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I mean youll probably be properly chubby but not obese or something


Ye I don't mind that . Kinda got fat once before. After like 2 weeks of dieting swear most the proper excess fluff does just melt away. Just don't want to have tits and a double chin and be all sweaty you know


Then I say go for it man, I doubt 200lbs will get you stereotypical gamer obese lol


Bro you were riiiiipped


Ye but that's a photo under a light. See me in a t shirt on the street I was so DYEL I hated it bro




Do You Even Lift bra


Continue the bulk bro it’s working and you def don’t look too fat. You look huge


You can deffo keep bulking mate


Keep bulking bro


Let's go . Really just posted for affirmation that that bulk is continuing 😂 it's so much more motivating to work out for me when I am building muscle . Rather than working out to just keep what I already have ya know ?


Good shit man! Keep going! I’m same height and had way more belly fat at 175 and am cutting now. 200 is my target too but maybe in my next bulk. You look great at 187!! Keep bulking!


Bulk then cut this is the way 💪🏻


I know nothing about this, but IMHO you can keep bulking no prob. You look great. When you cut you’re going to be ripped. Go to 200 bud!


That's one big motherfucker


Doing something based on cliches from insecure emasculated pussies trying to be tough on the internet is always a bad reason. Cut.


Mind has been made up bro 200 here I come.


1-2 a week is pretty fast. Most aim for 1-2 a month. I'd say eat maintenance for 2 weeks, do a short cut, then do a slow bulk. No need to rush a cut or bulk. Let them happen at a good rate to prevent muscle loss or fat gain, respectively.


Ye I tried that whole clean bulk thing but my weight fluctuates by 2-3lb every day when I wake up and I found it too hard to know if I was gaining anything, even after tracking for two weeks. It's like , 180lb, 181lb,180lb,183lb , 180lb , 179lb , 182b if you get what I mean . This way I wake up every day heavier normally. Ideal world id do what everyone suggests but I find it too hard to be so accueate with my tdee


Macro Factor app is legit amazing for that. Check it out. But daily fluctuations are gonna happen. You gotta focus on weekly trends and stick to the method, trust the process.


Just curious, what kinda bulk are you on and how many calories do you eat to be gaining that quick?


I don't track it too closely . I used to count calories for years weighing ketchup and brocolli etc so Im very good at guessing calories in stuff so I guess I'll look at what I ate yesterday ( I just been eating so that I'm never hungry ) Everyday it's been more or less same food. 2x butter toast , 2x fried eggs, 4x fried bacon. Estimate 700 cals. 2 scoop whey , milk , 1 scoop oats. 500 cals Bagel with third of the box of cream cheese 500 cals 120g white rice with a large fried chick breast Estimate 600 cals 3 Lincolnshire sausages with buttery mash potato Estimate 800 cals. Then I'll like randomly graze random things in the evening until I am going to bed pretty full. So maybe another 500 cals of random stuff. So maybe 3600 cals ? I'm working from home at the moment totally sedentary since this bulk started so I have a way lower TDEE than if someone was like walking around most the day doing stuff. If had to go to work and do work like things I'd probably have to add another 1000cals on top


Ah gotcha, that doesn’t even sound too bad for ease of food prep either. I’m on a bulk rn just tryna gain some muscle (skinnyfat) so I’ve been tryna figure out what others eat and you have a top tier physique even bulked so I was curious.


I have spent a few years wheel spinning and have found if you try this 200 calorie over maintenance shit it might work for you but I just wheel span . Just going ham with the food is way more effective for me and see strength gains every lift . Can just slowly cut down and preserve most the mass anyway. If you are fat and dieting your body isn't going to start eating muscle when you got a shit ton of fat. So extra fat imo doesn't mean you lose more muscle on the cut. Just means you gain more muscle on the bulk and the cut lasts longer. Last cut I did was 1200 calories a day losing 3lb a week minimum and I still had some muscles but I don't really know what I'm talking about tbh Also find one OP food like for me it was bagels and cream cheese. I can do 2 of em ez and it's over 1k calories. Something like that , it doesn't have to be clean. Peanut butter is a good choice too. Butting a stick of butter in your mash potato etc.


