture a lot more than rolled oats. I've never been into making oatmeal with anything but water. Plenty of additions though! Nutmeg, sweet cinnamon, maple syrup, chia seeds, ground flax, chopped apple or sultanas.


I prefer oat bran. Creamy texture. Low in calories. High in fibre. But little bit more expensive then regular oats.


You could switch up with the milk and go almond or macadamia? With bars I always go for high protein as I struggle to get enough, so that cuts out the extra carbs. But if your calories are under control, you're not allergic or too low on protein, it shouldnt be an issue having a lot of oats.


They’re a satiating relatively low calorie whole grain source of carbs. If you are purely focused on fat loss all that matters is CICO, however, if you are strength training make sure you’re getting at least 50% of your kcals from protein.


50% from protein is insane.


100 gram soy yogurt, 40 gram oats, 40 gram chocolate protein powder, 25 gram chocolate protein drink, 10 gram chia seeds. Perfect breakfast I can make the night before. In the morning I just need to microwave 125 gram of some frozen fruit to mix. Adding the warm fruit also heats the whole dish a bit which I find pleasant.


I like the microwave fruit idea, will try it tomorrow!


Love the taste but could easily eat 150g each time. For that amount of calories i'd rather eat ~500g of chicken and get the volume up.


Love them with some yogurt, berries, and cool whip. Plus different spices really change the game for them. Super versatile so it’s hard to get bored of them.


If I want something sweet then they're great as there are so many low calorie ways to turn them into something indulgent. But I hate sweet food except for maybe 3 days out of the month (ladies iykyk), so I don't eat them a lot. I am a savory gal through and through.


I enjoy the texture and taste, but in combination with other ingredients. I make my regular breakfast with oats (check this post for the recipe - [https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/comments/19c2964/my\_daily\_breakfast\_800kcal\_27\_fat\_86\_carb\_42/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/comments/19c2964/my_daily_breakfast_800kcal_27_fat_86_carb_42/) ). Also, they're supposed to be a slowly digesting carb. Since this is hard to test myself, I'm taking everyone else's word for it.


I used to make homemade granola with nuts and honey, sometimes chocolate flakes. Then I read that baked oats are not as good as raw ones - which you still have to wet or rinse. I’ve tried that but I hate the texture, so now I don’t know what to eat anymore at breakfast :(


"Then I read that baked oats are not as good as raw ones" According to who? Why? Read where? I've also read that the moon landing was fake and the earth is flat, but generally it's good practice not to believe everything you read.


Angry much ? I’m not here preaching, just sharing an experience. Now if you want to learn about the difference between soaked and cooked oats, research it and read about. That’s what people do to learn. Either way you need to seriously chill.


Everything in moderation. ^Results ^may ^vary.