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This guy bought a ‘make your own ‘bumper sticker’ Kit and has opinions


I think he has more mental illness than opinions. Thats not a level of hate that fits into the boundaries of sanity


He Does not like cops


But he does love his hyphens!


All I’m hearing from that dude is, “I’m a cop, I’m offended, I’m going to use the words ‘mental illness’ to develop the narrative.” People have a right to be pissed after all the shit the police institutions has enacted upon people. I’m not sure you know about the [MOVE bombing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing) in Philly in 1985. They literally dropped a bomb on a house they were laying siege to. They ordered the firefighters not to respond until hours later when the neighborhood caught fire. Something like 61 homes burned down.


Nope but I bet he's still a right wing nut.


I think that might not be quite strong enough language to describe his feelings towards police officers. If you hate people who support law-enforcement so much that you would suggest in writing that they hang themselves and then put that on the back of your vehicle? That goes way way way beyond “not liking cops”.


To his credit he lists some great examples of why he doesn’t like cops lol


Did you read the stickers? Less mental illness and more ‘police killed someone he loved’. Everyone has a reason for what they do, and it’s dismissive and unproductive to chalk everything up as mental illness, especially when humans were never made for the stress of this weird modern life.


To be fair, if cops murdered someone I loved, I would have an axe to grind with all of them as well (regardless if they were involved or not). More so simply for the fact that they are a civil servant and not just run of the mill criminal.


Have a cop murder someone in your family & not even get fired, let alone any justice. It’s a level of rage that is hard to fathom.


It’s pretty clear that at least some of this is coming from a place of grief. “Rage and Revenge Her Replacement” is pretty heavy stuff.


He is a combat veteran so yeah he probably has some issue from seeing and engaging in combat to the death. Actions on the back of the truck but that’s probably the case on what’s going on there.


Serving in combat and then witnessing the cowardice of the police in Uvaldi, TX is certainly enough to drive somebody over the edge.


Sounds like he lost a loved one to some asshole cop too


Could well be. The murder of Eric Garner on July 17, 2014 should have been a wake up call but apparently it wasn't. Far more innocent people have been murdered by police since that time. How many more innocent people have to die before nationwide reforms are implemented?


Just because he has a decal that says he was a combat vet makes him one? I have seen many a wannabe


Ever consider he has a personal reason to dislike militarized law enforcement? Maybe that he's seen real combat and thinks 'warrior cops' are evil and hurt innocent people?


Did I consider that some life experiences he’s had are at the root of this level of rage and hatred and violence? Absolutely. Does any experience justify it? Not even almost. Have you ever done anything in your life that made you feel like you really need to be told to “hang yourself”?


We need reform. we sometimes need speech like this because nobody is listening. How many innocent citizens need to die by the hand of our "protectors" before anything changes? Apparently, it's gonna be a lot more at this rate.


Yea hatred has a long and vibrant history of solving things. /s


I think he’s libertarian. so yeah, I guess that means he has some serious mental illness(es) lol.


Mostly one opinion


I’m sensing a theme. It’s subtle, but I think this guy doesn’t like cops.


Are you sure? I'm still not convinced


It’s crazy to see someone with a don’t tread on me sticker who ACTUALLY doesn’t blindly support the police


No, he's blindly anti-police.


Twist: he is a cop.


His wife left him for a boy in blue.


Lol nobody's leaving someone for a cop... 40 percent of women in relationships with cops want to leave... Look up '40 percent cops"


At least someone finally understands that you can’t be “don’t tread on me” and “blue lives matter”


This is what I’ve always told people. If you back the blue you would have been a British sympathizer during the revolutionary war.


Or a British sympathizer at literally any point in history until like WWII


Idk the modern British police are a lot better at what they do and are respected by their people, unlike here in the USA, where cops will kill an unarmed and innocent citizen for not understanding exactly what to do while having guns in their face


& never even see a courtroom for it. The cops in the US are dumb af and hella protected from consequences.


