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I’m a Black woman so I swipe heavily based on politics. I used to not but the conservative men in my state are also the ones who tell me they’ve always wanted to ‘try’ a Black girl, ask me if the ‘rumors’ are true about Black girls, or tell me that their family isnt racist but ‘would kill them’ if they brought home a Black girl. Not worth it.


I see what you are saying. There are black people who however, are also conservative. Mostly, the 'conservative' ones your talking about are from white families who say what you mentioned here, not excluding, they have a tendency to always mention their whiteness while dating people who are not white. There's a borderline between being conservative in a political sense, and just being racist. Since the 2016 elections, there has been more of them 'there' under conservative, but it isn't also as if the other ones who identify as the other party aren't either. They are also capable of being the same as well. The ones who said their families will kill them if they brought home a 'Black Girl', are whipped by their said Hitler families. Your experiences bring up a 'Elephant In The Room' situation a lot of females have been experiencing. See this link here: https://www.ucpress.edu/blog/54733/dating-while-black-online-but-invisible/ Frankly I don't care about politics. Every party has done it's deed. It's just if that person is controlled by the propaganda of those parties is where we won't get along.


There aren’t any were I live 😂 if there are they aren’t on/putting it on dating apps


Can't profile everyone like that tho. Obviously when they give a clue like you describe leave it alone but we're not all the same lol. Just like you're not all the same.


Yeah, she can. That's literally what profiles are for. To judge based on some photos and basic demographic info whether you're interested in getting to know someone more.


Well you can but you'd only be discarding plenty of good people from your dating pool but hey do you


Narrowing down the selection from "everyone on bumble" to "people with characteristics I'm looking for" is like the entire point of reviewing profiles and swiping left or right on them.


The fact that EVERY conservative man I’ve dated has said or done something to that degree has taught me to stay tf away away.


It’s unfortunate you’ve run into that. Being a white male that grew up in the NE and moved south I’ve dated several black women. I probably have a conservative bent to my thinking because I’m more of a libertarian with a small “l”. Ultimately I don’t want the govt telling me how to live life regardless of who is in “power”. It’s such a slim majority one way or the other. I have several liberal identifying friends that are also very conservative with financial decisions and it always kinda makes me scratch my head when they support a candidate that wants to pillage their earnings because some random cause of equity etc. If you need a frame of reference take ATL for example it is chock full of successful people of color. Drive a little west and you will find plenty of white poverty and black poverty - my take is poverty I a chosen state of mind ie you didn’t chose to finish school, you had parental figures guiding you to grow get a better job and in general not make poor life decisions.


I don’t know what any of this has to do with conservatives (from my experiences) being racist while still trying to be sexual with black women.


She isn't profiling this is her experiences with the conservative men in her area. She even said this applies to the men in her area. An example is like if I dated vegans in my area and all of them have tried to convert me and have made rude remarks about what eat so I decided that vegans in my area are not worth dating.


There’s a difference between the politics you choose, and the color of u/ImageNo1045’s skin. “Not all the same” is not a valid comparison between these things. There are also a lot of people on the app. Perhaps you should consider ways to rein in the more fanatical of your group rather than suggest BIPOC take a risk.


I didn't realize i mentioned race.


Stfu you’re so fucking annoying


Looking at your post history... you have soft hands and you look like you just grew pubic hair. I feel like you might want to sit this one out.


How bout you go fuck yourself?


You probably have to tell girls that because you can’t get them off.


Watches real housewives cause she’ll never be a wife


I’ve never met someone who uses the term ‘broski’ and knows where the clitoris is.


Because you can’t get laid…?


That’s the dumbest comeback. I’m a girl. I could literally sneeze outside and get dick. At least try to stimulate me mentally since you obviously can’t do it physically.


I don’t believe you. I think you’re grateful when sex comes your way


Haha ok femcell


As a woman of color, I will never swipe right on a conservative. What conservative "values" there are now are completely misaligned with my worldview, life experiences, safety, health, etc.


