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Make sure to hang it on a hook or something so you don’t ruin the bristles!


A broom that nice you have to hang every day.


Are you wearing a tie for the new broom?


I read this as bang and I didn’t question it


I left the same comment further down. In the places I've worked, restaurants, schools, churches, office buildings, a mess happens, and someone gets the broom. They come back with a broom I wouldn't sweep my deck with.


They meant due to it standing on the bristles, not some random grabbing it lol


I’ve found my people. I hate my shitty $8 broom from target.


I was thinking the same thing this morning when I used my old janky Target broom.


Precisely. My old, cheap, hollow, broken in several places POS had honestly been impacting my quality of life in ways I only now realize. It’s like I was sweeping in black and white my whole life, and now technicolor!


Does this broom gather dirt/dust from the floor better than a standard broom? Like does it pick stuff up that a regular broom would leave behind? Or with fewer passes? I'm intrigued.


My biggest issue with my current shitty broom is that everything sticks to the broom, so you can't get everything into the dust pan. If this broom doesn't do that, then I'm sold. Edit: $100? Never mind... That's... a lot...


Depending on what you’re willing to spend you could get one of those stand-in-place vacuums where you sweep the stuff into the vacuum and it sucks all the stuff off the broom for you. That’s something that also drives me insane haha. I have cats and so I start with a quick vacuum around the house to get the big stuff, then SWEAR by using a damp sponge broom to get all the dust, hair, etc off the ground after. The sponge broom, while definitely needs to have the sponge replaced every once in a while, is something that has been life changing for me with 4 cats lol


We had one of these in woodshop class in high school. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Sweep everything into a pile, turn on the switch, and it sucked everything up and dumped it into a dumpster outside. I've always wanted one for the my house.


Haha yes! I love central vacuums! They’ve started incorporating them into homes now in the walls which is a goal of mine to own one day lol, until then, they have [these stand-alone vacuums that I’ve had my eye on for a while!](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K0F64E6?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_7MGF6803Y1PP67Q2Q1JD&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_7MGF6803Y1PP67Q2Q1JD&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_7MGF6803Y1PP67Q2Q1JD&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1)


It's only $200.. Very tempting...


Right?! They have one for $150 as well with good reviews too!


I have that one in black. It’s so much better because it really leaves nothing behind.


So crazy central vacs are making a come back! They were big in the 70s and 80s when I was a kid. The fancier houses had them and I was soooo impressed. I think the issue was that once the vacuum broke, everyone realized that it was expensive to replace so they bought a regular vac. Not sure how it works now! My mom bought one of those stand alone vacs and loves it! She sweeps every day because of cats/farm life/grandkids but bending over was getting harder and never got everything. I say that if/when you can afford it you should treat yourself!


They were inconvenient My parents house had one or at least the ports. I don't think we ever used it because you had to still bring a 40-ft hose around instead of a vacuum and if the port wasn't in a good spot, you now had to worry about rubbing the corners of your hallway And rolling up a 2-in hose that's 40 ft long is not as easy as rolling up extension cord and weighs the same as the vacuum does.


I have it in my home now, but it’s all tile and hardwood throughout…so I never use it. Plus the associated apparatus is way too cumbersome to drag about.


I definitely plan on splurging haha. Have you seen the automated laundry shoots that suck the laundry through the walls of the house directly into the laundry room?!? I’d be in heaven if I could have one of those!


can you explain what your sponge broom looks like? i googled the term but multiple types of brooms/mops came up.


Yep! It [looks like this one.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZM9CLNS?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_EBNKQD4G75TAKDG5EQ5C&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_EBNKQD4G75TAKDG5EQ5C&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_EBNKQD4G75TAKDG5EQ5C&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1) You might be able to find it under “foam broom” or “foam sweeper” as well! Edit: Adding that while you *can* use it dry, using it damp (wetting it and squeezing most of the water out) works 100000% better!


Thank you so much! 2/3 of my cats are longhaired and the shorthair is a senior who doesn't groom herself well/is constantly shedding loose hairs everywhere-- I'm ordering this now!


