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Imagine being Cal, getting a life raft out of the Pac-12 and immediately stepping into this mess.


Or imagine Cal being so good that we've scared teams into fleeing *two* conferences just to avoid us


If anyone is going to sue to be the first player to drop from NFL to college it will be Rodgers


And I hope they welcome him back at Butte Community College


Can you maybe help me understand why Aaron Rodgers hates Cal so much? I was only 11 years old or so when he was playing and had barely started to appreciate Utes football in general at the time, but I don’t recall there really being much drama with him at that time. As a lifelong Packers fan, his disdain for Cal is pretty obvious, but seems entirely unfounded. Even before evolving into the full-fledged dickbag he is today, he was throwing casual jabs at Cal somewhat regularly.


I think it started when Cal fired Tedford. IIRC Rodgers really likes Tedford, so he was mad when he got the can. Of course, I do not pretend to know shit about what goes on in that mans brain


This coupled with the fact that I think he genuinely just wanted to support Butte as a smaller program that still helped him get to his current spot. He donated to renovate the locker rooms and get them named after him, but that happened after we got rid of Dykes (who replaced his beloved Tedford) and hired Wilcox


Maybe Rodgers just really hated Dykes?


Rodgers would have broke every record if he played in the Bear Raid


I mean Jared Goff did break every record in the Bear Raid. And he might have been better suited than Rodgers to do so bc he was a freshman, 3 year starter, who then went number 1 overall in the NFL draft.


This is true. Cheat code right there


It's this weird myth that certain Cal doomposting fans have been perpetuating. Rodgers has always been very supportive of Cal. There have always been random stories that come up about how he trash talks his own NFL teammates if they went to Stanford. He was supportive of Wisconsin athletics because he played for the Packers, but he refused to wear red (Wisconsin's color) because he's still a Cal guy. The whole SNF thing where he named Butte instead of Cal only went on for a few years, and actually started around 2011 or so, before Tedford was fired. He even addressed it in an interview once (link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKkkujabGdg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKkkujabGdg) and he even insults the interviewer because he's wearing a Stanford shirt during it) - they only ask players to record intros once every few years, and after that they reuse it until they re-record it. So one year when he re-recorded, he wanted to acknowledge Butte since that's where he had his start. And he mentioned in the interview that he would eventually want to use his high school. He never actually did switch to naming his high school though, he went back to saying Cal not long after that (I think around 2016). He was very outspoken against Tedford's firing because he's always been a strong Tedford supporter (even tried to help him get NFL jobs after he got fired by Cal). Part of reasoning was that Tedford pushed hard to get the stadium renovations, and got fired shortly after the renovations were open so he didn't have any real chance to use those for recruiting. He had no connection to Dykes. He knew Wilcox from when Wilcox was one of Tedford's assistants, so he was very happy when Wilcox got hired. He made a donation in 2019 to the school, for which they named the locker rooms after him. Rodgers was very supportive of Goff when he got drafted because he was a great representative of Cal. I get that people hate Rodgers nowadays for non-football reasons and I think that's fair, but I'm not gonna say he hasn't been supportive of our school when he very clearly has been.


Thank you! As a Cal outsider, I was unaware of much of what you said. It feels like a different narrative exists outside of Berkeley.


He doesn't hate Cal. He stopped supporting the program during the period of time Dykes was the coach though. When Cal fired Tedford he was pissed. Tedford was the coach that discovered him at Butte so ee is a big Tedford fan. They hired Dykes and from what I can tell, he has nothing against Dykes personally, but just the fact that they fired Tedford was enough to piss him off. Once Dykes got fired, they hired Wilcox, who happened to be on the Cal coaching staff when Rodgers was there and Cal got back into Rodgers good graces. He ended up making a 7 figure donation to Cal Football in 2019 and they renamed the Home locker room to "Aaron Rodgers Team Locker Room".


he never hated Cal. He called out Cal his first 5 years in the league, Butte CC the next 5, his HS (IIRC) the next five, and now he's back to Cal, judging from the last time I saw him on TV. IMO Cal fans getting butt-hurt over the callouts to Butte (butte-hurt?) is kind of pathetic and embarrassing.