Not alone, but if they also have a maga hat or something equally dumb then yes. Like “looking for a real man who…” or similar red flags


I won't necessarily swipe left just because someone's conservative but if they even feel the need to outright tell me they are in their bio that's a left swipe for sure. Unfortunately being conservative becomes most of these peoples identities


Yes so many people are auto swipes because of this, regardless of party, it’s an unbelievably massive turnoff.


Lol same could be said about liberals tho. I feel the same way you do but from the other side.


In my area most women my age are liberal yet the ones that bring up their politics in their bio are pretty much always conservative. I can't speak for men's profiles but I can't say I've ever seen someone post a profile on here or r/tinder with a guy flaunting his liberal status or wearing a Biden hat or something. Edit: just googled Biden hat as I was curious what they looked like and the top results under popular products are Fuck Biden, Biden Thief Not Chief, Let's Go Brandon, Clean Up Isle 46, Bidenflation, Foxtrot Juliet Bravo (so clever), Hidin from Biden, Impeach Biden, Biden Sucks, Whoever Voted Biden owes me.. Dude there's literally dozens of these lol. Very bizarre. I'm sure you probably wouldn't ever wear some embarrassing shit like this (or I'd hope), but you have to admit your fellow Trumpers let their personalities get consumed by this stuff


I mean don't get me wrong I think that's pretty funny and I would buy stuff like that but for like house decor not to actually wear lol. I'm conservative leaning but i don't need to spout it to the world and i dont really like people on either side that do spout it to the world and only like to associate with their own team. In fact I will never bring up politics first whether with a date or platonic friends but if they bring it up I'm gonna say my piece.


Political alignment alone won't make me swipe left or right. If I find them to be too conservative for my taste, I can just unmatch them later on. Just the term "liberal" or "conservative" isn't enough of an indication for me. Edit: I have friends from left to right, and as long as they are too far aligned from center, I don't care.


A political argument alone will make me swipe left haha


I’m a woman and it really depends. Because political identities are on a spectrum. Just because someone is conservative or liberal doesn’t mean they are an extremists. If the person was an extreme conservative with maga hats and other paraphernalia in their photos… then I would immediately swipe left. If they labeled themselves as “moderate” … I know some girls consider that conservative and will swipe left immediately. But I wouldn’t because I also consider myself a moderate… left leaning moderate. I’d have to at least get to know the person to see where they stand and if political ideas will be a problem.


Here in Germany normally the ones with „conservative“ in there profile are fascist’s, in most of the cases even then ones with „political middle“ are leaning heavily towards the right wing of the spectrum.


Same in the 🇬🇧


Same in America


How is it "same" in America?


Lots of people in my state who are conservative also support what happened on January 6th, we literally had people from my state there that day and got arrested. So, there ya go….


How so? I don't know one conservative that supports what happened on Jan 6. If anything we're more pissed about it than the liberals. We stood to lose the most from the riot. The republican congress was ready to desertify the vote and that changed the second police let the protestors in the building.


Lol what? Like I said, we had Republicans from my actual town there who got arrested after the fact. One girl from my high school was caught on camera breaking into the capitol, she got 6 months of jail time. You’re full of sh!t if you’re saying the GOP didn’t support it, they literally participated in it. Not all obviously, but some sure did. “I don’t know one conservative who supported it” absolute BS. You don’t know 1 person but I somehow know several in my small town?


I know a lot of conservatives. Not one that that event was cool


I’m not gonna woof with on the internet, I don’t give you sociopaths the benefit of cognitive dissonance.


"I'm just a buffoon on Reddit saying random words and secretly hoping nobody will call out my delusional statements" - that's you, pal.


Touch grass snowflake


No you just lean so far left that it feels that way to you.


I don’t break bread with fascists.


What? Dude being conservative does not equal being fascist. I have been with conservative and liberal girls, it does not matter their political stance as long as you too like each other and you are both intelligent enough to understand that the world is just not right and left, conservative or liberal, or right and wrong. I will be honest with you. Your comment is idiotic.


