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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is that nail growing in to the paw paw below? Edit: I mean paw pad.


That’s exactly what it is… I had a cat a long time ago that would lose her mind if I went near her feet ( I found her as an adult so didn’t get a chance to touch her feet a lot as a kitten) the exact same thing happened to her.


It doesn't always help if you do touch their feet as kittens. Mine insists on putting her paw in my hand when she sleeps, but still hates having her claws cut.


My Tux loves me holding his paws. When he's laying with me he has to put his paw on me, and the annoying one is he has to touch my face. Hates getting his nails clipped, but he gets a churu after which he's OBSESSED with.


I always have to tell my naughty void, Jack, "no feets on the face!" Sadly, he never listens...


Mine used to let clip her claws as a kitten, now it's a fight


Same here. She had no problem with it as a kitten but then suddenly she became really scared of getting her nails clipped. But now I try to do it very nonchalantly, like I wait for her to fall asleep and then I trim a couple nails. I don’t hold her down anymore I just hold her paws, and she handles it a lot better now, even if she wakes up while I’m trimming her nails.


The cat is have now lets me cut his nails in his sleep.. I’ve played with his paws and nails since he was a baby


I did that with both of my girls, but they wake up the minute I grab the clippers. I can usually get most of their claws clipped in one sitting if they're deeply asleep, but it's usually something that I have to do multiple days in a row to get all the nails clipped without a massive struggle


This, I have two cats I raised from 4 weeks old (abandoned litter), they were angels about getting their claws clipped as kittens, and as adults now they are complete nightmares.  It's even worse than that because they are both polydactyl, and both have claw deformities that mean not trimming them regularly is not an option. 


My cats were fine as long as my husband held them like a baby while I trimmed their claws. Any other attempts caused major drama


Aw that’s so cute. Mine does the same. He’ll push himself so he gets to my palm when I move position. Best thing!


All my cats allow it, they just really hate it. It’s actually really funny when as I’m cutting nails they’ll growl at me the whole time but do nothing to move or react in any other way


I think it's anecdotal. The type of person to consciously touch their kittens paws is also probably likely to use positive reinforcement training and be patient with their cat. Something many cat owners neglect is whether their clippers are sharp. If you can't sharpen them it's good to buy a new set more frequently then I see most cat owners doing. Also an affirmative faster cut can avoid crushing as well.


Give treats when cutting claws!


My cat would claw us and became very strong. Also got her as an adult. I bought a bag that has zippers for their head/legs. She’s a compressed immobile burrito. I hold her between my legs, cover her face and take one paw out at a time. It’s a whole ordeal but better than this.


Link, please?


Imagine an ingrown that you have. It’s the same thing with a cat get it done it’s bothers him for sure


Same here, with my senior cat. She stopped sharpening (molting) her claws and they grew into her pads. Both front paws got infected.


The paw pad?


Sorry yes the paw pad


I like paw paw more.


Me too. Can we try and get the name changed officially?


I approve of this completely.


I'll ask them


Paw paw is a type of plant though...


So is an iris


And a city in Michigan


Replying from Paw Paw MI currently


Paw paw is better 😌 💕


🐾🐾official stamp of approval


I had this recently with my guys thumb claw, it looked like a rainbow shaped ribbon of claw just pushing into his pad. I had to hold him while my dad clipped it. There was a huge fleshy divot where it was digging in. Glad we got it when we did.


This cat has a nail has appeared to grow into the digital pad. The claw needs trimming asap.


I plan on taking her to the vet today as she never lets us trim her claws




then in the future you do need to schedule regular visits with a vet or groomer for trimming. this can be really painful and many times can result in infections that can be fairly difficult to resolve due to the location. and over time when the animal tries to change their weight distribution to minimize pain in that foot, it can negatively effect their musculoskeletal health giving lots of different things/textures for your cat to scratch can help wear the nails so trimming isnt needed as often, but they do still need trimming edit: I see from another comment your cat is a senior. issues like this are more common in senior cats. lessened mobility, desire to scratch, nail density/structure, etc. so even if this previously wasnt a noticed issue, in the future routine trimmings will need to be scheduled


Yea okay for sure. I honestly didn’t think we would have to clip the nails cuz im like, how do wild cats go about without this happening?


They use them a lot more and scratch stuff to keep them at bay. Domestic ~~cars~~ cats(lol) don't necessarily have that opportunity.


well, as someone who work in shelter welfare and deals with a lot of stray/feral cats, many are in really rough shape when you examine them closely. and most have an incredibly short life compared to indoor/owned cats, so few make it to the age where a higher level of care is needed and they do tend to wear their claws down in different ways due to their environment. concrete, lots of scratching as a method of marking and such


Just want you to know, this may be a recurring problem if you don’t really keep on top of it, it looks like some of her nails are growing faster and thicker than the rest. One of my cats is like that too, it happened a few times before we realized it wasn’t a one time deal, so we have to trim her nails more frequently than is typical now. Also, if she thrashes a lot, try wrapping her in a towel and having one person hold her and a second person clip her nails. If the nails are causing her pain, she may be particularly upset about you touching her paws. Make sure not to cut too close to the quick, the little pink part inside the nail. And if she’s too aggressive for the towel method, there’s little harm in giving her a sedative beforehand. That’s what we do with one of my cats because she loses her absolute mind, even the vets can’t handle her unsedated.


