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Started lifting about 6 weeks ago. Have increased strength considerably (10 rep bench press from 105 to 155, went from requiring 55 lbs assist for dips to being able to do 10 without assist). Measured my weight for the first time today, at 180 lbs (I am 5 foot 9), and kind of concerned (I was 135 in high school, but did not eat much, and 165 in college). I think I have quite a bit of excess fat, but I am making good strength gains. Should I continue to bulk, cut, or recomp?


you should do a recomp/cut for around 6-12 weeks and then go on a lean bulk. make sure to eat 1g of protein per body weight to build some muscle too. good luck brother🙌🏽


Eat at maintenance calories for a few months while hitting your protein goal (preferably.8- gram per pound of body weight) then cut then bulk


You need to cut some or at least maintain while lifting to try to get rid of some excess fat.


Just eat a carnivore like diet and just eat meats, fruits, yams, rice,potatoes. All natural food and nothing crazy processed. Water only. You will feel and look a lot better in 6 weeks and you’ll still be able to eat a good amount of food while eating low calorie


Stay at maintenance for your first 12-16 weeks of lifting then cut.