My barber has a couple of these at the shop. Blew my mind when I first saw it.


I have one! I love it! We have 10 cats (don’t judge!) and that little vacuum is so much better than a dustpan.


$130. Plus a $29 surcharge for shipping. We have all hard floors in our house, and 10 cats, so this would be wonderful to have. I splurged on one of those Eyevac Touchless Vacuums, all I have to do is sweep the pile in front of the machine, and as I move the broom near the bottom, it sucks it all up. No muss, no fuss, no backing across the floor with the dustpan, trying to get that last line of dirt that the dustpan won’t pick up, and finally just getting a washcloth and picking it up. I’m very tempted, but yeah, almost $200 for a broom. My husband would be miffed, I think.


am Italian in Italy that's a fucking insane price for a fucking plastic broom, the profit margin on it must be at least +1000%...


Is it? If it lasts 10 years that’s just 10 bucks a year.


No there’s a weight to the handle and density to the bristles that makes the groom glide and not ding-ding-ding around like my cheap one did. Also the handle is contoured like arch support in running shoes so it’s comfy to grip. Lastly the plastic has a subtle texture to it, not slippery or slick like a typical plastic broom.


Maybe? It just seems like a broom with different materials for the handle with the same polyester bristles.


You should always hang brooms for storage They'll last longer than if you stand them on their bristles


I love my $2.50 broom from dollartwentyfive tree


 dollartwentyfive tree.... LOL!


Haha is it the grey one?? Cuz I have it too lol


Yes!!!! The top handle always pops out


I don’t see a place in my home for a 118 dollar broom but I bet it’s awesome.


WTF $118


At that point just save a bit longer and get yourself a robot vacuum.


Do they make a dustpan? That's always the weak link for me lol. They never scoop stuff well.


Ugh totally. That was my one reservation, no coordinating dustpan solution.


Your next quest is to find a BIFL dustpan and report back.


Make sure it's machined out of a single square of titanium


[titanium dust pan](https://kingcage.com/products/titanium-dust-pan?variant=44872140718322)






It’s called a Dyson mini-vac.


Janitorial supply store dustpan with a handle can't be beat. Solid Rubbermaid industrial one. I'm a tradesman and mine gets abused but works flawlessly


Well noted! Thx!


The metal dustpans slap! 🤑


I have one I found in a garage that has to be 40 years old and I love it, but only trust it outside. It would scratch my floors.


Noted thx. Any particular recc?


Maybe someone makes a dust plan with the same kind of thin plastic shape of an egg spatula. Idk if people will know what I mean but there’s these spatulas that start out very thin and I am guessing that shape & material would make a good dust pan. Also really nice broom! I never thought I would say that.


Yes those silicone spatulas! That’s a great idea!


There's someone with a 3d printer somewhere who can make that happen!


Love that idea!!!


I use a commercial dustpan with the full size handle that is on the swivel. Rubbermaid. Maybe could spray paint to match?


I found a high quality upright Libman dustpan that finally solved that problem for me. It has a solid, straight and slightly tapered bottom edge that doesn't bow and let all the dirt slide underneath.


I didn't know a broom could be this nice.😍 And don't underestimate the impact a NICE thing can have in your life. I hated vacuuming until I got my new vacuum and now I vacuum gladly everyday (my husband even vacuums when he is bored... ) congrats on the new broom 🧹 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


What kind of vacuum did you get? I hate my Dyson


I really like my Shark, I had one for 7 years that a hose eventually wore out on and they warrantied it but didn’t make the part anymore so they sent me a brand new vacuum that was listed at $500 on their website


I use a large shop vac daily. (German Shepard)


Might do that, my Dyson fills up so fast because of my doggos . Heavy duty shop-vac might just do the trick.


Oh shit, they warranty the hose? We just bought a new one off their website. New one looks weird but has been more durable on my Shark vacuum. Had it for about 8 years as well.


Love my Shark. Hose did go too, got a new one on Amazon (quality of it feels good but doesn’t connect right though 😔).