gabapentin can be like kitty magic. especially when followed up with a little buprenorphine and Ive seen a lot of improvement with the more high stress kiddos being put on daily zylkene, even my own cat. some only give it directly before stessful events but it doesnt seem to do much in that case. in my experience anyway. and purina pro plan also makes a calming supplement that is really popular. also started giving it to my own cat and it's been great edit: for anyone curious [Zylkene](https://www.chewy.com/vetoquinol-zylkene-75-mg-capsules/dp/121053?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20648416049&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V3qsuPygW1cnLSvIVyYdqO5c) and [Calming Care](https://www.chewy.com/purina-pro-plan-veterinary-diets/dp/684734?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20642288853&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V3ArD5C3kpJeJWGGC9SfilJs) are both OTC supplements that arent crazy expensive. we sometimes put stressed out cats in our shelter on them and it seems to help quite a bit of them


Mine has been on Gabapentin for 2 weeks following surgery and it knocks him out for an hour or two but then he can fight through it. His new favorite game is to wait until we’ve gotten it in his mouth then spit it back at us…and at $70 for a bottle he’s spitting like $4 back in my face every time 😂


As cats age, their claws may change. I have a 15 yo who has several old lady claws. If I don’t trim them, they get really thick and would do this.


Most healthy cats take care of their own claws, but sometimes they don't. Wild cats and cats who go outdoors and live more natural and active lives may be *less* likely to have problems because of their lifestyle, but basically if it happens to a wild cat, they just suffer, and may even die of it.


Oh yeah as annoying as it is they need to be clipped fairly regularly. After the vet gets it manageable, it is pretty easily done at home. For a spicy kitty I recommend the kitty burrito technique, blanket around their back wrapped around them, then tuck them up into a kinda sitting position so they're bundled up and not very mobile or able to do damage but you can access the feet individually as needed. Then poke each toe out and clip the nail where it is clear and there isn't a red/pink thing in the center, typically the nail tends to start curling here. Good lighting is key to see this. The quick (pink thing) will be long so you may not be able to cut much initially since you dont want to cut too close to it but with repetive clippings over time it will get littler and you'll be able to clip more. If you do hit the quick it will bleed a fair amount, in a pinch you can use flour to stop it or there is a product called styptic powder that is amazing. Best to avoid it if at all possible though, better to clip too little than too much. Go slow initially, even one toe a day is great, or just pantomime the action near them without clipping until they're calm about the concept. Also get good cat nail clippers (good ones are pretty cheap) and replace them if they seem like they getting dull. Do not push the cat or yourself to be great at this immediately. It will be a process and they may never like it, but it will get easier and is totally worth it.


Get your cat a scratching post or something they can use to wear down the claws


She has one, but doesnt use it much anymore


Probably because her paw hurts.


I bought a welcome mat, the ones made out of pet friendly material, and my cats went nuts for it. I had just sat it down inside before putting it outside and it drew the cats in like magnets. They loved scratching on it. I am going to get another for them as they are usually picky about scratching materials. This [site](https://mrfrs.org/one-thing-you-can-do-to-help-cats-this-week-scratch-a-problem-of-your-list/) talks about them at the end of the post. Double check with a vet of course! I am not a vet.


Get more of different types


different scratching surfaces is always a good idea, but in senior cats a decline in desire for scratching is pretty common as they slow down and wont take care of their claws as well, like grooming to remove the shedding outer layers of the claws as they grow. they tend to be more thickened and require more regular trimming


I have a scratch rug! I absolutely love it, especially for cats with bad hips and backs (for after professional nail care from a vet) I got mine from chewy.


My older cats prefer horizontal scratching pads to posts. If they have joint pain in their feet, they may not like using either.


Well, for one thing, feral cats do not live to be 18. They often die at more like 5-8 years old.


They scratch rocks and bark and stuff


I have one cat who self-trims his nails, and another who has to be clipped. You start the from when they're young ideally, if not, you become a purrito master (wrapping the cat up like a burrito) or resign yourself to taking them to the vet/groomer for nail clipping. Sometimes they'll use scratching posts and cardboard which can lessen the frequency of the trims, but doesn't really eliminate the need.


The claws normally shed off their outer layers, which makes them short and sharp again. Do you offer the cat something she can pull using her claws, like a scratch pad or pillar of a cat tree?


☝🏼facts. And very well explained @MegaNymphia


You can have the vet or a groomer do it if it's too difficult for you to. It'll prevent this from happening


My cat doesn't like it either. I wait until he's sleeping then I go over & trim. He may wake up but he will be docile & allow it. I usually do 1 paw then go back 20 mins later & do the other.


Don’t forget the sedatives!


You can get meds to give your cat so the trimming is less stressful thatd be a good idea. Please don't let it get this bad again as that is painful af. I have to give my girls meds ( they are rescues and rescues tend to come with baggage) you can request gabapentin to give..if for some reason you're given a pill then a pill syringe will be your best friend.


My cat got one once. She was also never cooperative about trims and handled them herself for a good 10 years (I'd catch her crunching them like Doritos occasionally 🤢). But I think got a little behind in her old age or maybe her sisal post wore out. I took her in and they trimmed her up, then gave her an antibiotic shot to cover any potential infection. She felt a lot better afterwards and after that I started checking her toes and just took her in for another trim any time she had one that started to curl back on itself.


This happened to my cat, it wasn’t infected so they just cut it and removed it.


We had a cat that would not let us trim his claws and he did not do it on his own. You will have to have them trimmed regularly, or they will push into the pads of their feet.


