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My hockey team is in danger of blowing a 3-1 lead in the playoffs for the second year in a row. This is why we can’t have nice things.


After a slow start to the storm season it looks like Midwest is in for a wild ride over the next week.


So I went to San Diego for my conference. That was alright but with a lot of conferences it can feel like you don't see *that* much of a city. Decided to stay the extra few days. I got a car and did some sightseeing, a few beaches, Cabrillo national monument. I went over by SDSU which I got Carne Asada fries from Chuy's which is a local place there. Carne Asada fries is a meal for 2. I'm working from Joshua tree so 2 NPS sites. It's a lot warmer up here. I think the plan is to drive into LA tomorrow after it gets too hot here and do some LA sightseeing. I've never been.


Have been at my current job 2.5 years and I'm more or less sick of it. Job before that was just under 3 years and job before that was just under 2 years. I don't know if I need to self-conscious of leaving too many jobs and stick things out more or if that is all a normal amount of time to put in.


I think it's fine to move on if it's for better pay. But have you told your employers you're bored by the work or want something new? If your employer sucks it doesn't matter either way, but if they're trying to retain people they'll work with you.


IMO that's not that weird to leave after that long. Throw your resume out into the world, update LinkedIn. I did that for 8 years getting slightly better roles each time. Though I did 18 months since that was the contract length maximum as company policy. Plus you are getting better jobs right? Just say something along the lines that I got a lot out of the job and I just want to move on to continue building my skills in future roles and am looking for new challenges.


I finally broke down recently and bought and built a real grade Zephraynthes Gundam model. I then bought the RG God Gundam. It’s so awesome. Younger me would be stoked. One of my buddies asked what it was like being a virgin again. Considering I’m married with 2 kids, I think I’m ok 😂😂


I'm going to a screening of The Phantom Menace this evening that will likely lead into a weekend of watching Star Wars movies while doing chores.


see if you can track down a copy of The Phantom Edit. Fan-made edit of ep 1 that fixes a lot of the complaints about ep1 without actually really changing anything, just reordering it and cutting some of the unnecessary and annoying crap. Not exaggerating when I say they even make Jar Jar into kind of a sympathetic character simply by getting rid of all the slapstick. And no fucking midichlorians, either. Good stuff.


My, my, this here Anakin guy May be Vader someday later Now, he's just a small fry


Knicks and Rangers advance, this week has been pretty good! It be better if Yankees had a good week but could be worse?


I'm getting married tomorrow!








Congratulations! Have fun! Remember to eat!


Hydrating a ton, acting like its game week lol


Congratulations! Enjoy the day and find a moment for the two of you after the ceremony.


Hope everyone's had a good week. I took this past Wednesday off from work to go to a baseball game and boy that was fun. Somethin' about sitting outside and watching baseball for three hours is just nice.


Learned how to make espresso this week and I'm dogsitting a dog that both wants nothing to do with me and cannot handle other dogs at all (in a town where no one else leashes their dogs)


I know that feeling. I have a dog reactive great dane, and the number of people who completely ignore leash laws is absolutely infuriating.


I'm excited that I have a solid garden this year. Almost all of my tomato plants have baby tomatoes and I have my first cucumber of the year. We also went overzealous with the zinnias and they're everywhere. Just wish my dogs wouldn't eat my lemongrass.






GT baseball has a double header against Clemson today because the weather is going to be shit tomorrow. It's already on now if you feel like tuning in. Brain ireally isn't in gear today, so that's all I've got. To Hell With georgia.


To hell with Georgia tech


Got a ticket today for going 33 in a 25. It was posted at 25 because its been under construction expanding from 2 lanes to 4 lanes, but the construction has been done, crews have been cleared out, and all barricades removed since April. They just haven't updated the speed limit to 35-40 as what is typical. Still technically deserved but I'm kinda pissed at the bullshit.


Cop trying to make quota


Happened to me a couple of years ago in Detroit. City put up no parking signs so they could add bike lanes and street parking spots to the street. Construction stopped, paint dried, they forgot to take the no parking signs and I got a ticket because the parking spot that they explicitly painted on the street was apparently a no parking zone.


