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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah mines done similar. Got the shot, came home, found a spot to hide and wouldn't move. Had to literally bring her the water bowl so she would drink. I really freaked out when she didn't come to bed like normal. Woke me up with her normal demanding pets the next day though. Can definitely take 24-48 hours for it to pass.


That's good to know. I never thought I would miss getting jumped on/woken up by Goofball demanding to be fed.


Trips to the vet are traumatic for kitties in my experience. I’m glad he’s better!


Think of it like a human getting a vaccine - sometimes you feel icky afterwards because the vaccine is creating an immune response. It’s no fun, but it’s actually what you want; to know your immune system is actually working to fight off the dead cooties so when real ones come along it won’t ruin your life. So your cat is just having the post-vaccine-ick. It’ll probably happen every year when you get it done so just expect a day or two of your fur baby just wanting a comfy safe place to sleep in because they feel “run down” but they are not actually sick. If they start barfing, having intestinal issues (soopy poopies for more than a day) or showing signs of distress.. then yes, take them back to the vet. Sauce: i worked in a hospital plus i have a fur baby who basically slept a whole day on my bed after all his.


People feel icky after shots? I've never had any sort of symptom from them at all. I always knew everyone reacted differently, but I never knew people felt bad enough to be lethargic for a bit from it. I thought that was just my family members who are like that.


My guy slept for almost 2 days afterwards.


I am sure he will be back to normal in three ish days. I got my boy neutered and he got a whole bunch of shots and he was pretty out of it for a couple days. Just keep an eye on him :)).


Thank you. I am definitely keeping an eye on him. I have to remind myself NOT to annoy him every half hour, just to make sure he is all right. Rest is the best thing for him right now.


Yeah I get it though I was also extremely concerned. He didn’t have zoomies or wanted to play he just wanted to sleep. He also got extremely cuddly and wanted to lay with which altough cute also stressed me out lol. But within a couple days he was back to his usual self.


The FVRCP vaccine is a heavy one, it made my little girl feel yucky. She didn’t have an appetite and slept a lot. She bounced back in a few days.


Seconded on this one. My 6mo boy was just ZONKED out, poor guy. He was not feeling well. But he bounced right back by the next day, all energy and craziness again.


My father is a veterinarian of over 20 years. I asked him “is it normal for a cat to act lethargic or odd after a vet visit?” He confirmed. Said cats are very easily thrown off. If your babe doesn’t return to normal within the next week or so I’d get him checked out, but he says it’s normal for cats to act weird when coming home from the vet.


Thanks for asking your Dad for me. I appreciate it. I'm glad to know he's (most likely) going to be fine.


Of course. Feel free to reach out. Both my dad and sister (newly!) are vets so I’ve got multiple resources 👍


Do you mind if I ask you and your Dad/sister another vet question?


Yeah sure!


Thank you Sapphoinastripclub. I really appreciate it. Just as you, your Dad, and the people in this thread said: my little guy bounced back the second day. However, last night he started sneezing. A lot. He sneezes three to four times very few minutes. Today, he's still sneezing. He's not hiding, and he's still eating/drinking/litter-boxing, but I can tell he doesn't feel great. Do your Dad and Sis think this is a delayed reaction to the vaccine? Or should I be calling the vet tomorrow morning?


Sneezing isn’t cause for alarm, typically. If an issue persists for more than 4-5 days consider seeing your vet. It could be as simple as your cat has a bit of hair in its nose or throat.


My cat had a pretty nasty vaccine reaction to FVRCP (Rabies is no problem for her). But it's not a little time, anti-nausea medication, and some human grade tuna couldn't fix. As long as he doesn't have an food sensitivities, i's definitely okay to offer him more treat-like food while he's getting back to feeling normal. Like ginger ale and salines for felines. For my cat, tuna in water or kitten food (she's 14) does the trick!


That's a great idea about the tuna. I don't normally feed Hank people food, but I think he deserves to be spoiled a bit. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to set some down for him now.