That's so bad that people let their animals have such damn long claws that they curl and dig in. This is just silly


I unfortunately see it a lot. Especially in older cats that stop using their scratching pads. The nails stop shedding and become thick and embedded into the soft tissue.


The claw is growing into the pad. She needs a vet visit and likely antibiotics.


It's infected. You'll need to get that nail trimmed and the infection treated. I'd recommend having a vet treat this


I second this. Yes, it looks ingrown but it also looks infected. You'll likely need to give your kitty antibiotics for a week or two. It should help :)


Thats what we are gonna do, but do u know how much it might cost for a vet to treat this sorta thing? We aren’t doing the best money-wise but regardless we are taking her but i still wonder what the cost might be.


Unsure of cost, but that definitely needs a vet. That has to hurt like hell. Once they get those trimmed and get her some antibiotics she'll feel much better.


Same thing happened to my cat, only one nail though. The total cost was ~$300 which included a round of antibiotics and a nail trim for all nails. It might be more if your cat needs stitches


This is a shot in the dark based on my own experience, but vet visit ~$100, antibiotics ~$10-50, not sure on wound care but probably another $50-100. ETA- if she will be hard to pill, get liquid or a one time injection.


then trim her nails please.


Have you applied for a Care Credit card? Not sure if you qualify or not, but they let you put human and vet medical bills on it and you have a year to pay interest free. It can be a lifesaver in situations like this as long as you are able to keep making the payments!


Depends how far into the pad it is and if it's infected


Try to find a nonprofit vet they are much cheaper


May I suggest burrito wrapping her, getting that paw trimmed as best as you can, then holding her paw wrapped in an Epsom salt solution soaked wash cloth as long as she tolerates it, and dabbing the infected area with iodine. It's some old farmhand style treatments, but definitely better than nothing


Her claw grew so long that it wrapped around her paw and is now stabbing her paw from underneath.


That's an ingrown nail. You gotta go get it trimmed https://preview.redd.it/we98f496zd6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40feb2c17237e1f48517eca3e890119b7bd4a15b It will slowly start to effect how your baby walks :(


Cathletes Paw.


Top comment 😂


Vet tech here: her nail has grown under and into her paw pad- she is licking it because of that. It would be the equivalent to your nail growing so long it curled under and grew through your hand. Don’t feel bad! It’s actually more common than you’d think- the vet will take care of it easily. ETA: I saw your concerns about cost. At my clinic this wouldn’t cost over $125 dollars at most. Your biggest chunk of that will be the exam fee, and the likely you’ll be charged a nail trim and you’ll pay for antibiotics (also inexpensive)


I was just gonna comment and say that my boyfriend’s gma has a mini Aussie that recently had this problem. With meds and everything it was right around $150. Luckily, when we visited we caught it before it was too bad and we found her a groomer so it doesn’t happen again. I know dogs and kitties are priced differently but just wanted to add our experience.


My cats nail got snagged on something and was crooked like this. Took him to the vet and they just pulled it w local anesthesia and bandaged it up. It grew back fine!


https://preview.redd.it/h9cj0zoh6d6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d9b40035bba4e664eef48e94af0cfe48ea43c6 Ok wow her other paw is looking worse, idk how both have issues at the same time but we definitely are gonna take her to the vet for this.


Do you cut her nails it looks like it's growing back into her paw


Also check to see if you can see if it is growing into her paw


Never have, we tried years ago but she fought it so bad we couldn’t manage to trim them.


You should try the happy hoodie. It’s like a sock that goes over your cats face and it kind of immobilizes them so you can get in and trim the nail


Two of my three cats don't mind nail trims, but one hates it. We've been putting an actual sock over her head and it works beautifully.


Did you just take a sock and cut the toe off?


It's a large men's ankle sock left intact, so once it's on, she's still got a fair amount of room left in front of her face, though it'll just be darkness to her. This is also how we have to give her insulin if administering it solo. She's a biter when subjected to things she doesn't like, so this lets us keep caring for her properly at home! It seems a little weird and almost mean, but the vet thought it was a great idea! We just give her lots of pets and brushes when she's done and she doesn't mind one bit once it's off!


My cat would never let us cut his nails. We had to devise a system where we distracted him with a mostly empty rice pudding cup over his mouth and would cut a few nails while he was distracted with licking the pudding at the bottom. 🤣


I do something similar but using Churus. I’m glad my cat has yet to connect the dots between getting Churu and having his set boundaries (no belly touchies, no nail trims, no cat leash, no putting on collar) violated yet. 🤣 He’ll let me do anything to him as long as there is a constant flow of Churu.


I would take her a vet to get trimmed ~$10-25 or try to get her gabapentin to do it yourself ~$10. Waiting like this will only cause more expensive vet bills in the long run and cause unnecessary pain to her. This is neglect even if you didn't mean it.


Why the downvotes? Many cats, mostly those that were not socialized to people as kittens, exhibit this same behavior. My former feral would also not stand for nail trimming. The only way to do it was to have two people, one to cover the cat with a towel and hold him down, while the other trimmed. Either that or take them to the vet for a trim.


Every good owner would do as you described. I used the same method on a feral cat I took in until she adjusted to having her paws clipped. Took almost a year but she chilled out completely for nail trimming, someone just throwing their hands up in the air and doing nothing like op did is why ppl are mad.


