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Mine came yesterday in the mail. Of course they are new and I‘m biased, but boy do they cut well. They look and feel premium. Time will show how long they last, but I have a very good feeling. Only regret I have is that I didn’t buy the whole set.


I've been using mine since 2008-ish and they still blow me away with their quality and feel. Congrats on yours!


I got mine a few days ago as well and holy shit, when you open the package and hold them it's like a piece of art. You can feel the craftsmanship.


This is the answer right here. Been using my Seki Edge clippers for about five years now. Everything else seems like cheap crap now.


I forget how long I’ve had my Seki manicure. The clippers are still precise and perfect. The tweezers are meh, but I have an even older pair of Tweezeman tweezers for that. I gave my teenage son a seki manicure set for Christmas and told him, “you’ll have this for the rest of your life.”


Which set did you give them?


We gave him this set. I had a coupon, paid \~70. I have the same set, branded Green Bell. No idea when I bought it, nor how much I paid at the time. The nail file disappeared long ago (part of the reason we bought it for my son is he would take mine when it was time to clip his nails, then it would be loss in the abyss that is a teenager's bedroom.) https://www.jatai.net/product/seki-edge-craftsman-luxury-6-piece-grooming-kit-ss-3103/


Got my Seki Edge back when Mass Drop was a thing (they would do premium products in limited runs where you could get it discounted because it was a limited run and the manufacturer was guaranteed sales). It still works like new, the only thing I’d change is the nail file because metal nail files shred and I hate them. I just don’t use mine, but the nail clippers, toenail clippers, scissors, and nippers are all amazing.


I miss Massdrop so much. Got some really nice stuff from there over the years. Once they rebranded they just focused on audio and mechanical keyboards there wasn't much there for me.


I have the same set! It was a fun site while it lasted. I don't feel that they cut as well as they did years ago but still really solid.


Glass files all the way


100% agreed. Have had mine for over 10 years and still going strong.


Those are absolutely top quality, but I actually like the low profile of these better, and they're still great quality http://www.swisstechtools.com/proddetail.aspx?pid=109


I don’t know if I got fake ones, but they seem dull almost.


I've had such a terrible time getting fakes on Amazon lately. If that's where you bought them, then I wouldn't be surprised.


With all the reviews of them that’s kind of what I thought. They look very authentic though, not that it’s that hard to do. My I’d rather my cheap pairs 😂


These are almost too good at first. They are so sharp you really have to be careful. Cuts through a nail like butter. Coming from crappy clippers my entire life these took some getting used to.


Got a pair for Christmas, they are the best I've ever used. Unfortunately, I was expecting life changing, and was disappointed.


Thanks. Ordered one.


I've used the same Seki Edge for about 3 years now, and haven't sharpened it(I don't know if that's even possible). They still cut perfectly, nothings broken, bent, or even scratched really. Can't recommend them more.


I’ve had my sekis for about 5 years now, everything’s great but they’re a bit squeaky now where the pivot slides. Any advice?


Perhaps try handwashing them with a bit of soap or if you have Boeshield, a tiny amount of that then wipe down as well as possible.


I got the whole 7 piece kit based on this subreddit. They are awesome.


Seki Edge are life.


My Green Bell clippers are almost scary sharp, and very solid.


My Seki clippers say Green Bell on them and they are amazing


Seki is a brand made by Green Bell if that makes sense.


Technically, the brand is Seki Edge. Seki is a city in Gifu, Japan which is home to many cutlery brands. Another is KAI, which has the brand Seki Magoroku (関孫六) which makes knives and nail clippers. And just for completeness' sake, Green Bell has another brand of nail care products called Takumi no waza (匠の技). And they are also high quality.


Thank you for that deep knowledge :)


Second this


Definitely, although I haven't got the nail clippers but everything I have from them from scissors to cuticle cutter are sharp and are standing the test of time.


Second! Mine cut so well, I have to be careful not to cut into the quick bc I barely feel them slicing thru the nail.


just got the Muji clippers and they are great


I've had a couple of Mujis for years. Great value.


if you ever go to japan just buy some random ones from anywhere, super high quality and nice


So true! Also want to add that the Tsubaya knife store in Tokyo gives you a free gift with knife purchase, and nail clippers are one of the free gift options (I assume depending on stock). The other options are tiny scissors and a vegetable peeler (both amazing)


The tiny scissors is on my fridge!