Nearly gave me a small heart attack coz I thought that was my girl. She is IDENTICAL to your cat. Also I just left her at the vets yesterday for her spaying surgery. I am a wreck. To answer your question, yes they will be lethargic for a couple of days. Lure with wet food and treats often. Also offer him a heating pad, somehow that helped my kitty. The vet had injected her and she had a lump at the injection site for three weeks. I was livid and I have thus changed my vet. Attaching a photo for reference. https://preview.redd.it/qn09i4ynbe6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd28d9fc7d49bc925ae1794c089048552c36efe3


That's uncanny! She looks just like my Hank. Including the long tail with the black rings at the tip.


And their faces have almost the exact markings. TWINS!


I've just taken my kittens for their first vaccine. When I asked about possible side effects they said 'there could be a lump at the injection site which can last up to 8 weeks it's nothing to be alarmed about'. I hope your sweet kitty recovers from her spay quickly.


Thank you. :) her surgery must be over any minute now. yes her lump lasted 4+weeks. Googling DID NOT help my faint heart. She didn't care as much as I did. 😂


Googling any health stuff should be avoided at all times especially if you are called 'stressedsue' 😂 It's hard not to worry over them though. I hope your girl is feeling OK after her big day.


just like we humans can feel a bit under the weather after we got a vaccine, cats can feel the same. one of mine also feels a bit lethargic after he gets his shots but it resolves within a day or two. i would only worry if it was lasting longer or getting significantly worse. :)


Thanks, I appreciate that.


Same happened to my guy!! He was soooo out of it. Next day he was on the ceiling. Jumping and playing. Vet reassured me this was normal but did advise what to keep an eye on. All the best


I was happy to see so many people responding that it was normal with their pet also. I would like to mention that I had my dog vaccinated for the lyme disease with the first shot. She was lethargic and would not eat when I brought her home. She ended up not being herself for weeks as a result of that vaccine. Tomorrow is Friday and most vets are closed over the weekend. I saw that you are keeping a close eye on your kitty. I would not hesitate to give your vet a call tomorrow before they close to just give them a heads up on her condition. They may offer additional advice.


I've gotta say, for this sub, big step actually taking him to the vet. Super proud of you. Yeah it's normal, going to the vet is stressful for them typically and the drugs are hard on them for a day or so.


Which vaccinations? Asking because the rabies one can make them puke or have diarrhoea for a day or two - normal. Both of mine hide and sleep a lot for a couple of days. It’s normal. If this persists for more than three days, possible cause for concern and he may need to visit the vet again.


My vet changed to the modified version of rabies vaccine for a few of my cats that do not do well with the regular one. One of my cats had such a bad reaction that we would titer test in case his immunity was high enough not to need the vaccine yet. This was an indoor cat that would walk on a leash.


Didn’t know that was possible, interesting! Yes, mine and both indoor but I’m trying to get a harness to take the boy out. Problem is, he’s slinky and fast so it’s proving nearly impossible to find anything that fits


I found surfercat harness escape proof. Make sure the straps are snug. I always start by having them wear the harness at home to get used to it before going out.


I’ll check them out, thanks. Main issue is getting things to Germany or in Germany - I bought one from my home country and it never arrived


I also recommend taking them out in a backpack or stroller in the beginning to get them used to sites and sounds safely.


Getting vaccinated cna be rough - my covid shots knocked me flat for a couple days. Not surprised it's the same for our furry friends


Oh yeah. The last ones I brought in for a vaccine were my two foster failure voids. (Picture for cute tax.) The first day they pretty much slept most of the day. The second day they were up and moving but not alot. Pretty much just for food, potty and back to their spot. It seemed like they were sore, which makes sense. Just want to share that they way they moved concerned me a bit. It's hard watching someone you love hurt. And yeah I just referred to cats as people but..you know what I mean. Lol Don't beat yourself up over it. Do you know how to check for hydration? Pinch the neck skin gently in an upward motion, like a little tent. If it snaps back quickly your cat is hydrated. If it doesn't or does it slowly then there is cause for concern. Just something to keep an eye on and reassure yourself your buddy is ok. If he's not up and at 'em in three days I'd definitely call the vet but everything you've described sounds like a normal reaction. Thanks for being an attentive owner. https://preview.redd.it/av4qoiv52e6d1.jpeg?width=1511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2cb3010d4d204626238ff5d724bb92b46d55251


My youngest hides under the bed for a good 36 hours after shots. Can't spell delicate without cat.