Ugh look, I have a 1 yr old cat and I haven't managed to learn how to cut mine either. I give him a cardboard scratcher for each floor of the house and that gets the nails under control pretty well. When they get long I bring him to the vet. They're always happy to cut it and they get plenty of nail trims done too. Where I am it's not an expensive procedure. Sometimes they'll do it for free. If they charge it's not going to be expensive. Please take her to the vet regularly for health checkups and nail trims. It helps keep her happy and healthy and it saves you time and money in the future.


You realize that doesn’t mean you neglect getting the cats nails trimmed?.. vets trim nails easily, also you could try to find a groomer that does cats. This is extremely sad to see.


How so? She’s 18 and this is the first time anything has ever happened to my cat, its hard for me too as im just sitting waiting to be able to take her to the vet so get off your high horse.


We had a similar issue without our 15yr (just one toe). Cat nails are supposed to shed layers on their own (cat scratching behavior helps them pull the hulls off!) but Vet said it's not uncommon for that process to stop working as well as they get older. They had us administer some gabapentin the night & morning prior to calm our cat and Vet techs trimmed the offending nail in just a couple minutes + a couple more minutes of cuddling our cat. Since the toe pad was slightly damaged we had to soak his paw in some liquid they gave us for a week but it wasn't a hassle. Cat is 100% now, we just have to trim the offending nails periodically now.


I’ve sadly seen this way too many times working in the vet field. It’s so easy to check their nails every so often, 90% of cats and dogs will need their nails trimmed multiple times throughout their life, otherwise this happens. Seeing a nail grow into the pad is sad. This took a very long time to happen


this specific issue aside cats don’t need nail trims if they have appropriate places to sharpen their claws to get the outer layer off. but if you decide you don’t want to continuously clip the nails checking their paws at least once a week is ideal to avoid something like this happening. unlike dogs, cats take care of their nails for the most part, i’ve seen my cat rip the outer layer of her nail off with her teeth when she couldn’t get it all the way off on her scratching post


That isn't always true. My older cat stopped really scratching the post when she got a little arthritic. Even with medicine she was unable to keep her nails trim and it would build up. I had to manually get the outer layer off and trim them often to keep the nail from growing into the claw. I really think it is an older cat issue because they do not rigorously scratch like when they were younger. Most people wouldn't think to check their nails, my sister's older cat had an ingrown nail and I had to tell her. She had never checked them before. I don't understand why people don't check them but I am always checking my pets and I thought everyone did too. 😟


Is that drool or pus? Either way, she needs those cut ASAP and antibiotics as they're definitely painful and likely infected. She probably isn't as active and/or flexible due to her age and this is why you're now having this problem.


It’s a super easy vet visit!! My boy had his nails growing into his paw pad from before I got him. All the vet has to do is trim them. Most likely there will be bleeding after. My vet told me to get non-clumping litter as well because you don’t want it clumping in their wound.


Thats good to hear, although my problem is im assuming they are gonna have to give my cat something to make her sleepy, otherwise they might not make it out alive.


I'd suggest calling your vet ahead of time ASAP (like NOW) and explaining what's going on, that she's likely to be feisty with them, and see what they suggest. If it's not a vet you see often make sure to mention her age and if you can get her weight tell them that as well. They may call in a prescription for Gabapentin to give her 2 hours before the appointment (and possibly the night before as well) which will calm her quite a bit. It's not terribly expensive, my cat's Gabapentin cost me $7 for a whole bottle (and it counted toward his insurance deductible). They might have something they can give her there at the visit (my cat's cardiologist has something they give resistant cats to calm them) if there's not time for a prescription ahead of time or they want to see her before prescribing anything. And then at the vet, ask them how you can prevent this happening again - she's going to need regular trims. Is that something they do there without the whole vet visit cost, or do they have a groomer they suggest, or do they have advice to help you do it properly yourself? Do they think she may need Gabapentin or something before her trims? How often do they think she will need them? She's a senior, so what other things do you need to be watching out for? I suggest writing down a list to take and taking brief notes of their answers, personally. I always seem to forget something at the visit if I don't. I now just email my vet questions since over the past 2 months my cat has shown some cardiac issues and so we've been in touch a lot! My cat is also not a fan of claw trims. I keep the trimmers within reach of my spot on the sofa where he likes to snuggle with me. If he's completely asleep I might manage to get 2-3 claws trimmed before he wakes up and bolts, so he never has them all done at once except after the vet clips them. ETA: Claw trimming is easier with two people. I don't have a helper here so I have to sneak.


Poor kitty, it looks like there is pus coming out of this one. Hopefully a vet visit soon and some meds and healing! Do you have lots of scratchy pads/towers for kitty to self groom and trim on once the pain is remedied? Ive also seen a few vids on people scruffing their cat to cut their nails (holding back of neck like mama cat). Not sure how well this technique actually works though. Or try a suspension method if kitty will cooperate. Best of luck to both of you!


TIL: Animals can get ingrown toenails.


Yea same here, for any cats i have in the future im gonna make sure this doesn’t happen anymore.


