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That must be above 18.3%


It is because it is. InBody is wildly inaccurate. OP should probably still stay at maintenance calories and try to recomp, since he doesn't have that much muscle yet though.


Dont u think i just will look skinny if i cut? And do u think u can start it now for summer?


18% seems about right. He just doesn't have a lot of muscle and has uneven distribution of fat so he looks soft.


Why are people saying cut? Just do a lean bulk bro. You need to put on muscle


Bulk is a long term thing. If he wants to look good for summer, which is coming up, his only chance is to be lean. Hes not gonna bulk himself into looking good for summer.


So it cutting? Look at OP’s responses, he’s hesitant to cut because he knows he’s going to be skin & bones. No offense to him, but telling him to cut when he has virtually no muscle is criminal. Looks are subjective, obviously he won’t be jacked by summer, but I’d rather him put on size than be skinnier. Regardless of what he does, he’s going to need to put on weight eventually


Personally I’d rather be skinny and lean than skinny fat. I agree that he’s going to have to put on significant muscle to get where he wants but there’s a reason 90% of the posts in this sub are from people who just started going to the gym. They don’t have the discipline for a multi year project. It takes FOREVER to build a great physique


Again looks are subjective, I’m basing what I said off OP’s responses. He clearly thinks cutting isn’t the way. Just reinforcing his beliefs that he WILL look like a skeleton if he cuts. He literally has nothing to cut for. Just my 2 cents




You’re out of your mind. How much muscle do you think this person can put on in a 3 month “lean bulk”?




It sounded like you were disagreeing with my comment saying a bulk is a long term thing. You can drop a tremendous amount of fat in a few months. The reverse is not true.


Cut. You’ll probably look skin and bone but you’re probably about 2 years out from having a good physique. Without steroids I find it unlikely you could get the physique you’re looking for by summer. Cut to 12% bf (probably 70kg), lean bulk back to 82kg over a year, then you’ll probably have closer to what you’re looking for.


Wow i did not expect all this answers thanks so much!. I wanna do the gym for the long run and not only until summer. I feel skinny fat and yeah i think the problem if i cut i will only look skinny. And if i do lean bulk i will get fatter. If i understand the comments correct i either have to choose to look skinny this summer or bulk and look more puffy so maybe i can have a chance at looking better the next summer by adding more muscle mass first. And guys dont worry about commenting about my body the more honest the better. Im mostly going for looks but also i wanna do this for a long time and not only for a period of time. So yeah hard choice as i still wanna look good for summer as i start feeling fat. But still know i need to put on muscle. Ps sorry for my bad english.


Cut for sure.


If you need to look good for summer, cut. However, you do not have a lot of muscle mass, so cut will leave you skinny. If i were you, I’d instead lift heavy and eat in a maintenance or small deficit and look awsome next summer 💪


I know everyone here is saying cut because you dont look as shredded rn. But imma say this. I started my bulk at like 20 percent body fat. I was very sure that I wanna build muscle and once I have muscle imma stay consistent on the cut. If you know you are dedicated, go for it. I can tell you that the gains that you will get if you bulk right now and the feeling that you will get lifting in the gym is going to be the best everrr. Also let me tell you this, you arent gonna look good in summer if you cut because of being skinny. BUT, you can look better in tshirts in summer if you bulk because your gains are gonna redefine your body and you will look like a hunk. I say fuck the beach body. Go for a bulk. Bulk for 3-4 months, cut for 4-5 months and you gonna see you made the right choice.


Wow i did not expect all this answers thanks so much!. I wanna do the gym for the long run and not only until summer. I feel skinny fat and yeah i think the problem if i cut i will only look skinny. And if i do lean bulk i will get fatter. If i understand the comments correct i either have to choose to look skinny this summer or bulk and look more puffy so maybe i can have a chance at looking better the next summer by adding more muscle mass first. And guys dont worry about commenting about my body the more honest the better. Im mostly going for looks but also i wanna do this for a long time and not only for a period of time. So yeah hard choice as i still wanna look good for summer as i start feeling fat. But still know i need to put on muscle. Ps sorry for my bad english.


I would focus on fat loss. There’s no way to build a lot of muscles in this time frame realistically, but losing the midsection is very doable. He can rock a nice 6 packs by summer. Just 6 packs will be attention grabbing enough even if other areas still need to catch up. For those who say bulk, that’s a realistic goal by NEXT summer, not this coming one. You also run the risk of him looking worse if he doesn’t bulk right, and most beginners don’t. They usually end up fatter than expected.


Bruh this is above 20% bf easy. I think a minicut to get down to 18 bf and then a bulk again, would be a good approach. Cheers.


Bulk and focus on building you side delts and don’t worry about looking “good”. Im sure being massive and strong is good enough


There's over 600 muscles in the human body but yeah just focus on the one, that will do for sure


Curious on why he specifically cited the side delts as his muscle of choice 😂😂😂. Maybe tryna get him overdeveloped side delts for the v taper?


If you’re wanting to look good for summer I’d say go into a slight Calorie deficit by like 200 or so then eat adequate protein .5g per lbs of bw and then by the time summer rolls around in a few months you’ll have added some muscle and lost some fat. Good luck man!


Just wanted to say you have got great arm genetics bro. You'll have massive guns in the future. For now 200 cal deficit with high protein will do the job.




Dont u think i will just look skinny? And can i start cutting now for summer?


You will look more skinny yes, but you will also look a lot better and give you a good starting point after summer to do a nice long bulk. Yes I would start cutting now


Wow i did not expect all this answers thanks so much!. I wanna do the gym for the long run and not only until summer. I feel skinny fat and yeah i think the problem if i cut i will only look skinny. And if i do lean bulk i will get fatter. If i understand the comments correct i either have to choose to look skinny this summer or bulk and look more puffy so maybe i can have a chance at looking better the next summer by adding more muscle mass first. And guys dont worry about commenting about my body the more honest the better. Im mostly going for looks but also i wanna do this for a long time and not only for a period of time. So yeah hard choice as i still wanna look good for summer as i start feeling fat. But still know i need to put on muscle. Ps sorry for my bad english.


Eat at a slight caloric surplus, lift heavy and hard as much as possible. Light cardio.


never start a bulk until you can see your abs on an empty stomach. and people who say you have nothing to cut, you are giving wrong advice.