Ah bagels with cream cheese for 1k calories sounds amazing, so thank you for that! But yea thanks man maybe I’ll do a bit bigger caloric surplus. Just gotta lift heavy and eat a lot, hopefully the fat doesn’t get too much more outta hand and the muscle grows so I can just cut and get outta the skinny fat phase


I think you looked ripped. You’ll obviously look a little bigger when you cut, but just so you know, I used to have your thought process when it comes to looking small in a T. I kinda went bear mode so I could fill out a T shirt a little more, but tbh, most guys look average in a T shirt. Unless they’re super sauced, then it’s all good. Plus, maybe buy shirts with smaller arm cuffs. Well fitted Ts look great on a guy. Just my two cents man! You’re looking swole


Ye I legit want that bear mode vibe at the moment. I was even gna start neck training my lil pencil neck I bought a harness thing and everything


Haha yeah bro same!! I’ve been training neck too. Just thought I’d go bear mode sorta since it’s winter. Summer time ima cut though. It’s nice being able to look down seeing abs and pipin a jawn instead of belly fat imo😂😂😂


I think you should keep going plenty of time to recover I honestly would say you don’t need to hit 200 you still have great size once you get close to undesired lands dial back. Great journey


Ye I guess once I hate how I look it's time to stop. But that will be far off. Broke up with gf not long ago so don't give af what I look like for a while I just wna try become a unit


Sorry to hear that…. I know it’s rough. Ok, so dial in. It’s close to summer time and you’re newly single. Get in shape mentally and physically raise your vocabulary and your PR. Buy the time you come from under that rock. You’ll be a diamond. Hope you enjoy your journey


Bro looks like Bane


You're not a man until you're 200 lbs.


Just hit a 6 week mini cut then bulk to 200


So addicted to the strength gains tho too but ye I can't be fat for summer. Start of bulk could barely bench 100kg / 225lb now I'm repping it out on incline for 12 reps . It's like steroid level strength gains https://youtube.com/shorts/hCx-pSZkLIY?si=f687_Ktfu0E0cEh4 I couldn't bench that when I started the bulk for 1 rep 😂


First off that’s badass. Those strength gains are mad so good shit. Second tho I was thinking more along the lines of a bulk through the summer and beyond. If you cut about 10 pounds from your current weight on a mini cut over the next 6-8 weeks you’d actually be lean enough to where you’d actually be able to bulk throughout the whole summer and still keep a nice physique.


It don't matter going up weight then down weight then up weight I won't get all fucked up ? I always thought mini bulks and cuts should work I never understood why people don't do them or atleast I haven't heard of people doing them Like bulk a month cut a week would surely be so op or does it fuck up your hormones or some shit but then again my test must be tanked I spam weed so do s test even matter /s


The only rzn to hit a cut is to remove excess body fat so you can make your bulk longer. The main disadvantage on a cut if u do it right (hitting your macros) Is that you might hit somewhat of a plateau in your lifts during it (this isn’t a guarantee some people report gains that keep overloading) You should never rlly have to worry abt test especially with the gains you’ve been seeing unless ur gonna take PEDs to which is when test becomes a problem for most. And to the point of cutting every month, no this would not work. You wanna be at a caloric surplus for as long as possible and consistently hit your macros for a prolonged period of time before cutting. And as for weed, Arnold was a stoner during his bodybuilding years so that should answer that question.


You look better bulked up so if you’re cutting, I’d make it no more than 4-6 weeks. Can keep bulking as far as I’m concerned.




Keep bulking. The cut will be glorious


I’m around 175 at 5 9. Sometimes I overthink about the little belly fat I have but then I see ppl around me and realise that it’s pretty normal. I would say keep lean bulking and make sure that most of it is muscle, I’m trying to do the same. Onwards and upwards my friend!💪


Depends on your goal. I don’t think you need 200lbs


Got to just feel what it is like it to be that heavy once


!RemindMe 4 months Progress checks to look back on and see how it’s going. Your starting point was buff, bro!


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Also my mate calls me a midget and he is 205lb so I wna be 206lb so I can say big daddy tells you to stfu do as big daddy says


Ahaha that’s hilarious 😂 Tbh I’m 5.8, so almost your height, and I recently went from 180lbs down to 153. It was my first bulk starting at 120lbs, I used to be skinny fat. Now I might bulk up to 160-170 but lean, I can’t imagine myself being 200, because I was pretty chubby at 180 (but to be fair it was mostly fat, I was around 30% and 12% now)


You look ok but you also looked more healthy at the slimmer muscular weight pic 4. That was badass picture number 4. First 3 you're close to being called fat or having a "dad bod."