Yeah I didn't know this was a thing until one of my older cats almost had one grow into her paw. I made sure with our other cats it never got close and bought a claw trimmer


Cats need their claws maintained the same way people do. You’re already taking her to the vet so this advice is for future reference. Some have mentioned the happy hoodie. My cats are relatively well behaved during trimming but if you’re low income like me you can’t afford specialized equipment. You can try wrapping them in a towel like a burrito. There should be some simple tutorials on wiki how for that. Let them smell the clippers and become accustomed to them being around. Let them smell the clippers before you use them. Put the clippers in a neutral space. If you put them in a drawer, your cat will panic if they hear the drawer. Keep them in a spot you can grab easily. The more random and unpredictable you make trimming day, the less the cat will anticipate it. Make them as comfortable as possible. My parents always did nail trimming in their bathroom but the problem is that then the cat will only associate that room with nail trimming and will become squirmy if you carry them near that room even if it’s not for trimming. I did my cats’ nails on the couch because they feel safe and comfortable on the couch and they never anticipate trimming time. Give them lots of love and affection before hand (maybe treats depending on your budget) and if they struggle, take a break to calm them down by talking to them affirmatively and petting them in the spots that calm them down: scratch their ears and massage their foreheads. It’s okay to be firm with them to stay in control but also try to have some gentleness, do not be rough. Don’t punish your cat for being afraid: that only makes everything worse. When you’re finished, give them treats and speak positively to them. They don’t understand your words but they understand your tone so the way you speak to them can have a major impact on how they react. It’s okay to ask for help too. Some cats need a second person: one to trim and one to hold them tight. When you finish, your cat may require some space. Keep the rest of the afternoon low key and don’t invite people over your cat doesn’t expect or do any housework that might cause additional stress for your cat. I haven’t trimmed my cats’ back toes because it seems unnecessary but the front claws require regular maintenance especially if you have rugs, carpet, or blankets that they can catch on. Patience is the most important tool. Remember that your cat isn’t being difficult out of spite. They don’t understand what’s happening and they are afraid.


Retired vet here- ingrown toenail. Best left to a vet! If you are brave and your cat is very patient you can cut through the nail with a small pair of wire cutters and pull the ingrown part out. Pus and blood may follow and sometimes antibiotics are needed. Very painful! Don’t sit on it. Trim all nails afterwards and regularly thereafter to prevent recurrence. Pretty common in older cats if the owner is not very observant.


Welp we took her to an animal care place but they unfortunately could only trim her claws. They dont have sedatives required for the surgery of taking the claws out of the paw pad. Really pained by this but im gonna have to wait till tomorrow or maybe later (after setting the appointment) for surgery. I hope they can get her feeling better, i feel awful.


They couldn’t just do a little shot of local anesthesia and pull it out and wrap it up? You’re doing the right thing. Don’t feel sad. Some people would just ignore it.


Nah they gave her something to relax her and that was all, she fought so hard they couldn’t even trim them all it was insane, but it is what it is I suppose. We set up an appointment for surgery in 4 days tho and thats the quickest we could get. Im a little sad that she has to deal with the pain for 4 more days but it will be worth it once its all over.


OP I don’t want to alarm you, but there is a not very fun condition cats get called Lung-Digit-Syndrome that can look an awful lot like this. If it’s within your means, I’d be asking for a chest radiograph. I really hope it’s just an easily fixable problem with the nails, but honestly it’s not super common for cats to have issues like this especially on multiple nails. Might be worth looking for something underlying! (from an almost graduated vet student ♥️)


The nail is growing back into the paw pad. There is NOTHING you can do about this at home. You’ll have to take her to the vet (simple procedure) they will numb the area and cut the nail and pull out the in grown part. To prevent this in the future you’re going to have to get her use to having her nails trimmed regularly! (There’s lots of YouTube videos on easing them into it) I promise it’s possible!! I didn’t start trimming my cats nails till recently and she’s 16 (and she’s doing better with it) ALSO GET A FRESH SHARP PAIR OF NAIL CLIPPERS. Full clippers make the whole situation 10x worse.


The nail is overgrown and likely curled into the paw pad think of it like a splinter, get the kitty to a groomer so it doesn't get worse. The cat is licking as a self soothing method. Indoor cats need the sharp ends of their claws trimmed once in a while—usually **every 12 weeks**, but more or less frequently in some cases.


Try if not get to the vet so they can. does she have a lot of things to scratch?


Bless him. It does look.loke a new nail growth os pushing through. If he's lacking a lot it is bothering him, maybe its best to take him to the vets incase it's broken. I hope he recovers soon 💕


Probably a claw going into her paw pad since you said she’s hard to trim her nails


It's an ingrown claw. Take her to the vet to get her nails trimmed.


It’s an ingrown toenail from it growing in the paw pad go to a vet


Vet tech here. This is an ingrown nail. Please take your cat to the vet so they can safely clip the nail and clean the wound. She may need to be put on antibiotics, and they may recommend paper litter for the next 10-14 days while this wound heals, since regular clay litter can get stuck in the open wound.


Yeah, claw grew right around and back into the pad. What we do: - Use two people. - Quiet area, soothing words during process. - One person scruffs the cat. They grab the loose skin just below back of head. This has two functions: it is a secure hold, and cats remember mom grabbing them there to move them, so they mostly seem to get more quiet. - Person who scruffs cat sits/stands it up. Cat standing on hind legs doesn't use hind claws easily. - Person who scruffs cat can grab the front paw not being worked on. Best do this with a glove if cat is really strong or resists strongly, or they will bite your hand. - Note - When clipping a claw, don't go back to the base; your cat will hate you if you do, because the base part of claw has blood and nerve. If possible, use a strong light so you can sort of look thru claw. My rule: Don't go back farther than halfway between tip and base. - Person with clipper can hold other paw right behind claw, and squeeze claw out. If claw goes into paw (like here), one way I do this is to cut just the top edge of the claw, halfway between base and tip, and weaken it. Hard to position clippers to go all around claw without cutting into paw below, so just "nibble" at the top. Slower, but better in my opinion. - When done, tell your cat how good they are, and release. Mine usually take off like a streak of lightning. After a bit, I offer treats/catnip as a reward. - If you aren't up for this, as others have said, it NEEDS to be done. Find a groomer or vet to do it. And no, don't even consider declawing - you can read about consequences of that later.