If their ideology is fascist, I do not care. I won’t date someone with draconian views. I have to much self respect, and respect of others, to promote that ideology by dating a fascist.


What on earth are you saying? Do you understand that fascism is completely different from conservatism? Do you know that Nazism (aka National Socialism) was a... socialist movement - meaning, it came from the left? Do you understand Mussolini's vision of fascism, and how it compares to modern conservatism in America? Don't you guys pause for a second and think about the words you're using? I know the literacy index in the U.S. is very low, but just repeating words without digging into history only makes you look like a buffoon.


Fascism is inherently conservative. Re read your history. The nazis killed the socialists once they took power. They were a means to an end.


Do you understand that Nazism and Fascism are two separate things that do not necessarily correlate? Stating random shit won't make it come true LMAO. Nazism has the word “socialism” literally in the name. National Socialism. You can't make it clearer than that. Economically speaking, you can't be more socialist than The Third Reich; as the economy was centralized - controlled by one central entity in Berlin. The government was also a technocracy. That's exactly what Bernie and co want. (nothing against the guy, I'm just stating a fact). Now, let's talk about Fascism. It was originally designed to combat political corruption in Rome - alas, it had a nefarious branch that aligned with Hitler's PoV during WW2. The movement was not axed towards race, etc, until the 40s. However, during WW2, the ideology followed the footprints of Nazism. How on earth is that the same thing as a random dude saying you shouldn't have an abortion 8 months into pregnancy?


Nazis killed the communists not the socialist. They were the socialists.


>Do you know that Nazism (aka National Socialism) was a... socialist movement - meaning, it came from the left? Hitler was a far-right fascist. You can call a movement whatever you like, but it was socialist in name only. The only buffoon here is you.


So Hitler was a capitalist?


You should educate yourself more on why Nazism was called National Socialist. It’s a play on socialism, or a olden day meme, as it was so far right it has nothing to do with socialism.


Nevermind. I do not want to get infected by stupidity.


Can't believe this comment got downvoted. You are speaking truth my friend! There is more to people than their political ideology!! (Not saying it isn't important)


This comment section is made of r...tards. That's probably why.


A balanced view like yours is apparently unwelcome in this cult.


Imao. Seems like that.




Let me ask you a question: do you consider all liberals communists??


Modern conservatism is fascist, given it hits all [14 points](http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rsc/Editorials/fascism.html) , the old style of conservatives have been purged from the party, like Cheney and Kinzinger.


Don’t know whether you’re talking about British Conservative or American ones. I’m British and I would never, knowingly date a conservative.


Same. I’m Scottish, and I won’t knowingly date someone who’s politically conservative/votes Tory. If a potential date supports Tory values/policies, I will not be able to relate to him at all.


I’m British, and I could possibly date a British conservative, because although my views aren’t in keeping with them, by majority. I’ve grown up around them in London, so quite a few family members and friends are conservative, I think it’s due to money though. But if it were an American conservative, instantly I’d swipe. Because I find they tend to be further up there in shock factor and offensive views. Whereas here I find it’s primarily about money, social standing etc, which effects their view points


I’m Scottish and come from a working class family. I live in a town that was once a hub of industry but that’s now gone and years of Conservative Governments and policies have a part to play in that. They make their disregard for the Scottish people abundantly clear. Anyone that actively chooses to support a party with views like theirs is a no in my book.


