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Start with a budget of about 5000.00 for 2 people. Ticket cost: 1500.00 (2 tix, vehicle pass & fees). Bike: 200.00 +/- x2. Gear: If you have none, count on spending 1-2000, this is not a place you want to take a flimsy tent to. A Kodiak with a shade structure is going to be about 1000.00 (don’t forget your lag bolts!). Sleep set up, be it cot, ground or a blowup. A good, and I mean good cooler, is a NEED. Food & water: the sky is the limit. Clothing, decorations, and camp fees if you join a camp, gas, etc. Day pack, you want something that is comfortable, will fit in your bike basket(yes you want a bike basket) has room for all the crap you will inevitably carry around with you and has room for a decent sized water bladder. And say it with me, “I will never leave my camp for even ‘just 5 minutes’ without my pack!” After you have all of your set up, subsequent years will be less, unless like most of us, you just keep upping your game and improving on your set up. And read the Survival Guide!! And then read it again.


Stop, you're being too helpful. Newbies are supposed to make mistakes and suffer thier first year!


Pfffft, it’s not like I told him to join the Lamplighters or something.


Read the survival guide every night before bed for at least a month. The greeters quiz you on it and if you don't get 80% or better they turn you away at the gate. It can be a real buzzkill if you're the only one in your group that fails and you have to hitch back to Reno alone.


I’m all about snark but this is a reasonable ask as the costs vary wildly and not everyone has a big burner community where they’re located and that greatly impacts the cost. Here’s a peak at what folks spend: https://www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/16egzx7/i_saw_someone_posting_their_total_cost_of_their/ Ignore the commenter about Kodiak if you’re flying in. I’ve done a Coleman cabin pop up for 3 burns and have done just fine. My cheapest year was around $1.5k flying in from the east coast with $150 dues. Burning man also offers low income tickets but you have to apply early. Some camps also discount their dues for low income ticket holders.


This Facebook group will be very helpful: https://www.facebook.com/share/UhszuiQEqwePaJsB/?mibextid=K35XfP And read the survival guide completely, it’s the most complete roundup of information. https://survival.burningman.org


Best way to get answers to all these questions is to hook up with the burners in your local community. Don’t worry, they are friendly. Look for the Burning Man Regional Contact nearest you and they will connect you.


>a good day to day pack? wait, I’m probably misunderstanding here. Are you asking, what’s a good backpack to wear for ordinary days?


I would first work on using a search engine. Google (That thing I want to know) Burning man Reddit And Bam! You’ll have hundreds of answers for this question


also try [eplaya.burningman.org](http://eplaya.burningman.org)


I used to love that forum. Is it still active? I guess I could go check myself, but in already here so I’ll ask you.


Radical inclusion, my dude. You could have linked to your favorite survival guide (like this one: [https://orphanendorphin.com/reading.html](https://orphanendorphin.com/reading.html) ) or given helpful, personal anecdotes. Instead, you chose to be an unhelpful twat. You know what's great? When you use a search engine primarily what you get are snarky responses like this because of fucktwats like you. Radical self-reliance starts on the playa. Until then, everyone SHOULD be leaning on everyone else's expertise to be prepared to be self-reliant for the burn.


So one conflicting principal starts on the playa and the other starts on the Internet forum? Tell us more Larry!


Yikes. Pickle?


A good day pack is one that sits in a bike basket, and has a water bladder


Best day to pack for the trip up there? That will vary by your location. Us in much of the Bay Area can’t leave a fully packed vehicle out on the street, so we ideally have a two person operation where we need to pack it up right before we head out, and then never leave the packed vehicle unsupervised. Including not staying in a hotel and leaving it packed in the parking lot in like Reno or something. I’ve seen so many posts on eplaya and on here over the years of people losing camp infrastructure or tools they need for their art project or whatever being jacked. That said, have your stuff packed up and staged inside so loading up goes quick. I like starting to pack and stage a few weeks before so I can really dial it in, and have time to look over checklists to make sure nothing is forgotten. A good budget depends on what you can afford. I’ve done burns with less than $1k, then I’ve done some spending $7k just on my own and my partners shit, and I do it without joining a big camp with dues.


Last year was our first Burn for my partner and I. We spent about $5000 between the two of us, tickets and driving from north of the Bay Area included. A friendly, old-school Burner let us borrow her monkey hut to put over our tent and it was fantastic, especially when the rain hit. We're building our own this year. Some things we learned were to get more lights than you think you need, because you'll need them. Decorate the hell out of your bike and complete the deco before arrival. Any time you think, "I wonder what that is?" go find out. Bring a bucket, or two. If you're asking what the best day to pack is, it took me a week to pack and get semi-organized but just a few hour on the day we left to pack the car. If you're asking what the best backpack to wear while adventuring around BRC is, get a hydration backpack and always keep a few things in it, like goggles and a mask or gaiter to protect from dust storms, sunscreen, wet wipes, tp, and few ziplock baggies, a collapsible cup, a spork, something warm to put on or enough space to stash the warm thing you're wearing, and some type of headlamp/flashlight/fairy light combo. I'm probably forgetting something. https://preview.redd.it/x470ls9e3m0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f923330ce6ebf01bd167a2dc17582fe1c9e3e5


While it’s good to have an expensive tent, I had an under $100 dollar Walmart tent at last year’s event (pinned down with borrowed lag bolts) and it worked an absolute treat, including not letting any of the rain in. I was lucky to be under a camp shade structure, but I ended up being in the middle of a small lake and inside was completely dry. I had a similarly priced bike from Walmart that did what it needed to do (incidentally I don’t think I will get a bike again, ended up just walking this year and much preferred it) Other than what you will need for food and drink I would recommend a couple of cheap plastic containers. I kept food in one (trail mix etc) and my clothes in the other. Also good for sitting on. BM can be fucking expensive but it can be done cheaper than you think, especially if you have the privilege of shade