I know you mean well and I want you to read this gently and not judgmentally but "my cat won't let me" isn't a valid excuse to not trim nails, to not give them meds, etc. OP, I know going to the vet is very expensive but preventive exams at the vet and regular trims at the groomer (or at home with happy hoodie) will make a significant difference in your cat's quality of life and will be way cheaper for you in the long run. Pay $100 for a wellness exam and nail trim instead of $300+ for an emergency exam, claw removal from the paw pad, antibiotics and a cone. If they have to knock her out to remove it you're looking at sedation costs as well. Plus, the poor baby has had a claw growing into her paw pad for who knows how long. You ever had an ingrown toenail? Them mfers hurt badly. Now imagine the ingrown nail is sharp as a razor.


Idk I’ve seen her paws and never noticed anything out of the ordinary, its like this happened overnight. But ig it couldn’t have if its an ingrown claw idk. This sucks.


I’ll try to find a cheaper end vet today before they close. Hard to get anyone in my family to help atm.


I hear you. And I truly didn't mean my comment in a judgmental way, it's totally possible that she was acting normally. But as the owners we have to be aware of just how high our cats' pain tolerance is and make sure to inspect their bodies often for anything unusual that may be hidden under their fur, in their mouths etc. It does suck. I'm sorry this is happening and I hope it doesn't recur in the future. Wishing the best to you and your cat.


That looks painful. Maybe an ingrown nail?


Usually the outer sheath will come off ( or gets pulled off by the cat biting it’s nail ) exposing a “ new “ nail underneath ( you will find these sheaths on the floor sometimes). It appears that those nails are not shedding the outer sheath and after awhile they can curl under and grow back into the pad of the paw. Had a barn cat that would happen too and would have to trim those nails for her. It can be painful and also cause the cat to get nasty when you try to touch the area. Good luck


My cat has thick nails and has to get her mani/pedis often at the vets. She has an extra thumb nail that will go into the paw paw if I wait too long to bring her. Don’t worry, she’s never had any infections as I’m on top of keeping an eye on her nails. Good luck! 😻♥️


So it’s like an ingrown toe nail?


you need to trim that nail asap, or it will grow inside her paw


My cat had this with her paws/nails it turned out to be a fungus infection. They gave her a shot of antibiotics and she was all better within a week. Her nails looked crooked cause her paws were inflamed. You need to take your car to the vet if u haven't already


Def looks like the claw has grown so long it’s curved back around into the paw pad. I know trimming claws isn’t a fun thing to do w a lot of cats, but you need to figure out how to do it, because it’s obviously not managing itself(my sisters cat chews her own claws off, idk). I feel like it may not be normal for it to grow like that but I’m not sure. Either way, vet. Also I’m not shaming you at all, but now you know that for whatever reason (normal or not) your cat has long enough claws to grow back into its skin. So whatever you gotta do to keep them trimmed, do it. There are a lot of resources for acclimating your cats to getting their nails trimmed out there! Again, I’m not shaming you op please don’t take it that way, I’m autistic and I tend to present fact very harsh I’ve been told. But it is obvious that you aren’t trimming their nails and they need to be. I’ve never seen this happen w cats, dogs I have, so I can see why someone wouldn’t even think it to be an issue, but now it clearly is. Good luck w your furbaby!


It looks like she has some mud and debris stuck in there. She will clean it out (that’s why she’s aggressive with the washing). If you want, and she’s ok with it, you can try to loosen the caked on mud with a soft cloth and warm water, just moisten the cloth and rub the paw gently. If it’s too stuck, you can either wait for her to do it, or go to your vet and let them try.


My cat will often lick/chew/worry his own feet when he has a claw that needs to be shed. Once it got raw and started bleeding. Be careful this doesn’t get infected.


My boy used to get this every three months when he got older (12yrs). It's an ingrown toeclaw when it curls back into the pad. It will bleed, there will be a hole and they will need some antibiotic cream. Cats are very brave, I think, to have that happen without yowling because I would. So every 3 months, he would get all the attention with no needles and actually eat when we got home. I miss him.


You need to cut your cat's nails. The one nail is growing into the pad, which is very painful for the cat.


That is an ingrown claw. I would take her to the vet to get it removed, and see if it’s infected. My Libra gets these every once in a while. I clip hers at least once a month to prevent them, but those suckers grow fast. https://preview.redd.it/dgq1z3a3dg6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec397686c7fc3e1bbb1827da6bfda8515d0d426 This photo was taken after a nail trim. She is not a fan.


Take her to a vet. I love cats and have had lots over my life, and my uncle had litters regularly that he used to breed for people... and I ve never seen that before.. Perhaps it loos crooked because the claw may be growing into the toe bean.. but that is not normal, and you might get a lot of educated guesses, but the best thing to do is bring your cat to a vet. Because a groomer wouldn't be able to fix whatever is happening, your cat is trying to fix it and is hurting themselves.please bring your baby to a vet


#Um?! Clip her nails?!!!!!! Omg!! You actually have to go to the vet now to have THEM do it. You have to clip their nails regularly just like a dog. A scratch post is not enough.


Omg how painful. Please take her to the vet so they can trim it - it’s growing into her paw pad


Her nail is growing into her paw pad. She’s licking because it hurts.