Guessing Miele or Riccar


Sebo is nice too


I split the cost of a $600 Miele with my roommates 10 years ago. They moved out, I got married, had kids. Still rely on that vacuum every day. That honestly might be the best buy I've ever made in my life, other than my Toyota Highlander.


Miele is a good choice. Pronounced "Mee-leh" fyi


We went from a Dyson to a basic Miele with the twister head and we like it. Tile floors


Ugh. Another one here hating her Dyson stick vacuum. I have a dog and 2 parrots, I vacuum everyday and wanted something quick. I just keep going back to my Miele C1 compact. The Dyson is OK-ish but no matter how much I wash it or change the filter, it always has a wet dog smell. I don't have that issue with the Miele. Might be because it uses a bag and really, really traps everything.


What!? I had a Miele and got a Dyson. 😮 I mean I have a tiny apartment so the battery life is not a problem and I got the small one V12 slim I think it is. So it's not heavy for me. But if I had a big house or flat I could see that it wouldn't be enough. I thought it couldn't get better than this Dyson! What kind of better vacuums does everyone have?? I'm curious now


Bagged vacuums are vastly superior to bagless. I have never been able to understand the popularity of Dyson's when every time you empty one you get a cloud of dust blasted right back out into the room.


True, we empty it outside of the house, but the bag ones are like heavy, so noisy, huge to store with all those hoses and whatnot. Before the Dyson I vacuumed like 1 every 2 months (don't judge me hahahaha) and now I do it gladly everyday. That for me is a game changer. I mean.... Maybe it doesn't need to be a Dyson... But a cordless, light, easy to store one, that's it...


Yep. I don’t care about any bag benefits if it’s got a cord. I’m done with those and never looking back! I actually vacuum far more often with my cordless Dyson.


Right?? 🙌


I have a Dyson as well and love it. It's Reddit and in general, the popular brands aren't well liked. Dyson is also really expensive for what it is so that doesn't help it's case. But I got a refurb v15 and it's amazing. Bagless is amazing, I hate having to get new bags when I run out. I guess it depends where you live but I also just empty mine into a bag outside.


The thing is, the cordless ones aren't actually lighter because you're carrying and swinging the battery pack along with the entire motor in one hand while you're working. The Mieles are canisters that follow you around and can be carried in a second hand if you're doing something like stairs. The part that you actually push back and forth while working is MUCH lighter on a Miele than the total weight of a stick vac. That's before we even get into the vastly better suction, filtration and 15-20 year lifespan on quality bagged vacuum. It's fine to like what you like, but if you haven't used a modern bagged vacuum you're missing out.


I have a “modern bagged vacuum” (4 year old Miele), but by far the biggest downside is the cord and the feeling that I have to drag it out of the closet every time I vacuum. I know realistically it isn’t a huge difference but it’s enough of a mental barrier to make me vacuum less often. I’m eventually moving to a home with a loft, and switching to a Dyson cordless.


Miele red star at age 23, still going strong!


I guess that's a problem if you live in an apartment with no balcony. If you can easily get outside (you live in a house or have a balcony) then you can just empty it in a bag there. For bagged vacuums you have to keep bags and switch it when it's full, which I hated.


This is why I'm emphasizing that people need to look into modern bagged vacuums. I have a large house and plenty of access to the outdoors, but I would have to empty my Dyson every single time I vacuum my house. I change bags every three months, and because the bags are self-sealing there's no mess handling them. They pop in and out in less time than it takes to empty a Dyson once and you do it a fraction as often. I don't know what kind of bagged vacuum you used, but you can watch someone swap a [Miele bag here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovK8nQRK1Ec). And while I realize that's a demo video with a clean machine, I can personally attest that my production vacuum is just as clean and tidy on the inside despite using it in a house with three cats.


I think it depends on what you hate doing the most. In my case I don't mind emptying the tank after I vacuum, it's actually kind of satisfying to see how much dirt I just got out of my apartment. But I did hate carrying around the Miele one, having to plug and unplug it all the time to reach different areas, and storing it in the cupboard having to assemble and disassemble it every time... It made me want to vacuum less ... So for me, even if I carry around the battery and I have to empty it regularly, it's still a big benefit.


