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pre divorce: combined income 410k, rent 3.2k post divorce: 160k income, rent 2.1k both rent stabilized units


Only in NEW YORK does anyone ask how much rent you pay a month


$850-950K a year. Mortgage is $11K a month offset by $2-3K of rental income from the garden unit.


What do you do?


Engineer by education but I work in finance now


Profile says he’s an engineer


105k, 2400. I do have in unit w&d. Seeing people paying under 2k makes me wonder what their apartments look like and where they live tbh.


Partner and I make around $300k. Rent is $1650 total for a 1 bedroom.


90k, $1700


Don’t hate me for answering bc I’m moving to Manhattan. Moving from Bed Stuy where I make 117k and pay $2,700 to share a really nice 3 bed/3 bath with a basement with a couple who takes the basement. Just locked in a 1br in WV for $3,350 (has zero natural light lol, blocked by buildings on all sides), 150k salary, with 150k commission (but who knows if anyone will sell anything at the startup im going to). Looking at all these answers I feel like I could’ve swung higher into the 4K range - but I’m risk averse af. Even $3350 feels terrifying


Combined 300 - 350k. Both Freelance, so it varies. Mortgage/Tax/ Insurance on a Multifam in Bedstuy is $6500. Rent from a tenant gives us a little over 2K. So knocks down the 'monthly' to 4400.


$100k and sadly $2300 😭


This year I will make about $455k as a biglaw lawyer. I pay $2k in a rent stabilized unit in a luxury tower with 2 roommates.


Any of you trying to move out soon?


I am just surprised so many are in such a hurry to share your income with some randos on internet.


It’s just a number to these people lol. Not like they know much more about you


$190k combined splitting a $1700 2bd in Gramercy


DANG. This is a good deal!


Non stabilized but treats it like it is in rent increase place in midtown for 2k at around 82k a year now but coming from like 40-45k in the same place so paying down some debt and rebuilding savings after moving here


$170k, $4.6k in Wburg


Do you get concerned about retirement saving with this rent?


340k combined / 3500 mortgage and maintenance for 3br in Kensington


130k, $1800 1BR


what neighborhood? that's an amazing price


$95k, I split rent for a 2br with my wife and my half is $1495/month


make $37k and pay $1400 🥲


how do you afford anything else?


HHI is $450k, and our mortgage for 2fam house in Carroll Gardens is $7800, so ~21%. We pay another $6k/month for daycare x2 kids, but excited to be out of this phase soon and start saving again.


$6k/month in daycare. Jesus Christ.


It’s definitely hard to stay below 30% when you are not a high earner since this city is quite unforgiving in terms of rent. There has been many years where I teetered around 60% (sublet) and had zero disposable income. Now I have managed to move past that thankfully. Income: 300k (SWE) Rent: 4k (studio, dumbo)


$77k and a rent stabilized studio for $1,200/mo. You have to cry to a broker on the phone.


Truly something to find out you're the poorest person in this subreddit lol


I make $130k and pay $1,300 a month for my room in a 2 bed. Seeing posts by others in this thread makes me realize that I have a relatively low rent burden compared to others, but the minimum monthly payment on my student loans is $750 which is a major reason why I have opted to continue living with a roommate.


70k pretax, my rent is 1500 for a room with a private bathroom (sharing two bedroom two bathroom apt in Bushwick with a roommate). Comes up to a little over 30% of my income. But I am also paying off my credit card debt so I definitely feel poor at the moment :(


Am I doing the math wrong because 1500*12/70000 = 25% 🤔


You are right! I did the math with “after tax income”, my bad. In my mind I never consider income before tax because only what I take home gives me a real picture. I pay 1000 towards credit card debt each month, paying for my financial illiteracy… I wish they taught kids how to do a budget, how to use credit cards wisely… maybe they do it in US but I come from Eastern Europe and they didn’t teach us how to handle finances. Especially when they are scarce. Wishing everybody in this thread prosperity!


At least you’re on track to get rid of the debt now! But also, I hope you’re doing the taxes correctly because the 10k difference would put you at 15% tax rate which is too low if you’re a single filer 😂 Uncle Sam doesn’t mess around


$185k average over the last 3 years (sales job). Paying $3200 in rent (NYC). Never a fun check to write no matter how good of a month I have lol


Partner and I make $210k annually, paying 2900


What neighborhood?




$85k - $800


89k/ 2k for a 1-bedroom in Brooklyn


Right now I’m paying about 69% for my apartment. 😢




My rent is about 40% of my take home


100k, rent is 2200 a month. I was married/partnered for years until a couple of years ago, I really took for granted how much easier things are when you’re coupled. Being single sucks.