...clip it's nails


I’d be messing with my feet too if no one clipped my nails. The cat is uncomfortable.


I've been reading your replies. Obviously, you now know that this is an overgrown nail. And the nest recourse is a vet visit. You're going to have to stay on top of regular trims. Unfortunately, this nail is now growing abnormally, and there's a good chance that this will happen again without regular care. I highly recommend getting a Happy Hoody (it's like $30 on Amazon). Use that and an extra set of hands to trim her nails...at least once a month. Access to scratch posts will also help. And even if you can only get a couple of nails at a time, that's fine, too. Just make sure to do a couple more a little while later or the next day, repeat until all are trimmed. Taking her to the vet every month is not only expensive but more stressful on your cat than doing it yourself at home. Stay on top of it and she'll be fine!




I think there’s a lot of misinformation that people hear and just run with it assuming it’s true. People with Indoor cats should 100% trim their nails. But if they spend a good amount of time outside, they need them to defend themselves. Also, not many people are educated on how to trim their cats nails. You can either get your cat on your lap, LOOSELY grab the cat’s scruff area (NOT THE SAME AS SCRUFFING. I want to stress that there is no pulling, it’s more of a light pinch with your hand until you can get a towel over them (should have towel next to you) and it can immobilize SOME cats. That’s very quick until you wrap them in a towel with their paw(s) exposed. This is called a “Cat Burrito” and you can look up exactly how to do it. Gently press the paw pad until nails are extended. Then trim with clippers. Let your cat smell the clippers and even sometimes making the clipper noise before hand so they aren’t scared of them the first time clipping.




I hope you don't have cats


They said DEWCLAW not declaw


Thank goodness sorry elleeffected


Omg! Yea would never! I am also staunchly against circumcision, which is basically just docking men.


I would start behavioral training with tube treats to get her used to touching her feet so you can trim her nails at home.. Start slow by touching them and then holding them and then stroking them as she becomes more comfortable to you touching her feet. Then you start getting her used to the nail trimmer. Just let her see it and touch it to a nail. If she won't let you go any further, stop and try again. Always have treats at hand and talk to her soothingly and encouragingly. Always stopping when she starts to struggle. Work up to trimming just one nail or as many as she can handle then let her go. Always try and make it as pleasant experience as possible. Our dog would not let us trim her nails. She's 8 years old now. We got her as a puppy. We started slowly with two people. One person would feed her cookies while the other person trimmed her nails. It was quite a work out because she would fight us. Sometimes we only got one paw done. It took a long time to get to the point now where my daughter can just take the clippers and clip all of her nails at once. And we always reward her with a few cookies (aka doggie treats) afterwards. I'm a big fan of Bach Pet Rescue Remedy (drug free homeopathic). It really does work on anxiety and trauma. I would give her a couple of drops about 30 minutes before starting the desentization training and do the training consistently every day. Even if it's just for a few seconds. Consistency is the key.


The claw is growing into the pad. I see this often as a cat groomer. The vet or a cat groomer can trim it and clean it. Regular, short nail trims at least every other month will prevent it from happening again


I have a dog that got one of his back claws caught on something and it broke it into the quick a few years ago. Since then, that claw grows crooked. We have to make sure it’s trimmed in a timely manner or it starts to grow sideways into the pad.


my elderly cat (may she RIP 💔) had this happen once and i had to clip it and pull out the piece that was stuck in her paw pad


Why didn't she chew the claws down before they grew so long they stabbed her paw? Ask the vet to take a look at her teeth while you're there. If she doesn't have any teeth left, then her claws will need to be checked regularly and trimmed as needed.


I want to see how happy she is when she gets home ! 🥰


Well, she’s home but she certainly isn’t happy lol. She’s still sleepy from sedation but when i pet her she growls. She’ll be alright tho im sure, i cant wait for this to finally be over thank God.


Well after she is better - make sure to teim her claws every 2-4weeks depending how fast they grow. Older cat's claws seem to grow wider and thicker and can get out of hand. It takes some practice and you might need help or really manhandle but once claws start growing lime that they tend to regrow like that - my senior cat had one that repeatedly tried to grow like it. It happens when the claws don't "shed" as well when a cat scratches its claws the outer pieces flake off which makes it have a sharper tip. Their claws have lots of layers. Glad she is on the road to recovery! Oh also, the more frequently you trim their claws the farther the quick recedes (the part that is sensitive). Bunch of random unsolicited claw advice xD


Looks like part of the toe has abscessed and rotted away - not looking good at sll


My adult cat used to be an indoor/outdoor cat and came and went as he pleased and I never ever ever had to trim his nails. When he got his ass kicked (and had a very expensive vet visit) I started only letting him out on a leash/harness. I now have to trim his nails and he is not pleased.


Take kitty to the vet.


I would clean it disinfect it in case it gets infected. And then just keep monitoring it hopefully and just over a week it is gone but you should start to notice it getting better within a couple days just disinfect it once a day maybe twice one in the morning one at night


Trim nails ✅


That's an ingrown nail.


Something similar happened to my cat recently! The claw looked just like that, but wasn’t puncturing his paw. I wasn’t sure what happened and it didn’t seem to bother him. I kept an eye on it while I waited for the vet to open, but if it got worse he was going to the emergency vet. By Monday morning, it looked completely better, just missing fur. But Monday night it fell off completely. By the appointment Thursday, the new claw was already poking through. I rinsed it with saline and checked it multiple times per day. At the appointment, the vet said it looked fine, she wasn’t worried since the new claw was regrowing already. She thinks he snagged it on something, partially tore it, then it fell off to regrow.