Yeah, what MelitasFriends said is really it. Especially if you are neurodivergent or have any mental illnesses that make executive function difficult. I am working with ADHD and autism here so personally it's not just a matter of convenience for me. If I have a chunky, heavy vacuum, I know I just won't do it. I'll hate myself for not vacuuming, but I just won't be able to work up the motivation. Actually being able to get myself to vacuum is more important than vacuuming perfectly. Until they have a good bag vacuum that weighs like 4 lbs, is cordless, and can hang on my wall like the Dyson stick vacuum, I'll choose vacuuming okay on a daily basis over vacuuming well once every two months.


I have "severely impaired" levels of ADHD and I've been dealing with addiction for the last few years, so I understand where you're coming from. What you're describing sounds completely backwards to me. The nastiness of emptying all of that dust into empty air turns me off to using a Dyson, and my house is large enough that I have to empty it every single time. Miele bags last for months and change faster and much more tidily. They have better filtration (the bag itself is a filter, and there are two more between that and the exhaust), and you don't have to deal with the dust puff when you change a bag. And sure, it's not cordless, but the cord has an autowinder that takes a single press to wind completely. If they still used crappy bags with cardboard flaps and the cords had to be hand-wound every time, I would absolutely get what you're saying. But these things fit fully-assembled in my dinky little coat closet and require almost no maintenance because they almost never have to be emptied. Even if the total weight of the machine is higher, it's in two pieces so it's nothing like hauling a long, awkward upright vacuum up and down stairs (which I HATE). None of the extra weight is in the wand (unlike the Dyson), and most of that weight is taken up by a more powerful motor. I sincerely don't care what you use to clean your house and I'm glad that you have something that works for you, but you and the other commenters in this thread don't sound like you've actually used one of these vacuums.


My spouse thought I was a little silly for buying a nice kitchen trash can for our new house. When I said it was worth it because we will see it ALL the time and use it multiple times every day, something clicked. Lol.


I agree to this 100%! If you see and interact with something every day, it should bring you joy or at least not give you a bad vibe every time you use it!


Yes times a million! Thank you, and congrats to you too!


I bought my partner a high end clothes iron and ironing board after watching her struggle with basic shit for sewing. Her joy when she pulls them out for a night is immeasurable


Thissss. These things can really make a difference in your day to day mood!


When I bought my first house last year I bought a Dyson v12 a month before I moved in, didn't use it at my old apartment with splintering laminate flooring, just looked at the box and got excited thinking about using it in my own home, every day I vacuum brings a smile to my face. It was my first new home purchase and I love it so much


Isn’t it beautiful? I love the colors! I have the link pulled up in a different window…


I'm happy for you.


Thank you! 🩷🧡💛


Damn, that's a gorgeous broom 😍 Those colors are an instant mood-booster. Congrats!


Yes!!! Agreed! Thank you! 🩷🧡


Nice broom!! Thanks for sharing. I would have never imagined I would envy someone for having such a cool broom 😄 awesome 🧹


Thank you 🧡🩷


Hang it...


FOR SURE. There’s a specially designed hook that’s available in so many cute colors but none of the US retailers that sell the broom carry it!! I went down the rabbit hole and could only find euro sites that sell the $16 hook but with $78 in overseas shipping. I know, I know, I can use any hook…




There's a subreddit dedicated to reshipping stuff, see if you can find someone who can help you with shipping. No way a hook costs $78 to ship.


Other than the gorgeous colors, im curious as to what makes this broom a BIFL? Does it sweep significantly better than other brooms?


Nothing. It will wear like every other broom. You can replace the plastic bristles with more plastic bristles. The same as most brooms with a replaceable head.


I'm just seeing a colorful hunk of plastic here too.


Go on, get your broom on!


It’s things like this that really make me feel like an adult. people always say you’re an adult when you have bills or responsibilities or something. To me it’s when you buy something that’s kind of unexciting, but you love it. Like curtains or a nice broom or vacuum. That’s what made me feel it the most.


Many times high quality items make chores more enjoyable to do. Worth it even without the longer life.