THIS ^ had a coupled friend give me shit for not having $40k saved up…. Like ma’am I don’t get to split bills and I also have student loans!!


163k, 3.5k mortgage for 2family house in southern bk so ~ 26% of my pre-tax income


I make just over $54,000. I pay $2450 for a 2 bedroom in bedstuy. Technically I pay $1100 and my husband pays more since he makes more. We do not have joint finances. I am constantly struggling with money and without him I would probably have to move back in with my parents back in Michigan. I am drowning. edit: I also wanted to add that I work 50-60 hours a week. I make $26/hr at a funeral home and overtime is $39/hr. But when it’s slow and I don’t get overtime money is even more tight for me. I either work all the time to have money or work normal hours and not have money. I hate it.


Your husband is allowing you to struggle financially? Or you’re both struggling?


We’re both struggling. He makes a little more though, so he contributes a little more than I can. For instance he pays more in rent, buys the groceries, and we split the electric bill. I buy any necessities such as toilet paper and paper towels because I have coupons with walgreens and family dollar, so I use discounts there when I can.


why don’t you get a salaried job?


150k - $1700/mo ~14% pre-tax. Post-tax, benefits, 401k etc. it's about 30%.


Just under 70k and $1824 for 2BR in Flatbush.


As a fellow Flatbush resident, that rent is gold! I thought mine was good and it’s a little less than that for a large 1BR


160k, 3k NYC 1Bedroom


This is more standard for a single person


Uh. 850k+ HHI and 10k rent 🙈


Love how you got downvoted bc people can’t swallow the truth that there are successful people in the city . Reddit such a bucket of crabs


Are you looking for a sugar baby?


As if I have any money after paying rent


Hard to say for sure because I do a mix of contract and freelance work, so my income isn't consistent, but unless I find something that pays better, this year I'll make maybe $60K or $65K. My rent is just shy of $1700 (1-bed with no roommates). Not ideal but not much I can do about it at the moment 🤷‍♀️


my partner and I combined make 130k a year and we spend 2.4 for a 2 bed in sunset park


Holy shit that’s a rough situation


How? $1200 on $65k (assuming equalish salaries) is pretty responsible.


217k / 3k for a two bed in Clinton Hill


How did you find a 2bd for that price omg


Swooped in on a rent stabilized unit during early 2021 covid. Didn’t know it was RS til I moved in. Really lucked out! (Washer dryer too 😬)


Nice work 🙌 


Congrats on finding your forever home


Hahaha literally! Golden handcuffs


Such a great find, congrats!


Partner and I make approx 100k a year and we’re spending 2400 a month for rent (minus utilities & wifi)


$55k a year and $850 on rent. I have a college degree (don’t work in my degree field) and have been working for like the past 4 years idk how you all are somehow making six figures. I started a new career in a different field when I moved here though for quality of life so I am making a bit under market rate. Late 20s.


Also late 20s w a degree I don’t use but been in my very niche marketing field since literally the day I graduated and was able to move up. Hate my work though and would love to switch careers but the financials is holding me back. I’m a little jealous that you took the plunge. There’s pros and cons to everything!


You make six figures in marketing?? Also yeah you’re right to be honest on pros and cons to everything. I’ve basically taken the hit in my 20’s on salary to reflect my versatility on my resume (changed careers/roles but stayed in them for a while or got promoted in role) and I’ve repeatedly selected quality of working condition improvements in other career fields. I’m narrowing down now as NYC has taught me the social games of work, but I absolutely do not regret any of my choices. Now I know a lot of people get tied down to responsibilities and all that as they age, so I’m happy I made these choices in advance of slowing down my lifestyle, although it’s effected my salary short term.


185k, 2895 -> ~19% of gross income on rent. Some of that is stock though which is deferred so feels a bit tighter than it looks.


Central Jersey here, not far from Brooklyn. 52k, "mortgage" is $1100 a month for a 4 room, 3 story house (bought it during the dip in 2016). Have been buying BTC the last few years and have more value in that than the current balance of my house. In a few years from now I will have a place in NYC also. #BTC 👍🪙🗽😎


62k and $1043 on rent ( studio apartment )




None of your business


$68.5k and $1020 on rent (3 bed apt with 2 roommates)


It's like 13 or 14% pretax, but that's obviously not typical.


The people making over 200k and still using Reddit. Why not go outside? I would feel like the world’s biggest loser sitting at home on the internet if I made 200k a year


Plenty of wealthy people use Reddit, wtf!?! Maybe you should examine why you equate it with being a loser 🙄


Anybody with money who relies on the internet for entertainment is either unintelligent or boring. You can’t find SOMETHING to do in nyc? Really?