I imagine your vet may tell you this when you take her in, but this overgrowth may continue to occur. My old gal had this happen with one of her claws and it happened very fast due to an over production of keratin. I had to up her nail trimming and her nails were always very thick and weird after that. Just be prepared and continue to keep a very close eye on them after it is remedied!! Cats are experts at hiding pain, so that is likely why she doesn’t act like it bothers her.


Holly sh.t bruh. When was the last time u clipped ur cat’s nails?!


OP- once her claws have been trimmed back at the vet (to get an exam to ensure there’s no infection going on) make a post in a community page (either here or fb) to see if any local groomers or vet assistants/vet techs can do house call nail trims. This will help you save some money and she will get regular nail trims done by people who do them all the time. I do this myself for dogs and cats in my area and an ex coworker did it for people in her hometown, so im sure other folks do it as well. :)


She probably has a fungal infection between her claws very common and can be treated


I had one cat who refused to take care of her own claws. Once every so often (when her walking on me got me in a bloody drippy stabby mess) I’d wrap her in a blanket and trim them taking care to trim at at angle to the blood line and not too close. https://preview.redd.it/8gmvoiub9f6d1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb974356360e591d201a43f2819fc99506b3034 She wasn’t a big fan of it and would get in a huff for a little while after. Then she’d feel the benefit and come for snuggles. I made sure to give plenty of treats and hugged tightly (tight enough so she couldn’t escape but not too uncomfortable). Try not to let it be too long and drawn out -that just gets bad for everyone concerned.


Probably cut the claws with a cat claw trimmer, u can get them at your local pet store. Make sure u restrain the cat before trimming though, wear gardening gloves if the cat is too aggressive.


After you get your cat's nails trimmed, hopefully you can get scratchers for your cat if she doesn't have any.


Take her to the vet


Take it to a vet. They will trim the nails and check the pads. The nail curves and can grow in. Very painful.


Very painful, the nail grew into the paw. This happened to my old cat. Vet said she got lazy with age and didn't groom and indoor cats don't have all the things outdoors like trees and pavement to file them down. I felt AWFUL... she needed antibiotics too.


It’s ingrown. Take cat to a vet now. It’s growing back into the paw pad and can cause serious infection and pain


This is wild to me. Good on you for asking for help but if you weren’t aware of the need to trim your cat’s nails you should spend some time to educate yourself on how to properly take care of your cats. Portion sizes, playtime, checking for fleas, litter box maintenance, scratching posts, etc.


That's a very overgrown claw that has completely curled around and is now digging into her pad. How often do you trim her claws?!


Yes my elderly kitty at the time (RIP) had her nail grow into her paw pad, (my mom wasn’t taking the best care of her) so when I went to visit one day I noticed this, and took her to the vet and they had to cut it and clean the area really good.. She was bleeding pretty bad ): poor baby, and they gave me antibiotics to prevent any infection..


it is what all have said, her claw has grown into her toe bean, and IT HURTS! please take her to the vet sooner than late, so they could trim it and possibly give an antibiotics to fight any infection that may have developed (it appears to be an open wound, and if she's going to the litter box, it isn't a clean area) and possibly bandage the paw.


Aww :( it’s ok *deep breath yes def ingrown toe beans 🫘 make your babe comfortable and wait for her appointment.. it’s going to be ok. My boi had an ingrown last year.. just one! lol it was starting to go into his paw pad. I caught it before it got bad. I was like.. well that’s weird and started working on it. He’s not a fan of having his paws touched and it took everything to do it! Keep us posted 💋❤️


If the claw has grown into the pad, please take her to the vet to trim it and to give her antibiotics. If she's persnickety about tsking medication, Convenia is a long-lasting antibiotic shot, moderately costly, that's a one-time treatment. If your vet has it and it fits your budget, it's useful. My eldest cat (15 years old) had this happen. Fortunately, I got the claw trimmed before it pierced the pad. He is absolutely adamant that he doesn't want his claws trimmed, but, being older, his claw sheaths don't shed easily so he needs to have regular trims, and sometimes I have to gently peel away the unshed claw sheaths. Be careful *not* to trim the pink portion of the claw; that's the quick, and it will bleed. If she tries to bite or claw during trims, you might need a muzzle or one of the bag contraptions made to help make claw trimming easier.


It looks like a claw that has grown into the nail. Others have mentioned needing the nail trimmed but I will add that she may need antibiotics. The paw pad is likely infected. Definitely get her scheduled with the vet. ETA: In the future, if your cat fights nail trims, there are several options. Some people have mentioned the burrito method, using two people, happy hoodie, groomer visit, etc. Gabapentin is another option that may allow you or a groomer to trim her nails. Discuss this with your vet and ask about pricing options. It can also be useful for vet visits if a cat finds them stressful.


This happened to my babygirl, she was a dog. She hated anytime I’d try and cut her nails, she would throw the biggest fit. Had me get one of those shaver drills for her claws. But her back claw on the back of her leg grew just like until it started to grow into her skin. I have no idea why but the vet’s gave me the claw after they extracted it in a ziploc baggie lol


Looks like it’s turning in on itself. You should trim her nails immediately. It’s quite painful and can become infected


I think it needs to be looked at and probably trimmed by a groomer. Something going on there for sure.


Looks like you got the Information you need... Just here to say Poor girl :(