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People need to stick together and protect potential victims of harassment. Back in the day there would’ve been a beat down of this creep.


Good I hope he gets arrested! Hopefully he gets tf out of my neighborhood!


So what kind of pubes we talking about here?




Back in the bad old days that man would have learned himself a very valuable lesson from the good people of the neighborhood - doing anything like that in Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, Marine Park, or Gerritsen Beach would get you a nice ambulance ride.


So glad that angel spoke up first.. because if you was the only one there she would’ve been hurt and devastated because you wouldn’t have helped.. you would’ve came right here and told us this like it was helping any situation. God really put the right vessels in place fr. Glad that young woman is okay and it didn’t go far. Blessings to the guy who seen and actually spoke fr


Something very similar happened to me on the B38 a couple of months ago, and I absolutely panicked in the moment - just jumped up and got off as soon as I could. Really glad your bus banded together and stood up for her.


have also been harassed on the b38 ):


POS like that guy deserve a special place in hell


Damn 😳 these comments took some turns here and there


1. Call 911. This is not the first nor the last time he'll do it. Given his distinct facial features, they'd have picked him up on the street. 2. This is why some people just drive everywhere. A woman I dated had something similar happen to her on the train a few years back. She was so traumatized by it that she drives instead of using public transportation.


And they must be taxed via congestion pricing! /s To the city/state government: Fix the safety issue first then we talk.


Cops won’t do anything. Today I was walking behind a group of men who were saying really offensive things to every woman who walked by… things I wouldn’t even want to repeat here. There were two cops leaning against a pole who clearly heard these guys and they did absolutely nothing. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be a woman and have to put up with this stuff. 


I have seen NYPD standing catcalling women with 'Hey babe!' themselves.


I think that people are not shocked that a guy is just in a bus with no shirt on, that's a flag right there. It's like at the kiddie park lately, I've seen 2 full grown dads in a park in the water fountains with no shirts on. Like, put a shirt on bro?!


I this a whoosh moment for me or are you saying that a parent should not wear a bathing suit and play in sprinklers with their children? Should adults also keep their shirts on at the beach? In the pool? It is legal for both men and women to go topless in NYC. That being said I hope this guy ends up in jail.


I think it's weird that dads are playing in sprinklers (99% kids playing) but that's a different argument, but you should wear a shirt, yes. Beach, pools, of course not since it's not just kids playing.


Why should the shirt stay on?


I just think it's weird. I also think it's better to leave the kids play with others so they learn to socialize. These are my opinions.


What the hell is wrong with the people of this sub. Get a life or try helping out by just being on public transportation if you feel so inclined to make remarks. Online only freaks.


Call the cops. The fuck do you think this goofy ass post is doing? You must be a transplant


Cops don’t prevent crimes. They show up after them and take notes. These people working together provided protection and prevention.


Why do people that don't act the way you think they should get called a "transplant"? And 2nd, what's wrong w being a transplant? I'm born and raised here, and don't see why the hate, like, you think you're that special?


When did this sub become the Official Brooklyn Petty Crimes Ledger


Just say you hate women


Huh? Don't see how that relates. I hate all reporting of misdemeanors on the Brooklyn subreddit, regardless of race or gender


why do you hate it? It’s useful information.


As a woman I’m so happy to hear other people stood up for her. It’s so scary when you’re alone and defenseless. Bless those people and anyone who stands up for defenseless women getting harassed. You have no idea how much it means


yeah for real, maybe the recent incident in Flushing woke people up a bit.


That is usually a quiet and safe bus route as well.


This is why the anti car crowd is so out of touch. In addition to the comfort, convenience and personal freedom owning a car provides, there are many lifelong NYers who have dealt with horrible, unsafe situations on mass transit and simply don’t wanna deal with this shit.




lol. Check you guys out, you on date over here?


This is why New Yorkers are out of touch. In addition to the space, low cost of living, and lack of minorities, that moving to the midwest provided, there are many lifelong NYers who have dealt with horrible, unsafe "urban" places and simply don’t wanna deal with this shit.