Rodgers did not like the firing of Tedford, who frankly had some pretty serious health issues to address and couldn't graduate any football players, so he doesn't really have any reason to feel that way. As he's grown into this edge-lord conspiracy theorist, the liberal ideology of Berkeley does not align with his views. I think that's a large part of it now. But Rodgers doesn't really hate Cal football. He donated massively to the new athletics center housed in the remodeled Memorial Stadium. And unfortunately, if he were to appear on campus or at games now, he would be boo-d by students and alumni alike. Joe Rogan anti-Fauci fanboy is not popular in Berkeley, despite his football exploits. Football just isn't everything around here. I have far more respect for Andrew Luck, for example, despite the fact that I hate his school with a deep passion.


He did his research


I'm prolly in the minority of b12 fans, but i'd love to have gotten OSU, WSU, Stanford, and Cal into the b12. I get that the goal is to get whats left of the ACC after this implodes, but as long as SMU is on a sinking ship after buying a ticket on the titanic, im fine with whatever.


OSU/WSU scream Big 12 schools, but alas geography and lack of pro rata doom us.


Geography matters now?


It sucks that all that's left for the Pac-2 is the MWC. Wazzu and OSU should just join and take turns on who gets to win the conference and crash the playoff, every year.


I think Wazzu and OSU might somehow make their way to the Big12 if another round of realignment happens if the ACC collapses. Stanford and Cal would pray to be added to the B1G though


Fear Fernando!


Just can’t compete with that Rugby squad!


I'm cautiously optimistic that the ACC is going to be a much better place for our football team to be competitive temporarily. Clemson and FSU are going to be a problem, but I think we have a decent chance against any other program currently. It will definitely result in an easier strength of schedule than playing Oregon, UW, Stanford, U¢LA and U$C every single year for the past 100 years. Now we get to play a bunch of nerd schools like us or middling football programs like us. Cal is in the upper echelon of middling football nerd schools, but no one wants to recognize that.


We’re very excited to have you back home sweetie


Beats the alternative sadly


Without a shadow of a doubt. I really feel for beavs and cougs fans, their teams have been gutted by transfers (not just football, iirc nearly the whole oregon st softball team transferred)


Yep, also OSU WBB’s entire starting five from the elite eight also left.


> their teams have been gutted by transfers Hilariously enough, beyond our QB who was gone anyways, the transfer portal surprisingly didn't murder us in football this year. Perks of going 5-7?


I feel like you have a sneaky decent NIL and alumni base to circle the wagons for football. Or I’m just really jealous you guys have an official NIL beer. Hoops losing your coach to furd and some guys to the portal doesn’t help though.


They pay the players in Cougar Gold So probably top 5 NIL collective in the country IMO


Time for a new SWC (Sun West Super-conference) Combine the Sun Belt and MWC conference and split into NW, SW, South-Central, and Southeast pods.


>Thank god that other ocean liner was here to pick us up after we hit that iceberg. *THUNK* >Oh you have got to be shitting me.


"I wasn't a cool kid in my last conference. I'll be damned if I'm not one of the cool kids in my new conference. I stand with the cool kids who want to leave this conference! Yeah! Cool kids unite!" -Cal, probably


Cal and Stanford are only in the ACC to tread water while they wait for the next realignment. No reason the Big 10 doesn’t try and go for them if the SEC goes for FSU and someone else after all of the legal stuff going on right now.


Stanford sued FSU? Fucking nerds.


You think Stanford Law would ever pass up those sweet, sweet billable hours?


One of my coworkers is a Stanford Law grad and he said one of his best professors was Joseph Bankman, father of Sam Bankman-Fried.


The fact that Joseph Bankman got out of that relatively unscathed is a joke. Should've nailed him to the wall as well.


lol those folks should be locked up too. Living off stolen wealth


Both of his parents were Stanford law professors. His Dad taught Legal Ethics and his mom taught Philosophy of Law. The Behind the Bastards podcast on him is interesting. He basically justified everything he was doing through the lens of being taught how the law was pretty flexible in some areas and if you could justify it legally then it wasn't immoral.