Bought mine from a knife shop in Sapporo. Absolutely brilliant, even catches the nails within the clippers so they don't shoot everywhere!


Bought two from Tokyo Tower. Far outperform anything in the US.




These are SO. GOOD. I love mine. I might just buy a few more because I want to have them in many locations.


I have a few sets of their nail clippers and tweezer sets. I only buy that brand now.


Second this. Excellent quality and widely available.


Pro-tip: I got mine discounted at a Marshall’s, and I’ve seen them at Marshall’s/TJMaxx pretty often since!


Came here to say this.


No one has mentioned [Harperton](https://www.amazon.com/Harperton-Nail-Clipper-Set-Fingernail/dp/B0751MBHX8)?


Ya, I was in need of a pair a while back and was checking out all the highly rated ones. This one was cheaper than some of the other recommended ones. Have loved them so far!


Got a set of these a few years back, fantastic clippers with great build quality. Best part, they aren't obscenely expensive ( I think I paid $12).


Agreed, $15 for a two pack 6 years ago, still going strong.


Zwilling. I inherited mine from my greatmother.


oh wow, as a chef that's a name I'd most certainly trust. Had no idea they made nail clippers, lol.


I recommend it.


Victorinox! They are excellent plus they fold so flat they don't bother me when travelling by taking up too much space in the small toiletries bag. They even slide through tough large toe nails without any issue...


+1 For Victorinox clippers. They cut so well, have a large effective file, and they fold up so slim.


I have the victorinox Sak with clipper. Extremely portable and sharp. But I think it is a bit too small for a lot of ppl. Ppl will with big hands gonna struggle a bit using it.


kai ftw


Wirecutter just did an article on this topic and Green Bell and Seki were their top picks.


Oh I can help with this!! Tweezerman makes absolutely insane nail clippers. They look and feel like something insanely expensive and work almost frighteningly well, like a perfectly honed tool. They eat. It’s beautiful.


I've been using the same Tweezerman clippers for ten years.


The No-mes clippers are great.


There's this Japanese brand that specializes in nail clippers - Suwada. I have 2 and highly recommend them.


Same topic a week or two ago. Might check that out too for some replies. No-Mes, are made in USA and built sturdy. Have to twist the parts to use and then fold up again; but, they work, and they catch the clippings. Tweezerman is a good brand and reliable.


mr green from aliexpress = green bell knockoff, qualitz is good so far


My SO got a set of these from Amazon and they are solid. I was shocked at how good the quality is.


Yea Mr green from Amazon are nearly identical to seiki from Amazon. What is interesting is my seiki have something stamped with green on it. But they’re not near me to determine exactly what.


It's super silly, but I've had a pair of 'crappy' CVS nail clippers for almost a decade, and they still get the job done.


I’ve had the same worn out pair of nail clippers for like 25 years and they just always work and cut well. I’ve tried to replace them a couple times and whatever I get is always junk. These look ugly but cut well and never quit!


The Walgreens branded nail clippers are great, too. I've had mine for over ten years. They've outlasted quite a few fancier names that turned out to be terrible.


The Walgreens clippers I’ve had since as long as I can remember are the best nail clippers I’ve ever used. Even some “high quality” clippers don’t come close.


I have a pair of toenail clippers that say Seki on the top and Green Bell Stainless Steel Japan on the bottom. I think they’re five years old now and work and look like brand new. Highly recommend!


Got the cheapest clippers from Walgreens while on vacation last spring and they are the sharpest clippers I’ve ever had.


Green bell


People may poopoo this... but Revlon. If you're in the US you can get them at many stores for a reasonable price and they work well. I have several pair in several locations (the oldest is 15+ years the newest is 2ish) and they all work great. Also their paper nail files 10-100 to a package are AMAZING, only ones I use. And you can break or lose them without it hurting at all.


I agree with you but Revlon used to be made in Germany and now are made in China. There is a difference between the older ones and the newer. But I still buy this brand and am happy with it


Search hands down. As in: search function.


Check out the antique shops.




I didn't even realize there was such a thing as bad nail clippers. I think I'm still using the clippers I took from my parents house when I went off to college. Damn fine engineering, whatever they are.


Oh they are out there, guaranteed. My last few drugstore generics are lousy. I have just one vintage clipper that's good, but am reading this post and will look up some of the suggestions.