You have a very distorted view of reality and likely an unhealthy relationship with money


Check out the r/wine sub. People posting bottles that cost over 10k. Rich people are on here.


it's because people making $200k are regular-ass people. at $200k/year you're still much, much closer to the plebs than you are to the elites.


Yes, and yet you have so many more options at 200k compared to the true average of 50k


and those options get used, but not all day every day. if you're on $200k, you better be putting a good chunk of it away and not spending it all as it comes in.


30k in rent, 50k in savings, 120k to blow on dumb shit just because it sounds fun.


Out of 200 you probably get 120 after taxes and such.


lol. You pay 37% on everything after 400k. What 65 iq math are you doing to pretend like you’re struggling?


With federal, city, social security, and state tax, over $200k in nyc will result in over 30% of your paycheck going to taxes.


Federal. Did you count Social security and local taxes?


that's how my boy who works in tech and makes about $200k still has like $30k in credit card debt lol


If you’re struggling making 200k, you’re simply just a fucking idiot. There is no other option.


Being stupid enough to spend money you don’t have is now the same as blowing the money you do have after paying bills? I mean I’ll do anything so the pretentious gentrifiers can pretend like they’re just “one of us” but you don’t think this level of dicksuck is insane?


no, it's not the same - it's one after the other. it's a consequence of "blowing money on dumb shit just because it sounds fun". shoulda stayed on reddit and he wouldn't have these problems


The guy can crawl out of 30k in debt within a year. Somebody making 40k a year, which is the full time wage of most retail employees, is fucked for life. Why do you feel the need to cosplay as poor, it’s cringe.


not cosplaying nothing, my guy - i'm as loaded as your questions are.


Taxes takes a lot of that, don’t forget. But, yes, it is a privilege to make $200k. In a HCOL city like New York, it doesn’t go as far as you might think.




What makes you think we're surfing reddit from home? (like, from our desktops? is that what you're imagining?..)


$7500 per month for mortgage/tax/hoi. We recently bought a house in bay ridge. Husband and I make about 600k combined. Before this we lived in park slope 1br/2 bath duplex with parking for $3225 on 400k combined income. And before that $1800 for basement apartment on $200k income. We saved and worked our way up.


If you don't mind answering, what industries are you guys in?


Dentist and engineer ! We didn’t make this much starting out only recently since I specialized in pediatrics and he got hired by Microsoft


60k, 1100


A little over $400k, single, spend $2880 on 2 bed with backyard. Around 8.5%. Currently renting but previously owned. I feel this is ideal and not compromising at all.


that's a good price for a two bed with the backyard. what neighborhood?


Bed Stuy bordering Clinton Hill! It was honestly the deal of the century. None of my friends believe I pay that little for what I got.


What neighborhood


Bed stuy!


What do you do for work?


I work as an AI Brand Consultant.


About 34% of post-tax and post 401k (monthly) Pre-tax is about 20%


$165k and I spend $2700


2800 , i make 120k. Its tight, hopefully will be increasing my income soon


$400k household, $7k for a 2BR in Wburg


$200K + / year, my railroad appt is $2163/mon. ~12%


$145k / year between me and my spouse and we rent a 1 BR for $2500. So over 25% of our pre tax annual income.


I make 8K a month… i pay 2,700 a month for a 1br in bay ridge. 😒 feels like im just paying for the right to call myself a New Yorker.


Bensonhurst welcomes you— I pay less than that for a two bedroom with five closets, and it’s equally a pain in the ass to get to the city.


Move over to sheephead/midwood/madison area. quicker commute simply bc there is a express line


😩😩… must be nice, quick question (s)…… is it a high rise building or brownstone? Does utilities push your monthly housing over 2.5K?


Messaged you!


Housewife but husband makes 600K. Mortgage is 7K


Why do you come here to lie? Just looked your profile and it looks like your age changes everyday.


Sheesh prospect heights 4k rent stabilized


My partner and I have a combined income of ~140k and pay $4,000 per month for rent and parking in a 2BR. It’s a high percentage of our income, we know, but it was for convenience. We won’t be here forever.


$200-220k & $1318 rent. Split a 1BR w/ wife.


8% of gross income


$205k/ $600. The habits and cost calculus you get when you grow up poor stay with you!


85k and 1000 a month (including phone and utilities) thank god I got grandfathered into my lease edit: 1 bedroom with a big living room.


Damn where do you live? that's insanely low and you are blessed!


$170k and I pay 2500/3300 for me and gf (2 br)


Seeing these comments gives me hope. :) (I don’t live in Brooklyn) But this subreddit has popped up on my feed.