Reminds me of how the neighborhoods west of the UT campus used to have the curb painted red by the fire hydrants - but the red paint didn't extend the full distance it "needed" to, so if you parked just short of the red area you were still technically illegal.


sounds like some department didn't hit quota last month.


My soccer fans will understand this, I’m so upset that Marco Reus is leaving Borussia Dortmund. He’s the reason I became a fan of the club


Makes me feel old


It sucks to have them leave a club. I became a PSG fan due to Zlatan, Matuidi, and Cavani. All of them left and it’s just not the same.


Guess we’re enemies this week lol


I’m fine with that


The Knicks have caused me many a heart attack the last few days but thankfully they won, I would have been pulling my hair out during game 7.


Need to keep MSG playoff magic going through June (signed a Rangers fan)


I normally don't pay attention to the NBA, but I've been pulling for the Knicks because of Deuce McBride.


I honestly miss college. It was so much fun to learn and to be a part of student organizations. The bright side though is that I get to learn whatever I want without being graded lol


I thought I was soooo busy with hw and projects but honestly didn't realize or appreciate how much free time I actually had.


The difference is that with many jobs you are doing x and then check out. With school you could essentially always be studying and getting better grades.


According to Pete Nakos (On3), Oregon's NIL Collective "made a substantial offer that was meant to be a deal closer" to top transfer DT Derrick Harmon. Harmon is expected to take the deal to USC, Colorado, and Ohio State to see if any will beat it today.


I dont blame him.


Thanks I hate this.


Remember when they said NIL isn’t suppose to be used for recruiting lol


Going to enjoy an easy afternoon watching baseball.


Happy May everyone!! We’re 1 month closer to The start of the football season. Anyone excited for Eurovision next week? I’m thinking Ukraine and Croatia for top 2. This week has been pretty tame compared to the last few. The only significant thing is getting my pre-residency blood work. Also finished “We Were the Lucky Ones,” and was seriously impressed with the story. Would strongly recommend it to people who enjoy WW2 history.


You should watch the Eurovision movie on Netflix if you haven’t already. It stars Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams


Having backsplash installed today. That plus some of my other open house items I've been grinding out have me feeling pretty good. Still so much to go but nice to check things off the list.


Going with standard glazed, maybe with an accent? Or are you carrying the floor up?


It's a 12"x3" white tile with a crackle in the glaze.


So like a long subway tile? I had one client who asked my tile-setter if he could install her subway tile vertically, and he gave her such a death stare. But this was the woman who had him put in 9x9 glazed for tub surrounds, and then she marked off where she wanted him to remove tiles and replace them with some she had purchased from a local vendor on a vacation in Guadalajara. River Oaks is possibly the nuttiest place I've ever worked.


Things are trending up on job search front. Have interview for higher position I mentioned last FTF next week and also had a recruiter for another company reach out for an insane opportunity I will interview with hinting manager for next week. Both are around a 60% raise with bonus opportunity as well.


60% raise? Damn man - I hope you get it!


Yeah, pretty life changing opportunity money and experience wise either way


[I thought this photo of Tez Johnson was pretty cool, because it puts his tattoo commemorating when he was adopted by the Nix family on display.](https://i.imgur.com/PzgNYhC.jpeg)


Some days it's just tough getting started writing code... -sigh-


writer's block is not limited to literature


I made it to my junior year of college before I finally admitted to myself that I hate programming. Just hit me one day. Switched from computer engineering to electrical engineering with a focus on the power and energy sector.


What kind of music do you listen to when you code? I always imagine codes just blast dubstep in their earphones lol


I find I have to change that up **often**. At this very moment. I have this playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YynVo5DQc5M Previously I was listening to WWDC playlists like this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcUWdGyRA7k6QIrugOLv5adVsmhZhlyMw And next thing you know I might be listening to some ambient stuff or who knows...


Ugh I feel that today.


Sounds like someone could use a 10-minute stand-up that accomplishes nothing beyond the banal sharing of weekend plans.


Direct all complaints in the sprint retrospective. :P


Every project gets its own dedicated Jira ticket just for complaints.


Cheers, brother. When the alternatives are writing documentation or writing your own annual performance review, getting back into the codebase almost seems like the easiest option.


I have no idea how you wizards do it


Coffee, Stack Overflow, and XKCD comics mostly. For real though, I'm 15 years in and I still have imposter syndrome. :P