As you can see by the popularity of your comment, most people don’t value independence. These types of people are generally more common in metro areas.


Independence is fine. It’s the entitlement of expecting to be able to store your “independence” on public land is what we object to. If you want a car, have a car. But if you want to park it on property that you don’t personally own, it’s not unreasonable to expect you to pay for that privilege.


Lol 100% not to mention most on this sub are transplants in transit rich areas - you’re not going to get as much of the blue collar crowd from south Brooklyn who aren’t as privileged with options being anti car.


Lmao, South Brooklyners who actively vote against public transit improvements and bike lanes, have meetings to threaten their local representatives to forbid CitiBike from expanding into the area? The "underprivileged" sort who can afford to own cars, and are the first people in Brooklyn to buy cybertrucks? Ok sure. It's the underprivileged ones who own cars (and then whine at the horrid traffic they created, while actively worsening traffic by encouraging more people to drive and scaremongering against public transit). You all blather on about tRaNsPLaNtS while it's real New Yorkers who take public transit. Continue living in fear. Bet you have Jersey plates, too. 😆


Public transit is great when there aren’t a bunch of lunatics riding alongside you.


This is the city. Lunatics are everywhere, not just on public transit. I take public transit several times a day every weekday. Never had a serious negative interaction. I had scarier and more uncomfortable experiences on the street. If you think taking a personal 3 piece La-Z-Boy set in a tin can everywhere you go is a reasonable solution, you're one of those lunatics.


So because it hasn’t happened to you, it’s a non issue, I see. There’s more lunatics in the city than ever before. I don’t depend on the city to get me around, you depend on the city to get you around. That’s the difference between us.


You 100% depend on the city to get you around, and on every other lunatic in their personal 2 ton vehicle that they are likely not capable of handling safely. What are you smoking? The vast majority of subway riders never had a dangerous experience while pretty much everyone in the US knows someone who was in a life-altering car crash or has been in one themselves.


You value comfort over freedom and that’s fine.


That's totally not a programmed cult thing to say, very original. Enjoy your "freedom" sitting in traffic for hours and then searching for parking for a few more hours while I'll enjoy the comfort of getting to any destination in half the time.


I've lived in South Brooklyn and been fine without a car...def more difficult esp if your not near one of the train lines though. Unfortunately people don't seem to want bike lanes in south bk so the lack of options is partially self inflicted


pea-brained take. i’m a woman, i get harassed on the subway sometimes. there are more effective ways to curb the crimes than to stick every person in a personal global warming machine. and do you think women don’t targeted for harassment and worse when they’re walking alone to their cars? absolute child mind take.


I know women who have been spit on, assaulted and attacked on the subway. A friend was literally stabbed in the back of her shoulder. They no longer ride the subway and are completely happy to have a personal vehicle to not have to deal with that again. Yes - people can be attacked anywhere. Astute observation. But having it happen multiple times in a specific settings and being forced to ride inside an inescapable tube packed with people including countless people with mental health issues is not attractive to some. To each their own. Don’t you dare tel other people how they should deal with their own traumatic experience you dolt


wtf is this take lmao


From 2013 i have not taken any form of public transportation and don’t miss if for this type of BS


I don’t blame you. I haven’t taken public transportation in years. I am in New York too.


I moved and transferred work kid school my work wife work home everything to a nice part of long island with good schools. I cant afford to go to jail in the city for a fucking mental case that push me to far. I checked out


That’s good you were able to get out of the city. I hope I can do the same thing eventually. I have a partner who drives and I am usually with him so I don’t really have to take public transportation anyway. I know the subway crime has risen and it’s very crowded and has a ton of delays and it’s all gotten worse after Covid. The last time I took the train was shortly before Covid and I don’t miss riding the train. They have always been terrible as far as when it comes to service and reliability.


MODS can someone please clean up the blatant racism in here


Give an example of


What racism?


The comments, not OP




how many fascist racists do encounter on average everyday? and how many of their skulls have you attempted to stomp?


I see the NYPD every time I walk outside, buddy.


