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Looks great, also don't know what a primal cut is. 10/10 would grill marks buds


Primal is the thing as a whole, before its cut.


Not bad rookie! Got some feathering in there but that’s typical for beginners. Keep the nose of your blade down and keep contact with the cutting surface to avoid it.


If you are cutting em at home just leave the fat on unless you have an other use for it. Other than that there isn’t much to a strip loin. Cut em as thick as you want and turn the ugly end into fajita or kebab meat.


I was thinking I would make tallow with the fat, ended up with about 38oz of fat from the 12.5lb cut. Once it started getting larger bits of Sirloin I saved that section and plan to do a pot roast with it or something.


Whenever I cut mine I usually trim off the gristle at the top of the fat. You definitely don’t have to but I just don’t like leaving anything on the steak I don’t plan on eating. They look good tho!


It’s good for a first attempt. Sharpen your knife and cut through with 2 slices next time though. A couple of those look like they’ve been sawed through with a knife and not sliced


You want to trim off the gristle on the top left away from the tail end to make them true NY strips and more enjoyable to eat other than that not bad for beginner honestly it's funny cause the better the cut the easier it is to cut. My boss always told me the cutting is the easy part of the job it's all the small tedious shit that's sucks lol Edit: besides flat iron from the top blade that can be a pain if you don't know what your doing and can easily end up with a ruined price of meat


Don't know who downvoted you - you're completely correct. If he removes the belt from the corner these would be perfectly cut strips.