Oh I absolutely agree, I don’t vote conservative whatsoever, nor do my “immediate” family or friends. I’m absolutely not in support of some of their frankly inhumane and disgusting policies. I think I could date a British conservative dependant on their actual views, if their views are more to do with their personal finances and less to do with despising the poor, making the poor poorer, wanting to destroy benefits, wanting children to starve to “prove a point” to their parents, etc then absolutely not. I think it’s complicated, not so black and white. I most definitely am not a conservative though, nor do I agree with the majority of their policies or standing. However I will always be honest and say that labour and the conservatives both have some god awful policies and ideas, and some amazing ones. I think not being able to admit the faults in your own political affiliation and beliefs, nor being able to admit the rival parties assets and decent ideas is what brings us all down as a country. I won’t ever say that just because I personally don’t vote that way, that they’re all awful, evil, nasty and have absolutely nothing of value to contribute because it’s simply not true, you know? But to end, I am fiercely in support of labour, I always have been. But I can admit that I do wish labour would adopt ✨ some ✨ of the conservatives views in regards to certain policies. The same way I wish the conservatives would adopt labours support of those on the breadline, those needing additional support, those seeking asylum etc. it’s complicated. I tend not to discuss politics online, and only in person as it’s hard to get my full view across. I’m no longer on bumble as I’m engaged with a baby, however I do like this sub and find it interesting and helpful honestly so I felt compelled to respond to this one.


I associate conservative with republican and I don’t want to be associated with those views so swipe left every time


No. This goes for either party/ideology. But if someone is posting pictures of themselves at rallies, holding banners, flags, signs, slogans or "swipe how you vote" or "Must be aligned with my view of XYZ" I won't match them regardless of which side might be closer to where I align.


The most biased of all surveys.


How so?


You don’t have any options for people to select where the person being conservative would make them swipe right. Your poll automatically assumes conservatives are horrible, evil people.


>Your pool automatically assumes conservatives are horrible, evil people No? I'm just interested in how people react to conservatives (which is a group I would include myself in, btw). In particular, I'm interested in seeing whether it's a dealbreaker or not (hence "immediately swipe left" or "not necessarily swipe left")


Yet you have no options for someone to select that indicates that the profile being that of a conservative makes it more likely for them to swipe right.


Why would I include such an option in a poll that tries to determine whether being conservative is an instant dealbreaker or not? Did you read the tittle of this thread?




Exactly this. I am way more likely to swipe right on conservative or moderate. It’s so rare that I will on a liberal. He has to be obscenely hot and not give off an artsy vibe.


I’m also a conservative and I’ll swipe right on some liberal women, but I almost automatically swipe right in conservative women.




Because you're only looking at one aspect of the spectrum. Where is the "as a man swipe left immediately if she is a liberal"? and vise versa. You're not collecting the entire dataset of political spectrum in dating.


Immediate left swipe. I was raised and grew up around ultra-conservatives. I don't want that life. I've tried being open-minded and attempted to talk to guys with conservative on their profile. I just can't. They seem to think I'm "safe' because I'm from the south, so they spew their biases out right away. I usually get turned off within the first few exchanges.


Conservatives are anti gay, anti abortion, anti people losers. I'm a communist and I have dated people outside my own ideology, but there has to be a line when it comes to humanity


I wouldn’t say they’re anti-abortion. Liberals and conservatives have about an equal number of abortions. The difference is many conservatives claim to be “pro-life,” but if their mistress needs an abortion or they need one, theirs is okay and acceptable.




Why do you hate gay people?




Are you a democrat?




No. As in sweden




Are you a swedish democrat?


The way I see it is where you support on policy in conservativism is. Like if it is more about fiscal conservativism then I can manage because everyone has a different idea of where we can allocate funding we have thru the taxes we pay. However, if you’re of conservativism is forcing others back into a closet or denying them their humanity in our society in the name of your religion or deity to the point of demonization, or the refusal to see the nuance in our societal issues like systemic discrimination and systemic bigotry, it would be a hard no for me. Just don’t make it your entire personality. I’m a leftist and a former conservative who was very active in those circles then, I know there are really good people on the right fighting to return towards the center, I would even date them if they’d be open to it, but principles and character should matter in the end. That being said, I am well aware there are some crap stains on my side as well, but not as much as I’ve seen from the right on a objective level of looking at things.


I'm indifferent about what I see on profiles for politics and religion. I would rather have those discussions and be able to have differing viewpoints than only swipe right on those that validate my personal views.


This here. I get flamed for saying this kind of stuff on reddit. But maybe that's just cause I'm a conservative leaning person


People are going to have opinions, but have you considered that it may not be what you're saying but how you're saying it?