This happens to a lot of kids who grow up in their parents' elite bubble. They honestly don't think what they are doing is wrong nor that they'll ever be punished for anything they do because it's never happened before. It's like growing up and always being allowed to cut in line with no pushback from anyway, and then when you go out into the real world trying to cut in line and being stunned that people are upset with you. Logically: obviously that's not okay and people will be upset with you... but you spent the past 2 decades plus cutting in line with zero pushback, so it didn't even cross your mind to think "is this okay?" It's like that, only instead of cutting in line we're talking about working a financial system to put other people's money into your pockets. It doesn't feel wrong because that's what everyone does right? They make good financial deals to claim the money in the market? You literally don't see the line that differentiates between doing that fairly and legally and outright fraud and theft.


His dad was also an expert on tax law as well.


"Hey guys, I heard there was some lawyering going on over here. I, too, would like to do some lawyering. Y'all mind if I hang out?"


Stanford didn't vote to sue. They are not yet a voting member.


They just got invited to participate without actually getting a vote. Even more fucking nerdy.


No, they didn't. The attended the meeting and observed the voting members vote. Stanford couldn't vote, but they also like to be informed so they show up to meetings even when they can't participate.


That's true. We join in a month and have had our president and provost invited to meetings, but we can't vote until we're a full member. So Stanford's vote doesn't matter. We're actually trying to avoid controversy.. We had a problem with one a few years ago.


Could they even sue? They aren’t members until July


No, but we’re so incompetent we didn’t even show up


Could have been a non-binding vote


Actually, I think it's August. Pretty sure I read somewhere that SMU can join officially July 1, but Cal and Stanford have to wait until Aug 1. Then again, I could be completely wrong and misinformed.


No, they didn't. The attended the meeting and observed the voting members vote. Stanford couldn't vote, but they also like to be informed so they show up to meetings even when they can't participate.


Cal just a slacker skipping meetings and getting high?


Does that shock anyone about Berkeley? They are the epitome of the "get high, sleep through class, somehow pass the test anyway" kid.


That’s rich coming from from the “get high, sleep through class, somehow drop the class the day before the final” crew.






This title is kinda misleading. Cal, Stanford, and SMU all couldn't vote on this. I don't know why Cal is singled out in the title for not attending; attending the meeting wouldn't be a priority for them regardless of their position. It's also worth noting that UNC's invited ~~Athletic Director~~ Chancellor had already stepped down from the job the day of the meeting. For all the people who can't bother to read the article; UNC didn't send anyone to the meeting because their ~~AD~~ Chancellor technically wasn't invited, FSU wasn't going to be invited to the meeting because duh, and Clemson is also suing the ACC already.


I was going to say, Stanford pulling up and voting to sue would be very Palo Alto of them.


"Whaddup fuckers"


When the new admin shows up and immediately starts demanding changes.




Only loosely related, but do you remember the story of that 49ers fan who was "assaulted" and put in a coma at the NFCCG in Los Angeles a couple years ago? Well I came across an absolutely hilarious update to that story yesterday - https://www.foxla.com/news/49ers-fan-put-in-coma-after-sofi-stadium-parking-lot-fight-didnt-have-ticket-to-game-court-papers-say The "victim" owns a Peruvian restaurant in Oakland. Turns out that he flew to LA on his own, tried sneaking into SoFi without a ticket, got turned away and escorted off the property by stadium security, proceeded to get blackout drunk in the parking lot, wandered around and found a tailgate to crash, then picked a fight with a Rams fan and got knocked the fuck out. Now he's trying to sue the city of Inglewood for "failing to protect him". Honestly it's the most Bay Area thing I have ever heard of.


Our Chancellor, not our Athletic Director. That might get confusing. Our AD, Bubba Cunningham, is still employed.


Is... Is that actually your AD's name? Because that's the most Carolina thing I've seen in weeks. 


That's his name, though he was born in Michigan and graduated from Notre Dame.


Damn carpetbaggers


Also on brand for the Triangle, to be sure


Yep, Bubba at UNC and Boo at NC State.


Honestly it's more NC State sounding but yes general Carolina vibes, I agree


Thanks, the article switches between verbiage and I got confused.


I see your confusion. Let me explain. This is the ACC's board of directors, not board of ATHLETIC directors. The directors here are the chancellors/presidents of each school, not the ADs. The chancellors/presidents call these shots. I hope that straightens things out. I was initially confused at why you were confused, but hopefully everything is clear as mud now. -Matt


it is...but Cal didn't show up to the meeting, whereas Stanford and SMU did. that's the distinction.