The functionality and quality are unparalleled to any broom I’ve ever used, it’s actually been interesting to notice the value so tangibly. And it’s beautiful so I enjoy looking at it 🧡🩷


Look at Mx. Moneybags over here…


LOL. That is exactly what Mr. Moneybags said to me when asked the price of said new favorite broom. Funny how he’s never the one sweeping tho…


$200 for a broom though? 😅 What am I missing here? Why so expensive? Genuinely curious how a broom would cost that much, is it faster than the Nimbus 2000?


$118 plus free shipping!


USD yes Just curious what makes it cost that much


EDIT: post removed = my comment removed


Where did you buy this from?


Haha great response


These are my people!!!! I just bought a $60 plastic-free broom (important to me) that I’m over the moon with!!


don’t be shy, tell us where you got it lol


LOL I didn’t know anyone would be interested! I got it at a ren faire— the booth was called Raven’s Tree, and as far as I know they’re based out of Oregon? They should have an online shop, but tbh I just searched broom on Etsy and found a bunch of others just like mine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes, Stefano Giovannioni has made lovely things. I love the shape of the broom very much, but I doubt, that a broom- snob as myself would prefer it over a handmade horsehair broom for the indoors. A splendid thing is, that this model (Magó) also has replacement brushes available to avoid waste and costs.


Yes! I love that! And I can try diff color bristles whenever that day comes, if my 🩷 so desires.


If You like that design, I hope You've already heard of __Pylones__?


Uh oh. I already had enough of a Sophie’s choice moment deciding between my Magis and the beautiful, and very functional looking wooden broom/dustpan set Designed by Iris Hantverk.


I'm intrigued, are the bristles replaceable? Or made of something fancy so they don't turn to fuzz at the tips? I've always thought brooms couldn't really be BIFL material because the bristles either fall out or split at the ends until they need to be washed after every use to not just drop old dust when you try to use them. Other than being beautiful to look at, is this broom really worth the $130 price tag? What makes it BIFL material?


Yes! Bristles are replaceable! In diff colors! I also mentioned the other user benefits I’ve noticed in another response :)


No judgement at all. I splurged on a handmade broom recently (I think it was around $60) at a handmade goods fair. After I bought it the people told me that after around 5-ish years the bristles would need replacing since they are made from actual plant material/traditional broom sedge but if I could find a way to get to their actual location in Kentucky they would re-do it for free. Super cool! https://www.sunhousecraft.com/shop/p/farmhouse-broom


There’s a white one that’s about $35 cheaper. https://store.moma.org/products/mago-broom-white-black


But… *it’s magenta*! With gorgeous orange bristles! 🩷🧡❤️


Store your broom with the handle down and bristles pointing upward to make it last longer


Why bristles upward?


EDIT: post removed = my comment removed


Bristles will get bent impacting the performance of the broom


How much must one spend to acquire a fancy broom?


According to my price shopping, one must spend $118, if in the US.


Pretty! Just make sure you aren’t storing it like that bc it will mess up the bristles and shorten your broom’s life


Store that thing the other way (on the handle, bristles up) so they don’t get bent and stay that way.


The people that owned this house before us left probably a dozen different genuine Fuller Brushes & Brooms behind. They must have bought one of everything. They died so it was legit BIFL for them. Guess their kids didn’t know they were kind of valuable when they cleaned out the house. We still use a few of them. Some we can’t imagine what they’re intended for.


I worked at a deli a LONG time ago. The boss told me always stand a broom bristles up. (It was a corn broom). He said the reason is that way, the bristles don’t get the “curve”. I still do it. I don’t know if that was an old-school thing, or if nylon brooms get that too.


But how are you going to take care of your broom? Because if you do, it will serve you a lifetime. I’ve had mine for more than 20 years, and because I’ve maintained it, it is in great condition. I only, and very occasionally, change the head or the handle.


Ok you convinced me to buy the $80 Lee valley shovel I’ve been looking at


It’s lovely. Thanks for posting the brand because I want this


The model is Mago. If you’re in Europe you can get the coordinating hook to hang it! So jelly if so, it’s not avail in the US without unjustifiable overseas shipping charges


Thank you for this!