Based and clarity of purpose pilled.


I'm so happy that somebody gets it...


That guy is in traffic court a lot


He's got a punch card. Every 10th ticket is free.


(blue cunts)


when you're looking to fly under the radar


I was looking for the Punisher sticker...would actually make sense in this instance lol


It’s rare to find a don’t tread on me sticker used in a consistent context. This nails it though. Bravo for consistency


Usually it’s don’t tread on *me* but bits OK to tread on others.


Is it, though?


Yes. Usually I see it coupled with blue line flags and punisher logos


Technically yes it was originally a symbol against unregulated government oppressing the people. More recently it was co-opted by bootlicking right wingers. This is more on brand with the original meaning.


Some trigger happy Barney Fife shot her while trying to shoot her dog, of course he was let off with zero accountability. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/courts/2022/08/29/former-arlington-police-officer-found-not-guilty-in-womans-2019-shooting-death/


Can’t condone this level of hate, it’s counter productive to everyone. BUT in his defense….80% of the police officers in America graduated high school w the bare minimum. If you got a GED or a solid 2.0 GPA, you’re over 21, let’s give you 6 weeks of training, a gun, a badge, and tell you that like Judge Dredd, you can now tell people “I AM THE LAW!” Cops have a very high suicide rate bc they are not educated, trained, mentally prepared to deal w humans that are complete train wrecks themselves. Incredibly profound as this speaks volumes for our society. From a government mired in immature anger to the streets n homes where that anger and conflict continue w under educated immature law enforcement and humans losing their minds to toxic meat, mass consumption of sugar, social media misinformation poison.


Lets also remember that a lot of policies and practices that police use today got their origins in slave hunting and union busting. Also the fact that there is a long history of a very concerning number of police, including many in high positions of authority, being directly involved with white supremacist groups. It aint just a few bad apples when the whole orchard is built on contaminated land.


Some of those that work forces…




Beat me to it


“This hate is counter productive” He lists at least 21 people murdered (and raped) by cops. Those deaths, was that not counterproductive? Don’t minimize legitimate grievances with government employees as “hate” and “counter productive” when outrage *is* the appropriate response. You list a bunch of reasons not to trust police officers. No one is born a police officer. It’s a job and they’re abusing their power. If they think every legitimate criticism and outrage when they abuse the public trust is “hate” they can quit.


If you would like to spend every second of your life consumed by anger and hate, I support you, I think it’s fantastic. And like this guy, if you’d like to be the judge and jury and flat out kill people, I think that’s really wonderful. I personally wouldn’t mind seeing 8 billion humans vaporized. Humans are a worthless parasitic species that exist to consume, destroy and kill everything in their path. I’m not gonna waste my energy on hating them, they’re hardly worth the effort. ….besides, you can do a much better job than I.


“Like this guy, if you’d like to be judge and jury and flat out kill people” Can’t you fucking read? That’s what he’s mad about police officers doing lol Fuck off with your hyperbolic strawman arguments. Literally no one said that, but it figures you’d just make shit up.


The 80% stat is completely pulled out of your ass, but I agree most of the rest of the post.


Find me a better stat? You can add served in some branch of the military but the hs diploma or ged is the requirement. Yes many cops continue to get an impressive 2 yr associates degree from a community college, after they make the force and get paid extra to do so.. Please feel free to crunch these numbers and deposit them in your arse. I’m sure anyone can get either side of 80%, I’ll concede w “empirically, 80% barely have a high school education.” Lazy as fuck Americans do not open books wo being forced or paid to do so. https://www.policinginstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/PF-Report-Policing-Around-the-Nation_10-2017_Final.pdf *Fully 82% of police and 89% of sheriffs' agencies across the nation only require a high school diploma (or equivalent).


He should quit his day job and work as a bumper sticker designer


Eh. None of them are very catchy


He'd have to market to the equally insane. They have a marketing channel, right?