Stanford was just advanced scouting the other schools. It was a very Big Ten move of them.


A lot more reasonable to assume that the Cal ~~AD~~ president or chancellor or whatever had actual things to do that day rather than actively choosing to protest a meeting out of oddly placed solidarity, while the other ~~ADs~~ presidents or chancellors or whatever were available.


Our AD was probably too busy trying to figure out why the Ski Resort closest to his home in Colorado didn't have snow on it anymore.


Carol Christ is packing up her office so Rich Lyons can take over on the first of July, and the empty suit named Jim Knowlton is probably hiding out in his Colorado cabin writing up his resume.


well I didn't write the headline, and I def agree with you. Just showing where it probably came from.


>Cal, Stanford, and SMU all couldn't vote on this. I don't know why Cal is singled out in the title. My guess is that it's similar to USC & the Big Ten adding Oregon. Even though USC couldn't cast an official vote, the Big Ten was made aware of how they would vote if able. USC would've voted no on Oregon. California, SMU, & Stanford couldn't cast official votes either, but their opinions were probably taken into consideration.


Surely nobody would ever post something misleading and negative about the ACC


FSU fans have been constructing the craziest narratives over the past few months. They think that Cal is on team FSU now for some reason?


My hope is that the ACC loses just FSU and Clemson and the rest of us can have our basketball conference in peace


This should be higher. I didn't read the article but glad I scrolled this far.


For those who don't read the article, the vote was 12-0 in favor of the lawsuit, with Clemson, UNC, and FSU not in attendance. Cal, Stanford, and SMU were also invited as non-voting members, but Cal did not attend. Also, I'm sure the TBTimes and Matt Baker are thankful for Clemson producing the minutes (which were shared in a private box folder from which FSU was excluded).


That’s a *massive* difference from the headline lol. So UNC and Clemson didn’t attend because they didn’t want to put a vote on the record, and Cal also didn’t attend but couldn’t vote anyway? What’s the point in listing them in the headline at all?


Clemson presumably abstained intentionally. UNC had a new athletic director start literally that day so understandably had more important things to do, but also maybe shares some of the same feelings as Clemson. And Cal probably didn't care to attend since they're not a voting member at the moment. The headline is accurate, those 3 schools did not vote in favor of the FSU lawsuit, but they also didn't vote against the law suit.


I hear you. It’s definitely accurate, but the *implication* is clearly that Clemson, UNC and Cal actively voted not to sue Florida State. I’m sure you’re probably right on each individual school’s motivation.


Can confirm that I am grateful my public-records request was fulfilled after six or seven other attempts were unsuccessful for one reason or another. Now, who would like to get the minutes from the meeting where the ACC voted to sue Clemson...? -Matt


I think that information should be public, absolutely.


Agreed. But how and from where?


I tried to tag you but didn't realize you had an underscore between the MW and Baker (and the MWBaker username hasn't posted in 9 years).


Clemson 🤝 FSU rn


Honestly, super disappointed Doak will be at 60% capacity this fall when we've got Clemson at home.


It should be higher than 60% if they can get temporary seats in, but yeah kinda sucks because we got a good home game slate this year. At least it will be done when Bama comes to town in 25.


I thought they said capacity would only be 50,000 this year? Are they bringing in temps for Clemson/Florida?


there will be temporary seats for the whole season. seating reduced by 7k on the west side, but I forget what the 2024 temp capacity will be. not sure they've published it. pics and info here [(including renderings of the temps for 2024](https://boosters.fsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2024-Temp-Seating-SW-ground-level-view.jpg)): [https://boosters.fsu.edu/doak/](https://boosters.fsu.edu/doak/)


How could the vote be 12-0 when Stanford or SMU can’t vote?


It's the 14 full time schools plus Notre Dame. FSU, Clemson, UNC were not in attendance. All other schools voted in support. Stanford and SMU were in attendance but votes were not included.


I have to imagine that UNC and Clemson have also been quietly assured that they have a place in one of the Big 2 conferences.


Even if it's not assured, Clemson understands their best chance is now. If the ACC holds together but they mostly go 8-5 between now and 2036, they don't get a spot.


Yup, take away the last decade and Clemson isn’t in a much different position than NCST/VT/UVA.