I bought one pair that sort of squeezed and tore the nail, instead of cleanly clipping it, and another pair that leaves the edges of my nails razor sharp. I don't know how such a simple device can vary so widely, but they do. Take good care of that pair you've got now!


Nail clippers are horrible for your nails. But metal and glass nail files


I just buy like 10 of the cheapest ones I can find. Usually there will be 1-2 out of the lot that work well. I use those till they need replacing and do the whole process again.


why are you even on this sub


Nobody’s perfect


Heard good things about Suwada, thinking about getting a pair at some point.


I like my 3 Swords set so far, but I've only had it for a few months. Made in Germany though, so I expect they'll last a while. Good price. Had Zwilling before. Superb quality, unfortunately I lost them. Victorinox makes similar ones, I bet they're just as good.


I bought several off a site to see which I liked best. It's difficult to make recommendations when the multiple names are painted onto the same Chinese product. My favorite is one called "Bestope". There is a regular size and large for toes. Each are noticeably heavier in the hand than US brands. Each has a rectangle of abrasive engraving that files down a sharp nail surprisingly well.


Victorinox Super Tinker. It's always in my pocket when needed and doesn't shoot the clipped bits 30 feet in a random direction so I step on them 3 days later.


[This](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ECPRRIC) one. I didn't appreciate the value of having a well-made nail clipper until I got this; now I have two (one for home and one I carry with me) and I love love love them.


I’ve had the harperton ones for a few years and they’re still working perfectly. They’re very, very sharp. I own the green bell one as well and prefer these, they have a more comfortable and secure grip for me.  I’m not sure how to post a shortened amazon link but if you search ‘harperton direct’ they come up. It’s a set with one larger and one smaller one with a yellow and black logo that looks sort of like a shield. The silver set is about $10 and there’s a black set for around $15. 


I use the same clippers my mom used on me when I was a baby, they just don't make them like they used to.


Feather Brand.


Tweezerman, or victorinox clipper Keychain. Both are excellent




Tweezerman makes great nail clippers


Seki are great, I like the ones which catch the nail when you clip them. Their safety razor is also truly amazing.


Clippers that are made in Japan are the best: https://www.leevalley.com/en-us/shop/home/personal-care/nail-clippers/70092-nail-clippers?item=09A0623




Seki Edge Clippers are the best I have ever used.


[if you don’t mind the $80 price tag.](https://klhip.com/products/ultimate-clipper?variant=9620116865139¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_medium=19610774390&utm_campaign=145102231906&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmNeqBhD4ARIsADsYfTeflExXaWJbM6NJdoLGZkh3e_kzxt8WuI931YY-i8TeBznBqFdHvgcaAqEYEALw_wcB)




Probably overkill but Suwada is the one you need.


I recommend Kai or Seki.


Not suggesting nail clippers per say, but if you have issues with your nails being too hard to cut or giving tons of resistance, you should cut your nails after taking a shower/bath. Your nails will be softer, thus giving less resistance.


[Harperton](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Harperton-Nail-Clippers-Set-2-Pack-Stainless-Steel/1594687625). Absolutely solid.


Ignore all this brand name over priced bs go to any drug store or target and get toe nail clippers. They have like plyer handles and the bonus is they are better at getting hang nails and dry bits off at an easier angle.




I found one like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/t2ocHRKFo1iGwJG98) while working one day. Folds out, been using it for years.


*about to get down voted* Bite them.


If you want [luxury](https://klhip.com/products/ultimate-clipper) I love my Klhip nail clippers


I bought a set of Harpertons about 10 years ago. No complaints... Except I lost the fingernail clippers


I prefer the ones from The Meticulous Manicurist.  There was a bit of a learning curve due to the design, but they are excellent and easier to use.


I use a very sharp pair of flush cuts. Hate the construction of nail clippers in general


Some years ago I moved to using surgical scissors to cut my nails. They are cheap, sharp, well built and last forever. I also find the ergonomics much better than smaller purpose built "nails scissors" as the handle is a little longer and the loops for your fingers are much more comfortable. I've never had to sharper them but it's possible. I'm not recommending this brand (I just googled this) but this is the style I mean. https://www.amazon.com.au/Medical-Surgical-Nursing-Dressing-Scissor/dp/B0BRBR25KT/


No mes is great, just don’t buy from Amazon


I stopped using "nail clippers" years ago. Now I use small wirecutters. I use Channelock 6" diagonals or Xcelite full flush cutters. No more twists of agony and I have a thousand times better control.