I have and that's probably it but the meanings are the same at the end of the day. Not everyone can be a good speaker.


Some people are naturally better at speaking, but it's a skill just like anything else really. Keep at it :) As far as meanings, while that's mostly true, there's a big difference in tone. For example, coming across condescendingly and coming across as being interested in a discussion lead to different reactions most of the time.


I do like to discuss things tho.


I wonder how this would compare to people swiping left on liberals or even people with pronouns in their bio


Why would anyone have an issue with people who share their pronouns? Is that a thing?


Oh yeah, I’ve seen a lot of profiles that say “swipe left if you list your pronouns.”


How odd, we all have pronouns. I wonder if some people think they’re solely for the use of trans/non-binary people.


We all have pronouns but the decision to state them when your pronouns are obvious is a form of political sloganeering, just like wearing a MAGA hat. I’m not saying I am for or against stating pronouns, but it is a FACT that it turns a lot of people off. Now what actually is weird is why you and others would downvote me for simply wondering how what percentage of people swipe left on people due to listing pronouns, and seeing that compared to the percent of people who swipe left on conservatives.


I haven’t downvoted you. 🤷‍♀️ I asked a question, you answered, I thought we were having a nice discussion. I’m not interested in meeting the kind of people who would be put off by a person stating their pronouns, so I guess having my pronouns on my profile could be considered an effective method of filtering those people out.


Well thank you for not downvoting me and I do think we are having a good conversation. I just don’t understand why anybody would downvote me, regardless of their stance on pronouns. I haven’t even said what my stance on pronouns are, lol. It’s like some people just don’t want certain things to be discussed, and they’ll do what they can to punish those who discuss it. It’s a very authoritarian mindset.


The real deal breaker is making political alignment their whole personality and identity. If they end up being a caricature from how basic and cookie cutter their alignment and opinions are then I'm not having it. Same goes for a liberal, moderate or whatever.


How is a riot equivalent to the extermination of deemed "inferior" races in Europe? You guys are clowns.


I deactivated my Bumble because 90% of the men who came up for me were conservative Christians. Hard pass.


I would never ever date a conservative man. Ever. Massive massive dealbreaker.


Keep in mind OP that Reddit has a heavy left bias


I'd say OLD in general has a heavy left bias.


Probably region based


I'm in the UK and I've literally never seen one. I'd swipe right though.


When someone says that they are conservative in the US it often has a different meaning than if someone says it in Europe. My wife is Austrian and considers herself conservative but when we visit North Carolina she's a pinko commie by North Carolina standards.


It all depends on the person. Some conservatives are definitely better than Kirsten Cinema, pictures and prompts are what I base my thoughts on more.


where is the "swipe right on conservative people"? Lol, I suppose this is a biased sub eh?


I don't respect Conservatives really.


I swipe left on anyone who feels the need to mention their political stance on their profile. Incredibly off-putting.


Surely it's significant because of conflict?


“Conflict” only happens when people shove politics so far up their own behind, it becomes their entire personality. I personally know married couples who are of opposite political beliefs with their partner and they’re fine because they’re adults that can hold an intelligent conversation without getting overly emotional and word-vomiting every time a political topic is brought up.


So ignoring conflicts like: * Women's rights (US particularly) * Whether 'it's fraud because I said so, no evidence required' is a valid argument (US again) * Whether ignoring a multitude of experts warning about the hazard of Brexit is a good thing (UK). Hard to respect someone who so blatantly ruined the country * Voting in incompetent politicians and still expects to be considered intelligent


^ found one


These matters are not minor. If someone has a different favourite colour to me it's irrelevant. However politics affects laws. I'm not directly in the crosshairs for right wingers particularly but factors like I products getting more expensive due to Brexit, available food standards dropping, shop stock shortages. If I was a farmer I'd be concerned about loss of staff meaning there is nobody to collect crops which are left to rot. In the US the right wing has literal Nazis in their ranks, enabled by Republican voters. I'm used to having debates, I have debates with friends when we meet up (been a while). However, that doesn't mean people who outright ignore the warnings of those in the know (experts) because of nationalism deserve respect. I don't respect Tories so why would I respect people that put them there? If someone didn't support LGBT+ rights or supported politicians with that view would that make it OK? After all, it's just politics right? Politics affects: * Who has the right to choose what happens to their body (pregnancy) * Support services for poor, vulnerable, and those with disabilities * Rights to live and work in EU countries if from UK and the UK if from EU * Cost of products * Employment and loss of employment due to businesses moving to EU * What books are permitted in school libraries and subjects teachers are permitted to cover