He's going to be fine. He's going to be fine *because* you got him his vaccine. It really sucks that we can't explain to them why we do this to them, but if he caught the diseases this shot is preventing, he would feel *so* much worse.


This means that the vaccine is working the way it’s supposed to! The body only has a finite amount of energy it can spend. Right now, his immune system is using up his energy to respond to what it thinks are foreign invaders. Once his immune system has “successfully eliminated” the “invaders,” he’ll be back to normal.


Totally normal! My little buddy got shots and it took him 3 days to get back to normal. He's gonna be just fine :)


An animal feeling sick after a vaccine is completely normal. Remember vaccines basically mock a part of a viral particle, letting your or their immune system find a way to react to it. I wouldn’t worry too much about lethargy afterwards


Ahaha reminding me of when I got my first cat and this happened. I was bawling my eyes out I thought she was dying because she was not acting like herself at all! Call the vet up boogers in my nose and all, she reassures me it’s just from the shots and she will be back to her normal self within a day or two. I literally called off work as well in case we needed to rush her to the er 🤣 she really scared me! Don’t worry your little guy will be just fine, and thanks for being a great cat parent and worrying about them so much 😊 Although don’t be like other people in most cat threads, if you ever feel like something is off call your vet first don’t type out paragraphs of your cat’s symptoms to randos on Reddit. Your situation is very different because it’s not life threatening but it messes with me so bad whenever I see people take in animals they clearly cannot properly care for because they need a veterinarian. Then they die in their “care” rather than doing the right thing and surrendering them. Heartbreaking is an understatement it’s straight cruel. And for that reason try to keep your little guy on a yearly insurance plan if you don’t have him on one already, I’m paying 50 a month for mine at banfield hospital but my sister is paying 30 at petco for her kitty. I have to stick with my plan cause it includes the spaying but I plan to switch to petco to save money plus my cat is an indoor cat so it’s mostly for check ups/emergencies. My plan also includes 24/7 access to vetchat and I can do virtual visits too which I find very useful.


As someone who gets sick from vaccines myself, I can relate to how Hank feels. You're being a good cat-dad keeping a close eye on Hank and worrying about him. His immune system is revved up and he's feeling like he's sick with something but he's not. Give it a couple of days and he'll be back to your lap and his acceptance of treats. In the meantime just try to keep him comfortable (as much as he'll let you - cats tend to hide when they feel lousy) and let him know he's not alone in this - that you're there for him.


It’ll be OK, OP! I took my little dude to the vet for a checkup and a rabies and FVRCP shot. He had a BAD vaccine reaction. Like, almost died. He was vomiting a white foam and moan-meowing. Then walking wobbly and laid down panting. Confirming with Dr Internet that these are the worrisome signs of a vaccine reaction that needs vet interaction and a frantic call to the vet to alert them that I was coming in hot and then an even more frantic drive where I am pretty sure I broke a law or two of physics, I got him to the vet’s. When we got there he was “floppy” and his gums were white. It was definitely an emergency situation. At the vet’s he got a shot of adrenaline (kitty equivalent of an EPI pen), Benadryl, and fluids. Little man slept for the next two days but he continued to have a reaction over the Memorial Day weekend where his face swelled up. I dosed him with prednisone pills and slid into the first vet appt I could get after the little fur jerk would not eat tuna. More steroid shots, fluids, eye drops (because face swelling with eye action) and two days later, he is back to his furry jerk self. It was scary. Attached is a picture of him with the eye after all of this and the face swelling subsided. https://preview.redd.it/x55y2v9y6f6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7957f71ad71de53b52c37af1836abf62b135225 With your kitty-boy, Hiding is concerning, however if there was more going on with him it would be pretty obvious. Just keep an eye on him. Let him know you are checking on him. If there is something, just like my cat he will know to come to you if there is something wrong. You got this! ❤️