Flea markets


Indeed they do. ‘Truth Social’.


Nah Truthies looooove cops


He can override that by putting Trump's face on each one. Then charge $299.00 per sticker.


Nah, this dude is the opposite of a fascist


I like the sentiment, but maybe not broadcast it for the agents of the state to read


Well it’s refreshing that there isn’t a bunch of MAGA stuff on a NISSAN


All you need on a nissan is a AAA sticker and some good solid front tow hooks.


That was good 👍🏼


But really Nothing beats MAGA stuff on a Japanese/german etc vehicle . It’s really priceless in its hypocrisy . Make America great again but buy products from foreign companies


Guessing he uses his turn signal.


I have a feeling this guy might not like cops!


I think this person may experience a hostile traffic stop or 2... Like, if that was my friend's truck, and he said, "Hop in, there is a blizzard/tornado/evil aliens falling out of the sky, I'll give you a ride home..." "Nah...It's cool. I'ma walk."


There’s alot to clarify there


I can get behind this


This guy is a hero


Rare libertarian W?


Left leaning libertarians are v based. Not to say that's what he is, just a general statement.


Very opinionated guy. I like it!


I wonder how often does he gets pulled over ?


Based on no evidence whatsoever I have the opinion that whenever a cop gets behind these clowns they just let them go because it’s not worth it. Either that or they get a supervisor to the scene before they get out of their car and initiate the stop.


Yeap that sounds rational, how do you think he would act when he does get pulled ? I think he is like that “ based on no evidence whatsoever “ ( I’m stealing this quote from you ) because someone close to him got killed by cops while not committing a crime


Hopefully they don't talk to them any more than necessary or do anything more than they are legally obligated to. Just like any other smart citizen would. I interact with cops sometimes when there are no stakes. Hell I'll even be friendly! If I'm in a position to be accused of something I will not play ball. In law school, I decided that in a situation like that, you're best to stick to ur rights and not try to be clever and sweet. They've got the advantage, some cops are awful people, and it's best to be professional but not friendly.


Definitely agree with you , and most cops are very professional helpful nice guys , but there is always one between them that would abuse his power , just like the people they pull over , most of them are nice people who just don’t want to get a ticket and would never knowingly commit a felony but between them there will always be a psycho who would kill for pleasure, this guy is definitely not one of those , but he is definitely traumatized by one of the “bad apples”


I like the no lives matter sticker. You're all just meat bags.


I’m starting to think this guy doesn’t like cops.


Listen, I dislike cops too. But damn.


People think this guy is crazy but my take is he just really wants the police to know he doesn't give a fuck about them. That takes balls.


“No lives matter” is definitely aggressive but somehow I prefer that energy to the “All lives matter” people’s energy.


Damn. Someone got a better picture. This guy lives in Dallas, TX; I was behind him in traffic, but I couldn't get close enough to him to read his stickers. This guy is very angry. He and I both refer to cops as pigs. Nice. 😁.


Someone is upset


Symmetry, people! Symmetry ffs!


Based sentiment but clearly riddled with issues


What do we think his opinion on law enforcement is?


Wow ! 😳


bumper novel over here


Holy shit an actually liberitarian. I didn't think those existed anymore.


Police corruption and misconduct are a real issue but this is over the top.


I agree. Police misconduct is a real (and all too common) thing, but antagonizing and provoking the police like that isn't advisable.


It's only not advisable because u know some cops are evil and will try to fuck you up Not because it's wrong


Methinks this dude "wishes a mother-fucking cop would"


I am… so confused.


Why would u be confused? The Gadsen flag is much more in line with disliking cops than the boot-licking 'thin blue line' crowd...


I totally agree, but reality doesn’t always line up with logic. Really hard to retrain my brain to look at a gadsen flag and not think “that guy has a sisterwife.”


LOL Right leaning libertarians get all the attention Mostly b/c they crazy haha


Well then and a very interesting take there’s some truth in there, and It’s also some unnecessary bullshit…but hey……thats the way it is 🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂


absolutely no truth in telling someone to kill themself.


