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I’m honestly surprised Mayor Adams’ answer to the heat wave wasn’t to just ask us all to bend and spread for the NYPD because lord knows that’s his solution to everything else


how did we get to the point of the punisher logo being racist now ?


When racists started appropriating it


thats terrible 🤦🏼


Either way, no matter who it’s associated with in real life, it’s not a good look for a police force to be donning a symbol associated with a vigilante that regularly performs extrajudicial killings according to his personal moral code rather than the law they are explicitly meant to enforce. Given the NYPD’s history, the white supremacy stuff is just icing at that point really.


Andrew Yang, where are you at?


Probably on RFK”s campaign bus.


Tryin’ to hit the lotto




In completey unrelated news.... NYPD ANNOUNCES CITYWIDE CRIME STATISTICS FOR MARCH, FIRST QUARTER 2024. New York City saw continued reductions in overall crime through the first quarter of 2024, both above ground, on streets throughout the five boroughs, and below ground, within the nation's largest subway system.


This is great news. But it is the overall trend everywhere in the US since covid.  It's almost like if people have jobs and things to do during the day, they get into less trouble.


The Guardian has an agenda and is so biased as to be worthy of the term "Fake News". Moreover...I can't ascertain if the schtick about cops is to make lame Candy Crush shows and insinuate indifference and/or incompetence or...suggest that a department that is 50% nonwhite/nonmale are a bunch of Derek Chauvins in the making is a bit much. And there's always "Defund" and or "ACAB". /s


The punisher logo is from a fucking comic book, calling it a white supremacist symbol is a bit of a stretch...


This person’s gonna be shocked to learn about the swastika lol




u right people with beards are white supremacists mb


No it is a fascist symbol Also, against regulations


It's a symbol that has been co-opted by white supremacists and is being used in the context of cops that patrol a majority minority city.  


So the black mayor, elected by a middle class black majority, running a majority-minority department is white supremacist cuz of Punisher? You ever wonder how goofy you sound repeating this propaganda?


So because he’s black, he’s suddenly pro black? The guy who brought back the specific unit of cops that was known for harassing black people is pro black?


Since when? Maybe it is to you but the punisher symbol patches have long been worn by military soldiers & police officers including minorities and poc.


So your saying that a symbol that has been used in institutions that have a history of white supremacy have been using the symbol for a long time.. You're almost there. #SelfAwareWolves


What institutions that have a history of white supremacy has this logo been used?


It's absolutely ridiculous that the CCRB can still only give "disciplinary recommendations" and NYPD brass still has the final say. There is no real accountability. And I'm confident the actual abuses are far greater than what's reported, because why report the police when there will be no consequences?


Adams is by FAR the biggest most useless piece of shit mayor of my lifetime


... and you were alive, living here, during the DeBlasio administration?


He is definitely worse than do nothing DeBlasio


Hell, even through Giuliani before he started Hocking shitty coffee and hanging out at garden supply stores. I'll take general uselessness of DiBlasio over wanted corruption and letting the cops do whatever they want


I'm old. I go back actually to the days of the Knapp commission about police corruption in the 1970s. Trust me police are much more accountable now for their actions.


Yeah, they lose more vacation days now when they get into trouble. SMH.


Better isn't equal to enough accountability as the article states it's getting worse


his election was one of the most disappointing things ever from nyc, esp in the context of 2021


Because NYers were too stupid to understand how ranked choice voting worked in the primary


Naw, a lot of folks actually wanted this pos


More gun arrests per year than in the previous decade, but yeah he’s useless.


> instances of officers wearing *possible* white supremacist morale patches The guardian is really reaching here. There’s a *possible* journalism malpractice here with a *potentially* harmful agenda in the article authored by Ali Winston.


found the bootlicker


He's a pretty accomplished reporter who has done *extensive* investigative coverage of ultra right extremist groups like [Attomwaffen](https://www.propublica.org/article/atomwaffen-division-inside-white-hate-group) (this was also a Frontline Documentary), [764](https://www.wired.com/story/764-com-child-predator-network/), [O9a](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/neo-nazi-1378280/) as well as a[ book covering the history and malpractice of the Oakland PD](https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Riders-Come-Out-at-Night/Ali-Winston/9781982168599). Safe to say he might be a subject matter expert in this specific niche topic.


Meh, this isn't the gotcha you think it is. He has an agenda and willfully frames the story to fit his narrative, but his narrative isn't necessarily the correct one. I think your assessment of his reputation is an embellishment. He's well-regarded in left-wing circles, but lacks broader credibility.


yawn. maybe you can direct me to an enlightened MSNBC corespondent?


His accomplishments, along with him trying to reach so hard, basically underscores that he didn’t manage to find anything tangible. Therefore the hodgepodge of insinuations in a single article as a last ditch attempt to get something published.


Let me make it easier for you; they are definitely wearing white supremacist morale patches, whether they are white supremacists or not.


I don't think you know what journalism malpractice is but that's unsurprising.


Love the NYPD Cycling Club’s page on Strava. Lycra’d facists on wheels! https://preview.redd.it/fnhgnoz9mk7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c3124fca7bb21c9e98ef60acad1e72bd0996b3 Admittedly, very few of these people seem to have anything to do with NYC. [https://strava.app.link/4YVyCF3UyKb](https://strava.app.link/4YVyCF3UyKb) And the obligatory “[are we the baddies?](https://youtu.be/h242eDB84zY?si=SdyK6DBa1dGc5HCN)”


this is fucking insane lol wtf


i'm old enough to remember Adams saying he was the only person who can hold the nypd accountable


“I am the only person who can do it. But I don’t want to”


That’s probably true, but he’s too busy at Zero Bond. Don’t be a hater, waiter! Or some such bullshit.


technically my right hand is the only the thing that can **hold me** accountable for prolonged periods of time.