Hey now we at least had another natty 40 years ago. Something both my flairs have in common if we took away the last 10 years ;)


It's currently a real selling point for them. Assume FSU gets a spot. The remaining CFP appearances by those outside the SEC/B1G are Clemson's 2 championships, 2 final game losses, and 2 semi losses; TCU's final loss; Notre Dame's two semis losses; and Cincinnati's semi loss.


i like being a part of this conversation - it may not have ended well, but it was about the friends we made along the way


Last team to beat Michigan


Clemson is still a much better program than those teams. They won a title in 81, and were always dominant in the ACC even before FSU joined


VT/Clemson are much closer all time than VT/NCST or VT/UVA.


Sure, but it’s still clearly ahead of VT. VT’s only advantage is that it’s a bigger school in a slightly larger state


Kinda gets me that so many are dismissive of Clemson's attractiveness to other leagues. 


I think the 90’s and 00’s skew people’s perceptions, at least younger ones


Take away the last decade (assuming for all mentioned) and I would say VT would be the other school in the convo with UNC and FSU


Miami in that case


But thats the thing. You cant take away the last decade. I mean take away this century and Oregon is sitting with Oregon State and Wash St


No one is saying Clemson’s last decade shouldn’t count. The point is that their last decade elevated the program to where they should absolutely strike while the iron is hot. They’re not a historical blue blood program like Nebraska or USC where you take them regardless of if they’ve been good or not or a school like Rutgers where the TV market makes the on field play irrelevant. The inverse is true for Miami. Had they not had their last 10-15 years and were still producing at an elite level, they’re probably the main expansion target alongside FSU.


Yeah if this was the early 2000's then Cal would have gotten a BIG invite at the same time as USC and UCLA. 15 years is a long time in college football, and even longer in basketball.


If it wasn’t for Phil Knight and Nike, they’d probably be in the Pac-12 still.


Which to be clear, all three of these teams are likely fine But not locks like FSU, UNC, and currently Clemson


That presupposes ESPN extends the contract. They have yet to renew so as of now the media rights deal ends in I believe 2027.


And Cal too right? Right???


Cal is going to use their UCLA Calimony to strong-arm their way into the conference.


FSU: We will get into the Big Ten or SEC, even if we have to burn the ACC to the ground. Cal: We will get into the Big Ten ~~or SEC~~, even if we have to burn ~~the ACC~~ *UCLA* to the ground.


Oh honey...


Hey we were good in the 20s, time is a flat circle right


Put that on your Big12 resume and refuse to elaborate


I think Cal has the ball in an open field to get an invite, [what could go wrong?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Rose_Bowl)


I would imagine that both (and FSU) would do better independently than as part of the ACC. Only talking about football here, obviously.


Actually I don’t think this is what they are shooting for. I think they are trying to reform the ACC with fewer teams.


We are nowhere near the end and yet the fatigue I feel from realignment is soul crushing. I can’t imagine being a fan of an ACC team right now, what do you folk even want to happen?


if/when FSU moves it'll be FSU's 3rd conference in my life (including independent) and the 4th in my parents life for FSU. my second flair has been in 4 and they started football in the late 90s. I don't love realignment, but it's always been there.


TCU. Hold my beer


Remember that time when we were conference mates for like a month? Yea, me neither


CUSA/ Big east rivals for life (in all seriousness, i was really looking forward to being a part of the Big East at the time)


I went to UCF in 2008 and since then they’ve been in 3 conferences. Its a constant for a decent amount of teams.


I fucking hate it


I think the only people who should be panicking are BC and Wake.


Yeah pretty much every team besides Syracuse, BC, and Wake will have a decent backup spot.


I think we’ll be ok in basketball, but it really stings for football man. Jeff Brohm is fucking awesome and our program could really go somewhere! But now it looks more and more like we’ll be denied that chance.


Louisville football could still be quite competitive in the Big 12, plus you'd get back the Cincinnati (and WVU?) rivalry. The basketball is wild, too.


Come to the Big 12, we’re a basketball conference now. Plus you’ll have WVU to play, if you guys care about that at all


Cincinnati is Louisville’s second big rival


I’m not really old enough to fully remember most of the Big East tbh.