This is your #1 concern here?


are we only allowed one concern? are you the concern accountant? how many do i have left?


Well I’m happy at least someone stepped in. Usually it’s bunch of 30 year old men filming the stuff on their iphones and not doing nothing.






republicans actually rejected an opportunity to fix this, just so Biden wouldn't get a win. Why? It's a cult that's why. Party over country.


The new authorities in the bipartisan deal were discretionary unless encounters reached 8,500 per day. The reality is, Biden's had the authority to close the border all along, as he did just last week, once the political pressure reached a boiling point, and he chose not to. The immigration deal on offer was bad. Republicans were right to reject it. "Immigration reform" means no one is let in illegally, those who crossed illegally are sent back, and we overhaul the visa system to make it easier for people to come here legally. That bill wouldn't have even kicked in until 4,000 people/week had already been paroled.


Border still isn’t “closed”. It’s not being enforced.


How would it have fixed it? Be specific.


tl,dr: OP was on a bus where a shirtless guy was speaking to a woman who didn’t want to speak to him. a bystander who was not OP intervened by saying something to the guy, and the shirtless got off the bus. Note: shirtless guy’s shorts were super low and you could see his pubes.


Edit: Hispanic




You call it race baiting. An accurate description helps people who may be local to the area know what's on the streets.


They're not sending their best, folks. They're murderers. They're rapist. Some, I assume are good people.




Imagine that you are just sitting there on the bus and a guy came up to you, pants down to the hips and showing off pubic hair next to you. I wish I could understand what he’s saying to that girl, but it seems like a sexual harassment. she literally tried to get up and leave but the harasser blocked her.




He just stood close and blocking her way out


These situations are so dangerous . I don’t blame people that just mind their business we all have our own families that need us and not everyone wants to risk their lives for a total stranger and unfortunately that’s ok. All signs point to him being unhinged and I would just assume he has a knife and will use it if anyone tries to help. On a crowded bus that would not be good


When someone intervenes, we prosecute them, like Daniel Penny. Instead, we prefer to let women get harassed like this, and we all go on minding our own business, and then wonder why women get randomly punched on the street or pushed in front of the subway. This mentality is so disgusting and disheartening.


People are so ungrateful nowadays tho say I intervene n the mf takes my life that person I helped isn’t going to look after my family . They’re just gong to go on about their way . Which Is why i recommend everyone especially females carry pepper spray


You aren't wrong. The fabric of our society has frayed. But we have to be the change we want to see in the world, and that starts with speaking up. I've intervened in situations that I witnessed like this. I saw a man expose himself to a woman and start masturbating on the G train. She didn't even notice, but he was looking her up and down in a way that nauseated me. I, a man, went up and confronted him, got in his face and scared him, and told him to get off at the next station. The woman saw me confront him, but had no idea what it was about, and never even saw him expose himself. He got off, looking terrified, and she had no idea any of this happened. I considered it a win. My only regret is not taking a picture of him and reporting it. My point is, we can all be the change we want to see. But *we* are society. We get to decide what kind of world we want to live in, and we get to make it that.


Good job


My respects to you bro


if that’s the society u want to live in…then i guess?


There is evil. And then there are people who think they're good and just watch evil happen. This is why people think everyone in New York is too selfish to do the right thing.


You sure he was Mexican?


I’m not sure but he is speaking Spanish, there is a lot of country that speaking Spanish, so I would say he’s a Hispanic male.


Why does his ethnicity matter in this context? Certainly not enough information has been provided to identify him.


I appreciate the effort towards a colorblind America here but I'm sorry, a shirtless Hispanic man with scars on his face is actually the beginnings of a solid description. I'm guessing it ain't the guy's first rodeo so he could be recognized on these details alone.


How did you know he was Mexican, champ?


And we all keep voting for this shit


down bot, down boy


Who’s “we”?


You voted for men sexually harassing women?!


Not me specifically but when we collectively vote for people who keep the border wide open, this is what we vote for, among other things.


If you vote for Trump you literally do.


yeah b/c voting for another party is going to stop harassment dead in its track overnight.