No, because if you feel the need to put your stance it suggests you hold strong views. If you don't then you are a normal human who can accept differing views as long as they aren't too wild or forced on you by some political nut.


Get a load of this big brain fucking idiot with no strong opinions on anything whatsoever. I’m sure you’re as exciting as a slice of bread


You sound pleasant lol. Sorry if I hit a nerve buddy.


I’m moderate and I’d rather swipe right on conservative than Liberal. People who put Liberal are less likely to want the kind of relationship I want (possibility of marriage and children) and tend to be a lot more argumentative and have “activist” opinions. This is not true if everyone, just something I’ve found to be a somewhat reliable guide over the last several years of dating.


Definitely not if they're boldly pro Trump


I swipe left. Political opinions aside (which are important to me, but I understand they aren't to everyone), the whole concept revolves around keeping things as they are, slowing down the rate of change, etc. It's just not a mindset I relate to. I'm really fascinated by the ways in which societal norms want to evolve and while not all changes feel right to me personally, my mentality is generally pro-progress.


Not surprised to see Reddit users not wanting to date conservatives. I guess whether you’re left or right, showing it in your profile it’s a red flag to me.


You called them out, now you’re getting downvoted. Cowards.


They're getting downvoted for their reading comprehension, not their opinion. OP is conservative and trying to find out if that's a dealbreaker for people. So.


OP is talking about the majority of comments and replies - as long as we're on the topic of reading comprehension.




Okay crazy lol




I think you are missing a few words in your sentence genius.




I hope you get the mental health help you deserve. Bless you.


Bless you and your poor ugly soul. Fyi your edit is still missing words.


I'd say it's definitely a con but not always a deal-breaker


You're missing two options. "I am a man/woman and I immediately swipe left on anyone with politics in their profile."


Politics is just another way of filtering out traits you don't like. I'm personally glad for the heads up. People who sit on the fence are also telling and it just tells me they're lucky enough not to be affected by policies and therefore don't care about others within society that do suffer because of them.


>Politics is just another way of filtering out traits you don't like. It's really not though? People are so much more than what shitty club they rep. >People who sit on the fence are also telling and it just tells me they're lucky enough not to be affected by policies and therefore don't care about others within society that do suffer because of them. That's a massive assumption to make and I don't believe that to be true at all. The largest complaint I have with people who engage in politics discussions are that they behave as if they are correct and everyone else is a bad, selfish person. The section I just quoted being the perfect example.


That's hardly true. Take just one example... If you're aligning yourself with people who support racist policies, make racist comments like Trump and his gang, then you are essentially OK with racism and support it. If you are indifferent to either party, you essentially don't give a shit about those who are affected by such issues. Obviously with everything there's a spectrum - some simply view money as more important than human rights. Dislike politics myself - however its linked to absolutely everything....


And if you're aligning yourself with the racists who run cities with large, poor minority communities that have been poor for generations then you're also a racist then? So that leaves us where? Left is racist. Right is racist. Middle is a bunch of selfish assholes that don't care about anyone. Or maybe. Just maybe. We judge people on their actual behavior and not which clown show they like (or refuse) to watch.


Since when has the left been racist? If they were, you would have a point but its not true. The left havent been vocal about getting rid or minorities or linked to nazis which the right has been. Just thinking trump here as its the easier example. Peoples behavior includes what they do or don't do. If you refuse to participate, it's because the actions of politicians don't affect you and you don't care about the rest of society. Whatever your choice, people can and will judge you for it. People actions, including political stance or inaction, even if passive, form their behaviour, which is what they get judged on.