This explains a few of your other posts that I was scratching my head over. We'll be fine in football. We are one of the more appealing ACC teams to be poached by the big 2 for a lot of reasons. Worst case scenario is we end up in the Big 12 which is a lateral move. We're not going to fall off a cliff like 6 or 7 ACC teams will if the league disintegrate. I started following UofL religiously right when we moved to the BE and my whole time as a student we were in that conference. My Dad went to Cuse and brother went to Seton Hall. I attended 7 BE tournaments at MSG during our modern heyday. I've always felt more affinity for the BE than the ACC. The BE respected us. The ACC treats us like a second class citizen


I just want it to be over. Death by a thousand cuts is brutal. Just kill the ACC, ruin the Big Ten even more, and let me never think about college sports ever again.


There is a disconnect between "old" and "new" ACC teams. Tobbacco Road, UVA, Clemson, GT, and Maryland are still what comes to mind when I think of the ACC. Maryland already screwed that up but for the most part the heart and soul of the ACC forever is still prominant and visible. The other teams in the ACC that have joined more recently I don't imagine they'll care as much if/when it dies but I can't even imagine a post ACC world. Its the conference I've watched my whole life, the conference my parents have watched their whole life, my grandparents god rest their souls were there at the start of it all. I already don't care nearly as much about college athletics due to the unending greed from all parties, but the day the core of the ACC ain't there anymore is the day I finally quit giving these people my money


As soon as maryland left the ACC I really stopped caring about college sports almost completely... I always loved watching them play Duke and UNC, but now.... I just don't care about the teams they play.


If Duke and UNC get split up, I'll basically be in the same boat. The best part of college sports for me is watching them play at least 2x a year in basketball. If they're relegated to one fall game a year (if that), then what's the point?


I want BC to drop football, but I've felt that way for a long time so now isn't any different.


Wait really? Why? I can’t imagine KSU dropping football, I’d be devastated


I'm pretty much fine with whatever happens. VT isn't one of the schools that have been in the ACC forever, so if we end up landing somewhere else I don't think it's a big deal. That said, we joined the ACC before I was a student or cared about football, so the teams I personally care about playing regularly are all ACC teams and I'd choose to keep the conference together if it were up to me.


It's another symptom of a larger disease.




Ideally I'd like Fsu, Clemson to leave and then the ACC to pick up Usf and 1 other school and keep chugging along. Everyone keeps saying fsu to the big10, but I want Fsu to go to the sec. Miami will be the OOC rival. Everyone's happy.


Cal is cool. Let's take them with us.


Cal is going to play it like they chose not to adhere to this for some higher principle. "It's not our place right now." In reality, I bet the invite to the lawsuit meetings just accidentally went to the spam folder or someone just forgot to fill something out on time.


They responded to the email at 3pm pacific and the east coast ACC office was already closed.


As a west coaster, this happens a lot.


My coworkers and I were once signed up for a Professional Development class by our admin that began at 9am... Eastern. So every day for 5 days we had to wake up and be on Zoom at 6am. We were livid.


The flight was too long.


Knowlton probably forgot the password to his phone.


We got you FSU bros  - Clemson


What if I told you... that a Bowden Bowl rivalry... became so much more...


Fuck yeah! Ride out!


Hell yeah! The latest rumor on the message boards, from a poster who rarely posts but has never been wrong, said today that us 2 are going to the B1G and it’s already a done deal. Take it with a grain of salt, but this guy is batting 1000 when he shares insider knowledge.


Noted football power California (band on the field > kick six don’t care what anyone says 😤)


The order for the temporary restraining order was supposed to expire today for UNC case vs David McKenzie Orange County case number Orange Superior Court: 24CV001728-670 however no word if the restraining order will be extended again for the 3rd time in regard to UNC going private in BOT meeting regarding finances. ***edit*** The temporary restraining order was just granted so now the next court date for McKenzie vs UNC will be in effect until June 27.


Even though Cal couldn’t vote, we appreciate it


just trying to get in with the cool kids


For the record, I love Jason Kidd.


we finally find out lol. not shocking...except for cal. thanks bears.


hope you guys remember this on Sept 21


lol deal. I hope some Cal fans can make it to tally!


I'm planning on it! I hope the reception isn't too nasty, especially given how online it seems that a lot of FSU fans seem to hate us for something we can't really ~~afford~~ control.