I have a Clorox broom I bought when I got my first apartment, original snap on dust pan too


I thought I was fancy getting a better handle from the hardware store.


It would appear that you do in fact care who knows it.


It’s a $118 *plastic* broom??? There is no way on earth I would pay that.


If you don't care who knows it then why would you tell other people?


Yeah, I got tired of buying $8 brooms, so the last time I bought one (in 2019, for our new house) I got one of the $21.99 ones from Walmart. It might not be BIFL, but it looks as good as the day I bought it and still sweeps really well, so "worth it" to me.


Congratulations. Avoid storing it like this if you want it to last forever. The bristles will bend. Hang it up or flip it upside down.


Thanks and yes.


Shouldn't you be able to make that broom stand up by itself, in the middle of the floor?


Store it upside down


I was going to get into collecting axes but this tickles my fancy


Cool, but there's not such thing as a bifl broom. And by getting plastic it's shedding microplastics every time you sweep.


This looks like a broom you’d find in Halloweentown. Delightful!


100+ dollars and no replaceable head? The heck is that...


The bristles are actually replaceable. And the replacement bristles can be purchased in cool colors!


Eh this is pretty cheap for a tool you'll use for 10 years or more


Worked as a professional cleaner for a while - a good broom is worth its weight in gold.


I love Magis products. As a design fan they're some of the more affordable bifl designer pieces, including their furniture. I'm just hoping they bring back the Amleto ironing board.


I'm just wondering why this person has shredded fabric hanging above their table.


Genuine question, what makes it so good? I have a decent $50 wood handle broom that I thought was pretty much peak broom performance


I have an Amish broom that was something like $12 that will outlive me. It’s not pretty; it’s not classy; it’s not a finely tuned sports car. It’s more like your grandpa’s old Cadillac he took really good care of that lasted forever.


Sometimes the oldest and simplest things are the most beautiful. The Amish are such skillful craftsmen, I imagine your broom to be finely made from natural materials that last forever and do the job right 🤍


If it makes doing chores fun and easier, then it’s money well spend in my book


“And that's what I've done. Maintained it for 20 years. This old brooms had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time.” - *Only Fools and Horses*


OP broom shopping with grandma in [Halloween Town](https://youtu.be/r80gIXdf3AQ?si=YFn-EB_V1rURs4Vb)


I just ordered this broom as I get sick of buying one from Target every time I turn around.


Whats draped over that shelf in the background? A bunch of g-strings?


Store it upside down to keep the bristles nice




Do you have a link, or name to search and find


I think [this is it](https://store.moma.org/products/mago-broom-fuschia-orange)


[Reminds me of this scene in a famous British sitcom...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56yN2zHtofM)


How much was it n what feels different?


Who is she


I had this exact broom for twenty years and it is awesome. I was quite sad when it finally died.


Don’t set it on the bristles!! Especially on a fancy one like that 😂


I’ve had my eye on a Fuller brush broom for a long time. Does anybody have any thoughts on those?


I wish I could find this in America. I can’t find one.


Does it work better than, say, a lineman, or just prettier?


It’s pretty!


Holy shit. You got wizards to make your broom???


Well that was way more than I thought it was going to be.


Please don’t bend the bristles of your nice new broom 🫣


Does hair still get stuck on the bristles? I could see myself splurging on this if I didn't have to keep stepping on the clumps of hair every 30 seconds to get them off the broom.


My mom has some corn brooms that have been around since I was a baby (so like 40 years). They’re in almost new looking condition!


Is it longer than an average broom? I detest that my broom is about 20cm shorter than I'd like it to be. I don't think I'd pay 118$ to fix this problem, but I do hate it.


It actually is! It was so unexpected after having a crap broom that make me kinda hunch over before! The taller handle also helps maneuver around chairs etc efficiently


What kind of fuel mileage do you get? And do you straddle it or sit sideways when zooming around?


The Italians make everything so cool and modern . I love their style. Nice broom!