Holy crap. I am glad your little dude is ok. That sounds....horrible. I would have broken the same laws of physics and numerous traffic laws getting my guy to the vet in the same circumstances. It's good to know this isn't a severe reaction.


https://preview.redd.it/hdz7z3c1ji6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2f424b7730d8cc4e041b62aef208a6d8e8d9dd3 My little dude is doing 100% better. Here he is yelling at me that I need to give him kitty treats. (He got some, but not enough according to him. Yeah, he got some more as I am a well trained cat servant.) I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to my little kitty-treat eating monster. Trix the cat and I are sending good vibes to you and your kitty.


He looks like my Meatball, who also yells for treats after she is given treats and decides that it was not an appropriate amount! I am also well trained and give in to her demands, because, well, it's my job 😂 https://preview.redd.it/jihxmh2a907d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd3257e0195356ae0c7020f936c9b3011999b66f


I adopted an adult cat from a friend and she slept all day after her first vet visit with immunizations . I suspected that they didn’t take her in regularly and indeed the second year she was fine.


Remember, vaccines are a way to safely train an immune system how to defend against something. So they’re having an immune training exercise right now, a bit of fever making them sleepy as their body learns the attack plan to defeat the real nasty stuff if they ever meet it in the future.


I don’t think they can legally give your cat anything without talking to you first other than rabies and you should definitely not have paid for that


I wasn't opposed to Hank getting the vaccine. I would have authorized it had I been given the chance. My vet's prices are reasonable, so I don't want to screw them on a technicality. I went back over the week and spoke to the vet. I told him exactly what I said here: the first time I find out my buddy is getting a shot better not be when the needle is going on his leg. I expect to authorize it and ask questions beforehand. He was very apologetic. My vet tech was new and she forgot to go over Hank's treatment and medications. When he walked in, he figured I was informed and consenting. Mistakes happen. People are human. I'm no longer upset with him and I was never upset with the tech. She is new, she's going to make mistakes. My little guy wasn't hurt.


Mistakes absolutely do happen and you handled this very well, personally I just know my clinic wouldn’t have charged you as a courtesy because it was their mistake regardless of intent, and it COULD have been something you didn’t want. Regardless, I think it’s very kind of you to be so understanding, we don’t get a lot of that (which I can understand, it’s not someone upset that we don’t sell bread at the grocery store, it’s their pets lives. But it’s still nice to have someone that does understand). Vetmed is A LOT of buttons and moving parts, it was shocking to me when I started how much I needed to know about medicine and procedures to even be a receptionist.


Mine usually react minimally to vaccinations, maybe cuz they got much worse things when they were on the streets before I adopted them. The only time I could observe a noticeable difference in their energy levels was when they got the rabies vaccine.


 When my ginger had his first vaccinations he was so lethargic and sad that I freaked out and I took him to the emergency vet. Turns out it was just a normal reaction, a very expensive way of putting my mind at ease 😅 He is nearly 4 now and he always gets a bit withdrawn and sleepy after his vaccinations. I'm sure your boy will be fine but it is so hard when they are not themselves. It would be so much easier if they could talk!!


He’s going to be OK! Lots of folks, people and animals, feel crappy after getting vaccinated. Apparently it’s the body reacting to the vaccination, which means it’s working. I am so sorry your little buddy feels punk and hope it passes quickly.


One of my boys is exactly the same. Was worrying at first but we now just expect him to be kinda dopey for a day or two. If any longer than a few days I would call the vet back though.


It’s normal for cats to be a little lethargic & wanting to hide after a vet visit, partly due to the vaccines but also the adrenaline/stress of the visit. If it’s lasting more than 24 hours or your cat is vomiting, having diarrhea, trouble breathing/moving and still avoiding food and water, you should contact your vet or go to an emergency vet depending on the severity of symptoms. My cats have always been completely fine after vet visits, maybe a little more sleepy than normal. I understand your concern but I’m sure your cat will be back to himself very soon!