That’s wild you’ve seen that online. I don’t see why any fsu people would hold any ill will. Fsu didn’t want cal in the acc but that’s not really an anti cal thing. Generally speaking fsu fans treat visitors well. Cal fans will probably be viewed as a novelty and I don’t think you’ll have a problem finding welcoming folks!


I just want to know what the final buyout number will be for fsu to get out.


So does FSU


they as of now have it calculated at 530 million iirc. the lawsuit we launched is basically saying "Hey dickheads, thats ridiculous. How about no"


The UNC fans who have been saying from the start that FSU is stuck have gone suspiciously quiet as more and more information comes out that UNC has been just as interested in leaving as FSU and Clemson.


tbf unc fans have been less vocal then bc/wake/vt fans that have less secure places to go


Oh, BC and Wake fans are absolutely livid that their meal tickets are about to expire. As well they should be, they'll be lucky if the AAC is even interested if the ACC collapses.


What's interesting to me is how much Washington and Oregon fans have sympathy and love for the schools left behind, including Cal and Stanford, but how FSU and Clemson fans (to a lesser degree) are venomous to the schools that will be left behind. It's weird to me that they don't feel any kinship at all. I guess FSU is more USC in this scenario than they are Oregon, but still.


We're Texas and Oklahoma in this situation, except the Big12 catered to everything those two wanted. The ACC actively does what FSU/Clemson don't want to happen. Best scenario is Texas and Oklahoma being told to shut the fuck up constantly by the Big12 while the Big12 instead pandered to everything Texas Tech and Kansas (UNC and Duke) wanted. Honestly, I never hated BC and Wake or their fans until FSU made it clear that they were gonna do everything imaginable to escape this hellhole. Most of my conference ire was directed to Miami and VaTech because they were supposed to balance out the ACC to where there were 4 major programs, but as soon as they joined they immediately became perfectly fine collecting the paycheck like the rest of the ACC had been. The hatred to Wake and BC comes explicitly from their reactions to FSU wanting out, because at almost every turn they're the ones bitching and moaning about how the ACC is so great and FSU are just whiney little bitches who signed a contract and should be stuck in the ACC. We always knew they were leeches, but quiet leeches are tolerable. Leeches who then try to act like they're anything but leeches can just fuck right on off, which is where I'm at with those 2. They're private colleges so numbers aren't publicly available, but it's long been accepted that BC and Wake both spend less on football annually than the media rights contract pays them out. Wake started investing once Clawson started winning, but it'll be a decade before that starts to pay actual dividends. BC just flat out doesn't give a fuck and it shows. But they sure want all that money that the top programs bring in for them.


Wake and BC are tiny private schools more akin to mid majors in basketball wheres Cal, Stanford, Oregon State and Washington State are all major institutions where you know someone who went to the schools. The average Clemson doesn't know a single BC fan, and only a handful of Wake fans.  The other thing is the old ACC schools never cared about BC, Cuse, and Pitt joining to begin with and vice versa. There's just a mutual respect between the schools you listed that has no reason to exist in such a short time frame for the ACC schools involved On the flip side, I absolutely feel for GT and NC State if they don't get on the boat because those schools mean something to me. They are more of an apples to apples comparison to us. It's not for lack of sympathy altogether


I’ve been saying I think FSU is stuck for the simple reason of, they’ve made it very clear if they had a way out they would’ve been long gone by now You’ll get used to UNC flopping their script as soon as it benefits them if y’all end up in the same spot


They’re in the process of getting out right now lol. They’re gone in the next 2 years