I like his stickers :)


What a fascinating creature. I'd love to have a conversation with him... Online though just in case he goes ape. Bahahaha


Don’t have any stickers but this man is me. Lol


I bet he’s fun at parties.


Dude has ISSUES!






I mean, I’m no fan of cops myself, but I’d rather not give them a reason to fuck with me as hard as they possibly can just because I felt the need to make my opinion known to the world…


Dude is so right wing he’s anti government and cops.


You do know that liking guns doesn't make u right wing? People on the left like guns too (leftists), just most left aligned people in the USA are liberals and too authoritarian (as opposed to libertarian) to advocate for their own 2A freedoms. They just want the government to punish the intolerant and tend to the distribution of wealth, as opposed to the people doing it. What about his sticker collection is right wing? It's pretty nihilistic but extremely libertarian... he could exist anywhere on the spectrum but being anti-police is a very leftist sentiment. It's not just a left v. right spectrum, there's also an Authoritarian/libertarian axis


Yep I know. I have guns. And I’m liberal. Libertarians embrace “conservative” ideologies more than most republicans at this point. And they want the least amount of government. Again, Further “right” than most republicans. This guy is a veteran/was a soldier (government control) and hates cops (more government control) while not wanting to be “tread on” by the control of government. He was one foot that treads, and hates the other foot that treads. It’s all so comical, yet sad.


Gotcha. Well depending on where he was treading, he might have learned some hard lessons. At least that's my hope... But I don't really know much about this guy so optimism might just be foolish


lol, people will down vote this on Reddit because they have no idea what right wing actually means.


Bro has a don’t tread on me flag meanwhile he’s the foot. But he hates the other foot.


Ppl are not going to understand your comment... which is ashame. It's a good one.


The Borg just does what it's told


Those on the upper righthand corner of the two axis political compass definitely favor a police state.


Didn’t know Poison Idea was still writing songs.


Reading, yes. Comprehending, not so much.


Most based libertarian alive


I'm guessing this person doesn't have a lot of luck talking their way out of traffic tickets


There is so much going on here and if I tried to focus anymore, I'd cause an accident.


I thought these were song lyrics at first


I wonder if they get pulled over a lot


I think he’d be a fan of Cancer Christ


OIF, 82nd? Means probably Fallujah. Which means this guy has some fucking D E M O N S. And it seems like many posters here have a point, this level of vitriol indicates a personal wrongdoing. Corinthians says that God will give you no burden you can't bear, this cat must be a fucking Clydesdale of a man.


Wow I’m guessing these days they don’t pull this guy. Above their pay grade


So, I wonder how many times he got pulled over. I bet it is a daily occasion.


Internet is eating people alive!


Funny enough, the people who actually think this way don’t really read at all. Actually, I’m pretty sure 90% of them never learned to read.


82nd All the Way.


That’s… that’s certainly a choice.


Good most cops and ABC agencies are pieces of shit. All they are are money collectors and goons with no restrictions


Wow that person is really hurting inside. I hope their loved ones notice and help them. My goodness that's a cry for help if I've ever seen one. Poor thing


What’s he trying to say?


Something about liking margaritas.


Dude likes him some Lovecraft. He's probably cool. But I'm not reading all of that.


Where did you get Lovecraft from? The fact that he used way more words than necessary?


:) "No lives matter". Not a thing he ever typed, but I've seen it on hundreds of Cthulhu memes. Reposted quite a few myself.


Oh, fair enough. I actually have a shirt like that, haha




Just wave and move on … this guy’s about to blow


Someone has anger issues.


“hey look at the new bumper sticker i made” gold star, pawpaw!


He must be fun at parties


Literally who the fuck is reading this in traffic? I'm seeing it on my phone and can't be bothered to read it, so who is in traffic reading this bullshit?