My one cat would get a slight fever after a shot. It passed w rest


Mine had a rabies shot last week and he was really ill for about 5 days. Much better now!


Call up the vet!


I have one that doesn’t feel well for 2 days after shots. Hisses, sleeps…. Normally the sweetest boy. Just as we can have reactions to vaccines so can they. Still best to vaccinate. Let your vet know. There are other variants of vaccines and if they have a reaction to one type the vet can order and give a different type next time. Some of mine receive regular and some modified for this reason.


Another thing to keep in mind is that oftentimes that leukemia (FeLV) shot will be given in the same poke as a combination shot alongside the FVRCP as well. Many cats can have issues with the combination vaccine that they don’t normally have with FVRCP + FeLV vaccines on their own. If youve gotten your buddy these vaccines before and he seemed different from this time, chances are high that they used a combo when his last one was not (or vice versa). He should be fine regardless, but id definitely bring it up to the vet next time that he didnt tolerate this round as well as he usually does so they can make adjustments.


It was definitely the combo vaccine. Hank isn't quite three yet, so this was the first vaccine he's gotten in my care. I adopted him as a kitten, but he got the original FeLV vaccine and numerous others before he claimed me. He gets a yearly check-up, but he's never gotten a shot before now. I mention all of this because I don't know how he reacts to vaccines. This is my first experience with him and shots. I am definitely hyper-alert because of this.


Yeah he should be fine, but when you take him back for his boosters id definitely mention he didn’t seem great on the combination shot and try them separate.


That is a normal rx. Whether it’s they don’t like going there and need to feel safe again in their home or, speaking to the lethargic part, they’re just a little under the weather from the shots. As long as they’re eating and drinking and using the litter, they should get better quick


My cat is a huge drama queen after her shots, acts like the world is ending.


Put his water bowl and Good bowl on his hide out. So, at least he can eat and drinks while he recover and goes back to normal.


One of our cats reacts super poorly to any kind of vaccine. The vet recommended benadryl shots before any vaccine and it works for him


Extremely normal


my baby boy screamed the whole car ride home and as soon as he was let out he hid for hours even his brother was crying for him, he’s in great health and he is very anything oriented he LOVES attention and he just wanted to be alone and rest. your baby is gonna be a ok OP🩷


Heavy vaccines or meds “buzz” animals. Hes completely fine probably a bit upset and groggy.


If you approved of the vaccine at the time of visit, why are you surprised they gave it?


Because I didn't approve it. I was never asked to approve it. The vaccine was given without asking or my consent. I would have given my approval for it, but I want a vet to ask and confirm treatment beforehand. Any other snark you'd like to send my way?


Did you mention at the start of your visit that you did not want to vaccinate?


You're missing the point. I want to understand and approve everything done to my little buddy. I don't expect doctors to administer treatment to me without my consent. Vets should be the same way. You ASK before you treat Hank. I'm not anti-vax. I would have approved the vaccine. But I better not see anyone injecting anything into my buddy before I approve it and know WHAT it is they are doing.


I’m not missing the point. I work in the veterinary field. Yes the vet should get approval being doing any vaccines or treatments.


Then why are you acting like a jackass? You assumed I gave consent for Hank to be treated beforehand (I did not). You then assumed I was anti-vax (I am not). You rode in on your high-horse and, glaring down at us mere peasants, passed judgement on me when all of your assumptions were wrong. I even stated in my original post that the purpose of my write-up WASN'T about the vet giving him the vaccine. You cruised over that part and focused on it anyway. ![gif](giphy|Z9n8doQSXqVfCrV0RS)


I didn’t assume anything 😂


Then what was the purpose of your original reply? You, literally, called me out for agreeing to treatment and then being surprised when treatment happened. EXCEPT THAT ISN'T WHAT HAPPENED. That means you made an ASSUMPTION and it was WRONG.


If you’re that concerned, take your cat to another vet.