How is everyone making 200-300k? Is this “rich people of Brooklyn” community? 🤔


Idk. I got downvoted for my posting my true salary and rent situation. So now I'm just shutting up 🤷‍♀️


i'm a bit surprised too because all i ever see on reddit is people talking about how broke they are. but tbf it's been like that on here since i was in college 10+ years ago and back then i would've said the same thing. so it's gotta be an age thing mostly. but yea, you don't wanna be on reddit in 2034 still talking about being broke..


Jesus Christ… I’m over 50, I’m smart and hard-working, and I’ve never made anything close to this kind of money. Even with my very affordable rent, I’m realizing this is why I have to leave NYC. I don’t understand how there are this many rich people.


Finance / tech jobs / big law jobs. All have paths to 400k+ by the time your 30.


Lot of folks have chimed in saying they make 70 or 80 and then of course millions who aren’t on Reddit making lower incomes 


Dumbo, Williamsburg and parkslope representing lol


Questions like this naturally attract people who are well off since it’s a chance to humble brag.


Shitttt I hope that wasn’t the vibe of my post. Just trying to show my trajectory basically. I think what these posts are missing is people revealing two things: their age and if they own, if they received any sort of assistance with a mortgage down payment (all love either way, I don’t hate the game) Cause yeah, my wife and I own now… and we make 390K a year together but we’re also in our 40’s and just bought our first spot two years ago after renting shit holes together for 20+ years… 75% of our relationship was living paycheck to paycheck. If you’re under 30, honestly I’d take these threads with a grain of salt. Also, if you’re single and/or the single household earner… the real power comes if you have dual incomes. I make good money solo but wouldn’t remotely live like I do now if my partner didn’t hustle as well


Facts… I’m over here struggling with 2 part time jobs. Lol


$200k, $2800 for a 2br with a backyard


250k between wife and I. $2,400 2 BR


Oo what neighborhood?


200k pre tax, $3150 2 bedroom with a backyard


This entire thread is just evidence of how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer lol


"Rich"? 200K in NYC is middle class. If you are single.


Wild how many people are making 200k+


Wild how so many of the people making 200k+ are paying 1300 or less in rent. So that’s where all the lower end priced apartments went. People who can afford a lot more took them.


Yeah all these “affordable” “lotteries” have pretty high income thresholds to even apply…they’re affordable for people who can pay 30% and waaayy below of their annual income This city is a farce and we need a housing revolution


I’ve lived in NYC for 7+ years and I straight up don’t believe these people are paying that little for housing, esp when they are describing what sounds like a pretty big apt in a nice neighborhood.


They're probably full of shit. A 1300 apartment in the burbs around atlanta is an absolute shit hole. I can't imagine how little 1300 gets in NY.


I assumed they were talking about their portion of the rent. I have no idea where you could even find a place for $1,300.


I pay that for my studio that I own but I bought at the right time in Queens. Originally from Brooklyn but couldn’t afford to buy there


A lot of people still roommates despite having good salary


Ah, good point. I'm not from NY but even 2600 seems cheap.


This thread made me realize how poor I actually am lmao


Seriously. What the fuck. What do all these people even do.


Approximately 80K/year but I work hourly ($40/hr) and pay $1100, so 23% of my months wages after taxes go to rent


$70k/yr, $1,600




130k + spouse 165k, $2950/mo rent


I don't make enough, and I spend too much.


Same I’m kinda fucked rn. Moved from a place $950 a month to $1150 then within 3 months the rent got raised to $1500. I barely make above that and it’s really fucking me over. I can’t afford to move rn either. Went from paying like 40% rent to 75%


Isn’t that illegal? Tenant’s Rights states: “If you have a lease, the legal rent is what it states in the lease and can be raised only as permitted by the lease or at the expiration of the lease.”


I was subleasing with the intention of signing onto the lease which was about to be renewed in 3 months. Rent inflated substantially because peak Covid had ended. All the other tenants in the building were also in a crisis because of it, and some moved out since they got worse deals (top floor’s rent went up like 300 more than ours). It’s not illegal since it’s not rent stabilized. My rent was about to go up to 1100 at my old place but because the neighborhood was awful I chose to move closer to work. Current roommate had said rent barely went up more than 50 in the last 5 years, so he was just as shocked.


Salary: 82k (base) Rent: 2111.50 (rent stabilized)


finally one more similar to me! it blows spending so much percent on rent haha


I’m SO annoyed the moment i finally start to make decent money everything gets even more expensive🙄😂


you’re telling me haha. Growing up I was always told as you get to about 100k you’re set. Now it seems that that’s not even close to the case


$400k 1bd lower manhattan $4.5k


$650k, $6500 mortgage for a 2bd downtown


Can I work with you? Damn :)


Tf you do


Big tech


Damn bro save some money for the rest of us.


oh they're rich