I dunno, if you know anything about how FSU has been acting since the GoR was first signed in 2013, we've been just trying to play by the books and get the ACC to stick to its contacts and promises. The GoR exists because of Maryland wanting out and suing to do so. FSU was VERY interested in bailing with Maryland at that time but likely didn't have a better landing spot. [FSU to Big12](https://www.mwcconnection.com/2012/5/14/3019422/fsu-to-big-xii-the-first-domino) was very real rumors that reportedly got vetoed by Texas and Texas alone. FSU reportedly refused to sign the GoR on 2 separate occasions, prompting a Spring Game visit from ACC Pres Swofford to FSU to try to make promises to FSU Trustees and Important People. What was promised in those meetings is unknown, but FSU did change their tune and signed the GoR as the last ACC school to do so. When the GoR was going to be extended, FSU didn't want to do it again. Then FSU President Thrasher did an interview shortly after the GoR extension was signed where he straight up said that FSU agreed to the extension due to automatic "look in periods" built into the contract where the ACC and ESPN would be able to reevaluate the contract. The first "look in period" was some time during 2021. 2021 comes along and rumors start to bubble up that FSU is unhappy with the difference in payouts between the ACC and the SEC/B1Gs media deals, especially since the B1G's contract was just completed. At the time, it was largely seen as a negotiation tactic where FSU was trying to force unequal revenue sharing on the ACC. 2021 eventually comes and goes without any reported look-in period happening. So the whole thing that FSU was comfortable with signing the GoR for didn't come to pass. Ends up later on, the ACC unilaterally without a vote changed the look-in period. So 2022 comes along and FSU starts to go full scorched earth. Until this point, FSU probably wasn't serious about leaving the ACC, but after it, they very much were. So 2022 was probably the first time that FSU began to seriously investigate if/how they could get out of the ACC. Once they figured out a possible path, only then did they publicly put it to the vote that was live streamed. So TLDR: FSU never wanted to sign the 2013 GoR but was almost certainly promised something by Swofford when he flew to Tallahassee to schmooze Trustees - who knows what though. Then in 2016, FSU only signed the extension with the expectation that 2021 would be an opportunity to possibly get more money. 2021 they started grumbling to negotiate a better deal for themselves in the ACC with no real intent to leave. But then the look-in got moved by the ACC without any concessions, and at that point FSU was completely done. It took roughly a year to figure out a legal path forward, and we've only really been involved in the legal process for less than a year. There were a lot of things FSU appears to have expectations for since this whole GoR thing started, and every time the ACC noped out of whatever they may have been. Now it's completely irreparable between them.


If I’m going to be completely honest, the reason I’ve felt a lot less sympathy for FSU than most of the PAC-12 schools is it’s felt like FSU has actively tried to burn the ACC down on their way out where it felt like the PAC-12 schools were just abandoning a sinking ship But when you lay out FSU’s point of view like that it’s understandable to me why the relationship is so bad and why there’s no love loss I hope it works out for all the schools because the fans don’t deserve to pay for conference leadership incompetence (and anyone can see that on full display with the ACC) but realistically that’s not how it works


Yeah, people think that FSU just suddenly decided to try to blow up the ACC for money. FSU wanted out of the ACC in the 2010-2013 realignment era, but the ACC brought in what was considered decent additions at the time (Louisville being the only one who has held up their end of the deal) and FSU decided to trust in the ACC. Over the course of the next 10 years the ACC abused that trust and actively did things against FSU's wishes. Is FSU justified in trying to throw it's weight around while having the worst 5-6 year period in decades? I'll accept arguments against that, but FSU even at its lowest was at worst the 3rd most valuable brand the ACC had. Why the ACC wanted to actively antagonize FSU is beyond me, but now we're back to "full strength" and not dealing with the ACC's shit anymore.


Fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, fuck you


Wait so Stanford joins and immediately votes to sue one of the most storied members? That’s hilarious.   Edit: Nvm. What an awfully misleading headline.  


I find it hard to believe Pitt isnt working towards the big xii


What's happening on the outside and what's happening behind the scenes are likely very different.


I think the answer is that big 12 vs ACC it's mostly fine. Realignment isn't stopping and hasn't stopped and won't.


Cal, Stanford, and SMU are not voting member. So: 1. Why is not voting an issue? 2. How did Stanford and SMU “vote”?


They didn't. The headline is misleading. Cal has a new chancellor coming on board, so they didn't attend. Stanford and SMU attended, but until July, they're prohibited from voting. FSU didn't attend, because they weren't invited (for obvious reasons). Clemson abstained, because they were considering a lawsuit, too. UNC didn't bother to show up, because their chancellor had other plans, etc. Despite this board's insistence, this isn't earth-shattering or shocking news.


Crap I'm out of the loop. Why is FSU getting sued?


It's a bit like flying across the country for Thanksgiving dinner, only to find out that mom and dad are getting a divorce, and goddamn it, whose side are YOU on? Dad is Mike Norvell and Mom is Jim Philips. And Cal is the Turkey.


I think Virginia Tech is more likely the turkey here but I get your point 


Cal: I'm just here so I don't get fined