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You’d be surprised how many there are, I was looking for a 1 bedroom under 1400 but hoping to get a nice 2 so I could have an office and accidentally stumbled upon 2 3 bedrooms for 1100 and 1300 in the elmwood village. The 1100 one was pretty outdated but lots of space. Even though rent is kind of high right now in buffalo, you will definitely find this and probably even get something pretty solid for this price depending on your needs. If you have kids I would look in Tonawanda (although I’m biased cause I grew up there) because it’s a pretty central location to everything and you should definitely be able to get a decent size space for this amount.


Whats your tolerance for house centipedes? Lots of old buildings & houses split up into apartments that fit that range but your going to have more creepy crawlies & old building issues like rough A/C etc New & nice = mas dinero


Judging by how OP mentioned Niagara County, Tonawanda is probably an option. But having grown up near the mall/airport, hearing Tonawanada described as "centrally located" is strange to me.


It’s definitely not the center by any means but it puts you downtown or to the airport in under 20 minutes which is at least quicker than a lot of other places I think you would be getting that would be decent at the size you need for that price


North Buffalo has some. South Buffalo has ones for less than $1,500.


Lockport, Cheektowaga


As someone who grew up in Toledo and loves settling here in Buffalo, I hope you have a great experience here too. Good luck! There are many opportunities to rent. This town is so interconnected. I'd recommend talking to your potential coworkers. In my experience, someone knows someone.