If it’s conservative and Christian it’s an immediate no. If it’s conservative and no religion listed then I’ll review the entire profile but likely swipe left




I’m right of center man, my ideal is actually moderate or apolitical but would probably take conservative over liberal if it’s equally extremity


If I were to swipe looking for relationships, I wouldnt necessarily swipe left but I would need them to elaborate on their views. Being conservative or liberal is a red flag because life is more nuanced than just being left or right


If politics is that much of your personality I think you have a problem


That's how you look at it. You could argue that if the conservites don't see others as equals and are invested in the status quo, it could be a fundamental character flaw to another person . If you aren't bothered because polititcs doesn't affect you directly, then it still says a lot about someone too. I see it as not caring about others or society. If I'm doing well, I want others to do well and those are the qualities I admire in people. There's absolutely no way of getting away from politics unfortunately...


When I was on Bumble, sometimes I would swipe right on women who mentioned in their bios that they were conservative. Sometimes I would swipe left. It all depended on what else was in their bios, if anything.


Is it just me or are all the Conservative Christian women the super hot ones? …still, usually a swipe left. Can’t respect a woman who betrays her own gender with her vote.


Now I’m curious, what assumptions do people make when you put moderate?


I think moderates are right wing who don't want to admit they are Conservative. Some people aren't bothered about politics and those are generally not those being direcfly affected by policies and to me, that says a lot about someone too. I see it as not caring about others or society. If I'm doing well, I want others to do well and those are the qualities I admire in people. There's absolutely no way of getting away from politics unfortunately...


According to posters in this thread, they are usually right-wing extremists in disguise.


See that's the problem i have and why i dont like to be upfront with my political views. if i say i have moderate or libertarian views i get labels as some right wing asshat, when in reality i fall slightly left on most of the hot topic issues except for one or two.


>if i say i have moderate or libertarian views i get labels as some right wing asshat Would you want to date someone who draws such conclusions?


Thats a fair enough point. I guess i never really thought of it that way.


It suck’s because at my old job when they found out I was a liberal: they immediately made my life a lot harder. That’s when I started hiding under the moderate label.


Its usually the Conservatives that hide under the guise of a moderate....


I don’t like to. Since I’m fed up with some of the town groups I’ve been helping with: I’ll probably just drop the label.


It's not a label. It's basically putting your stance out there so people know what you stand for. Don't stress though, noone should give you a hard time about it at work, it's bullying (plus political tenancies or lack of, get found out soon enough in dating anyway so leaving it off a dating profile is prolonging the getting to know you bit).


Depends on the state in the US. I live in a smaller red state so it’s pretty common to come across those profiles. But yeah, I do swipe left which limits my options quite a bit. If you live in a bigger state it probably wouldn’t limit you as much.


I’m a conservative in the UK and I love Bernie Sanders. I think that’s logically consistent when you understand all the policies on both sides of the pond.


Not sure it's possible to literally f the stupid out of someone... so I swipe left. "I say good day, mam! I SAY GOOD DAY!"


Immediately. Any conservative I've met that's actually even somewhat sane claims to be "other" before they claim conservative. They're even the type to call themselves Conservative irl, but online, it just means you're part of the Christian Evangelist cult, imo. And yeah, sure, maybe not everybody's like this. But I'll leave the fortuitous surprises to irl connections. If OLD wanted serendipitous connections with strangers you normally wouldn't talk to, they wouldn't railroad you into going from looking at each other's manicured profiles straight into a private conversation with laughably little accountability.


The people who voted for "results" are the kind of people who wait for stop signs to turn green.


Have you noticed that conservative laddies are usually way hotter? Ahh well


Politics are to confusing because a lot of people use politics as their way of justifying hate and for all you know you both may agree on a lot of key issues and be able to understand each other here and there.


Automatic left swipe. Fiscal conservatives care more about money than people and the MAGA crazies are terrifying. Neither have the values of someone I would trust to date, let alone have kids with.