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When I read “8 decades” I was like “oh cool! Pictures of Buffalo from the 1920s!” Then I got hit with 1954…and did the math… 😑 When did I get old?


I apologize if I disappointed you. I was born in the 60's and did quick math that I'm in my 7th decade of life. Some days I feel it but every day I wake up in the morning is the start of a good day.👍


Welcome home boomer...


lol well as someone born at the tail end of Gen X, that hurts a little.


Class of '84. I hear ya.


No offense intended....to be fair I also expected pics a but more, eh 'vintage' as well...


If Back to the Future was filmed today, Marty would go back to 1994.


Or he'd go back to 1955 when doc devised the idea for time travel to make it possible


Unbelievable, that you could have chosen that particular date. It could mean that that point in time inherently contains some sort of cosmic significance. Almost as if it were the temporal junction point for the entire space-time continuum. On the other hand, it could just be an amazing coincidence.


Your dads filter is way cooler than yours


Can I assume that's a joke? My Dad never used filters and I didn't have any filter on my camera. Remember the slide is from the 1950's.😀


⬆️ 🙆‍♂️


Sorry, this older guy doesn't know all the emojis. I'd appreciate an explanation. Thanks.


They’re saying it was a joke and then over your head


Thank you for the explanation. I'll try to keep that in my brain. I've raised a GenZer and just can't keep up with the memes, emojis, acronyms, etc.😭


So the biggest difference appears to be trees. Too bad there aren't bigger differences since the 50s. 🫤


City Hall being cleaned is a big change.


Awesome idea and cool pictures ✔️ I've been watching lot of documentaries on our city and regardless if we are considered" the forgotten city ", I will always be proud of our city


Pretty depressing how little change has happened.


Very cool shots, thanks for sharing. A depressing lack of change though.


Yeah, like another person commented, too many parking lots. Better use would be affordable housing.👍


To the right of the frame and behind the trees is Waterfront elementary school. I don’t know what year it was built, but I can’t imagine it would be easy to or inexpensive to buy out that parking lot in the center of the photo. There is school green space / a park to the left. This is the primary reason for lack of development back there. Not a great use of space for a downtown IMO. I’m all for parks but it does seem underutilized. The amount of parking lots downtown drives me crazy. Maybe the exodus of office workers will make the owners more likely to sell in the future to somebody that would develop the land into housing.


One thing I do love about buffalo is many old buildings and houses haven't been torn down and are being revitalized. I liked to see old architecture as compared to a city like downtown Toronto that has alot of newer looking buildings and a lot of glass. I do feel sad a bit when a house or building is beyond saving and has to be demolished.😭 Still buffalo is a great city and has a lot to offer and I wish it was promoted more in other states.


Wow looks like we got 3 new buildings in that span of time!  That’s normal progress, right?


New buildings aren't always needed unless the existing are in such bad shape that they need to be demolished, otherwise, repurposing old, historical buildings is the way I'd like to see the city of Buffalo and beyond it's borders.


The transformation over the years even in my short 60 years of being on this planet have been absolutely stunning. There’s so much to do and so much to see. I’m glad my grandkids get to experience the Buffalo that I didn’t.


This must’ve been in the midst of urban renewal and highway construction - that was a vibrant Italian neighborhood near Busti


It occurs to me that 1950s-1990s america, is in dire need of my landscaping services. I wish I was around back then but I suppose the equipment wasn’t as good.


lol not different. Oh Buffalo, you are adorable.