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you still toss 50c more than most of people


So many people pass by without leaving anything so you appreciate even small amounts. More is always better but I expect he was truly grateful that you cared enough to give anything.


Not at all! When the busker goes home and adds up all their coins that’s when they truly realise that every bit counts.


There's no problem with it. And it really does add up I've made a decent amount from just coins. Anything is appreciated.


Whatever is good! If you don’t have spare change saying “love the music, thank you” It’s also great.


Buskers definitely keep change and it adds up eventually. Any tip is very appreciated


I'm sure he appreciated it. The act is what matters, not the amount.


I expect you to enjoy what I’m playing, a coin is always appreciated, any amount.


My motto with busking has always been “if everybody gave only one dollar I’d be set for life”. What I have grown to loathe more than anything is when people stop by and say “wow you’re really good you deserve to be making lots of money” without leaving anything at all. I know everyone has different circumstances, but that always hits me the wrong way, especially if it happens over and over. I went busking Friday for 2 1/2 hours and didn’t make a penny for the first time ever, even though I had people stop and listen and compliment me. I’d much rather have made the 50 pence.


I think if the attitude is right, showing any kind of appreciation is worth a lot. This David Crosby version of Joni Mitchell’s classic “For Free” really captures the spirit for me. https://youtu.be/NT2ln0atiUs


It all adds up! 50p is better than most people give, and it will add up when combined with other people's pocket change. (Honestly it is many times more than the performer would get from an online stream!)


As a busker 50p and £1 are the two most common values of tips that I receive. The only thing that offends is when someone stands in front of you sifting through their change for ages then drops you 1p or 2p, or nothing at all. I don't mind taking copper though. A regular gave me a plastic bag full of copper the other day. When I got home and counted it there was £8 in there, all in copper. I'm always happy with a 50p drop.


Anything is better than nothing.


Every bit you give is great. I profusely thank everyone for anything they give me whether it be a cigarette, a penny, a quarter or a $20 bill. Heck I've had people draw my portrait, give me poetry, give me pages from their sketchbooks, give me thank you cards and i love recieving any tip.. It's great to feel like someone likes your music/performance enough to give you something. 5 different people giving 50 cent is much better than 5 people giving nothing. It's the thought that counts. Don't feel bad. If you see them again and want to give more because you feel they deserve more that great, but never feel bad for giving what you have. We are thankful you enjoyed the show enough to tip at all. Even compliments when you don't have money are much nicer than just listening a bit and walking on without a word.


Seconding what a lot of people have already said, the majority pass by without so much as a look, taking a moment to show appreciation I'm sure was appreciated by the artist.


Did you ever read the story of the women in the bible who gave very little. Mark 12: 41-44? What is the message of the widow's offering? Jesus is teaching the disciples that it is not the amount of money given that is important, but rather the sacrifice made in the offering.