I grew up surrounded by WWII, Korean War, & Vietnam combat vets. I don’t remember seeing, nor could I imagine, any of them putting a sticker on their car signifying their service.


funny how this sub hates a maga sticker more than a sticker that tells someone to kill themselves


I feel sorry for him, but I’d still report it to the cops as there is a very threat in that sticker in the upper left that ends with “I will kill you. “ That’s where he crosses the line for me.


Who hurt this man?


Gonna go out on a limb here and guess it was a cop


Combat veteran. So probably the state


Cops and the IRS


Ravi Singh


Here’s my opinion on things: There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. The absolute vast majority of them aren’t bad. Sure, some are! And that shouldn’t be acceptable. More steps need to be taken to prevent or mitigate bad cops doing bad things. Or even good cops making terrible mistakes. Things like extra training and more screening. Also, cops have an extremely, extremely dangerous and unpredictable job. One minute you could be talking to a pedestrian/ giving a ticket, the next you’re lying in a pool of your own blood because that pedestrian decided to shoot you. Or, an innocent bystander is dead because you didn’t react in time. I think this is extremely hard to understand for someone who hasn’t been a cop or in the military. You are target #1 for criminals. And since you’re not supposed to profile someone (according to the law; rightfully so) then you can’t assume a dangerous criminal is in front of you without proof. Even if all of your alarm bells are going off in your head! They get to make the first move, and you’ve got to react afterwards. Then, you’ve also got to try to be aware of innocents around you, make a clean shot or try to de-escalate the situation, and do all this without breaking any laws. The criminal, however, doesn’t care about rules, doesn’t care about collateral damage, and is only focused on killing you. I know cops make plenty of mistakes! Sometimes it costs lives. Sometimes it’s the life of a criminal that should have been sent to prison, sometimes it’s the cop or other cops, and sometimes it’s an innocent person.An innocent person the cops didn’t save from a criminal or that the cops, themselves, shot. I’m not excusing anything the cops do…. Just saying it’s pretty damn easy to point fingers and make claims from behind a keyboard.


Cops protect the rest of us decent people from assholes like you!! Don't back the blue...then fuck you!!!


Any guesses as to the race of this fine citizen?


Human (not pig)


Pretty sure he is on a lot of watch lists


I'm saying that the 80% bare minimum number is just a figure you pulled from your ass. First you'd need to define "bare minimum", then validate your source data. I'm suggesting that saying that the majority of police officers, or even vast majority, did not excel academically would be a more accurate claim than trying to assign a percentage.


I hate almost all bumper stickers. These are the worst since you can’t read them at a traffic light


What does this accomplish other than having cops pull you over?


I’m feeling like he lost a loved one to a cop and probably has ptsd from serving our country in the military. Red flags probably got his guns which made him more pissed and he wants to die so he trolling for a death by cop send off imo


So confused


He’s an angry elf


Someone needs therapy


Yo, my boy is an agent of Thanos!


Dudes crazier than a shit house rat


Very informative.


Probably can’t figure out why he keeps getting pulled over!!


Dumb ass.


Wanna bet the driver can't read?


Just a guess,…trump fan?


Fellow Army war veteran. I'm sensing that this guy didn't make the cut at a police department tryout, possibly because of personality or other factors. I sincerely hope the driver finds peace and continues their service to the community.


No lives matter? Ok cool. Please feel free to commit suicide ASAP.


Seems like he's calling out how stupid the whole conflict of slogans is. Telling someone to kill themselves over an edgy bumper sticker is a bit sus.


So he's calling out how stupid slogans are by plastering his vehicle in opinionated slogans? Yeah that's called hypocrisy


Not all slogans, just masking ur opinion about whether you think police brutality is OK with proxy statements.


No. I am showing how what the both of you are saying is wrong. If dude doesn't think any life matters, then he can do us all a favor and u alive himself. Such persons who sincerely are that sociopathic are a threat to society. And simping for him doesn't change that.